Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 125


Chapter 125 Beast Hunting Team

At the dinner table of the Mitchells, a heated debate is going on .

Accurately speaking, this is not an evenly matched debate, but a one-sided rout.

The old cultivator was victorious, and Father Anthony was getting closer and closer to being pissed off.

Anthony priest of the wolf sect protecting church blushed and his voice was hurried: "...the essence of Catholicism is the cult of the personality, the Lord is truly incarnated as a human being, and not in the image of a pharaoh, a king, or an emperor, But in the image of a lowly peasant in Galilee. It's an unprecedented concept, and that's what makes more and more people convert and embrace the Gospel."

Old almshouse The cultivator Reid smiled and asked back: "Then go and tell the believers that the Son of God is just a humble farmer in Galilee? See if they were moved or if you were stoned to death? ten thousand li beyond, there are still people who can turn into a religion of gods!"

"But doesn't it show the destiny of Catholicism that we can replace ancient cults?"

"The rise of Catholicism Just one thing, and that is that there are people up there who do things well. The Western church, supported by the empire, eventually went from a church of the poor and the oppressed to a church of the powerful. I would like to ask you, however, in the land of the Saracens Another pagan religion has also achieved the same status as the Catholic Church, where the Eastern Church can only be a second-class citizen, do you agree with the destiny of the pagan religion?”

Father Anthony caught his breath. , almost out of breath.

The old cultivator took a leisurely sip of wine, and the smile on his face made Father Anthony suddenly want to punch him in the nose.

The two used the old language, with a lot of ancient language words mixed in between them.

Apart from the two arguing, the only people in the Mitchell family who could understand these words were Father Carman and Winters.

The Mitchells' son Pierre goes to find Anglo, the pony, leaving the Mitchells and their unmarried youngest daughter Scarlett at the table.

Gillard's youngest daughter is all about the second lieutenant, and has been sneaking a sneak peek at the second lieutenant Montagne. Girard did not understand why the two priests were arguing, although he could not understand what they were arguing about.

But the Mitchells should be thankful they couldn't understand what the two clergymen were saying "horribly," and considered heretical in the eyes of ordinary people, so they could continue to respect the two priests.

Of the two people who could understand, Father Kaman was blank and Winters was absent-minded.

The hunt for the ominous beast came to nothing, blood and breath disappearing in a creek. The thing waded a distance, the current obscuring its tracks.

Winters and his men searched for miles up and down the mountain stream, but the best hounds in Dusa couldn't smell where the thing came ashore.

This primitive forest is so vast that a hundred people throwing it in is like pouring a glass of water into the desert. The search range is extremely limited, like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Seeing that the sun is gradually setting in the west, and human beings are inconvenient to move at night, but wild beast is like a fish back in water, worrying that "human hunters" will become "beast hunters", Winters has to let the militia team Withdrew from the forest.

What angered Winters more than the failed hunt was the indifference of the two Protestant villages to the plague.

Before leading the Dussacks into the forest, Winters sent riders to the remaining four villages to mobilize the militia. The militia teams from Hedong and Hexi villages came quickly under the leadership of the village chief and joined the search operation.

Nanxin and Beixin villages have not sent any personnel from beginning to end.

But when Winters questioned the village chiefs of the two villages, they both shied away with the excuses of "thinking that Dussac was teasing us" and "it doesn't matter whether we go or not".

More hateful than enemy attack, only betrayal.

If it wasn't for the fact that the two Protestant village chiefs weren't soldiers, the enraged Second Lieutenant Montagne would have killed the two bastards on the spot.

An outsider is so indignant, let alone what the Dussacks think.

Elder Sergei from Dusa Village almost drew his sword and hacked to death the two Protestant village chiefs. They lend a helping hand.

In a small wolf town, the people's sentiments are so complicated that they can't be sorted out like a mess.

Winters had no intention of intervening, he just hoped that the villages could work with a common purpose to solve the wolf disaster as soon as possible. Because he knew that he would go back to Veneta sooner or later, and he didn't want to leave a mess.

But the ominous beast hasn't been seen yet, and a fight is about to break out between several villages.

Lieutenant Montagne even misses the hard battles in Taniria, at least when enemies were enemies and friends were friends, and it was a new and boring thing to do without these trivial things.

Winters, having no appetite, thanked Mrs Mitchell for her hospitality and left the table.

After a while, Father Kaman also got up to leave. After he left the dining room, he walked straight to the back of the house.

