Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 181


Chapter 181 Request!

Murderous aura made a cloud at three o'clock, and a cold voice spread to Diao fight one day.

The west wind roared, as if the killing intent had materialized. Iron-like black clouds pressed down on the earth, and the sky seemed lower and lower.

Telltown was in formation a mile away, and Pratufang watched the battle from the ramparts. Everyone held their breath and waited for the two sides of Macgola ceremony to come out.

Only the ominous and desolate hoarse neighs of the crows hovering in the air.

Suddenly, there was a low horn sound in the distance, and more horn sounds echoed from the fort all directions.

The trumpet sounded as if to announce the end of the world, one third of Sun, Moon, and Stars were struck and the sky darkened.

Twelve burly Heard drummers threw their arms away, fiercely smashing their mallets against the round-table heads.

The drums of war rumbled, and a warrior stepped out from the main formation of the Telltown Department.

The warrior's burly stature, as if a giant from the edge of the world came to the battlefield.

The other Heards were beside him, as funny as dwarfs and children.

Some Palatians couldn't help but exclaimed, because the giant was not wearing zhajia.

That Hurd warrior wears a complete set of full-body plate armor. The breastplate, leg armor, and arm armor are all steel plates, which are really like giants cast from molten iron.

Only the helmet is still in the style of Heard, with three huge azure feathers sticking out of it, revealing a pair of eyes.

Such a set of plate armor, not to mention the cost of materials, just this size can not buy the finished product.

It must be custom-made, and there is absolutely no wrought iron armor that can be shoddy.

Another horse was brought a horse for the iron giant, and the horse was not Mortal Grade either.

Hedhorses are tenacious and tenacious, but their size is too small to carry giants and plate armor.

The giant's mount is a heavy warhorse [Destrier] that can only be seen outside wasteland, and the armor is even higher than the top of the horse's head.

The giant beast couldn't be fed by the grass, and it had to eat fine grains, drink beer, and take care of it in the walled stables.

The iron giant stepped on the pitch-black war horse, held the long lance high, and walked in sequence in front of the various formations of the Hurds.

Everywhere, there was a thunderous cheer. The Hurds all beat their weapons with all their might, shouting and cheering with all their might.

Seeing the iron giant riding a big horse, the Paratus seemed to be strangled by a huge invisible hand, and a sense of suffocation and powerlessness attacked them.

Father Kaman couldn't help muttering to himself on the wall of the fort:

[I saw those horses and their riders. sulfur. The head of the horse was like the head of a lion, with fire, smoke, and brimstone, coming out of the horse's mouth. The fire that came out of the mouth, and the smoke, and the brimstone, these three plagues killed the one third. ]
Mason next to Kaman slammed his fist on the parapet wall and scolded: "Barbarians are the most cunning! No wonder it was agreed not to use muskets!" The form of cavalry warfare is allowed to wear armor, unlimited weapons, irreconcilable, but the use of crossbows and muskets is not allowed.

As a result, the Hurds sent such an invulnerable iron giant.

The gates of the fort slammed open, eight buglers banged their cheeks and played the march, and the Platoon drummer beat the snare drum.

But in the face of the desolate, pathetic long horns of the Hurds, the trumpet snare drum seemed limp.

A silver-grey steed, fast as lightning, rushed out of the fort, towards the clearing between the two armies.

Lieutenant Colonel Jesska agreed with Macgola's ceremony, but at the same time thought that the duel between the two army generals was unethical.

He suggested that both sides choose champion warriors, and they would have a one-on-one duel on their behalf.

Obviously, the Iron Giant was the Turdtown champion. The fire roaster came prepared, no wonder he agreed.

And the Parato champion is obviously only Winters "Blood Wolf" Montagne.

When the blood wolves came out, the Palatians also beat their weapons and shouted loudly to gain momentum.

However, the oppression brought by the steel giant was too strong, and the imposing manner of the Paratus was eventually overwhelmed.

