Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 164


Chapter 164 Reinforcement
The opponent is not a reckless Barbarian - that afternoon, Winters This is becoming more and more certain.

The Netherworld River Barracks is on the east side of the big river, so considering the terrain, it should attack from the south and north.

The terrain along the banks of the river is uneven and the defenders' shooting range is limited.

The river is still in the dry winter season, and the exposed riverbed is a natural road that leads directly to the pontoon bridge.

Winters thinks differently, if he is in command of the Hurds, he will feint the west wall and attack the south and north walls.

At the same time, arrange an elite team in the dry riverbed, and when the battle is in full swing, launch a surprise army to break through the pontoon and the east gate to outflank the defenders in the camp.

Under the attack from inside and outside, the defenders are bound to be in chaos. Taking into account the disparity in strength between the two sides, the casualties of capturing the barracks would not exceed 30%.

Not only Winters thinks this way, but other officers think the same way. They received the same tactical training, and the thinking patterns of several officers were similar.

So, the defense of the barracks is based on this idea.

The Hundred Men Squad, a standing army, was originally stationed at the Netherworld River camp, and they were responsible for guarding the southern wall.

Winters was in charge of the north wall, Andre was in charge of the west wall, and Budd's temporary armed men were in charge of the east gate.

Lieutenant Colonel Jesska leads the cavalry, supporting wherever necessary.

On the dry riverbed, Winters led people to dig thousands of caves overnight.

The cave is about the size of a vole hole, and it is as deep as a horse's tibia. A stake is smashed in and pulled out to make one.

The effect is very negative. Once a galloping horse steps in, it will break its hooves or break its legs.

No one usually uses this trick because horses are precious spills of war. But the situation is critical, and you have to survive before you are eligible to consider the amount of capture.

The defenders perform their duties and stand ready.

But to the surprise of all the officers, the Hurds neither feinted, nor divided their troops, nor attacked from the north and south, but instead stared at the west wall and beat hard.

The west of the camp is a long downhill road, which seems to be able to exert the impact of cavalry, but it is actually a shooting range.

The defenders have a wide field of vision and no blind spots.

The enemy attacked from the west, and the Paratus, who had a large number of ranged weapons, could not ask for it.

But the barbarian Hurd just pushed the chariot and killed him from the west.

As soon as the fire was exchanged, Andre, who was in charge of defending the Western Wall, immediately noticed something strange.

The wind is in the wrong direction!

Generally speaking, easterly winds blow in the spring and summer between the two mountains, blowing inland from the Seine, bringing precipitation and moisture.

But in autumn and winter, the wind direction will reverse, the wind blows from the highlands to the sea, and the west wind sweeps the land.

The Hurds pushed the carriage to the camp wall twenty or even fifteen paces. Using the dirt cart as a bunker, the arrows are shot downwind, both accurate and ruthless.

After Andre's musketeers opened fire, the gunpowder smoke was rolled back by the west wind, which not only choked people with sore throats and burning eyes, but also severely obstructed vision.

The defending archers were suppressed by the heavy bows and arrows, and the light cavalry of Heard with the noose came roaring.

The Netherworld River Camp is a field camp that can accommodate tens of thousands of troops. The defenders are understaffed. Andre's 100 men are even dissatisfied with the shooting stand on the west wall.

The Hurds not only didn't divide their troops, they didn't even make a tentative attack. They just aimed at a few points and bit desperately. Cellini Hundred Men Squad couldn't resist immediately.

Lieutenant Colonel Jessica calls Colin Hundred Men Squad and Montagne Hundred Men Squad to support the Western Wall.

In the first attack, the daring Heard cavalry climbed over the camp wall, but were soon surrounded and killed.

In the second attack, the Hurds pushed up a few small towed trebuchets and began to greet the defenders' shooting stand.

Winters never expected to see the trebuchet return to the battlefield.

However, the defenders with only a few inaccurate revolving cannons really have nothing to do with the trebuchet.

