Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 192


Chapter 192 Replay and Replay

In the rush of snare drums, two battallion pars The Latu soldiers pulled into an airtight wall and ruthlessly drove the wounded Heard towards the confluence river.

In his not too long career, Winters has seen many horrific sights, but everything in front of him still makes him unbearable:
People are like animals in cages to be slaughtered , densely packed together.

Thousands of Hurd wounded soldiers were trapped on a dry bank that couldn't be any smaller.

Too many people, too small a place.

Your shoulders are against my chest and my back is against his. Everyone is unable to move even a little bit and the body is almost out of control.

The outermost Hurds were standing in knee-deep water, and the Hurds inside were still pushing them out.

They screamed and begged in desperation, and desperately squeezed ashore, before being carried by the crowd into deeper waters.

The cries of women and children in the distance were earth-shattering, and even the old Pratu soldiers who were used to life and death could not look directly into the eyes of the Hurds.

But the snare drums kept going, urging the Platonic soldiers to keep going.

The space for the wounded Hurd soldiers on the shore was further compressed, the Hurds who refused to move were stabbed to death, and the Hurds who wanted to break through the spear wall died faster.

A few lucky ones took advantage of the spear wall and were hacked to death from behind by the Palatine cavalry before they could run a few steps.

In the end, the Hurds were completely driven off the dry bank, and the Platonic soldiers also entered the river, pressing step by step.

One, two... One after another, Hurd wounded soldiers screamed and were swept away by the rapids, while the snare drum was still beating.

Winters finally met the top commanders on the scene, Colonel Hogwitz and Colonel Laszlo.

[Note: Haugewitz is the second in command of the "Arpad faction", Laszlo is the second in command of the "Sekler faction", the former is a cavalry officer, the latter is an infantry officer]
"Two sirs, forgive me to speak bluntly." Before there was time to introduce himself, Winters straight to the point: "You are helping the barbarian chief Yassin by disposing of these Hurds."

Colonel Laszlo looked numbly towards Winters, then turned his head away without saying a word.

“Who are you?” Hogwitz frowned, looking Winters up and down, the dignified Colonel obviously didn't recognize the little lieutenant in front of him.

But Haugewitz looked towards Lucky, and suddenly let out a sneer, seemingly recognizing the horse.

"Oh, it's you." Haugewitz also turned his head, not looking directly at Winters: "Isn't this the Veneta kid that General Arpad likes? You have a good horse here. , Lucia?"

Seeing that the two colonels didn't bother to pay attention to him, Winters was anxious and angry.

Winters pressed his anger and said quickly: "There are nearly 10,000 prisoners here, either the wounded or the elderly, women, and children. They want to eat! They want Hah! They want shelter! And they can't go to the battlefield. To kill them all is to help the White Lion get rid of tens of thousands of burdens!"

At the end, Winters almost choked: "Two sirs! Don't you understand the truth that [the grieving army will definitely win]. ?"

He bites the word "sir" very hard, in a very disrespectful tone.

Haugewitz was furious. He glared at Winters and yelled: "[Old language] What do you know?" Eyes, turned back with eyes.

The smell of gunpowder in the air was almost suffocating, and the nearby soldiers turned their backs subconsciously, daring not to mix in the conflict between the officers.

A rush of hooves sounded from behind, dispelling the gunpowder smell a little, and Andre finally caught up.

He pulled his horse and saluted the two officers, shouting at Winters, "Lieutenant Montagne! What are you doing here? Lieutenant Colonel Jessica is looking for you!"

"Come on! Come on! Lieutenant Colonel is in a hurry." Andrei steered his horse to Winters' side and pulled the latter's sleeve: "Two sirs, please allow us to retire first."

Hogwitz lightly snorted, shook his head boringly, and waved: "Go away."

Winters shook off Andre and continued to ask: "Is there anything wrong with what I said?"

Haugewitz laughed extremely angry, but before he could do anything, Lieutenant Colonel Laszlo, who had been silent until now, spoke before him.

Laszlo looked blankly at Winters: "No, there's some truth to what you're saying...Drummer, stop the drums!"

The deadly snare drum finally stopped. .

The Platonic soldiers first stopped in a daze, then retreated to the beach under the guidance of Hundred-Men Commander and re-lined up.

Haugewitz was taken aback, touched his chin, and finally said nothing.

The Hurds survived, hugging each other and crying. They stood in the shallow water, supporting each other, but could not go ashore.

Laszlo summoned a messenger cavalry, and after giving a few words, the messenger moved towards the camp and galloped away.