Mason looked worriedly at the back of Junior Brother. He knew that Winters was a sorcerer, but he also knew that Winters' flying arrow technique formidable power was not enough to penetrate plate armor.

He now has the urge to stop ceremony and bring Winters back.

The sound of drums rang out in my ears. One black and one silver were two hundred meters apart. Champion Hurd held a lance and Winters carried a spear.

The Hurd giant is wrapped in steel plates all over his body.

And Winters, in order to be flexible, even removed all the arm armor, shoulder armor and skirt armor, and only went into battle with a breastplate.

Under the watchful eyes of all the people, the champion of Platoon dismounted from his horse, fastened the hitching stake, and bound the silver-gray horse.

Afterwards, the champion of Platoon stood with a spear and hooked his finger at the steel giant, actually going to ride on a pair of steps.

Champion Hurd had never been insulted like this, blood energy surged in his chest, and he was screaming.

The drums stop abruptly, and the makgeolli begins.

The iron giant shouted out loudly, and the boot stabs fiercely nailed into the flanks of the horse.

The pitch-black heavy warhorse was stimulated, its hooves slammed heavily on the ground, carrying its rider to kill the little erect ape that stood still in front.

The hearts of all the Platoons clenched in a split second on the walls of the fort, and many even forgot to breathe.

The Hurds also held their breaths and shrank their pupils, waiting for the doomed tragic collision.

The warhorse speeded up like crazy, Champion Hurd held the long lance under his arm, the power of warhorse and human converged at the tip of the lance at the same time, with unstoppable inertia, pointed directly to the chest of Champion Platoon .

Such formidable power, even wearing plate armor, can't save lives.

Winters' hands were sweating, and the one-ton behemoth was charging towards him, and no one was not afraid,
He estimated the distance when the giant iron man charged into the fifty meters , he took a deep breath.

In just one breath, the pitch-black warhorse approached more than ten meters.

It's now!

Winters stepped into the casting state, he held the lance instead, took a short run, all the magic power poured into the lance without reservation, and moved towards the steel giant and threw it.

[Intensifying Flying Arrows]!

As soon as lance shot, Winters rolled to the left.

A shot? Champion Hurd sneered in his heart.

Although the formidable power of the javelin is large, the speed is not as fast as the arrow, and the trajectory is obvious, so it is not difficult to dodge.

However, this throwing gun is extraordinary, it is too fast, not like the formidable power that a human can throw, Champion Hurd doesn't even have time to react.

The cold light flickered, and in the blink of an eye, the spear flew to his eyebrows.


The lights went out.

Lance hit the front door of the steel giant, the giant leaned back, raised his hands weakly, and slowly fell from the saddle.

Few people saw the earth shattering throw, but everyone heard the crunch of the metal slamming against each other.

The Winters, tumbling to the left, dodged the rushing horses.

The horse without its rider didn't stop, and instinctively fled to the river bank.

Winters, who got up from the ground, did not hesitate to pull out his short blade and slammed towards the fallen giant.

Champion Hurd's life force was so terrifying that he was still breathing with the tip of his spear more than an inch into his helmet. It's just that the head was severely hit, and the consciousness became blurred.

MacGola ceremony...irreconcilable.

Winters removed the giant's helmet and neckguard, blood smearing his face.

He didn't want to look at each other's face, so he clamped the giant's head to his chest with his left arm like a pincer.

Champion Hurd struggled instinctively.

Winters gritted his teeth and wiped the giant's neck.

The skin, tissue, arteries and veins on the left side are easily cut open with a sharp short blade. Then there was the throat, which was protected by cartilage, and he cut it hard.

Blood splattered into Winters' helmet, and the giant struggled less and less until it stopped twitching.

Winters slumped back panting, a real [ear to ear] terrifying wound on Champion Hurd's neck.

But the giant needn't worry about that, he's dead.

The battlefield was silent.

Winters suddenly understood what was going on. Neither enemy nor friend could see who was winning and who was losing.