There, Lieutenant Montagne was pacing and thinking.

Awakened by Kaman's footsteps, Winters asked casually, "Your brother Rhett dares to speak, and he is not afraid of being burned at the stake. That's why you put him in my place. Is that right?"

"The Rhett cultivator is just deliberately angering Father Anthony and making fun of him." Father Kaman saluted and sat casually on a drum: "Theologian's debate It sounds like blasphemy in the ears of believers, which is normal. The Catholic Church does not have the habit of burning clergy. even more how Rhett's brother has a special status and can speak freely."

"What's special? "

Father Kaman replied lightly: "The special is in the 'introducer'. Rhode Island was captured by the Saracens more than 30 years ago, and Dean Philip of the Knight's regiment monastery was martyred and later canonized. Rhett's brother was originally a Bodhisattva monk, converted to Catholicism under the inspiration of Saint Philip, and was ordained as a priest by the saint himself."

"It turns out that the saints also have nepotism."


"It is said that when he admitted Reid's cultivator's priesthood, he wanted to send him to the Far East to preach, but didn't expect him to stay here and not leave, which made the previous Pope very annoyed." Kaman smiled. : "Reid's cultivator has traveled the world, experienced and knowledgeable, and cites widely when debating. Although his theological views are very dangerous, no one can refute him, and many famous debaters have been covered in dirt by him."

"Such a dangerous person, your church will not put him under house arrest and let him run around?"

"Who made him just a powerless cultivator? How many priests can abide by the vows of celibacy and poverty? The noble character of Rhett's brother is not an exaggeration."

Winters didn't care: "The old man still has Is this kind of ability? Then I should invite him to Nanxin Village and Beixin Village to see if he can get rid of the farmers there."

"Haha, if you send Reid cultivator over there. , maybe it can relieve a heart disease for the bishop group."

"Heart disease?"

"Heart disease." Father Kaman stretched his waist and drowsily said: " You can't argue, but you can't kill it, so what is it?"

"Mr. Kaman, I'm afraid your followers will be sad to see you like this."

"But you don't believe it." Father Kaman yawned: "So there is no need between us. It's boring to do those ceremony things. "

Father Kaman took out a pipe filled with tobacco leaves from his pocket and handed it to Winters.

Winters was taken aback: "I don't smoke." "

"I'm not handing you cigarettes." "Kaman said with a smile:" I asked you to light it for me. "

"What do you mean? " Winters became wary.

"Stop pretending, Lieutenant Montagne." Kaman asked with a smile: "You're a magician, aren't you?" "

Winters coldly snorted, indifferent expression.

Father Kaman continued each minding their own business: "There are only two kinds of people in the South who are not believers, the magician and the One is a devil worshipper. Are you a devil worshipper? Lieutenant Montagne? "

Winters ignored him.

"If you're not a devil worshipper, you're a magician." "Father Kaman shook the pipe in his hand: "Second lieutenant, I have no ill will towards you." ”

Winters took the pipe, lit the tobacco with silent ignition.

Magic and evil wizards are always confused in the folk, so when Winters came to Wolftown, The identity of the sorcerer has not been revealed, and this is also the first time he has shown magical abilities in front of others.

"People who say that there is no malice are often the most malicious. "Winters handed the pipe back.

Father Kaman took the pipe, but didn't enjoy it: "I'm just curious." "

"Curious what? "

"I understand your concern." Father Kaman sighed and said seriously: "But rest assured, as long as you don't hurt the believers in this diocese, I won't tell you your magician identity, and I won't use this to do anything against you." "

Winters said with a sneer: "It seems that the sorcerer is no different from the devil's believer in your eyes. "

Father Kaman laughed and asked: "Isn't the priest the same in your eyes? "

Winters suddenly looked towards the distance, and he vaguely heard the sound of hooves. The sound was getting closer and clearer, and soon Father Kaman could hear it clearly. The famous rider is moving towards the Mitchell mansion.

Winters and Kaman glance at each other and head to the front door immediately.

The rider brings another bad news and the beast reappears

After getting the news, Winters and Girard immediately pulled out their horses, fully armed and rushed to the scene.

It was getting dark and it was too late to call the militia, but Father Kaman volunteered to join Go.


This time, the place where the evil beasts are attacking is not the five villages under the jurisdiction of Wolf Town, but the forest farm.

A woodcutter The worker walked out of the shack to urinate, but encountered an ominous beast. The other loggers heard the wailing and cries from outside the house and rescued the unfortunate logger by beating iron.