"You mean, I don't understand?" Haugewitz looked at Winters and said in a lecturing tone: "Wounded soldiers will recover completely, children will grow up, women will give birth to more soldiers These are all Yasin's followers, so they can't stay alive!"

Winters not to be outdone, retorted: "Wounded soldiers will recover completely, at least 1 month later; children can go into battle, At least five years later; women have more men, and at least fifteen years later. But if I'm not wrong, Yassin is behind us! Which is urgent? Which is slow?"

"We have our own considerations! How does Legion deal with the Yasin tribe, so that you can intervene?" Haugewitz paused heavily, and concluded: "The winner takes everything from the loser, this is the rule of wasteland, You Venetas don't understand! If we lost the battle on the North Shore, would the Hurds be kind to us? Your heads would have been saddled!"

Laszlo stared at Winters, His expression was still as numb as a puppet: "I have sent someone back to ask for instructions. The two generals have arranged this matter. You can go."

Winters was still a little dissatisfied, but he did It doesn't count. The Colonel pressed him with Corps Head, and he had nothing to say.

He saluted and rode away.

As they walked back panting with rage, Winters suddenly recalled his days in Wolf Town.

Although he was in danger twice in Wolf Town, he was actually very happy when he recalled it now.

The folks in Wolftown respect him, he normally stands by one's word, and no one is pointing fingers at him.

Even leading the Hundred Men Squad in Wolf Town as a civilian husband was more comfortable than it is now.

He finally understood why the old magician would say "a local tyrant like a town official will not be changed for a thousand households".

Being controlled by others is really the most embarrassing thing in the world, especially in a strictly hierarchical army.

The more I think about it, the more I get angry, the more I get angry, the more I think about it, Winters grabbed the whip rod and glanced around, and finally moved towards the air fiercely and swung a whip: "[vulgar language]!"

This is his last calm - he didn't draw strong luck, because he was reluctant.

"When did our buddy suffer from this grievance? If you want me to say, you should put on your Grand Cross just now and show him it!" Andre is not good at explaining people, he is rare The ground sighed: "Be patient, hold on until you go home, we won't let the silly X-day sheepman live!"

"Don't mention going home."

"Why? "

"Every time you mention going home, I have a bad feeling about it." Winters held the locket in his hand, the desire to go home so strong for the first time.

He didn't open the locket, he couldn't face Anna at this moment.

"Well, I won't mention going home until I go home." Andre spat on the ground and said angrily: "Fuck! Old people and children will also be killed! Border residents It's fucking savage!"

For some reason, the word [savage] came out of Andre's mouth, naturally with a three-point black humor.

After a while of silence, Winters asked thoughtfully, "That infantry colonel, Laszlo? It always feels a little weird."

"Laszlo?" Ann Dere thought for a while, then slapped his forehead: "I heard that a high-ranking official's son died in battle. It seems that his surname is Lars-Lo?"

Winters couldn't help sighing.

The other side.

Watching the two Hundred-Men Commanders galloping away, Colonel Hogwitz casually said to Colonel Laszlo, "Hmph, I never imagined that the Veneta's group of shop assistants also looked like highlanders. The same rectum?"

If you were talking to your subordinates, this one-liner might provoke a burst of laughter.

But Laszlo turned a deaf ear, as if he hadn't heard anything.

Hogwitz looked at his colleague's face carefully. Laszlo's facial features were now like puppets, losing their former vigour.

Although the two usually do not deal with each other, Haugewitz also has sons and daughters, and he can't even imagine the pain of losing a child
But Haugewitz doesn't understand people, only A barely audible sigh could be uttered.


Time is running out, and we can’t wait for the army to gather.

Early the next morning, the four assembled battallions set off as the vanguard.

Jesska battallion was also in the vanguard because of the early preparations.

No ceremony, no mobilization, no speeches. The order was issued, regardless of standing army and auxiliary army, all troops took out the carriage and left.

The Jesska Division has the same advantage, because it was previously a military supply department team, and it forced many merchants' vehicles and mules, so their carriage retention rate is much higher than other troops.

A small part of the more than 4,000 Herd horses captured during the night raid on the main battalion of Teltown were taken away by Legion.

There are still more than 500 horses left in the hands of Lieutenant Colonel Jesska. Although unusable, it is better than nothing.

In addition to the original mules and horses, war horses and a small number of donkeys, there are nearly 1,000 large animals, so the Jesska department also has no shortage of horses to pull carts.

Bud is worried: Getting the horses to do the hard work requires not just hay, but feed. Nearly 1,000 large animals eat a terrifying number of fodder every day.