Andre charged a round with the cavalry, but was intercepted by the well-prepared Heards.

Three times of attack, the Hurds patiently sniped the musketeers, pulled out the stubs, and killed the shooting stand.

The ease of advance and retreat, as if a skilled butcher was deboning the meat.

Although the battalion wall had not yet been hit, Winters could sense that the will of his militia was reaching its limit.

At noon, the battalion officers had a meeting.

"Next time, Hurd is going to be serious." Jesska said gloomily,

"It's even harder to fight in the afternoon." Bud calmly pointed Pointing to the sun: "The direction of the light is not good for us."

Winters suddenly realized that in the morning, the Hurds had a good wind but against the light. After noon, the sun and the wind will be unfavorable for oneself.

"The light and the wind are all on the side." Winters brows tightly frowns: "I'm worried that the Hurds will break into the camp wall, and the morale of the militia and those temporarily armed merchants will collapse."

It is harder to defend alive than to defend dead.

The first two battles were fought on the vast grasslands, and everyone had no way to escape, so they could only fight for their lives.

Behind the camp, a pontoon bridge leads across the Netherworld River.

Cross the river, destroy the bridge, everyone is safe.

The way of life is right in front of you, and no one will be unmoved.

"Or else..." Andre gritted his teeth and said, "Just cross the river."

"Absolutely not!" Lieutenant Colin categorically refused, and said sharply: " Whoever dares to move the pontoon bridge will step over my body first!"

Although their relationship was short-lived, Winters was impressed by Colin Victor's rigor.

Other camps along the way collect the camping fee, and they don't care about the vendors' boarding. Only the Hexi Barracks where Lieutenant Colin was stationed was imperial and incorruptible, and it was strictly forbidden for any outsiders to enter the camp.

However, Lieutenant Colin, who was taciturn, was flushed with excitement at the moment.

[Note: Plato's name, last name first, given name last. The Palatine people call it a glorious tradition, but it's actually a legacy of Heard]
The lieutenant's words were fierce, and Andre was also angry: "The pontoon is so important, so why only keep your Hundred Men Squad stationed? Leave a battallion also Does it take us to work hard?"

Colin lost his temper for a while, and after a while, he said, "There was a battallion."

"Where's the person?"

"The large tents of the various tribes have long since retreated to the west two hundred kilometers away! Who would have thought that the Hurds would appear at this time and here?" "You 'think' the Hurds won't show up, so you'll transfer the battallion away?"

Colin shouted aggrievedly: "I'm just a Hundred-Men Commander, what do I have? The solution? I was firmly opposed to the deployment of troops, but you say! What solution do I have?"

Before the Hurds attacked, they saw that the defenders were going to fight infighting first.

"Enough! Shut up!" Lieutenant Colonel Jesska shouted out loudly.

Andre and Ke stood in great numbers, silent for a moment, and sat back in Maza, glaring.

Jesska sighed, pointed to Lieutenant Colin and said: "Everyone else is vying for the credit in front, and he is guarding the bridge behind. He is all mixed up like this, and the order is suppressed, what can he do? How?"

Hearing this, Colin was stunned at first, his lips trembling and he wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't speak.

Andre's face turned gray, as if he was reminded of the situation of everyone in Veneta, and his anger dissipated.

"The bridgehead is still to be defended." Jesska set the tone: "Keep it until you can't keep it."

The meeting will be quiet for a while.

"The Republic has not treated me well. I have served overseas for twelve years, and there is not a single day without my resentment." Lieutenant Colonel smacked his lips, his attitude was as cold as ever: "But without her, my family is still giving Mazars. The master is a serf. Without her, I would either be robbing my house, or I would have been hanged. So this bridge must be guarded until it cannot be guarded."

Lieutenant Colin stood up and solemnly paid his respects to the lieutenant colonel a gift.

