Iron Germany

Chapter 1606 Discovering the Germans

"Gentlemen, if the German navy attacks us, can we resist the Germans' attack, defeat the German navy in one fell swoop, and regain our disadvantage!" President Roosevelt asked.

A glimmer of hope flashed in President Roosevelt's eyes. Even at such a moment, he has not completely given up hope. Although, he knew that the possibility of defeating the German Navy was very small. However, he does not want the flames of war to reach the continental United States. If the German navy can be defeated, it may be possible to advance the war to the European continent. In this case, even if the United States cannot completely defeat Germany, it can still ensure that the United States is at an advantage. This is much better than expecting to use a strong army to defeat the German army when the war broke out in the United States.

Admiral Marshall and Admiral Harold Stark both saw the look of hope in President Roosevelt's eyes and understood what he meant. However, they can't ignore the real situation and use lies to deceive President Roosevelt.

Admiral Harold Stark thought for a while, and then said: "Your Excellency, if the German Navy enters the east coast, with the assistance of the Army Air Force, we still have great hopes of defeating the German Navy."

But President Roosevelt is also obviously a wily man, of course he knows what Admiral Harold Stark is hiding. That is, if the German Navy does not enter the east coast, it will be very difficult, even impossible, for the U.S. Navy to defeat the German Navy. But would the German Navy be stupid enough to come within the combat radius of a US Army Air Force fighter jet? That is obviously unlikely. The greatest possibility for the German navy is to launch a surprise attack and evacuate immediately after the attack is successful. In this case, the U.S. Army Air Force has nothing to do with the German Navy.

Although the U.S. Army Air Force is very powerful, it now has thousands of combat aircraft. However, these aircraft are all deployed on the huge territory of the United States. Even if the main force has already assembled on the east coast. But the east coast has thousands of kilometers of coastline. After the U.S. Army Air Forces are dispersed, they will no longer be able to gain an advantage. Once it encounters the main force of the German Navy's carrier-based aircraft, the possibility of being defeated will be very high. Therefore, Admiral Harold Stark knew very well that even with the full support of the Army Air Force, it would be very difficult for them to resist the attack of the German Navy. Not to mention defeating the German Navy in one fell swoop.

"Even with the addition of the British Navy?" asked President Roosevelt.

"Your Excellency, this is still very difficult. Unless the German Navy reveals obvious mistakes. Otherwise, it will be very difficult for us to defeat them." Admiral Harold Stark said.

President Roosevelt nodded, he knew that the navy really had nothing to do. If you want to defeat the German navy, you may have to wait for a miracle to appear. Otherwise, they can only continue to implement the previous strategy and prepare to defeat the Germans in one fell swoop on the land battlefield.

"No matter what, the Navy and the Army Air Force will work together and prepare to resist the German attack in the next battle! No matter how bad it is, they will be hit hard! In this way, it will be more difficult for the Germans to land in North America. ’ said President Roosevelt.

"Yes, Your Excellency, we will do our best." Admiral Harold Stark said.

Admiral Marshall also nodded.

"In addition, we need to keep in touch with the British side. This war is not only our business, but also the British business. This is directly related to the life and death of the British people." Roosevelt urged.

Now he doesn't want the U.S. Navy to still fight alone. Even President Roosevelt regretted it a little. If the U.S. Navy had received the full support and assistance of the British Navy in the last naval battle of the Azores, perhaps they had defeated the German Navy in one fell swoop. It's just that there is no regret medicine in the world, and it's too late to talk about it now.

"Okay, Your Excellency the President." Admiral Harold Stark replied.

The last naval battle did not involve the British Navy, and the US Navy has greatly regretted it. This time, they will not let go of the powerful support of the British Navy.

In the naval battle of the Azores, the U.S. Navy hoped to defeat the German Navy in one fell swoop on its own. On the one hand, it is to avoid leaking news, on the other hand, it is to hope to be able to eat alone. If the U.S. Navy can defeat the German Navy alone, then they will be able to take over maritime supremacy from the German Navy. And if the British Navy also participates in it, then, in terms of British influence in sea power, it may be very difficult for the US Navy to become the hegemon.

But the results of the final naval battle proved that the U.S. Navy still overestimated its combat effectiveness. In the end, it led to a disastrous result.

The dispatch of the three major fleets of the German Navy made the United States and the United Kingdom very nervous, and even put all their military forces into a state of emergency combat readiness.

Especially the U.S. Navy and the British Navy are the first to bear the brunt. They sent a large number of submarines, light ships, and seaplanes to wait seriously in the western waters of the Atlantic Ocean, and even went deep into the Atlantic Ocean, looking for traces of the German Navy, so that they could give early warning and buy enough preparation time for their own navy.

At 3 o'clock in the afternoon on October 14, a submarine of the British Navy surfaced in the waters southeast of Greenland.

After the hatch was opened, several sailors got out from inside.

Staying in the small space of a submarine is undoubtedly very depressing. Being able to get out of the submarine, take a few breaths of fresh air with a fishy smell, and then smoke a cigarette, this is undoubtedly the best relaxation for these submarine sailors.

"Sir, are the Germans really going to attack us?" asked a young sailor.

"How do I know? Our mission is just to search this sea area. Facing the powerful German navy, we don't even have the qualifications to give people teeth." A captain officer said disdainfully.

While talking, a sailor suddenly exclaimed.

"My God! Germans!"

In the waters to the east of them, warships appeared one after another.

"My God! It's really a German fleet."

"Damn it, send a telegram to the country immediately." The captain and captain issued an order.

The British submarine sent a telegram desperately. But this also left them almost no time to escape.

The anti-submarine frigate of the German Navy rushed up and fired anti-submarine rockets, turning the British submarine into an underwater iron coffin.

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