Iron Germany

Chapter 1669

"Bang bang bang!"

There was a knock on the bedroom door of Lieutenant-General Campbell, Commander of the British Command in Newfoundland, St. John.

Two minutes later, Lieutenant General Campbell, in his pajamas and bleary-eyed, opened the door.

"Hey, buddy, you'd better tell me something urgent has happened!" Lieutenant General Campbell's tone was full of displeasure.

"General, Tripesi has been heavily bombarded by the enemy, and the troops stationed there suspect that the Germans will land there." The adjutant reported to Lieutenant General Campbell with a look of panic.

"What? The Germans? Attacking Tripe West? How is that possible?" Lieutenant General Campbell was stunned.

"General, this is absolutely true news." The adjutant said.

"Damn, why did the Germans attack Tripe West? Didn't the War Department just tell us that we are safe here? Bastard, we have been deceived again." Lieutenant General Campbell was furious.

There are only three infantry divisions on Newfoundland. Although I don't know how many troops the German army dispatched, it is obviously not something they can resist. Originally, the War Department planned to send five infantry divisions and one armored division to Newfoundland. However, after the German army made a gesture of attacking the Caribbean Sea, the source increase plan was suspended. Apparently, the British War Office did not consider it necessary to send too many troops in Newfoundland. But now, the Germans are obviously fooling them. Their real attack target was actually Newfoundland.

"General, what should we do now?" the secretary asked.

"Immediately report to the War Department that we are under heavy attack from the Germans and they are about to land in Newfoundland. We need air support and more troops. Otherwise, Newfoundland cannot be held." Campbell The lieutenant general ordered.

At this time, it is undoubtedly the most important to request reinforcements from the country. Only with enough reinforcements may it be possible to withstand the German attack.

"Also, let the 3rd Infantry Division assemble its forces towards Tripesi, and must hold off the German attack. Tell the 2nd Infantry Brigade, 3rd Infantry Division, to stand firm and not retreat without orders. Let the 2nd Infantry Division Enter a state of emergency combat readiness to prevent the Germans from attacking St. John's. If the Germans attack St. John's, if they can't hold it, they can even blow up the port, and the port cannot fall into the hands of the Germans. Let the 4th Infantry Division Standby, ready for reinforcements at any time!" Lieutenant General Campbell ordered.

There are only three infantry divisions on Newfoundland, so he can only pin his hopes on these three infantry divisions. As for whether it can withstand the German attack, it depends on whether the reinforcements can arrive in time.

Anyway, Lieutenant General Campbell has no confidence in this battle. After all, since the Germans have deliberately launched this offensive, they will obviously not give up until they achieve their goals.

However, Lieutenant General Campbell soon got the news. German marines have taken Tripesy. The British Army's 2nd Infantry Brigade, 3rd Infantry Division, has been routed.

While the Secretary of State for War, David Magson, was eating breakfast, the Secretary hurried over.

"Is there anything urgent?" David Magson asked after drinking the milk in his hand.

"Your Excellency, Newfoundland is under attack. General Campbell thinks there is a good chance that the Germans will land there," reported the secretary.

"What? The Germans will land in Newfoundland, how is that possible?" David Magson was stunned as if struck by lightning.

"That's what Lieutenant General Campbell reported," said the secretary.

"Asshole, aren't the Germans going to attack the Caribbean? How could they attack Newfoundland at this time?" David Magson cursed.

But then, his face became very ugly. Because he knew that maybe this time they were fooled again.

"Damn it, this is a trap. The Germans pretended to attack the Caribbean Sea, but it was just a show. In fact, their goal is Newfoundland. Prepare the car, I'm going to see the Prime Minister!" David Ma Gerson ordered.

"Yes, sir." The secretary went to make arrangements immediately.

When David Magson arrived at the Prime Minister's Office, Churchill was already waiting for him. On Prime Minister Churchill's face, there was also an unconcealable worry. Obviously, he also already knew about the attack on Newfoundland.

If the German army attacked the Caribbean, Prime Minister Churchill would undoubtedly be happy to see it. In that case, the powerful Americans will fight the Germans recklessly, and the British will be able to take advantage of it later. However, if the Germans are attacking Newfoundland, it means that Britain will be the first target of Germany's attack. No matter what, Britain will pay a heavy price, or even be destroyed directly.

"Your Excellency Prime Minister, I'm afraid we have been fooled again. The German attack on the Caribbean Sea is just a cover. Their real goal is Newfoundland!" David Magson's face was gloomy.

"Is the news confirmed?" Prime Minister Churchill asked.

"Your Excellency, Prime Minister, it should be confirmed. The news I just received shows that the Germans have already begun to land. Our troops in Tripe West have not been able to withstand the German attack. The entire Tripe West has fallen into Germany in the hands of others," David Magson said.

Suddenly, Prime Minister Churchill's face became even uglier. The extravagant hope in my heart was completely shattered.

"Come here, call the important cabinet ministers and military generals immediately to discuss countermeasures!" Churchill ordered.

"Yes, Your Excellency the Prime Minister," replied the secretary.

"In addition, inform the United States of this news. At this time, we need their support!" Prime Minister Churchill said.

If Germany really wants to attack them first, then they have to find a way to get support from the United States. It is obviously impossible to stop the German attack by their own strength.

"Yes, Your Excellency the Prime Minister."

When the British informed the United States of the news, it also caused an uproar in the United States.

After the U.S. Army Chief of Staff, General Marshall, learned of the news, a trace of remorse could not help but flash across his face. They were once again fooled by the Germans and deployed their main force to the south. Now, the Germans have landed in Newfoundland. It is clear that they want to defeat Britain first, and then go south from Canada to directly attack the United States!

Also regretful, there are also some generals of the US Army. Especially those generals who advocated reinforcements in the Caribbean.

Even President Roosevelt was stunned after learning the news.

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