Ippanjin Enpou Yori Kaeru. Mata Hatara Kaneba!
5 - Door breaks and disappears
Just a little bit back in time.
It was only a little while after Shigeyoshi left the hall and Mao chased after him.
"Are you okay, Dad...."
The man lying on the sofa is cooling his cut mouth and purple cheeks with an instant ice bag wrapped in a towel.
Inside this room are Yugo Shiraishi, the owner of the ship, Legend of Cleopatra, and his daughter, Snow Deep.In addition, there were only four captains who were accompanying him as escorts and secretaries, and who were worried about being in the chair at the end.
The room in which they were pushed in was a subbedroom for VIPs, but unlike the main bedroom, there was only one entrance and exit, and the door was heavily chained from the outside.
Besides the bed, there is a toilet and a small bar counter, so facilities that can communicate with the outside world are the most damaged.
It's not like you can't break an expensive bottle and use it as a weapon, but you have a weak punch to take a gun.
The windows that looked out were carefully crafted so that they did not fall more than a certain amount, and it was impossible to escape from them.
In short, it is quick to say that it is futile to resist.
"Ouch. No, no, but you were beaten.... I hope the swelling will drop by the time of the press conference to announce the apology... "
"I don't think so.This will leave a mark for a while.Is there a cut in your mouth?After I was admitted to the hospital, "
"No, I'll hold the meeting as soon as I can.Otherwise, the affiliate's stock will collapse.There may also be an impact on ongoing projects.We need to get to the top and select a team to solve the situation as soon as possible..... "
The Gankura pushed Yugo, who was about to wake up.
On the pulled side table is a pile of high spirits and cloth made of towels.
Dip the cloth in the liquor poured into the glass and gently press it against the cut area.
"... I'm dying it, hey"
"It's really just a first aid.We need to get to our line of hospitals as soon as we're released.I don't mind a meeting, but I think it would be better if I went all the way to CT on my head.Of course, if there are other hostages who are injured, I will prioritize you. "
"I'll bring some ice."
When the snow rises, it opens the refrigerator door at the bar counter.
Since the room itself was powered by the same route as the general cabin, the refrigerator was also powered off when it was switched off to emergency power.
The ice in the freezer has begun to melt slightly and is getting smaller.
Throw it into the proper container and return to my father.
"Ah, ahh...."
When returning to the sofa, the captain's gaze staggered with his head in a chair.
I heard what happened earlier.
The fact that the family was captured as a hostage, that they were being forced to cooperate in terrorism to free it, and that as a result, the family was taken back and used up and thrown into this room with them.
Poor, sympathetic.
But that and what you feel in your heart are different.
I am conscious of not pleading guilty to him.
I can't help but feel stupid and lumpy at the bottom of my heart, as much as I was hurt by my father and was involved in the terror myself.
We may be able to solve this one day with time and a strong will, but I'm sure it's getting smaller and duller for everyone on this ship.
Press and hold it, gently interpret it, and return to my father.
At that time, the captain's gaze was distracted by the stains on the floor.
"It's ice. Swap the contents with you."
"Thank you very much. Can you throw the replacement in the bathroom?
The distant captain looked terribly small in the deep snow heading for the sink.
What would you do if you were in that position?
Can justice be done at the expense of the family, never yielding to evil?
I'm sure he'll be beaten up as a “criminal” from today on.
Mass media that streams and reads the backbone and rewards sensationally only what they do, the general public that speaks in the wind of knowing some, and the harsh online chaos that does just "slap” with all its might.
If it is correct to paint in two colors, white and black, gray will never be tolerated with a narrow and childish sense of justice on its head.
The hand reaches out to the family he really wants to protect.
It was his heart and the sanctuary that the terrorists destroyed.
And it is “ordinary people” who believe that they are right, no matter when they stab a stop.
"... Gankura, please contact the counsel's teacher as well.Respond to reputational damage related to general business and advocate for individual and group litigation against this case.And the insurance company.I'll leave it to the executive board and the vice president until I get back from the inspection. "
"I see. As soon as they're released."
"And then...."
Yugo glances at the captain.
She is still covering her face with her hands and lying face down.
Looking closely, there was dripping water between my hands and the floor was wet.
I also heard a low swallowing.
