Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 102


Chapter 102 Engineers
After the fixed end of the suspension bridge on the Triangle Fort was cut off, the people on the bridge All of them fell into the open space between the Triangle Fort and the city gate.

Fearing that the Veneta would attack, the defenders dared not open the city gates to save people.

This temporary triangular fort is actually a mound, and there is no entrance or exit door, only a road with the suspension bridge between the city wall.

After destroying the drawbridge, the Veneta temporarily cut off the support of the defenders, and turned their heads and began to strangle the remaining Union soldiers inside the Triangle Fort.

A dozen Union soldiers fled into the storage room in the depths of the Triangle Fort. The space was small, and the Veneta people couldn't help them for a while.

Huan saw that his soldiers were standing at the door and no one dared to enter, so he couldn't help but get angry and yelled: "Waste! What are you doing? Take off the armor and give it to me!"

One sergeant immediately took off his armor, and the Hundred-Men Commander was hurriedly strapped on.

Don Juan was wearing his original officer's armor, with two layers of breastplates inside, which looked particularly bloated and clumsy.

He pulled out a short blade from his boot, and without saying a word, kicked open the wooden door.

The Tanirians inside the door also startled, subconsciously pressing the snake rod. There were two consecutive "dong" and "dong" sounds, one was the sound of a gunshot, and the other was the sound of a lead bullet hitting Huan.

The buckshot pierced through the outer breastplate, but changed its flight path because of it, bounced off the inner breastplate, and flew out from under the ribs.

Huan only felt like he was hit by a sledgehammer, his internal organs were surging, and he almost suffocated, but he still stabbed the nearby enemy with willpower.

The soldiers behind saw Hundred-Men Commander like this, and rushed in after him, and the Tanirians were quickly killed in close combat.

And the defenders on the city wall also came back to his senses, they clipped their heavy matchlock guns to the parapet and started moving towards the enemy on the Triangle Fort.

The height of the city wall is three to four meters higher than that of the Triangle Fort. Stop.

[The height of the front triangular fort of the city gate is 5-6 meters, while the height of the city wall of Tacheng is 8-9 meters according to the terrain. ]
But the next scene stunned the Union officers and soldiers on the city wall, and a group of strange soldiers rushed up from the front of the Triangle Fort.

Said they were soldiers because they all wore gray military uniforms. Strange, because they were not holding weapons, but all kinds of tools.

The second group of troops sent by Antonio and Layton was the battallion of two Legion sappers.

The sappers shouted their horns and used shovels, pickaxes and explosives to tear down the sharp horn of the Triangle Fort, which pointed to the Veneta position in the hail of bullets from the enemy, turning the original five- or six-meter-high earth wall into a became a gentle slope.

Then the Veneta sappers sent buckets of soil and bundles of firewood to the triangular fort through the gentle slope, just like the lamp god who moved a city overnight from Qitan Zhongnei, and the Veneta sappers used it. Sacks, dirt and firewood have built a temporary fortress on top of the triangular fort. Unlike the original structure, the new building faces the city wall.

The position of the Veneta people on the Triangle Fort was quickly consolidated, and the long-range weapons of the defenders on the city wall were no longer able to kill the Veneta soldiers in the Triangle Fort.

And all of this was done under the guns of the Tanirians.

That night, the officers and soldiers of the Taniria Federation understood for the first time what military technology crushing was.

Military technology isn't just better guns and cannons, it's better ideas, training, and tactics.

The Tanirians can also muster the courage to fight the Venetas to the end, but they will never be able to complete the tactics of the Veneta army tonight - a resolute and fast attack and efficient civil work.

As the siege continued for nearly half a month, William Kidd began to feel a tinge of despair for the first time.



The first day after the brief but brutal battle for the Triangle Fort.

For the first time, the Veneta army began a real mass shelling of the city.

Heavy artillery has not been shipped yet, and the light artillery under six pounds is roaring on the front line. It is difficult for these guns to cause substantial damage to the city wall, and the shells only leave white marks on the hard outer wall of the granite.

But the shelling has continued since the early morning and has not stopped until now.

There are two reasons. First of all, although light artillery and mortars are difficult to destroy the city wall, they are extremely effective against the parapet above the city wall. The Veneta people focused on bombarding the two Half Moon Forts and the city gate, that is, to knock down those parapets, so that the defenders could not hide and avoid on the city wall.

Secondly, it is also necessary to put pressure on the Tacheng defenders, making them unable to launch a counterattack against the Triangle Fort.

Because the location of the Triangle Fort is too critical, and it is too close to the city wall. Until now, if the Veneta soldiers wanted to go to the Triangle Fort, they had to pass through an open area where the guns of the Tanir could cover.

