Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 134


Chapter 134 Police Station
This is an ordinary day in early September, it has been more than half a month Time has no more beasts to hurt people, and the wolf disaster seems to have passed completely.

Life in Wolftown is gradually getting back on track, but in a way it will never get back on track.

Winters has been in office for more than a month, and he has gradually become familiar with and adapted to the life in Wolf Town.

The days here are flat and quiet, and the people around him are very friendly to him. Unconsciously, the salted fish attribute awakened quietly, and he began to have an idea: maybe it would be a good choice to settle in this secluded town.

This afternoon, Winters left the carpenter's house and went straight back to the town hall.

Opening the door, Pan Weiqie was still writing calculations on the table as always. Nodding in greeting, Winters walked into the office.

Gillard was not at the town hall, Rhett was alone in the room, and the old cultivator was dozing comfortably on the lounge chair by the window.

Winters kicked the recliner angrily. After a while, the old man slowly opened his eyes.

“Where are the people?” Winters asked.

"Sneak out and play?" Rhett cultivator replied sloppily.

"You don't care?"

"The master leads the door, and the cultivation is personal. I have always been..." The old cultivator yawned and recited a paragraph in an exotic language. Words: "[Selika] Jiang Taigong is fishing, and I wish the bait."

Winters couldn't understand what the old cultivator was talking about in the second half, but he knew that arguing with the magic stick was a waste of words. .

He angrily walked out of the town hall and yelled at the backyard: "Get out of here!"

After a while, Bell walked over in a dejected manner. , then Anglo, and then… Pierre, the son of Mayor Mitchell.

The three and a half boys didn't dare to look at Winters and tried their best to avoid the second lieutenant's sight. They were all taken back to the town hall by Winters.

Rid cultivator lightly coughed, pretending to be a serious lesson: "[Selika] old man learned to be rich, traveled thousands of miles, and condescended to come to you. A few boys don't know how to cherish them, but they don't know If you can still play today, it will be too late to regret later..."

"Who knows what you say!" Winters couldn't help loudly shouted: "Don't use a language that others don't understand without authorization. Preaching!"

After getting to know each other for a long time, Winters discovered that the old man was fond of talking in Far Eastern languages, especially when he was drinking or trying to make fun of people.

"I used my native language inadvertently, sorry, sorry." Rhett's cultivator's expression was unapologetic: "But these boys are wasting their homework, and you are also responsible, Mr. Lieutenant."


“What responsibility do I have?”

The old cultivator talked eloquently: “Mr. Pan Weiqie is competent enough for such a thing as opening a door. Isn’t it overkill for you to ask me to do this?”

"I'd rather have Mr. Panviche come." Winters said with a sneer: "Then you take over Mr. Panviche's paperwork, how about an exchange between the two of you?"

After bringing the pony and the hunter to town, Winters discovers that the two boys have a pathetic level of education.

They can still call out a single letter, but they don't recognize a block. Two fifteen- or sixteen-year-old boys would not even write their own names, and they had to break their fingers when adding and subtracting within ten.

I can't blame them either, because most people in Wolftown are illiterate. The Dussacks were even more so, and even the mayor of the town, Gilad Mitchell, was still illiterate.

Winters from the Merchant Republic thinks that it will be useful for Bell and Anglo to have a little writing skills, at least in the future to be able to understand the most basic contracts and accounts and not be deceived.

So Winters decided to hire a teacher for Bell and Anglo to teach them the most basic words and arithmetic.

The most suitable person for this job is, of course, Pan Weiqie. The middle-aged steward has a pleasing handwriting in cursive and clear accounts. The most rare thing is to be diligent and responsible.

But Pan Wei has several positions such as steward, scribe, accountant, etc. The work is already very heavy, and Winters is really sorry to give him another burden.

The educational level of the two priests in the wolf sect protecting hall is also sufficient. It is said that some nobles will hire the priest as a tutor, and the rest simply hire someone to read and write for themselves.

But Anthony priest and Carman priest won't come to teach two poor fellows literacy and arithmetic, not even Winters.

As for the other literate farmers and craftsmen in Wolf Town, they can barely read and write.

After thinking about it, Winters realized that the only option left was Rhett cultivator.

Although the old cultivator was from the Far East, he also went to the Catholic God Academy for several years after he was converted and consecrated, so his educational level is beyond doubt.