"And prepare the captain's lawyer.Team up with a criminal expert.I will take you out of my personal assets.I might be able to get used to it if I paid for it from the company.Naturally, don't spare any money.Move around the mass media and the internet.I don't care if it's called information manipulation!I wonder if this is going to get people in my company lost on the streets. "
"Of course. Well, perhaps the company is moving in that direction.People aren't so shy that they stand up at times like this. "
Looking at two adults laughing slightly away in the sink, the deep snow sighs with astonishment.
"... has that changed, Father?"
Beyond the snowy gaze, the captain, who crawled to Yugo, leaned against them with the momentum of rubbing his head against the floor.
In the meantime, the door is slammed lightly.
Then I heard jalajara and chains rubbing together.
Then there is a strong urge to push and pull the door.
"Isn't there anybody here?
"No, then there's no point in bothering with chains.First of all, my skills say I know someone inside.So first of all, I wonder where the key to this chain is...!Hey, wait!!!
"I don't know where it is, but I'm wasting my time looking for the key.If there's nobody here, they must have taken it.If so, it's faster to open it. "
The two discussing voices were heard from behind the door.
Somewhere in the second, the Lord of the Hearing Voice is panicking and trying to persuade the other.
At first something fell on the carpeted floor.
And the second sound expressed it in a visually direct manner.
The center of the double-open door is opened so that it starts to fly.
Chains and door knobs were beautifully cut off on the floor and rolled.
Royal in the middle was an On-faced samurai with a large dagger, sticking out his right foot wrapped in his feet in a position with a carefully crafted door knob.
Undoubtedly, it turns out that the door knob in this VIP room, which can be described as an expensive piece of art, was slashed and kicked down.
"... well, that's true.I certainly did. "
"No, please weigh yourself a little more.What if there's someone behind the door?I'm here to rescue the hostages, but don't make an injured person.... "
A few days later, the skeleton warriors familiar with TV and the mysterious knights of light speed have slipped in.
However, only the deep snow here was “slightly” more familiar with the latter than the average audience.
However, I didn't expect to see him at this time.
Hayabusa's father was here with several of his companions, and he told me that he was going to talk about the park with him at a later date, but he had no choice but to know his own name.
With such a slight surprise, the "Knight" approached the deep snow near the sink, which was located away from the other three.
"Hey, long time no see."
"... as usual, you come like that, don't you?You can't afford this kind of emergency, can you?
"No, it's quite a mess.Why does something so strange happen?The terrorists shot me. Me?
Looking around, three adult men are staring at us.
I dropped a little tone and lulled my voice so I couldn't hear it.
"Um, is that your father on that couch in the picture on the Internet?
"Yeah, that's right.Not too much, "Knight of Light Speed"?
Gu, your voice is clogged.
I thought my acquaintance was a little resistant to the doctors, but it still seemed so.
"... I really don't like the way you call me that.I feel like something's been really messed up. "
"Originally, it was half an interesting name, right?Of course I think so.You'll be chased unless you fix your crazy habit of sticking your neck in.
"... force majeure in this case.I mean, I think I'm on the involved side?
"... let's do that.Maybe it's my house. "
Yugo, who was looking at them gently, slowly approached.
I talked to the "Knight" who met me for the first time while cooling his face with an icebag in his hand.
"It's nice to meet you.Yugo Shiraishi, the father of the deep snow.“Exactly what I thought." You seem to know Deep Snow.
To make sure you read the intent well, strengthen the wazz and accent and spread the word to the bush.
"This is it, right?After this, I was supposed to have Tajima and I set up a place to meet “confidentially.”I didn't think this would happen. "
Either way, I thought it would have to be revealed depending on the flow of the story, so I responded to it.
Without the topic of "Knight of Light Speed", I thought that I would not be able to explain this deep snow constraint.
"... this is unexpected.Well, I wouldn't normally expect you to be involved in a terrorist attack today.I was going to talk to Shinichi at lunch tomorrow, but I'm sorry, but I think I have an appointment with the police.It might take a while. "
"I can't help it.But if you calm down, will you talk to me?
"Oh, as far as I know, the colors."But first we have to get out of here. "
"That's right. So this is everybody here?
Mao looked around and checked everyone.
I was surprised to see the Captain weary of it.
There seems to have been a lot of trouble?