The sappers battallion are working hard, trying to extend the corridor to the Triangle Fort, but until now it is still less than a hundred meters away.

The Triangle Fort is only seven or eight meters away from the city wall. If the Tani people want to counterattack the Triangle Fort, they can get over it with a longer ladder.

And the Veneta wanted to support Triangle Fort, but they had to cross a "kill zone" - the officer's name for the open space covered by guns.

If the tani are determined to retake the Triangle Fort, the two battallion infantry inside will definitely not be able to hold it.

Therefore, the defenders on the city gate must be suppressed by shelling. The defenders dare not stand here, so that they cannot organize a counterattack.

At the same time, the two battalions in the triangular fort were frantically increasing the triangular fort, and continued to build a high wall above the triangular fort with sheepskin bags and sacks filled with soil.

The head of the logistics department of the Legion of the Great Veneta and the Legion of San Marco is bleeding. You must know that for some ordinary people who are not rich, sheepskin and linen can be used as clothes. Now it is not stingy to use it to repair the wall.

Time is tight and cost is already not in Antonio and Layton's consideration.

While the front was hard at work, in the field barracks where the two Legions were stationed, Winters was hesitating whether to knock on the door.

"pa!" The clear and loud slap sounded, even Winters outside the door could hear it clearly.

From the Legion headquarters in the center of the field barracks, Major General Layton's roar came: "Bastard! Why cut down the drawbridge?! Who gave you the guts to make an assertion?!"

"pa!" followed by a louder slap.

"Yes! Sir!" Lieutenant Don Juan, who was staggered, said in a rather unconvinced tone, "At that time, a team of armored soldiers was about to cross the drawbridge! If it is not destroyed in time..."

"Pa!" Before he could finish speaking, Lieutenant Juan was slapped by Fiercely again.

"Did I let you speak!? I allowed you to speak!?" Layton became more and more furious: "What was the order given to you before the attack?! Tell me! What was the order given to you! !?"

Don Juan tried to regain his position quickly, and replied loudly: "Yes! Sir! The first goal is to drive the enemy out of the Triangle Fort! Second, if conditions permit, control the drawbridge and sweep city wall and control the city gate!"

"Which order allows you to cut down the drawbridge? Who allows you to order it without authorization!" Layton yelled: "[Veneta scolds]! You broke the major event !"

"But..." Huan was still unconvinced after being slapped three times.

"Okay! I didn't call you here to make you excuse me!" Antonio interrupted Lieutenant Juan.

In Antonio's opinion, the young lieutenant in front of him actually did the right thing. The situation on the battlefield is changing rapidly, so how can the rear know the danger of the front line. But Juan is Layton's subordinate, Antonio can not destroy Layton's prestige in front of everyone.

He frowned to Juan: "No matter what you see, you are not qualified to make such a decision. Your Great Captain is on the front line and it is his responsibility to judge whether the drawbridge needs to be cut, not You! Got it? Like to defend, don't you? Go back and hand in a self-defense report... I have a meeting with General Layton in a while, get out!"

After listening to Serbian Ti Corps Head's words, Juan looked towards Layton again.

"get lost!" Leighton's chest heaved violently, and he spit out a word impatiently.

Lieutenant Juan, with his boots closed, gave a military salute, and turned to leave the Corps Head office.

But as he walked out of the headquarters, he bumped into Winters who were waiting outside.

Seeing Senior Brother An's swollen cheeks, Winters hurriedly saluted Senior. And Don Juan was just nodded, wiped his nosebleed with his sleeve nonchalantly, and left with his neck up.

The two major generals were still talking about Juan when Winters brought the road building headquarters report into the Corps Head office.

"...This little bastard, stubborn donkey, still refuses to accept it! It's [expletive] reserves a beating!" Layton said bitterly.

"Come on. Didn't you have this kind of virtue when you were twenty?" There were only two people in the office, and Antonio ruthlessly exposed his classmates.

Layton coldly snorted and didn't say much.

There was a knock on the door, and Winters brought in the report.

The two executives of Legion were very concerned about the progress of Guzhidao and asked to report the progress every day.

In the known world, there may be an army that is more valiant than the standing armies of the Republics, but there is absolutely no army that is better at civil engineering than the standing armies of the Republics.

The road construction plan formulated by the Road Construction Headquarters is very clever. It is not a complete new construction, nor does it draw a straight line between the Red Sulphur Port and Tacheng on the map.

The hair of the engineer officers is getting thinner, but the engineering plan is excellent: the original rammed earth road on the island is used as much as possible, while avoiding hills and streams, and minimizing the amount of work.

