Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 118


Chapter 118 Wolf Town
"Okay, send it here." Winters patted Ender Lie's arm: "It's not that we won't be able to see you in the future."

"I can't believe that this sheepherder is better than a mud guy!" Andre said tearfully: "If you have a door at home, hurry up. Let them take you away. We buddies, whoever has a way, will go, it is not unrighteous. But I really can't afford to spend with this shepherd..."

The shepherd is for Parra A derogatory term for a figure. Andre's emotions were out of control, and his words were out of his mind. Andrei is addicted to his mouth, but there are others beside them.

Hearing the name "shepherd", the Palatine soldier in charge of "escorting" Winters and the others could not help but look sideways.

Winters quickly consoled Andre with kind words and persuaded him to leave. When Andre moved towards the town, he reluctantly reviewed it again and again.

After the restart, Winters explained apologetically to the Palatine cavalry beside him: "Second Lieutenant Cellini has always been rude, but he has no malice, and I apologize for him."

The leader of the team, Lieutenant Kewen Voyk, squeezed out a cold smile, nodded.

The entire group rode on horses and galloped. The roadside field was a horse, and at a glance, you could see the dark azure mountain range raised on the horizon.

Looking around, there is nothing on wasteland, only the vast green.

It is relaxing and joyful to run wild in this vast space between Heaven and Earth. But Winters couldn't get up at all now, and when he saw the desolate scenery in front of him, he really understood where he was being sent.

This is the frontier of the Palatu Republic, the far west of the Union. If Jade City is a hinterland within a hinterland, this is a frontier within a frontier.

It started six days ago, when Warrant Officer Veneta was finally freed from the carriage, but soon after being placed under house arrest again. Until this time, the Veneta Warrant Officers did not know two things:
First, they were now ensigns;
Second, they were now ensigns of the Republic of Palato.

Palatu treats Winters and the others well, eating, drinking, and bathing. But their freedom was still restricted and they were not allowed to meet with Veneta's officials in Palato.

Divine Immortal fights, mortals suffer. In the eyes of the Interprovincial Army, this was just an insignificant provocation, but it completely disrupted the life trajectory of the second lieutenants such as Winters, Andre, and Bard.

For this batch of youngsters, the future path was originally clearly visible: title, appointment, accumulation of seniority, promotion, retirement...

But now their path has been suddenly changed. Allotment" was completely messed up, like a skein of thread played by a cat.

In Veneta they are youngsters with boundless prospects, but in Plato they are nothing.

No connections, no relatives, or even money... Winters and the others were escorted to the castles of the kings, and they didn't even have a single Silver Coin on them.

Without relatives, the news is blocked. No one knows, no one knows anything. Now they are nothing more than the lowest-ranking professional officers in the army.

I don't know how the above negotiated, but after three days of house arrest, the Paratus made new arrangements for their fate.

In a sun shone brightly office, Colonel Plato, with a warm smile on his face, handed Winters a letter of appointment.

After receiving the commission, Winters, who was bewildered, was immediately dismissed from the office, all he remembered was that the colonel said, "...the Republic looks forward to your hard work and struggle, and the vastness between Heaven and Earth, you will do a lot..."

This uninhabited really his mother's "Vast Heaven and Earth"!

Remembering the Colonel's warm smile, Winters couldn't help but cursed in the heart.

After a few hours of speeding on the dilapidated dirt road, the entire group reached its final destination after crossing a river shoal more than ten meters wide.

In front of you is a small town that can hardly be called a "town". Two dirt roads of more than 20 meters long are the main road, and the intersection of the dirt roads is a small church.

Along the road are several log-built houses that seem to be the only shops in the town.

Winters thought that the place where Andre and Bud were assigned was desolate enough, but compared with the town in front of him, the town where Andre and Bud went to is simply beautiful, Crowded.

"Here, this is the town of Wulfthorpe [Wulfthorpe]." Lieutenant Woick pointed with his horsewhip: "Come on, I'll show you the town here. Long."

Winters followed Woick to a house across from the church. Except for the church, this wood house is the largest in the whole town. It seems that this is the town hall.

Before entering the door, Winters heard a loud... snoring?
Lieutenant Woick was also a little strange. He and Winters exchanged glances and walked into the town hall first.

After entering the door is a small cubicle, and a wooden wall divides the whole house. There is a table facing the door, and a thin old man with a clean shaved beard is doing calculations.

"You're the mayor?" Voick straight to the point.