"As for you guys." Jesska looked towards the Winters with one eye: "Plato has nothing but grudges with you, no favors. It's normal that you don't owe anything, but it's my fault. My subordinates..."

Lieutenant Colonel got up and bowed deeply to the three second lieutenants: "I'm sorry for you."

How dare the second lieutenants accept this salute, hurry up Leave Mazza.

"You just need to stand by me until I die." Jesska took out a letter from her bosom with a serious expression: "After I die, you will go directly to Palato. This letter can prove you Not fleeing, but obeying my orders to retreat."

Winters and Andre were at a loss for a moment. Bud silently took the letter and saluted the lieutenant colonel.

After explaining the funeral, the lieutenant colonel began to rearrange the defense.

Lieutenant Colin's standing army, Hundred Men Squad, was transferred to the Western Wall to defend the most critical positions.

Bud was in charge of rearranging the cart, the others covered Colin's flanks, and only sentries remained on the other three battalion walls.

“Lieutenant Montagne.” Jesska finally called Winters by name.


"You are in charge of arranging the gunpowder barrels on the bridge and blowing it up when it's too late." Lieutenant Colonel coldly said: "Anyway, you can't let the Heard cavalry Cross the bridge."


"Gentlemen, do your duty, victory or defeat is still unknown." Jesska showed a rare smile: "In case Reinforcements are coming?"

The door of the boardroom was knocked open, and Ciel, who was running all the way, shouted out of breath, "Reinforcements, reinforcements are coming!"



Hexi Camp was very lively, people chased behind, pigs ran in front, and tents were knocked over one by one.

The free-range barrows are so fat that two adults can't hold them back. Especially the barrows who stomach rumbling with hunger... Hundreds of them.

Lt. Colonel Jesska's nose crooked with anger when he looked at the fat pigs in the camp.

"Reinforcement?" Lieutenant Colonel Jesska rarely saw lost self-control, grabbed Ciel and roared: "This is the reinforcement?"

"It is indeed reinforcement from the east. "Ciel said innocently: "But how did I know they drove so many pigs here?"

A man with half of his face covered with a dark red birthmark was leading people to catch pigs inside and outside the barracks, and there were more pigs behind him. Many pigs are crossing the bridge.

Winters arrives at the pontoon to find out what's going on, and he is surprised to find that the person who took the pig across the bridge is actually an "old friend".

“Lieutenant Mason?”

As the Chief-In-Charge of the labor ranch, Richard Mason was ordered to escort meat animals.

The Paratus people in the Hexi Barracks did not wait for the reinforcements they had been waiting for day and night, but waited for Lieutenant Mason's labor prisoners and more than 300 pigs.

"Keep it? Keep it!" Lieutenant Mason turned pale in fright when he learned of the current situation: "What are you waiting for if you don't run?"

Winters flustered and exasperated: "Don't worry about keeping it or not. Guard, get the pigs away first, the camp is all messed up!"

A series of rapid bells came, which was the agreed signal.

"Herd barbarians are coming!"



The Hurd cavalry pushing the trebuchet slowed down. Approaching slowly, the oppression made the defenders breathless.

The west wall of the camp, the gun emplacement, Lieutenant Mason, who is chasing ducks to the shelves, is using the swooping method to measure the distance.

"Will it work?" Winters asked anxiously.

"Don't be noisy!" Mason said angrily: "Why don't you come."

"Isn't the senior born in the artillery department?"

"I raised it for a few years. Pig, you've already forgotten about it! This cannon doesn't even have a shooting meter, what a shit!" Mason scolded and raised the tail of the cannon: "First shot."



The convicts, pigs, and Lieutenant Mason himself were all requisitioned by Lieutenant Colonel Jesska.

Lieutenant Colonel Jesska flatly refused Lieutenant Mason's request to "remove the pigs across the river".

"Don't talk about people now, even if a pig crosses the bridge, my people will flee." The lieutenant colonel was also extremely annoyed: "If you enter the camp, you are not allowed to leave!"