The solid road is 33 kilometers long. The bottom layer is large stones and clay as the base, the Second Layer is gravel and mortar, the Third Layer is sand, lime and clay, and the top layer is paved with stones. hard pavement.

But this path doesn't use better quality pozzolan concrete, and it doesn't even have time to wait for the mortar to set completely before using it.

The road ahead is still being repaired, and the artillery has already begun to be carried in the back. The road is repaired a little forward, and the artillery is moved forward a little.

According to the engineer officers, there may be problems with the lifespan of the road, but they patted their chests and assured that they would be fine for three to five years.

When Lieutenant Colonel Vauban and the Tacheng defenders were fighting against each other, the progress of the road connecting the two places was growing rapidly.

But until the day of the raid on the Triangle Fort, the front of the construction was still four kilometers away from the Veneta Barracks. But Celestial Phenomenon and the others, after the past few days when the moon was at its bleakest, thought it would be next month.

So Antonio and Layton acted decisively, not waiting for the arrival of the heavy artillery, and using livestock to carry the light artillery to the front line for emergency response, so only four mortars were able to suppress the eastern half-moon fortress - the west side The Banyuebao was equipped with four two-pounder guns. The artillery on the city wall was not very effective, but the clumsy mortars did the trick.

Antonio flipped through the report, but there was no gossip with his nephew, and Winters was standing at attention in an orderly manner. There are only Corps Heads and cadet warrant officers in the barracks, no personal identity.

Layton, who was sitting beside him, didn't know the kinship of these two people. After staring at Winters for a few seconds, he stood up abruptly and walked over to Winters and said strangely: "en? You are not. Is that the warrant officer who broke the iron cable at Red Sulphur Bay? Is it you? I'm not mistaken? It's you?"

Winters' face was a little hot, and he stood at attention and replied, "Report to the general, it's me! "

"Boy, why did you go to repair the road?" Layton asked with a strange expression on his face. He narrowed his eyes and thought for a while before saying, "Winters... your name is Winters, right?"

Winters couldn't answer this question. He couldn't say he didn't want to go to the front, right? He had to answer: "Report to the general, because I have received an order!"

Layton was obviously satisfied with this answer, he turned around with a big laugh and began to say to Antonio: "I said General Serbia, You Corps Head are too incompetent, and all the good steel is wasted in your hands. You let such a great first-line officer build roads?"

After criticizing the old classmates, Ray Dun looked towards Winters again, patted Winters' shoulders and said boldly: "Do you brat want me to lead troops? Let me tell you, after this battle with the Tani, I don't know how long it will take to have the next one. Now I don't want to. The way to do more meritorious deeds, you will be a colonel in the future. You are still a trainee, right? When you are officially named my Legion, I will give you a Hundred-Men Commander of the chief battallion! How about it? Can you come? What is your name? Winters...well, Winters Montagne...Montagne, right?"

Antonio from behind his desk said without looking up, "Warrant Officer Montagne, it's an honor. General Layton sees you twice. Remember your name. When he was in the military school, he didn't remember my full name for two months."

"Montagne...Montagne..." Layton chewed on the surname, After thinking about it for a while, frowned smiled and said: "This surname is good, Montagne is a good surname! I also have a Montagne in the same period, but he is a horseman... You, you are a foot, right? It doesn't matter... This shows that We are destined! You brat, come and lead my troops!"

Winters recalled Don Hu Senior Brother An's red and swollen cheeks, and said to himself that I don't want to be slapped every time, he played A word game: "Report to the general! I will go wherever the order tells me to go?"

"Okay! Okay!" Layton thought the little warrant officer in front of him agreed. He patted Winters on the shoulder twice, and said happily: "Okay! Work hard under me! One day you will be able to sit in my place."

Although Layton is nearly four years old Ten days, but still very strong, and two slaps hurt Winters.

Winters saluted, but Layton said nothing more.

After reading the report, Antonio wrote down the order to be sent to the Road Construction Headquarters on a piece of paper, sealed it with flame paint, and handed it to Winters.

"The road is almost repaired, and the remaining cannons can be deployed on the front line the day after tomorrow."

"Really? Wow!" Layton was overjoyed when he heard that the heavy artillery was finally in place. .

Antonio looked towards the window, lightly sighed: "The order to slaughter has been issued, the hounds of war will ravage the Tanirians and us."

I would like to thank the book friends who have voted for the recommendation before, and I would like to thank the book friends who are righteous and pure is koala, black computer accessories (sorry yesterday), Tianshui Youjia, Ami, and Xiaohong sing for their recommendation votes, thank you all.

(end of this chapter)

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