This had to be done, Winters got up, stepped on the giant's back, and slashed the back of the giant's neck with a knife in both hands.

Soon, only the spine and a little flesh remained connecting the giant's head and body.

The blood wolf stepped on the giant's body, grabbed the giant's hair with both hands, shouted out loudly, and ripped off Champion Hurd's head from his torso.

He held the giant's head high, and the roar was amplified by magic, piercing the cloud and cracking the stone, resounding through the wilderness:

"The enemy general! Has been taken!"

He was answered by a dead silence, followed by a deafening cheer from the fortress.

The Platonic soldiers screamed, roared, and banged their weapons frantically, and to the sound of the mountain cry out and sea howl, a hyper-excited gunner inserted a red-hot iron into the firehole.

Every gun on the fort roared, and the fervent musketeers fired their guns into the sky in celebration.

And the array of the Hurds is absolute silence.

In the Hurd's world view, if the head is cut off, it means that he can't return to Tengri's arms, which means eternal and complete death - this is something Winters does not know.

And Macgola's ceremony is already divided, and continues to insult the corpse, which is the most taboo of the taboo, the insult of the insult - this is something Winters doesn't know.

The Hurds were completely enraged, and two irrational Hurd Hundred-Men Commanders jumped into battle, with red eyes, carrying lances, and slaying Palatu in the center of the battlefield. champion.

Agreed to a one-on-one duel - Winters is furious - what's that?
If the Hurds don't talk about martial arts, Winters are also welcome.

He walked back to Lucky, pulled the reed gun from his pistol pouch in the saddle, and stood steady and aimed.

Wait for the two riders to break into twenty meters.



Two Hundred-Men Commanders were shot down one by one.

The drums of war were played again, and the fire-boilers, who had fallen into rage, waved their banners, and the entire army of the Hurds pressed on and attacked the city again.

Without waiting for the Hurds to get close, Winters pulled the hitch and rode back to the fort safely.

The Paratus also drummed up for battle.

Yinfeng roars, another bloody fight is about to be staged.

The Platonic soldiers watched in awe and adoration as the riders of the silver-gray horses entered the bridgehead.

Bard and Ciel were guarding the entrance to the fortress. Seeing Winters returning, they hurriedly approached.

Winters dismounted, raised his hand and motioned them to stay away: "Don't talk to me, I'm sick right now."

After taking a few deep breaths to calm down, Winters put his arms under his arm. He solemnly handed the head down to Ciel: "This is a warrior. Don't let him feed the fish, find a good place to bury it."

Charle swallowed and asked cautiously: "You... don't keep it?"

"Why am I keeping this thing?" Winters unfathomable mystery.

"Oh... well." Ciel nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, holding his head in disgust and trotting away.

Bud looked at the blood on Winters' body carefully, and said helplessly: "We don't need to provoke them like this."

"It's just to provoke them." Winters blinked: "No Negotiated?"

Bud sighed: "But there's no need to provoke that much."

"Really? I don't think it's enough."

The most difficult part of the war with the Heard tribes was never the battle, but how to find the Heards to fight.

The Hurd cavalry came and went like the wind on wasteland, and most of the time simply did not fight with the Palatine.

They fight if they win, run if they don't, run away and continue to find the weak link of the Paratus.

The Platoons could not catch up, nor dared to chase, and could only rely on cavalry troops to fight with limited results.

Now it is rare to have the opportunity to kill the living force of the Hurds, how could they let it go?

Seckler was displeased when he saw the pontoon, for the same reason.

In this battle, it is useless to escape, it is only necessary to kill and wound the Hurd.

Those who defend and must be solid are defended and must attack.

As long as the Teltown Ministry firmly believed that the Jin Jinmen were in this bridgehead, then this small fortress would become a place where they had to attack.

Winters took off his helmet, took a breath of fresh air, and asked Bud, "Is what I want ready?"

