Iron Germany

Chapter 1615 The Germans Are Coming

There are 15 capital ships of the German Navy's Atlantic Fleet and Mediterranean Fleet, including five 'Bavarian-class' battleships, three 'Makensen-class' battlecruisers, four 'Helgoland-class' battleships and three A 'Moltke-class' battlecruiser.

Although, these warships are old warships that have been in service for more than 20 years and nearly 30 years. Even after modernization and modification, the performance of the battleship has been greatly affected and restricted. Compared with the newly built capital ships of various countries, there is a certain gap. However, no one can deny that these capital ships still have very strong strength.

In the naval battle of the Azores, the capital ship formations of the three major fleets of the German Navy achieved brilliant results by besieging the capital ship formations of the US fleet. Of course, these capital ships of the German Navy also exposed a lot of problems during the battle, that is, when facing the "Montana-class" battleships with extremely abnormal armor defenses, they would be in a dilemma. But even so, it cannot deny their powerful combat power. At least, these capital ships are fully capable of performing this attack mission. The 380mm main guns they are equipped with will have a devastating strike effect on those military targets on the Bermuda Islands.

At 5 o'clock in the morning on October 16, the battleship formation of the German Navy was less than 40 kilometers away from Bermuda. This distance is about to be discovered by the island's sea search radar.

However, the commanders of the capital ship formation of the German Navy did not care about this.

"Your Excellency, Chief of Staff, tell the capital ship formation of the Mediterranean Fleet. After arriving in Bermuda, we will split up. We are responsible for launching an attack on Bermuda Island. The military installations on St. David Island and St. George Island will be handed over to them. "Lieutenant General Weikes said.

"Okay, General." Major General Lazer nodded.

Although there are 7 main islands in Bermuda, the Americans did not build all the islands into military bases, but only built three larger islands, namely Bermuda Island, St. David Island and St. George Island. That's all. On these three islands, there are not only ports, but also coastal defense fortresses, airports, military camps and air defense positions, etc. After the U.S. Navy's disastrous defeat in the Azores naval battle, the U.S. Navy also plans to start further construction of the Bermuda Islands to further strengthen the defense here so that it can fully play its role as a gateway against the German Navy.

However, before the construction of the U.S. Navy had time to start, the German Navy was already preparing to attack the Bermuda Islands.

In order to ensure the defense of the Bermuda Islands, the U.S. Navy built a lot of radars on the Bermuda Islands. There are not only air search radars, but also sea search radars to ensure that they can detect approaching enemies in time.


An American soldier standing in front of the radar screen yawned.

This job has always been a boring job. Especially when you are on the night shift, it will undoubtedly be even more boring.

"Hey Carl, can I have an espresso? I'm dying," said the Radarman.

"Okay, David. However, we can change shifts in two hours. Then we can sleep comfortably." The radar soldier named Carl said.

"Yes, my vacation is coming soon. I will apply for a vacation back home. If I continue to stay in this place where the birds don't shit, I will soon get moldy." David said.

For these officers and soldiers of the US Navy, stationing on the Bermuda Islands is indeed like being sent to the frontier. Many officers and soldiers on the island want to return to the mainland to garrison. In that case, not only will it be safer, but there will also be a lot more entertainment. It will not be like on the island now, except for duty, it is to sleep with the head covered.

"Returning to China? How is that possible? Now is the time of war, especially after emergency combat preparations have been issued, it is almost impossible for us to go back to China for vacation." Karl shook his head again and again.

Speaking of this, David couldn't help but become dejected. He also knew that Karl was telling the truth. During the war, their interests all need to make way for the war. This makes it almost impossible for them to return home.

"Damn the Germans, they have already occupied the European continent, isn't it enough? They also want to further occupy the American continent." David said through gritted teeth.

"The Germans want to dominate the world. Their emperor's ambition is to have the whole world submit to him!" Karl said with a smile. In order to arouse the will of the people against Germany, the US government will also vilify Germany. There is no doubt that their propaganda has worked. Many Americans, especially young Americans, are very hostile to Germany.

"Damn German, damn German Kaiser! If he appeared in front of me, I would definitely shoot him into a hive and wring his head off," David said.

"Haha!" Carl couldn't help laughing.

"David, you are simply overthinking yourself. How could the German Kaiser appear in front of you? However, maybe the Germans will send a fleet to attack us. Then you can get what you want. But, in my opinion, you At that time, the possibility of being blown to pieces by the German naval guns may be even greater." Karl laughed.

At this moment, light spots appeared one after another on the radar screen. At the same time, the alarm sounded.

"Beep! Beep!"

Carl and David stopped joking and ran in front of the radar display screen.

When the two of them saw the dots on the radar screen, each of them couldn't help but change their expressions.

"God! How come there are so many warships approaching?" Karl exclaimed.

"Our warships have all gone north to reinforce the British. These warships are definitely not ours." David also said.

So, it is not a US warship that is rapidly approaching Bermuda again. The identity of these warships is undoubtedly obvious.

"God! These are German warships. The Germans are coming, and they are about to launch an attack on Bermuda!" David was terrified.

Even though he said just now that he wanted to screw the Kaiser's head off, but now that he learned that the German fleet was coming, he was almost scared to pee. Obviously, they all knew that once the German navy attacked the Bermuda Islands, it would be impossible to defend it with the strength of the US Navy on the Bermuda Islands.

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