Pig Driven into the dry riverbed, the swineherd convict turned into a stretcher crew, and Lieutenant Mason became the gunner. Andre was standing by the pontoon bridge, and anyone who dared to cross the bridge would be beheaded.


The red-hot charcoal was attached to the ignition hole, accompanied by the muffled sound of thunder, and the gun body shook violently.

The news of the artillery lieutenant bringing pigs to the camp has spread throughout the camp, and the defenders are full of anticipation, staring with bated breath.

Then watched as the cannonball arced over the head of the Hurd and landed on the hillside behind.

There was silence behind the moat, the cannon was too crooked, and Winters looked towards the artillery lieutenant in shock.

"Why are you standing still! Change guns!" Mason scolded sharply and continued to raise the tail of the gun.

The others haven't come back to his senses yet, and the birthmark man has quickly removed the holeshot and replaced it with a new one.

The formidable power of the rear-mounted gun may be insufficient, but the rate of fire is definitely not a choice.

There was another thunder, this time the shot was slightly accurate, the shells smashed into the rear queue of the Hurd cavalry, and it seemed that someone had fallen off the horse.

"Come again!"

This time, cannonballs flew into the crowd. The artillery of the defenders became more and more accurate, and the Hurds were also a little panicked.

Finally, after several test shots, the shells hit the trebuchet directly.

The two-pound iron ball carrying huge kinetic energy smashed the temporary wooden machinery to pieces, and the trebuchet of the Hurd people was directly abolished.

The defenders behind the earth wall banged on their weapons and shields, and shouted and cheered.

The three revolving guns have a total of twelve sub-guns.

Every time Lieutenant Mason fired, the Platoons shouted in unison.

The twelve sub-guns were quickly fired, and with the sound of the horns, the Hurds rushed to the camp wall.

"Bring the lead!" Lieutenant Mason, whose eyebrows were full of soot, shouted happily: "Today, I invite Heard Barbarians to eat grapes!"


Lieutenant Colin's standing army, the Hundred Men Squad, was the first to take the brunt.

The camp wall was built with earthwork excavated during trenching and was slightly taller than a man. There are half-meter-high steps behind the wall where people can stand.

Hard's cavalry came with soil and quickly filled in several trenches.

The Heards who crossed the ditch climbed up, and the soldiers armed with halberds stabbed down.

It was the first close combat between the offensive and defensive sides, and the screams, roars and screams were endless.

The militiamen on the flanks of the folded battalion wall opened fire outside the wall, and the Hudds responded with bows and arrows.

The distance is too close, and the Heard archer aims to shoot in the face, as long as the arrow hits, it will kill or be injured.

And their armor was useless against the defenders' muskets at this distance.

A Hurd jumped off the wall and landed on the tip of the halberd, killing him instantly. But more Heards followed closely from behind over the camp walls.

The battle turns into hand-to-hand combat.

Until now, the militia did not understand what a "standing army" was.

The half-armored, halberd-wielding soldiers look like iron men from a distance, and the Hurds must drag them down before they can kill them.

Lieutenant Colin, who has a special tassel on his helmet, is particularly notable, and the Hurds also take notice of the Platonic warrior, and they put their lives to besiege him.

Lieutenant Colin fought shoulder to shoulder with his men, roaring to kill one Hurd over the camp wall after another.

However, the number of Halberdmen around Lieutenant Colin is less and less, but the number of Heards is increasing.

Above the camp gate, Ciel asked nervously, "Go and help them?"

"No." The second lieutenant's expression was grim: "The advantage of the Hurds lies in their attack width. , if they only fought a little harder, the battle would have been won. They can only rely on themselves... So are we. ”

There were too few defenders and the camp was too big. The defenders couldn’t control all the camp walls.

As expected, the dark Hurd cavalry in the distance separated into two groups. , to each wing.

Winters muttered, "Now, it's our turn. ”

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