Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 139


Chapter 139 Guests
When the three of them said goodbye to Lieutenant Mason, Senior was full of regrets. He literally stuffed several large packets of beef jerky and pork jerky into the saddlebags of several people, saying that they were the specialties of the ranch. He also insisted on sending a ride, and finally sent it to a dozen kilometers away.

Before parting, Mason almost begged: "If you have time, you must come to see me again, but definitely." After that, he stood on the dirt slope beside the road and watched until his vision was blocked by the terrain.

Winters, Bud, and Andre set out on their way back to their station with heavy hearts.

When the horse was retired, Andrei said in a dejected mood: "If the Japanese sheep don't let us go, I'm afraid we will be like that in a few years."

"Lieutenant Mason's situation is worse than ours." Bud was calm and stern as usual: "It looks like he is the warden, but what is the difference between him and the prisoner?"

" Boil a frog in warm water." Winters threw the quartz in his hand into the puddle in the distance, and said with emotion: "I always feel that there is still a way out, so I dare not give it a shot, but it will end up with the worst result. Let's run straight back to Veneta, and maybe we won't have so many troubles."

The white quartz stone slid through the air in an arc, thumping into the water and disappeared, leaving only a few left. Circle of tiny ripples.


After arriving at the town of black liquid, Winters and Bard changed back to their original mounts, and immediately went to their respective stations.

Black liquid town and Langtun town are bounded by the black liquid river. There is no bridge on the river, but there is a shoal for walking.

When Winters arrived at the ford, he found that Anglo had already been guarding the crossing point.

"Second Lieutenant!" Anglo couldn't wait to tell Winters: "You have guests! Two guests!"

Waiting for Winters in the police station are two of them. Unexpected guests.

"Gold?" Winters couldn't believe his eyes: "You? How come you are here?" Tooth, it is Gold, the former pirate, former sailor and former sailor, "Good Luck".

"I'm not the only one here! Your Excellency!" Gold said with a big smile: "There is another acquaintance of yours."

Gold ran out behind The half-sized boy rushed forward and hugged Winters.

The sudden situation caught Winters off guard, and he was stunned for a long time before he recognized who the boy was hugging him: "Charle? Ah? Is that you?"

If he didn't If I read it wrongly, the person holding him is Ben Venuto's Third Brother, Ciel. It's just that it's been a year since we last met, and this kid has grown a lot taller. The childishness on his face faded, and he has several points of adult appearance.

"It's me, Winters big brother!" Ciel said excitedly, "We've found you!"

"You...why are you here? My letter goes like this Will it be delivered soon?"

Winters never expected to meet an old friend in Wolftown, and didn't expect it to be Charles and Gold—two people who had almost nothing to do with each other .

"That's a long story." Gold pointed at Charles said with a smile: "This kid is here to deliver you a letter."

"Who told you you two sent me a letter?" Winters asked.

"No no no! There is no me, only him." The former pirate captain shook his head again and again and said triumphantly: "I didn't come to deliver you letters. Your mother and your fiancee are worried that this kid has not Ability to deliver the letter, hire me to protect him all the way."

There were so many problems in the other party's words that Winters didn't know how to speak for a while.

“What nonsense are you talking about?” Charles glared at Gold and explained to Winters, “It was Lady Serbia Ti and Young Lady Lei who asked me to bring the letter.”

"The letter? Where's the letter?" Winters' breathing quickened.

Charle cut the hem of his clothes with a knife and pulled out a paper roll wrapped in felt cloth.

"What's the use of doing all this little cleverness? You might as well put it in the package obediently and honestly." Seeing Ciel taking the letter out of his clothes, Gold was very disdainful.

Charle immediately retorted: "Who knows if there are any bad guys?" As he said this, his eyes were fixed on Gold.

But Winters' mind was completely off the two of them. He couldn't wait to open the letter and read it as quickly as possible.

There are three letters in total, one for Kesha, one for Elizabeth, and one for Anna.

There is nothing special in the letter, only a few words. Probably because of fear of being intercepted, Winters wasn't even mentioned by name.

But to Winters, the letters were as sweet as the first breath of air a drowning man breathes again.

After listening to Shire's remarks and combining what was in his heart, Winters had a general idea of what was going on.

Time Reverse A year ago, Ben Venuto was kidnapped by the Monta gang on the docks, and Ciel came to Winters for help. In order to prevent Ciel from being retaliated against, Winters asked Bard to send him to the City of Flowers.

