Iron Armored City

Chapter 354: Invincible at the same level

"Steam Armored City"

The iron-clad city of 'The Castle' is no longer what it used to be.

Usually, in the third-rate armored city, there is basically only one "Magnetic Energy Laser Main Cannon" as standard equipment, and if it is awesome, there are two, which is the end.

There are a total of four seats in the Castle.

There are three sets of 'energy shield' systems, and the deck thickness is 'four shields'.

Briefly explain the thickness of the deck. In other words, even the Ironclad City of the Castle can resist the attack of the light magnetic energy laser main gun only by relying on the thickness of the deck without turning on the energy shield.

Compare it with the Tomahawk Ironclad City of the "Mambach Family". Its armor thickness is only "3.8" shields, and it can drive the Ghost away like a mouse.

It can be seen from this that, basically, with this set of armor, the Iron Armored City of the "Old Castle" can already be said to be an "invincible" existence among the third-rate armored cities.

Therefore, Li Yinguang took 30% of the shares of 'Devil Square', and just exchanged for 'Xi Nuclear Weapons' to upgrade the deck of the Gubao Ironclad City to 'Four Shields', and he has already made a lot of money. Compared with strength, money is nothing. .

"Do the city lord, the cigarette factory, and the brewery still need to continue working?"

Alma walked behind Li Yinguang and asked.

Although smoking is not prohibited in the Iron Armored City of the Ancient Castle, but alcohol is prohibited. With the current production capacity of the two factories in the Iron Armored City, many cigarettes can be produced in a day. Only relying on the internal personnel of the Iron Armored City of the Ancient Castle, it is impossible to consume them all. .

Now there are about 2,000 people in the brewing workshop, which are divided into "beer workshop" and "liquor" workshop, especially the beer workshop. The brewed beer is not consumed quickly, and it will expire and break. Unlike liquor, beer has no shelf life. .

The cigarette factory also has about 1,000 people, and can produce tens of thousands of boxes of "Gubao" cigarettes every day. There are 100 boxes in each box, and the quantity is very large.

Li Yinguang thought for a while, then shook his head and said: "No, after get off work, all workers can drink a bottle of beer, but it's not free, they need to buy it by themselves. Drinking alcohol at other times, they will be punished with ten lashes. In the future, we will stop at the larger strongholds." , dumping part of the beer and cigarettes."

After a pause, he continued: "It's not a bad thing to have more inventory. It's not a common thing to stop the work of those people and have nowhere to put them."

Alma thought for a while, looked at Li Yinguang and said, "In this way, the speed of the Iron Armored City of the Ancient Castle will be greatly slowed down."

Li Yinguang shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile, "What are we going to Mambach Town for so quickly?"

After receiving the order from the 'Seventh Prince' Hamidun, the Iron Armored City of the Ancient Castle has already left, so it is not considered disobedience, but there is no clear regulation on when it will arrive. If it is it, it will be the same one year later.

Alma froze for a moment, nodded, expressing that she understood Li Yinguang's thoughts, turned around and walked outside.

"Boss, I actually have a question!"

After Alma left, Jotes came over. She didn't like to see this old woman very much before, but with the increase in the time she stayed in the iron-clad city of the ancient castle and her understanding of the structure of the people in the iron-clad city, now she still prefers it. A little scared of the 'old lady'.

Li Yinguang sat on the metal chair, looked out the window, and said calmly, "What doubts?"

Jotes frowned and said puzzledly: "We are already very strong now, we can completely go to the wilderness to explore and survive independently for a long time, and we are not very dependent on the imperial city. Even if we ignore the Seventh Prince's 'recruitment order', he will I'm afraid we can't do anything about it, right?

And haven't you already said that you don't want to be a **** in anyone's hands, so why did you go to Mambach Town to obey the orders of the Seventh Prince? Isn't this inconsistent? "

Li Yinguang looked back, looked at her and asked, "Do you know what is the fastest way to get money in this world?"

Jotes froze for a moment, shook his head and said, "I don't know!"

Li Yinguang said: "One is to rob, that is, plunder, and the other is to start a war. In fact, to put it bluntly, both are the same, but the former is aimed at a point, an individual, and a place, while the latter is aimed at a country. , a race.

If you don't want to be a chess piece in the hands of others, you must have enough strength. For us, war is also a kind of experience! "

After a short pause, he continued: "In a short period of time, the total population of the ancient castle has increased to more than 67,000, and 90% of them are recruited within the Qingzhou Prefecture. came in.

So many people, what are they thinking? can you know Anyway, I can't figure it out. If you want them to stay in Iron Armored City, you need to experience, and the best way to experience is to experience wind and rain.

Not only the people in Ironclad City, but also the 'Castle' itself, including me, all need experience, and in this world, the best means of experience is war.

If we adapt to mediocrity, then we will all be mediocre. Only by constantly challenging can we become strong, and only by being unwilling can we Do you think that the Iron Armored City of Gubao is already very big and very strong? I can tell you clearly that it is just a drop of water in the sea and a tree in the mountains. It cannot go to the sky or go to the ground, and it is still extremely mediocre.

Do you know how big the world is?

Does the world have an edge?

Have you ever seen Dragon Clan?

Is there none? Neither do I, but I want to see that there are still many strange and unknown things in this world, and there are too many things we don't understand.

Only by constantly upgrading and strengthening ourselves, can we see what we have experienced that we have never seen before. Only when you are so strong that others cannot control you, can you not be a **** in others' hands.

And before all this is done, we still have to stay dormant. I have told you so much, just to tell you that I do not want to be a chess piece in the hands of others, and there is no conflict between accepting the call of the Seventh Prince Hamidun ! "

Qiao Tesi fell into deep thought. In the past, Li Yinguang had never talked to her so much, nor had she thought about it.

At the same time, Sophia in the shadows was also lost in thought.

What are their goals and dreams?

Li Yinguang is not confused because he has a clear goal, and for this 'goal', even if he has to go through purgatory, he will not hesitate.

The Iron Armored City of the "Old Castle" has its own mission, but Li Yinguang's goal is simpler. He wants to be stronger, experience more, and see a wider world.

Now that this weird steampunk world is here, you have to play enough.

The change in mentality has already made Li Yinguang less constrained to a certain point, a certain thing, strengthening himself, and traveling in the wilderness is what he wants!

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