(No, I told you to cooperate in kidnapping Kami and the kid from the boulder.Comics can usually be seen as an event, but if you actually experience it, you don't think anything but bad chest manure!!
As he scratched the tentacle that had been aiming for his head with a roar, he gave it momentum and slammed the axe.
Slip the blade of an ax that has been eaten not only on the surface, but also slightly closer to the core, making the wrist twist like an upper swing.
A sharp noise is made and a portion of the sharpened head falls to the ground.
A part of the fallen headland was wrapped in a scattered atmosphere on one side of the floor, which collapsed and was stripped by the wind blowing from the sea and flew away.
While looking at it, the Knight of Light Speed jumps from the spot and takes a distance.
A fluidic flat surface resembling the shape of a flint strikes hard where the Knight was.
The sturdy floorboard on the deck cracked into the impact.
"Watch out!?
Next to him, who avoided the crisis, Shigeyoshi, who wrapped his chest in the sword of a large dagger, slashed the jumping fluid tentacle.
The part touched by the sword weathered in the same way as the cut off part of the bush earlier.
And the slashed part is stirred up with the atmosphere of the ground.
In any case, it is overwhelmingly more efficient and strikes at the unusual chimera of Mio Kamiki.
(Do I have to thoroughly support you?Then I'll have to scrape my tag one step at a time.)
Anyway, Mao doesn't have an attacking technique with attributes like steady steam.
A blow wrapped in "heels" is also inherently a diversion of healing techniques, and is not used for such purposes, so it naturally becomes a physical attack only.
Besides, it is a great axe to shake now.
His original main uniform is a spear, so he is not a full-time employee.
Well, the fact is that the axe is certainly more user-friendly to this chimeric opponent than the spear.
(Even so, yes!We have a stamina problem!!
A tentacle-shaped strike is approaching, transforming from the front to the shape of a pile.
Play with the shield that raised it.
Shield Bash!
Ahhn, it was played directly above with the sound of playing, and it turned into a sharp cone, targeting the underlying bush.
The spear-shaped head that rushed out and then protruded opens a beautiful hole in the deck.
A direct hit is definitely a serious injury.
"Kh, shit!!
Breathe heavily as you tap the running fluid with an axe.
Continuous offensives and defenses have created excessive tension.
Gradually, the Mao's health began to shred.
But on the contrary, it means that the chimera side has been shredded until then.
In fact, the amount that went up to the ship hasn't changed that much, but I have the impression that Mio's share of manipulation has become somewhat smaller.
Looks like we're not keeping up with the amount we've consumed that we can freely use by restoring control.
It was worthwhile to take a distance freely without daring to focus on approaching battles, and to cut it down into the tunnel centered on what jumped in.
"But then I saw it.I thought you scraped it to the point where you managed to target the main unit.
Hmm, do you want to set it up?
He talked like that while facing his back with Shizuyoshi who had cut through his surroundings.
In fact, the port already appears to be distant in the direction of the ship's travel.
The lights of the house and the lights of the car passing through the road began to blink at the sights around me.
The helicopter that was circling over the sky was temporarily evacuated when the bushes started fighting.
After all, the chunks of heaviness swelled up and tried to knock off the helicopter.
The splash that came off was quite high and could have been seen from shore if it was bad.
"I punished him for not wandering around the city.I'd like to clean up on this ship..... "
Well then, let's be a little indifferent.Hole, how about this?
That said, Shigeyoshi touches the Mao's ax.
From that hand, the axe blade is not the only thing that keeps bugging me.
It was so thick that the blade itself could not be seen.
"... if you can do this, I want you to do it first!?
"I can't control it with a hardened mood away from me.It's like that, and it gets stained on the main unit itself.If you leave it, it will rot away, leaving only the pattern.Well, speaking of the back hand, it sounds good. "
"Is that so?... disposable suicide bombing is such a thing."
If you listen to me, I can hear a faint sound.
The blade, a rugged steel blade, is gradually corrosing.
However, we can definitely strike now.
"I'm ahead.Crush it from behind!!!
Reacting to the rushing Shigeyoshi, Mio turned to the arm wrapped in the glove, and suddenly Hedro suddenly tried to beat Shigeyoshi like a whip.
Stop, arc and intercept them as they fly.