In the following days, Ciel has been hiding in the pro-Qi Family in Baihua City, listening to the news from Hailan trembling in fear, and returning to Hailan only after the storm gradually subsided.

At this time, it has been five months since the Monta gang was bloodbathed. Ciel wanted to thank Winters, but learned that Winters had already taken the supply fleet to Taneria for the second time.

Because Winters had said hello in advance, and Kesha also remembered that Ciel was the younger brother of Winters' classmate, Ciel had been working for Giovanni [Antonio's younger brother] for the next six months. Apprentice in the workshop.

As for the small incident a few months ago, Ciel never mentioned it to anyone else. No one in the workshop knew he was Ben Venuto's younger brother, and no one knew that he had asked Winters for help.

Afterwards, the Interprovincial Army sent Veneta graduates to Parato.

While Winters was figuring out how to get back to Veneta all the time, his family in Seablue were trying to get him back.

Because of communication difficulties caused by geographical separation and deliberate deception by the federation, the Veneta side was initially unable to obtain any valuable information.

The government at first only knew that the warrant officers who went to Jade City to participate in the ceremony were missing, but they didn't know the whereabouts of the warrant officers. They thought that the interprovincial military had put the warrant officers in prison. inside.

The messengers sent back by the consulate in Jade City arrived at Hailan one by one, and Veneta learned that the warrant officers had been sent to Palatu.

At this time, it was too late to send someone to chase, and the Directorate Government could only negotiate with Palato.

However, the plateau people who suffered from the suffocation took a tougher attitude and directly scattered the Veneta ensigns. De Bella's envoy has not yet arrived at the castles, and the second lieutenants of Veneta have been sent to more remote stations.

Until this time, news of the disappearance of officers and students spread from the upper ranks of Veneta to ordinary citizens. For a time, the Republic of Veneta was in a state of indignation and public outcry.

The family members of the military students were outraged and launched a public petition in the Senators Square. After learning of the perfidious and provocative behavior of the province, ordinary Veneta citizens who had no relatives and no reason with the military students were equally indignant.

For the Veneta Directorate, the sum of the cities equals the country. The peasants of Veneta have almost no political rights, a historical legacy of the era of autonomous cities and sovereign wars.

As the heart of the Republic, angering Ocean Blue is angering the Veneta Republic.

The anger of Hailan citizens is like boiling lava, and the ruling committee has been under tremendous public pressure for a while.

Consul Debella had to personally come forward to appease the hearts of the people, publicly promising to "save our children."

Despite Debella's solemnly vowed and impassioned, but in the Not a single Lieutenant Veneta could go home until the galloping horses were satisfied.

How can the people of Plato be satisfied?
Return to them the Palatine officers who were sent overseas.

So there's really nothing the Veneta governor can do.

Winters was sent to Palatu, Antonio was still stationed in Taniria, and only Kesha and Elizabeth were left at home in Seablue City, as well as Sophia who was temporarily staying.

Kosa writes to Antonio, asking her husband to send someone to bring Winters back to Veneta. But Antonio rarely opposed his wife's idea.

Antonio's reply contained only one word - "wait".

But Kesha, who was so impatient, couldn't wait, that's why Ciel took the letter all the way from Hailan to Wolf Town.

“Did you get my letter at home?” Winters felt something was wrong.

"Letter? What letter?" Charles was also very surprised.

"It's the letter I sent through the church."

"I didn't receive it, at least I don't know."

Winters thought for a while, then asked: " When did you leave from Ocean Blue?"

"Last month, six weeks ago."

Winters' letter was sent half a month ago, and six weeks ago he Busy organizing militias.

"Then how did you know I was in Wolf Town?" Winters became more and more puzzled.

“Thank you to Nawa Young Lady Lei.” Ciel said with a smirk: “Nawa Young Lady Lei really likes you, Winters big brother”

Charles explained the relationship again, only then did Winters know that it was Anna who used the relationship of the Navarre Trading Company to find out that Winters was based in a town under the city of Gervoudan.

Ana broke the news to Kesha, and Ciel and Gold immediately set off from Hailan, before the letter Winters sent through the church was even written.

"When we set off, we only knew that you were near the city of Gervoudin, but we didn't know which town you were in. So we had to find one town after another." Charles said happily: "My lord God bless, I found it after only five!"