The old man squinted at Woike and replied at a moderate pace, "I am the clerk of this town, may I ask who is your Excellency?"

"I It's Lieutenant Voick from the military." After introducing himself, Voick pointed at Winters with his horsewhip: "This is Lieutenant Montagne, we want to see the mayor."

"Oh, that's still Please come with me." The thin old man's words sounded strange. He stood up and opened another door on the partition wall: "This is the mayor's office."

Looking through the door, the first thing Winters saw was the sole of the shoe and... Beer belly?
The owner of the beer belly is sleeping hu hu on the bench by the window, and the deafening snoring is coming from here. This man's snoring was so loud and special that he seemed to choke himself to death with every breath.

"Sir, wake up...the officer from the city wants to see you." The old man clerk tried to wake the snoring man.

But no matter how he patted each other's shoulders and arms, the mayor just didn't wake up. The old man gritted his teeth and slapped his face hard.

"Kill!" The man in the coma woke up suddenly, jumped up from the bench and shouted.

After seeing Woick and Winters, the man froze for a moment, wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth, and asked with a sorry smile, "Ah? What's wrong? Who are these two?"

The clerk old man introduced Woick and Winters again, and Winters was able to take a closer look at the man in front of him.

The mayor of Wolf Town is a short man, a head shorter than Winters. But he had a thicker neck and a thicker waist, and if he looked at his upper body, people would think he was taller than Winters.

Supporting his bulky upper torso are two stubby looped legs, which an ordinary person wouldn't have, obviously he's a good rider.

The thick brown curly hair was mixed with many silver threads, indicating that he was not young. But there was still a youngster's carefree look in his two blue eyes.

The blue eyes were born on a round face, with a big nose and a wide mouth below the eyes. His smile was hearty and sincere, with no apparent hypocrisy, a brutish but alive spirit.

At one glance, Winters had a lot of affection for the brawny man.

"Haha, what a joke!" The mayor of Wolf Town smiled and scratched the back of his head: "I'm Gillard, Girard Pleninovich Mitchell, folks, look My home is close to the town and I was elected mayor. If you have anything to do with me, please tell me."

Woike didn't say a word, and handed an official letter to the town directly. long.

Gillard smiled and scratched the back of his head again, and handed the letter to the clerk old man: "I don't know a few big characters. Pan Weiqie, you and I read what was written in the letter. ."

The clerk old man - now we know his name is Pan Weiqie - took the document and read it carefully. Then he looked up at Winters and said, "Sir, this second lieutenant of Montagne is the new commissary."

"Hey! Good! The commissar is here!" Girard was delighted He slapped his thigh and grabbed Winters' arm with a big laugh: "This is a great young man! How good! We also have a town officer in Wolf Village! Good!"

Gillard again After realizing that the young man in front of him was not his son, he quickly let go and said with a smile, "I'm sorry! I'm so happy! We have been vacant since the establishment of the township officer in Wolf Village, and it's been missing for many years, and now we're here. A resident officer, still such a good young man, a big happy event!"

Woike obviously didn't want to stay long, he took out another purse to Winters: "This is your season The commissary's responsibilities are very simple and are written in the commission. The military correspondents come here on a regular basis, and they will be responsible for your future salary."

Winters said silently. He took the purse and saluted.

Woick couldn't bear to look at Winters. He took Winters out of the town hall, and sighed said, "In Palatu, the town officer is actually the military's representative in the new reclamation area. It's all about managing the security and the militia. It's easy, there's no work. Just bear with it. , you can go home after the matter is settled."

Winters knew this was the truth, nodded, and gave another solemn salute.

Lieutenant Woick patted Winters on the shoulders and walked away with his cavalry.

Three days ago, all Ensign Veneta received their commissions. They were appointed as resident officers of each town, and were ordered to take up their posts without delay.

Perhaps he wanted to break up the Veneta ensigns in this way, or maybe for other purposes. Winters didn't know the decision-making process of the Palatine military, but apparently they made it clear that they would never let the Veneta ensigns go home until the Palatians were satisfied.

Most of the Veneta ensigns are based in the "New Reclamation Area".

If the Republic of Palatu is the edge of the Union's territory, then the new reclamation area is the edge of the territory of the Republic of Palatu. And Wolf Town, the town to which Winters was assigned, is the very edge of the new reclamation area.

The Winters have now reached the very edge of the edge of the Senus Alliance's territory, possibly even the very edge of "civilization".

Therefore, further west here is the no-man's land that is nearly 100 kilometers wide, and further west from the no-man's land is the land controlled by the barbaric Hed tribe.