Once they're ripped apart, they're weathered out again.
However, this time, the chimera side also concentrated their attacks one after the other without fear.
Without the bush, the intensity of the attack jumped dramatically as the target was concentrated in one spot.
The chimera that tried to get entangled with the gap with the dagger was bounced off with a shoulder tackle that hit it from the shoulder.
When the pushed space was created by force, the bush jumped into it.
"Let's jump!!
When you kick the floor, you approach the body of the chimera that fits in a straight line.
It just seemed like she couldn't hide from me, and it was in the form of a point-blank.
It began to become a blunt instrument, crushing the shape of an axe as it collapsed and spilled metal pieces on the floor, so it struck the beauty.
Swinging straight out of the side, it was grabbed by the left arm of the long glove.
While raising the smoke, the power of the beauty holding it was so enhanced that Shigeru, the "Knight of Light Speed", could not shake it anywhere.
(Wow, seriously!If you're proud of your power, it'll be easy!?More than that!
Even though he was stunned inside, he aimed at the neck with his left hand, which was the opposite of continuing to push.
It is a thrust with the left hand that was executed earlier.
However, Mio let go of the axe and looked away.
"Did you take it off!?Ah! "
Grabbing the axe with both hands, it stood up like a knife-drawn mask.
While two or three shots continue to be fired, the fluid approaching the surroundings of the bush is cut off.
After that, Mio was slightly frightened by his attack, which he did everything in his power.
"Ugh, raaa!!
Mio grabbed the axe with both hands.
The moment you see it with your eyes, take your hands off the handle and sink your body.
Naturally, Mio looked up at her upper body in the shape of a banzai.
(It was here!!
Remove the spear from the item box backwards to apply force to the grabbed hands.
Mao shouted at Mio with a stone poke.
Skill-enhanced protrusions run straight to the empty chest.
A flash of disease on the brooch certainly conveys the feeling of crushing it to the bush.
"Alright! How was it!!
Then, the body suit wrapped in beauty melted and fell to the ground.
As she collapsed, she fell unconscious.
The costume itself is painted with a sticky glue, but wrapped around its body.
When I put my ears around my mouth, I heard a faint but firm breathing sound.
"Oh, looks like it's over.
He is wiping his sword with a table cloth that rolls nearby while swinging his dagger and watching the peristaltic head with his horizontal eyes.
"Well, for now.She's probably the last of them...I just ran away from that angry, laughing terrorist. "
"He was a very confused man...Are you in the boat?
"Wait a minute...... it's just that he's not around anymore.Land is too close, so maybe he ran off to the sea. "
When you put the beauty on your right shoulder on the deck chair that rolls onto the deck, you take the mana potion out of the item box and pour it all at once.
When I drank the last bottle, I felt the eclipse spreading all over my tongue and the high sound of magic spraying up from the bottom of my belly.
(As always... the worst aftertaste!)
Phew, take a breath and put the "heel" on the sleeping beauty.
First aid was given just in case, and I desperately wanted to drop my hips on the deck next to it.
"... it's about time I got back.Would you be so kind as to take care of this child?
"Well, Aoyagi will be here sooner, so I can tell you...I didn't do anything wrong.At this time, how can I reveal who I am?
"No, that's fine.As far as I'm concerned, I don't want to be involved in this kind of rough thing anymore.This is the work of people like the police and the militia.That's why you should stay out of it. "
"Is that what it is?
"That's what it is. I'll see you later.If I see you somewhere.... well, there won't be any more. "
Hmm, well. One day, huh?
The "Knight of Light Speed" nodded satisfactorily and threw the axe at the sea.
The radio that was in your ear and the pistol that was caught by the terrorists were also thrown into the sea one after the other.
Complete the Evidence Vanish and the Knight of Light disappears from deck to the ship with the lights out.
Looking at the back of it, Shigeyoshi snapped.
"Nevertheless, I don't think we'll be seeing each other very soon....."
I can hear the helicopter coming apart from afar.
It's probably a private helicopter, not a helicopter for the good guys.
The helicopters at the TV stations are trying to catch the ship from above.
Fufufu, when you smile, Takara slowly disappears into the darkness to hide herself from the lights near the harbor.
And on the spot, only Mio Kamiki lay on the deck chair.
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