And as far as Winters intuitively goes: Red doesn't have the arrogance of other clergymen in the bones.

As "shepherds of God", even the humblest clergy in the bones are arrogant, because they ask themselves to be closer to God and heaven than anyone else, the metaphor of "shepherd" itself is The greatest arrogance.

But Reid, the old god, doesn't have this problem. He can apply for the position of scribe with face doesn't change, and teaching poor fellow to read probably won't hurt his dignity. I'm afraid as the old man himself said: "I'm the priority is for the convenience of travel."

So after some haggling, Winters agreed to pay an extra teacher salary, and Reid agreed to teach Bell and Anglo literacy and numeracy.

However, Winters didn't realize that the old man's laziness had become a habit, and the little hunters and pony herders often found excuses to skip class and slip away. Reid not only didn't care, but was happy and leisurely.

"An extra paycheck, some work, right?" Winters said sarcastically to the old magician.

didn't expect Reid cultivator pointed at Pierre: "If it's just to teach these two dolls to read and do arithmetic, Mr. Mitchell is competent enough."

Pierre is here because of his mother.

I heard that Lieutenant Montagne had asked Father Reed to teach two little Dussacs, and Mrs. Mitchell sent Pierre over as well.

But Mr. Mitchell can already write and do arithmetic. According to Gillard Mitchell, it was his wife, Mrs. Ellen Mitchell, who taught her son when he was young.

Winters had to come to the door to explain that he just asked Father Reid to open the door to the two little Dussacs, and Mitchell couldn't learn anything at all.

But didn't expect Mrs. Mitchell to reply: "It would be of great benefit to Pierre to be with Father Rhett and Lieutenant Montagne a little longer. This child normally It's troublesome, and please help us to keep an eye on the couple."

Ms. Mitchell's reasons made Winters powerless to object. Moreover, he has been greatly helped by the Mitchell family since he arrived at Renlang Town. In contrast, adding a set of tables and chairs next to the two little Dussacs is not even a return.

So Pierre Girardnovich Mitchell became the third student of Rhett's cultivator, and the old magician did not refuse, and did not take the opportunity to ask Winters for a raise.

Angelo and Pierre were originally playmates, and Bell also played together with two peers because he temporarily stayed at Mitchell's house during the wolf plague.

Angelo and Bell are nominally guards, but they don't actually have much work to do. As the owner of the manor and the only son of the mayor's family, Pierre is usually doing nothing and doing nothing.

These three little Dussacks together are not triples—but triple troublemakers.

As soon as Winters leaves the town hall, the three boys follow. Old Rhett just pretended he didn't see it, and he was more than happy to take a little more nap.

Fortunately, all three of them were in awe and awe of Winters, so Winters could control them.

Back in the town hall, Pierre was named somewhat completely unprepared by Father Reid.

The old cultivator didn't talk nonsense. He wrote a few words on the paper and handed it to Pierre: "Boy, read it."

Pierre took it. A note, looking towards Father Reid staring blankly.

"Read it!" The old cultivator pulled a cane stick out of nowhere and gave it to Mitchell.

Pierre was taken aback and stammered: "Clumsy, stupid Golden Peak mountain range. Fuck. Sheep. Guy...for my friend...Angelo The best description with Bell."

Anglo and Bell were still holding back their laughter when they heard the previous part, but they were stunned when they heard the last part.

Ryder cultivator yawned and said lightly to the other two little Dussacs: "You two understand? You two are illiterate, even if others insult you."

Afterwards, Rhett asked a few mixed arithmetic questions. Every time he asked the other two young Dussacs first, while they were still counting their fingers, Rhett would ask Pierre instead.

Pierre was able to answer quickly, but his answer was getting quieter, and the other two young Dussacs were getting more and more shameful and silent.

Ryder cultivator yawned again, and asked casually: "You are all about the same age, Pierre can already write and forget, how about you two?"

Little The horseman Anglo lowered his head, and the little hunter Bell clenched his fists tightly and stared at Father Red. Pierre was at a loss, and looked to Winters for help.

"Forget it, I'm not embarrassing you." Reid, cultivator sighed, wrote something on the paper and handed it to the two little Dussacs: "You two do as I wrote. If you write a word as it is, you won't have to go to class. You can't even do this, right?"

Bell was the first to grab the pen and paper and lay down on the table to start working.