Winters and the others When I arrived at the forest farm, I only saw a bloody wounded man lying on the plank, dying. The part below the left ankle of the wounded man had been disappeared, and there was only a horrific fracture of flesh and blood left.

One understands The old worker who performed the medical skills restrained the injured calf with hemp rope to try to stop the bleeding, but the dark red fluid was still seeping out from the wound, and the sheets beside the injured person's feet were soaked with blood.

For this For the poor lumberjack, death is only a matter of time, and Father Kaman is already offering his last prayers.

“Has he seen what it is? " Winters found the foreman and asked, "Did you see what it was?" "

"It's a bear!" The foreman's body was still shaking uncontrollably: "A bear the size of a house!" "


The unfortunate lumberjack died in the night.

The foreman assigned two workers to dig a shallow pit to bury the body, and the others Dividing up the deceased's junk, even if the funeral is completed. The whole process is shockingly scribbled.

When Winters first learned that there was a forest farm in Wolfstown, Winters thought it was one of the dozen or so hired hands. It was a small lumber mill.

After arriving at the forest farm, Winters discovered that it was a large logging team of hundreds of people, about the same number as a small village.

Logging The team's camp was deep in the woods, far away from people, and it was like a meal in front of the ominous beast. The steward heard that there was a wolf disaster, so he ran back to the county seat long ago, leaving only a few foremen to maintain order here.

Not only that, but the living conditions of the loggers are unimaginably crowded and harsh, and Winters doesn't know where the stewards are hiring workers willing to work in such places.

“I It is estimated that the bear will come again. " Winters and Gillard discussed: "This team of lumberjacks are young and strong, can they be incorporated into the militia?" "

"I'm afraid not, they're not residents of Wolf Town, they're just hired to chop down trees." "Gillard said with a wry smile: "They left after cutting down these hundreds of acres of woodland. The wolf disaster has nothing to do with them, and we have no jurisdiction over them." If they were to become militiamen, the merchants who bought the logging rights would not agree, not even they themselves. "

"Didn't you buy the logging right from you?" "

"No, it's from the county." This forest, this land, and this river belong to the county. "

"I'll try and see if I can convince them"

The negotiation with the logging team was a complete failure, Gillard was right. The foreman claimed they were not in charge Dare to call the shots, and no lumberjacks responded to the proposal to join the bear hunters.

A foreman approached Winters privately and explained, "My lord, these workers are normally having a hard time. Most of them are Protestants, and they are often looked down upon by the villagers. A small number of Catholics go to the town to worship on weekends, and the Dousas also come back to trouble them. They are impossible to help the people of Wolf Town to risk mortal danger to hunt bears. "

"Those villages are all outside the forest, but your logging team is inside. Wasn't that bear looking for you first when he was hungry?" "Winters was a little displeased.

"I understand this, but the workers don't! "The foreman said helplessly: "In their opinion, there are more than 100 people here, and it is no safer than the village outside." "

The idea of getting lumberjacks into the bear squad failed, but now Winters at least knows that the ominous beast is a bear, a big one.

Back from logging camp The town's second lieutenant Montagne immediately formed a bear team and sent people to the town of black liquid to borrow more heavy muskets and hunting dogs.

The main members of the bear team were Dussack from the village of Dusa. , the Dusa people have war horses, weapons, and have a great feud with the bear. However, Nanxin Village and Beixin Village did not send a single person to join the bear hunt team.

In response, the bear hunters in Dusa Village The team also resolutely refused to go patrol and search in the forest near the Protestant village.

The second lieutenant Montagne was helpless.

Winters could only let the hunters go to the woods near the south and north new villages as much as possible.

For three consecutive days after that, Winters led the bear catching team to almost destroy the forest near the wolf town.

I searched all over, but found nothing.

I couldn't find the giant bear, but the old cultivator came to my door on the third day.

"Please tell me if you have anything. " Winters was tired and tired after drilling for a day in the deep mountains, and he was too lazy to talk nonsense with this old god: "Otherwise I will have to rest. "

"Don't worry, Your Excellency Ensign, I'm here to help you." "The old man said with a smile: "I have observed your Excellency for a few days. When it comes to fighting, I am not as good as you in ten. But there is one thing, a hundred of you are not as good as me. "

"What's the matter?" " Winters asked with a sneer as he took off his boots.

The alms-cultivator pulled Winters' chair over, sat in his clothes, and spit out one word solemnly:


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