Iron Germany

Chapter 1660 Bad News

Of course, the United States and the United Kingdom are also concerned about the naval battle between the US and British fleets and the German fleet, especially the navies of the two countries.

When the US and British fleets were defeated again and lost all aircraft carriers and most of their capital ships, the telegram was finally sent back.

For a while, the U.S. Navy Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Harold Stark, Secretary of the Navy Frank Knox, British Navy Secretary Sir Pound Dudley and others who received the telegram were completely shocked.

"God! How is this possible? With such a huge advantage, how could we lose? And still lose so badly?" Admiral Harold Stark was dumbfounded, completely refusing to accept this fact.

You must know that the strength of the US and British fleets is undoubtedly very powerful, completely much stronger than the German Navy's home fleet. Even if the German Navy's home fleet and the Mediterranean fleet are combined, the US and British fleets should have the upper hand. However, it turned out to be such a result now.

Admiral Nimitz happened to be in the Department of Naval Operations, so he also learned the news for the first time.

"The Germans actually won again, and they won so cleanly. I'm afraid we won't be able to stop the Germans anymore!" Admiral Nimitz's face was also full of despair.

"It's over, this time it's completely over. We can no longer fight against the Germans." Admiral Harold Stark said.

Admiral Nimitz was also completely silent. He knew that the loss of the naval battle this time probably meant that the US Navy and the British Navy had completely lost the naval battle. After that, there was no chance to stand up again. Even, the navies of the two countries will no longer exist in the future. After all, once Germany wins the war, even if the United States and Britain, the defeated countries, can barely continue to exist, the way the Germans treat the defeated countries will definitely suppress their military power. At that time, the navies of the two countries will definitely cease to exist. Unless the United States and Britain can win this war, no matter how bad they are, they can fight for a decent peace, then their navies will have a chance to rise again. However, judging from the current situation, this possibility is undoubtedly very small.

"Those idiots, how could it be like this? We obviously have such a big advantage, but why did we fail in the end? How could those guys concentrate their carrier-based aircraft groups to attack the German capital ship formation instead of the German aircraft carrier formation? ? Any fool knows that the aircraft carrier is now the main force!" Sir Pound Dudley was furious.

This time, the British Navy can be said to have lost all their wealth accumulated over the years! In order to accumulate so many warships, Britain has worked hard to prepare for more than 20 years. However, in a naval battle now, all these family fortunes will be gone. Such a loss is enough to make every high-level navy's heart bleed.

Although, there may still be many warships under construction in British shipyards. However, that was too late. The Germans will never give them time to rebuild a huge fleet. Needless to say, the German offensive will soon begin. At that time, these battleships that have not yet been built in time will become a pile of scrap iron, and perhaps wait until the Germans occupy those shipyards and become the Germans' spoils of war.

"Come here, prepare the car. I want to see the Prime Minister immediately." Sir Pound Dudley ordered.

Washington, D.C., Department of the Navy. Secretary of the Navy Frank Knox was stunned after reading the telegram.

The navies of the United States and Britain joined forces, and such a large fleet was lost. This blow to them was almost devastating.

"God! How could we lose? Are the generals who commanded the naval battle all pigs? With such a big advantage, they all lost. They should all be sent to court-martial, or even be sent to the military court. Shoot directly!" Frank Knox was very angry.

Originally, Frank Knox expected that the US and British fleets would be able to win this naval battle. In that case, even if they can't defeat the German navy, they can at least have the strength to confront the German navy. Coupled with the frantic construction of warships by major shipyards, the U.S. Navy will soon regain its strength. As long as they can continue to invest in the navy, perhaps they will soon be able to regain a strong fleet. In future naval battles, it may not be impossible to defeat the German navy in one fell swoop and regain its advantage in the Atlantic Ocean. However, this failure now shattered all their hopes.

You don't need to think about it, but Germany, which has already gained an absolute advantage, will soon launch a landing operation against North America. The warships under construction in the shipyard may be destroyed or captured by the Germans before they are completed. Just like in the last world war, after the Germans defeated Britain, they received a large number of unfinished warships from British shipyards, so that they did not build battleships after the war, but they still had the world's largest warships. The capital ship formation is the same.

"Even if we lose the war, those unfinished battleships will never be left to the Germans!" Frank Knox said through gritted teeth.

Subsequently, Frank Knox rushed to the White House by car, preparing to report the bad news to President Roosevelt.

Although he knew that this bad news would be a huge blow to President Roosevelt. But he also knew that it was obviously impossible to hide it. The current situation is very unfavorable to them, which makes the United States have to make early plans.

At the same time, Admiral Harold Stark was also rushing to the White House.

Frank Knox and General Harold Stark almost met unexpectedly at the gate of the White House. When the two got out of the car, they could see the despair in each other's eyes. Both of them are very clear that from today onwards, the U.S. Navy may be completely finished.

President Roosevelt was in a meeting, but when he heard Secretary Frank Knox and Admiral Harold Stark join hands to ask for an audience, he immediately suspended the meeting and received the two men in his office.

However, when President Roosevelt saw the faces of the two, his heart sank. He knew that the two of them might have brought him bad news this time.

"Gentlemen, have we failed yet again?" President Roosevelt asked.

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