The little hunter is not writing, he is copying. He imitated every arc very seriously, but he still wrote it crookedly, like a young child who first learned to write. When he was done writing, he tucked the quill into Anglo.

Anglo looked pitifully towards Winters, Winters expressionless nodded.

So the little stableman lay down on the table and copied it. It's just that because he was too hard, the quill tip was snapped.

"No hurry, write slowly, try to write better." The old cultivator handed Anglo a new quill.

In the end, Anglo also completed the "copying", and his handwriting was even worse than Bell's writing.

Reid cultivator took the note back and read it carefully, then asked with a sneer, "Are you stupid? Just write it if you write it? Do you know what it is?"

The two little Dussacs froze in place.

The paper is unrolled by the old cultivator - what he hands out is a folded piece of paper with other contents that Bell and Anglo didn't see.

Reid shook the paper in his hand: "This is a 'slave contract', and you have just signed it. From now on, you are not free people, but slaves that belong to me I can buy, sell and execute you at will."

The two little Dussacs were dumbfounded.

"Think I'm scaring you?" the old cultivator coldly snorted: "Don't believe it? Let the lieutenant and Mitchell see it."

With that, he handed the contract to Winters.

Winters read it carefully and said: "This is indeed a standard personal rights sale contract. Palatu does not allow slaves, but allows slave trade, and Rhett cultivator now has the right to sell you. Go elsewhere. It’s just that this contract has no effect in Veneta, because Veneta does not allow slavery of any kind, and you will be free if you flee to Veneta.”

Pierre accepted After reading the paper, I also confirmed Winters' words.

"You lied to us to sign!" Bell yelled angrily.

"Who proved it?" The alms-cultivator dismissed: "It was you who signed this contract in black and white. You can only blame you for being illiterate. You dare to sign anything, and you are sold as slaves. I don't know. You don't agree? Here! Pierre, you also write it according to what I wrote."

After finishing speaking, Father Rhett shoved the contract into Pierre's hands.

Pierre stood dumbfounded, not writing.

"Look! Mr. Mitchell recognizes what it is, and he knows not to sign it." The old cultivator taunted: "But what about you two? You don't know anything, I ask you to sign it. Sign. Dussac's shrewdness has not been learned, but he has inherited all the recklessness."

Anglo's face was full of shame, while Bell's eyes were full of anger.

Rid cultivator stopped talking nonsense, tore the contract in half, and stuffed it into the hands of two little Dussacs.

"Take it." The old cultivator said disapprovingly: "If you don't want to be sold as a slave by an unfathomable mystery in the future, go and recognize the words above with Mr. Mitchell. If he doesn't teach you , that's why he wants to trick you. Go out."

Bell turned around and walked out of the room first, Anglo followed along, Pierre saluted and hurriedly chased out.

After the three little Dussacs walked out of the town hall, Winters couldn't help asking: "And a few little children, what's the matter?"

"Sixteen is not too young, If they weren't Dussack, they might have been married." The old cultivator yawned: "And maybe these boys can hate me for the rest of their lives, but the lesson is that they can't learn it at all."

"You're throwing all your teaching jobs to Pierre, so don't you get a white-collar salary?" Winters suddenly got the point.

Reid cultivator laughed heartily: "Teaching people to read is worthless, but knowing how to teach is worth a paycheck."

When the second lieutenant and the cultivator chatted in the town hall At the time, a new wood house was erected across the road.

Whole logs are being carted from the lumberyard, carpenters, masons and laborers are sweating, and one of the walls has been built.

This is the town's number one major event these days, an important piece of the puzzle for the prosperous and prosperous Wolftown that Girard Mitchell was looking for.

This wood house, which is expected to be larger than the town hall, is the future Langtun Township Police Station. It will have many functions such as the office of the officers stationed in the town, the Public Area Point, the weapons storehouse, the prison cell and the guard quarters. .

Whether Winters wanted to or not, whether the impact was good or bad, he still left his footprint on this land after all.

Thanks to the book friends who have been recommending votes before;
Thanks to book friends Whitehorns, Ami, Yellow Rabbit of Hua Family, Calm Gray Pass, Moonlight Front, behere370, Masked Knight Cool fans, book friends 20191007064305842, Jiang Xue Diao-weng, Tian lens, Wu is Xiao Gao, calm and gray recommended tickets, thank you all.

(end of this chapter)

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