"Wait, you mean Serbian Lady Ti and Nava Young Lady Lei brought you here together?" Winters put the word "joint" The bite is very clear.

"Yes, in fact, I'm enough to come alone." Charles cast a dissatisfied glance at Gold: "I don't know why this pirate has to follow. This pirate took the opportunity to extort money. Madam has a lot of money!"

"By you? If you can't get out of Veneta, you will die." Gold was very disdainful of Ciel's words, he looked towards Winters: "Sir, I was hired by your mother and your fiancee. Although my asking price is a bit high, it doesn't look like your family is short of money anyway."

Charle snorted, he knew about Winters' family relationship, but he was too lazy to Correct Gold.

"Doesn't that mean Auntie already knows about Anna?"

While Winters was still in a trance, Gold gave Ciel a light kick.

"Okay!" said the former pirate chief gruffly. "I've already seen Lord Montagne, and there's no one else here. Don't hide it, take your things out."

Charles froze in place when he heard Gold's words, as if was struck by lightning.

Gold sneered, snatched the stick from Ciel's hand and folded it hard on his knees.

The wooden stick broke in the middle, and more than a dozen fingers thick and with a dark yellow metallic luster fell out of the wooden stick and landed on the ground making a ding ding dong dong sound.

Winters picked up one of the pieces, and he could see what it was without identifying it.

His eyebrow raised: "Gold bars?"

"It's gold bars, there are twelve here, not a lot. Madam and Nawa Young Lady Lei asked me to bring For you." Charles nodded, and he took out a small wooden tube from his trousers: "Nava Young Lady Lei also asked me to bring this to you. She said that it was a document, and took it to find the king's castle. Goldsmith Albert can exchange for gold coin."

"This kid is so stupid, I thought I didn't know." Gold said with a smile: "Wherever he goes, he To carry this broken stick, and hold it in my arms even when I sleep at night. Don't let others touch it, and treat others as fools? If I have evil intentions, he can still live to this day? Even if I don't have evil intentions, He thought he would be safe on his own?"

Charle's cheeks flushed red, but he was unable to find a word for a moment.

“What are you sending me money for?” Winters asked.

“Madam said you must have a lot of money, and you must be spending a lot of money when you go out.” Charles repeated obediently and honestly: “Madam also said that you can see what she means by looking at the money. ."

It's true that Winters was short of money, but he didn't quite understand what Auntie meant.

"Is it possible that I want to pay the Palatine?" He thought: "Or it means that the money can be used to escape? What about the military status?"

Twelve gold bars, each with the thickness of a thumb and a long middle finger, were heavy in his hand.

Winters took out six of them and handed them to Gold: "Captain Gold, thank you for protecting the Shire all the way here. The gratitude is beyond words. Please accept my gratitude."

Charle stared wide-eyed in surprise.

"Although I really want gold bars, I can't accept your money." Gold waved his hands again and again: "I have already collected a portion of money from your family, and there is no reason to eat both ends. Then Am I not a traitor?"

Winters smiled: "Can I hire you to escort Ciel back?"

didn't expect Ciel, but shouted: " Don't be deceived by this pirate! I'm not going back! Winters big brother If you don't go back, neither will I! I'll stay here to help you."

"What nonsense are you talking about, kid?" Winters He couldn't help but slapped Ciel on the head: "You don't go back to Hailan, stay here?"

"Winters big brother, do you remember what I said?" Looking into Winters' eyes: "I swore that as long as I can save my brother, my life will be yours. How can you be alone here? I'll stay here to help you. I'll stay as a sidekick. Well, I can do laundry, cook, clean, anything."

Winters was about to retort, but Gold agreed.

The pirate chief said seriously: "Sir, this is not the same as Veneta. In Veneta, you have a relationship. But here you don't even have a trusted person. When something really happens But it's too late. And even if I take this kid away, he'll definitely come back halfway. Just leave him."

Winters didn't know what to say for a while.

Gillard's voice came from outside the house, and old Dussac opened the door and laughed and said, "Where can such a handsome horse come from behind the house? It looks like a horse! Winters, Do you know who it is? have guests?"

"What? Horses?" Winters looked towards Shire, Gold in surprise.

"Well, that's right." Charles nodded: "I also brought you the fortune."

Thanks to the book friends who voted for the recommendation before, thank you Everyone;
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(end of this chapter)

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