Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 175


Chapter 175 Plans and Changes

What is rare and volatile is sometimes; sometimes is not Those who turn heels are machines.

It was no longer a question of whether Winters wanted to fight, but the fighter plane was in front of him, and he couldn't let it go.

It's like seeing a red and round button, people will instinctively slap it;

Seeing the throat of a living thing, a beast will instinctively want to bite.

The brute force came out, and tents, supplies, and spare horses were thrown down.

Their weaknesses were exposed in front of Winters' eyes, what Veneta, Palato... those had all been left behind, and now Lieutenant Montagne was only excited.

The bright circles under the hillside disappeared one by one, that is, the left-behind Hurd people were extinguishing the bonfire.

With the last light of the fire, Winters quickly wrote down the layout of the camp.

He visually estimated that there were at least a thousand Heards in the battalion, twice as many as his own. This battle had to be carefully planned.


The officers of Jesska battallion are in high spirits outside Camp Heard.

In Camp Prato, General Sackler was furious.

"One-eyed Jessica! He's so brave! It's bad for my major event!" Sackler's forehead burst with blue veins, and his chest heaved violently: "Who gave him the courage to leave AWOL! If the North Bridge is lost Now, I have to dig out the other eye for him! I broke him with my own hands!"

While the others kept quiet out of fear, Colonel Laszlo had to brace oneself to ease the atmosphere: "Then Do you want his eyes, or are you going to break him?"

Sackler rarely swears: "I'll dig the fuck first and then break it!"

"Pie first When Bo was sending the troops, the situation was too dangerous. Jesska should have sent troops out of desperation. Since he hasn't arrived yet, it means that he encountered the messenger behind and retreated..." Laszlo persuaded.

"It's also possible that the entire army has been wiped out, and the North Bridge was captured by the Hart barbarians." Sackler said coldly.

Even Laszlo doesn't know what to say now.

Sackler rested his forehead to calm down for a while, and then he regained his dignified and calmness when he spoke: "It's too late to say anything, Arpad has to attack ahead of time."

" Ahead?" Some people are puzzled

Sekler's attitude is firm: "Ahead! Bring a pen and paper!"

The guards brought a pen and paper, the brigadier general used a stone as a desk, in the parchment Scribble a few words on it.

He couldn't even wait for the paint to heat up, and took off the Lu Yuan graduation ring on his hand as a rope buckle and token.

"Choose a few brave and reliable messengers to cross the river and give the letter to General Arpad." Sackler handed the letter to Laszlo and said to the other battallion commanders: "You too Go back and prepare yourself, Heard Barbarian is coming soon."

As the Star Officer tried to sound the alarm, the Plato soldiers resting with their weapons were awakened.

Assembling, marching, fighting, digging trenches, building walls, logging, the soldiers never rested from the moment they left the camp. They had just taken a nap before going into battle again.

Three messengers rode to the river bank, with letters in double-sealed waterproof carriers.

The messengers who traveled by land only went out, but never came back. Obviously, they were all intercepted and killed by the Hurds. Swimming to the south bank was the only safe route.

Before the pontoon bridge was set up, the small messenger led by him stripped naked, undressed, and strode into the rapids with his horse's neck in his arms.

The river is not frozen, but it is freezing cold. The war horse only took a few steps into the river, then neighed and struggled and refused to move forward.

Seeing this, Andrei, who was building the pontoon bridge, threw the cable to the other side.

The man grabbed the rope, and the militiamen on the other side dragged him over. The man's lips were already dark blue when he landed, and the militiamen next to him quickly took off his clothes and wiped his body.

The second messenger went down the river shortly after, but when he reached the middle of the river he suddenly cramped and the cable came off. In the blink of an eye, the Platonic man was swept away by the rapids and disappeared into the jet-black waves.

The third messenger also gritted his teeth into the water, but luckily there was no more accident.

"Give them two horses!" Andre yelled across the river.

The little man headed down gratefully bowed his head, and Andre took off his helmet and saluted.

The two messengers jumped into the saddle, and without waiting for the militiamen to send their clothes to the opposite bank, they immediately moved towards the camp and galloped away.

And on the hillside opposite the camp, the Hurd cavalry with torches gathered more and more, one by one Fire Python approached from a distance.

Gradually, the Hurds began to shout in unison in unintelligible languages. The shouts imply rhythm, apparently some kind of poem or scripture.

Invisible sound waves hit the small camp from all directions, and behind the night there seems to be a magnificent army with thousands of men and horses.

Second Lieutenant Varga jumped onto the parapet and shouted at his men, "Never fear heretic, the Lord will bless us with victory!" More and more, several clergymen accompanying the army also began to guide.

Two waves of voices collided, and no one could suppress the other for a while.

Lieutenant Roy was not in the mood to participate in the theological debate in space. He approached Lieutenant Colonel Robert and said, "Why do I think the barbarians are more powerful than the daytime?"