"Berion managed to get one, but a little bit. It's about to be revealed soon." Bud also showed a smile: "You have too many crooked ideas." The Hurd look.

For fear that the Hurds couldn't see clearly, he was still arranging three people to accompany them with torches, making the gold sparkle in the firelight.

A few others followed behind with guns carrying gold and silver sacrificial utensils seized from the Teltown camp.

"[Hedde] Fireboilers! Look there!" One of the Hurd Thousand-man Commander pointed to the golden head on the wall: "[Hudde] they cut off our golden man's head. It's over!"

The red-faced fire roaster cracked his eye socket and gnashed his silver teeth. He slashed the chariot with a knife and shouted hysterically: "[Herde] won't take this city today! Kill all its people. I am not a descendant of Tengeri! Who dares to retreat! There is such a yoke!"

The nearby Paratus could see clearly that where Lieutenant Mason was holding the golden head, it was clearly An iron pot, barely knocked into the shape of a golden man's head.

Only the outer layer is gold, which is to melt the golden sacrificial vessels of the Hurds and pour them on the surface.

Really "Gold Jade out, rust in".

You can also bluff people from a distance, and when you get closer, you can see through them.

"It's alright, alright!" Mason saw that the fire was almost there, and signaled everyone to call it quits: "Even if we say the Golden Man is not here, they won't believe it."

" My [weighted flying arrow technique]! How is it?" Under the wall, Winters grabbed Bud and chatted, his expression couldn't hide his excitement: "This is the spell developed by calculation and experiment in the first sect! I think... I finally Understand why General Antoine Laurent is promoting standard metric units. Mathematical! Mathematical magic that cannot be seen or touched! This is the path he really wants to take..."

With giant lion When fighting, the limited formidable power of the steel nails made Winters realize that individual enemies need more formidable power and more powerful flying arrows to cause effective damage.

After hundreds of thousands of practice to accelerate heavy objects, he gradually discovered that the kinetic energy system spell, under the premise that the "force level" remains unchanged, the later the casting material leaves the casting range, the greater the formidable power. - That is, the more kinetic energy is poured into it.

The heavier the casting material, the slower the acceleration and the later the time to leave the casting distance.

That is to say, the heavier the quality of the casting material, the stronger the Flying Arrow.

After experiments, analysis, and calculations, Winters roughly concluded a formula: W=K·F·S·M^2
K is a constant, and he doesn't know what it represents. F is the explosive power of magic, S is the casting distance, and M is the weight of the casting material.

This means that, regardless of the throwing power and the limit of the casting ability, the formidable power of the Flying Arrow is proportional to [Magic Explosive Power] and [Spellcasting Distance], and with the [Spellcasting Material] The increase in quality] increases exponentially.

The lance he threw was not a random guy, the weight of the lance was the balance he found between "formidable power" and "accuracy" after many practice sessions.

"The conditions here are too rudimentary." Winters swallowed a mouthful of saliva: "There is no way to do more sophisticated experiments. Now I just want to go back to Veneta and tell General Serbia all this."


"You want to go home? I see that you are clearly having a good time fighting here!" Bud's eyes were serious: "Have you ever thought don't know what you want? I don't even know you Who is it?"

Outside the fortress, the Hurds had once again rushed to the horse-rejecting stake.

With the sound of a gong, the musketeers released a round of platoons, announcing the start of the second round siege.

[There are pictures in this chapter, let me post them slowly, if you don't see them, please refresh later]
[I actually finished the second chapter around twelve o'clock! I wrote two chapters today. chapter! Human potential is really limitless! ]
[About battles before battle, in my memory, there were formal battles on horses in some siege battles during the Spanish Reconquest and the Ottoman Conquest of Hungary. The people outside starved to death waiting for the inside, and the people inside waited for reinforcements and the people outside starved to death. Everyone sat down to fight, it was very boring, and the two armies engaged in a duel. It sounds ridiculous, but it's definitely not a joke, it really happened]
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