Almost all the "towns" in these newly reclaimed areas were "combined with villages and towns" in the last ten years, with sparsely populated areas and blocked communications. Few officers would be willing to serve in such a place, so the town officers in the new reclamation areas, including Wolf Town, would remain vacant.

It's now being used to place this batch of Veneta's Uninvited Guests.

Looking at the desolate frontier town in front of him, Lieutenant Montagne suddenly felt unspeakably lonely.

Fifty-six kilometers to the north, Lieutenant Andrea Cellini felt the same way.

At this moment, in the small towns scattered along the line of the Palatu frontier, every Veneta ensign is thinking about one thing: going home.

But how do I get home?

Where are you going?

If you leave your post without permission, you become a "traitor" and a "deserter" in the legal sense.

And when will it be the head?


While Winters was in a trance, Girard walked out of the town hall beaming with clerk Pan Weiqie.

Gillard warned repeatedly as he walked: "Go back and tell Ellen, you must do well today, and when you go back, invite both the Wilkes and Bentins and ask them to bring two bottles Good wine here..."

When he went out to see Winters, Girard said excitedly: "Lieutenant Montagne, we must shouted tonight! It's been a long time since we had such a big happy event. By the way. , do you have a place to live? Our town is small, there is no hotel, you can stay at my house! By the way, don't look at our small town, the villagers are all good people..."

Hospitality Gillard suddenly made Winters feel a little overwhelmed, and it also made him feel a little warm, he smiled and agreed and thanked.

Old man Pan Weiqie saw that Girard and Warrant Officer Montagne were having a good chat, and went to the back of the house to get his horse.

Gillard suddenly discovered something, he looked at the empty hitching post in front of the town hall. He scratched his head and called Pan Weiqie back.

"Sir, what are your orders?"

"Pan Weiqie, go back."

Pan Weiqie said with a bitter face: " This is far from home, sir."

"You lazy bastard, go to Bentin's first and let Frank borrow a horse to ride home?"

Pan Weiqie murmured, reluctantly and slowly moved towards the west of the town.

Winters didn't understand at first, but he understood it quickly: Girard was asking Panviche to give him a mount.

Winters came to Wolftown on a public warhorse, which Woick took with him when he left.

He has nothing in this strange land.

He had no warhorses, no swords, no uniforms—Winters was still wearing a cadet uniform...he wouldn't even have a single silver chip if it wasn't for his quarterly salary.

In Winters' young life, he had never been so embarrassed.

But he suddenly remembered Bud - Bud's station is 40 kilometers north of Andre's station - he suddenly realized that his current situation was actually Bud until now situation.

He's just poor for a while, but Gerrard's Bud until now is so hard.

"If anyone can do it, so can I." Thinking of this, Warrant Officer Winters Montagne cheered up: "If you can't do anything to prevent it, you might as well sit back and enjoy it. I'll find a way to get home."



"Excuse me, you don't allow it I met them, and I directly assigned positions to them without notice. I really can't see the slightest sincerity. How can you agree to release our officers?" Turani, chief advisor of Veneta in the castles. Ao Qiang pressed his anger and asked.

Parato Army External Liaison Chief-In-Charge Marco replied with a smile: "Your Excellency, I must correct your wording. These lieutenants are not 'your' Veneta's officers, but We are professional soldiers in Palato. So how we assign them, outsiders are not qualified to dictate."

"Stop playing with words like this!" Turanio trembled with anger: "You and I are both I know what's going on, it's all the work of the United Provinces! We should have shared the enemy, but you took the side of the evil-doer! Is it our responsibility to send your people to the overseas army?"

"Then it's our responsibility to send your people to Palatu?" Marco giving tit for tat.

"Stop talking nonsense, just say what you need to agree to let go?!" The chief consultant slapped the table.

"What I said will not be recorded as written, nor will the official Republic of Palato recognize it." Marko leaned back in his chair, his tone indifferent: "When will our supplementary officer return to Galloping Horses? When will your supplementary officers be able to go home.”

“Your men are leaving by boat, understand?” Turanio said angrily: “The people of the Union province deliberately The fastest communication ship was dispatched, but they couldn’t catch up! It would take at least a year to come back and forth. If your people can’t come back in a year, you are it possible that you will detain our people for a year?”

Marko replied: "Your Excellency, if I were you, I wouldn't be complaining here, but I'd be on the fastest boat to catch up."

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(end of this chapter)

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