"It's more than the daytime. Lieutenant Colonel Robert had a worried look on his face: "I'm just worried...that's not all..."

"What should I do then? Sir."

"What should I do? We'll do what we do." Lieutenant Robert patted the shoulders: "As for now, get your musketeers ready."

Sackler's makeshift camp is shaped like a hexagram, attacking every wall All encounter cross-fire.

The six battallions are stationed in each corner, and the battallion closest to the river bank also serves as the reserve team. As the strongest battalion in the battle, Robert Battallion is in charge of defending the North Point facing the enemy.

On the distant hillside, the Hurds began to extinguish the torch. Lieutenant Colonel Robert's heart tensed. This was a precursor to an attack.

In the Palatine camp, the order to "turn off the lights" also came one after another.

The battlefield soon turned pitch black, and nothing could be seen clearly.

Major General Sackler, who was watching the enemy, slammed a punch on the wall, and the second round attack came out too much earlier than he expected.

The various tribes in the Hurd army are mixed and separated from each other.

It is natural for everyone to be the first to fight against the wind, and everyone is brave, but once the attack is frustrated, it is not easy to restore morale.

Sackler thought the enemy would launch a second round tomorrow.

But the moment Jesska Battallion's militiamen floated down the river with their rafts, his plans were all disrupted.

"Jesska! damned bastard!" Sackler was so angry that his teeth were itching: "I got you back!"


At this moment, in a ravine five kilometers southwest of Sackler, the culprit who disrupted the grand plan was still happily preparing to steal the camp.

Winters didn't know the Brigadier General's wrath, but he didn't care even if he knew it—that's how cool an outsider is.

The remaining water and food of the two Hundred Men Squads under his command were collected by him and then shared equally.

"Gentlemen! I know everyone is hungry, and I'm hungry too!" Winters stood on a boulder, surrounded by his men.

"But that's all we eat." He held up a loaf of dry bread that wasn't the size of a knuckle--that's all for everyone: "I can't feed five loaves either. Satisfy you all person."

The crowd was completely silent, and the militiamen didn't know what the second lieutenant wanted to say.

"Although we didn't eat anything." Winters pointed to the east, laughed and said, "But there is everything in the camp ahead! The meat is fragrant and tender, and it is better to eat it with salt than to eat it. Everything is good! Kumiss, just drink it, it's not intoxicating! Roast the whole lamb, the skin is charred and crispy, and the mouth is full of gravy when you bite it!"

"That taste, that feeling... tsk tsk tsk." Winters shook his head gently and sighed: "It's so beautiful!"

The audience's Adam's apple turned and saliva was almost uncontrollably.

In fact, Winters has never drank kumiss, has never eaten hand meat, and he doesn't even know whether there is a whole lamb roast. All his descriptions are from the Mitchells. roasted whole pig.

"If you don't like meat, there are yoghurt, cheese, soufflé, milk cakes...all in gold and silver, inlaid with pearls and gems. The barbarian chief Yasin has a large gold mine, with Ten thousand slaves were mined for him. But his taste is very bad. He only knows how to stack materials, and the gold cups and plates are all dead."

The pre-war agitation has completely entered the stage of unleashing the imagination.

Fortunately, it was so dark that no one could see Winters blushing, and no one came out to fight him: "Each of you can take one home as a souvenir!"

"I have a lot of cubs, can I take two? My lord!" Someone suddenly raised his hand to interrupt.

"Okay! I'll give you two if I can. No, two each!" Winters brazenly continued, "but only two, because the rest will go to Me!"

The crowd roared with laughter.

"Gentlemen! Eat! Drink! Silver! Gold! It's all there!"

He smashed the small piece of dry food on the ground: "Who the fuck wants to eat this? Let's go drink and eat meat!"

The militiamen also smashed the dry food on the ground. , everyone's eyes are shining.

"But listen to one thing!" Winters' tone changed suddenly, becoming murderous-looking, he held up a wooden stick: "I didn't order, who would dare to take the title first, or The title was lost during the post-war inventory, and cuts without mercy! The spills of war are evenly distributed, and whoever dares to hide and scramble for the spills of war during the battle will be hanged!"

The normally mild second lieutenant of Montagne disappeared, and Ish in the queue suddenly felt a chill down his spine.

In the darkness, he couldn't see the silhouette of the second lieutenant, but he could feel that it was not the second lieutenant, but a blood wolf hiding behind the night.

"Wear the title!" A voice came from the darkness again.

Ish hurriedly took out the bit—just a stick—and bit it.

There is twine on both ends of the stick, and Ish grabs the end of the rope and ties it at the back of his head.

He suddenly remembered something, and hurriedly untied the loose buckle and tied it into a dead buckle.

"Gentlemen! After taking care of the Hart barbarians in front." Winters looked around the crowd: "Let's have a feast!"

"Let's go!" He waved his hand tightly, tightly Grab the stick.

Under the cover of night, the two spearmen of the Hundred Men Squad quietly climbed out of the ravine and touched the Heard camp under the hillside ahead.

The other four Hundred Men Squads of the battallion lie in ambush in the ravine, waiting for the agreed signal.

Two Hundred Men Squad marched in column, the latter soldier clutching the former soldier's belt because many were night blind.

Winters was at the front, and when he visually estimated that there were still about 200 meters, he took out a copper rod to stimulate the light spell a little, and shook it a few times above his head.

The dark green light was inconspicuous at night, but the militiamen behind could see it clearly.

The column unfolded into a horizontal line, and everyone slowed down and lowered their bodies even more.

Five meters or so away, the good-eyed militiamen could already see the Hurds walking around in the battalion.

The large army lay on the ground and stood by, and Winters continued to touch with the little hunter.

Winters has also changed into a full set of armor, Heard's iron helmet, and plastered messy face. Except for the slightly obscene posture of the cat's waist trot, it really looks like a Heard from a distance.

There is a slight "oh la la" sound when walking while wearing a tie, but fortunately I didn't notice it.

The outermost circle of the Hurd camp is the carriage, which is a bit like the car array.

However, the Carriage of the Hurds is all two-wheeled, and Winters escorted the baggage team all the way, and it can be seen that these are single sets of cars.

After the carriage, there are tents, and there are no trenches, parapets, and fences.

Stepping into the humble tents, Winters immediately changed into stride proudly ahead, as if coming home.

Bell followed the second lieutenant nervously, gulping down his saliva, and kept looking back and forth.

Winters patted Bell on the shoulder in a big way, signaling to the little hunter not to be nervous.

At the moment Winters is a little bit missing the old pirate Gold, who was the best at bluffing.

The two of them walked unimpeded all the way until they reached the inner circle of the camp, and suddenly they were enlightened.

There are countless horses in front of them, chewing or resting, thousands of herds, and no neighing - the ability of the Hurds to train horses is really terrifying.

Winters froze for a while.

This is the layout of Camp Heard: the carriage is on the outside, and the tents wrap the horses.

The Hurds will take their horses out of the camp for food during the day. If there are enemies around, they will rush into the camp at night, otherwise they can stay outside at night.

"[Hede] Hello! What are you doing?" A Hede man came over and said in a very annoyed tone: "[Hede] is not allowed to touch horses in the night camp, is it too long for life?"


Winters raised his hand and killed the Hurd with a shot of arrows. Now that he has touched this place, he doesn't need to hide anymore.

The horses lifted the head looked towards Winters when they heard the sound.

Their ears are fluttering, their eyes blink, they look cute and small, and there is only kindness and calm in their eyes.

In front of him was a pony with a white star on its forehead. Winters reached out and scratched the horse's forehead, and the pony rubbed meekly.

"I'm sorry." Winters secretly apologized, then crushed the porcelain bottle in his hand, and a short growl burst out of his throat: "Woooo!"

The compound spell was activated and gasified. Technique, Wind Control Technique, Amplification Technique.

The low roar amplified by magic exploded in the center of Hurd's camp, the liquid in the bottle was instantly vaporized, and rolled towards the horses under the action of Wind Control Technique.

Winters was instantly dizzy and nearly fainted on the spot.

The star-spotted pony is so terrified that it lifts its legs and runs.

All Hedmas are like crazy, no more docile, no matter how far they flee, knocking over everything, trampling everything, and destroying everything.

This is a full version of "scare wild beast" - Winters now has an unlimited supply of beast pee.

Watching thousands of horses run away, Winters had an indescribable sense of accomplishment: it was probably the most astonishing "scare wild beast" ever.

Horse, actually very timid.

Once frightened beyond the threshold, the horse will enter a state of extreme mania, and normally docile horses will become extremely offensive.

The fear of beasts in Hedma's instinct is awakened by Winters, and all acquired training will be suppressed by the urge to escape.

They just want to run now, run desperately.

This emotion is also contagious, and even a horse that is not frightened will blindly follow a frightened horse.

The tents in the camp were overturned one by one, and the horrified and desperate shouts of the Hurd people came from all directions: "[Hede] The horse is startled! Run! The horse is startled. !"

A startling horse is trouble;
A hundred startling horses is terrifying;
What about a thousand?
How about 10,000 horses?
At this moment, no one is more desperate than the Hurds in the battalion.

Bell took out more than a dozen porcelain vases, and was still clumsily splashing all around.

Winters pulled the silly boy around and ran: "Frightened horse!"

Some of the horses broke through and fled the camp, and some of the horses that were ramming around like headless flies rushed back.

The movement inside the camp was heard clearly by the militiamen outside.

Ish jumped up and shouted: "wu wu wu!"

"wu wu wu!" The two Hundred Men Squad shouted and rushed towards the Hurd camp.

[Note: They wanted to shout to kill, but they could only make a "wu wu" sound with the title in their mouths]
Behind, more militiamen climbed out of the ravine and rushed towards Heard University. camp.

I owe a chapter (covering my face)

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