You have to carry as much as you can when you start, but you're afraid the animals won't be able to support it.

So Bard selected more than 40 militiamen who had raised horses, and Anglo was in charge of them to supervise the use of battallion's mules and horses.

"Mr. Anglo not only understands horses, but also knows that Dao Heart cares about animals." When Bud reported to Lieutenant Colonel, he commented on the pony herder: "It's not my own, but I also feel bad."

"Then he." Jesska also agreed with nodded: "Provide him as a temporary sergeant, and then pick up a few thorns. Otherwise, he is too young to hold others down."

When the appointment was issued, the militiamen in Wolf Town were all saying, "Hook, the horse shepherd, has really become a horse officer now."

[Note: Anglo is the hook, the official tone is the name, and the ambiguous tone is the nickname]
In the early morning light, the vanguard crossed the temporary bridge to the south bank of the Confluence River, and then headed east.

The current situation is as follows:

Plato is in the east, the retreat must go east;

The confluence river flows from west to east, and finally joins Netherworld River, you can go to the south bank, you can go to the north bank;

The north bank is haunted by Heard cavalry;

The south bank is temporarily safe.

The problem is: [If you go to the south bank, the Paratus cannot cross the Netherworld River].

The further north you get, the fewer tributaries that join the Netherworld River, and the narrower the channel, the easier it is to cross.

The sappers battallion and two infantry battallions dispatched before went north to find a suitable place to erect a pontoon bridge.

So in the end, we still have to go to the North Shore.

It's just that Sackler made a trick. The vanguard went to the south bank first, traveled 35 kilometers downstream, and then circled back to the north bank from a shoal.

That shoal was the detour of the Arpad cavalry.


Time Reverse The night before, Winters, who was sleepy and confused, was called into the tent by Lieutenant Colonel Jesska, and there were Bud, Andre and Mason.

The lieutenant colonel announced that he would give his Hundred-Men Commanders a rehearsal.

The five people sat around a small table, and the other four watched Lieutenant Colonel Jesska take out a board the size of a palm, and the board unfolded into a chessboard the size of two palms.

Lieutenant Colonel Jesska took out chess pieces from one of the faded wooden boxes as symbols of the enemy and allies.

Winters picked up a pawn at hand to play with.

He didn't recognize the material of the chess pieces, it looked like stone and felt cool and comfortable.

As for the carving - Winters cautiously put the pieces back on the board - the carving is exquisite.

The lines must be coherent and even, the corners must be smooth and round, the surface must be finely polished, and Winters should not dare to touch it casually.

"Learn." Jesska set up his pieces and said to the yawning Winters: "You will never be Hundred-Men Commanders for the rest of your life."

From known information Check it out:
The Hurd coalition forces surround and fight for reinforcements.

Knowing that Beizhai encountered an enemy, Sekle led troops to support him, and he was ambushed halfway.

On the day of the ambush, Sackler sent someone to inform Arpad to move ahead.

In order to ensure surprises, and to bypass the eyes and ears of the Hurds, Arpad left his flags in the camp as suspects.

He led the main force of cavalry to the south bank first, then marched eastward for thirty-five kilometers, crossed the river from the shoal, and circled behind the Hurds.

With such a wide detour, there is a final thunder blow.

Sackler's plan was a savage right uppercut, a simple and effective anvil-and-hammer tactic.

As long as Arpad's unit succeeds in detouring, the Hurd troops in front of Sackler will undoubtedly be defeated.

For Sackler, the biggest difficulty is how not to alert the enemy or scare away the enemy.

Lieutenant Colonel Jesska analyzed to the Hundred-Men Commanders: Sackler should initially use the North Village as the anvil; after encountering an ambush, the plan changed to use the temporary camp as the anvil; in the end, the main battlefield was still Back to Beizhai.

According to the change of the enemy's layout, Sackler's layout has also been changed three times.

The main dish is only this one. As for the actions of the Jessica department, it can only be regarded as the first dish.

"That's it." Lieutenant Colonel Jesska toppled the chess piece and ended his review: "Can't blame old fogey for looking at us."

Winters, Bud, Andre and Mason sat around the table Next, big eyes staring at small eyes.

Winters wouldn't even know what was going on elsewhere without Lieutenant Colonel Jessica's replay.

The Hundred-Men Commander gets so little intelligence that it's almost indistinguishable from what the soldiers see.

For Winters, within 100 meters of him was the entire war.

It was because of Lieutenant Colonel Jesska's review that Winters understood why General Sackler was so annoyed with Jesska's division.

Sekler painstakingly and carefully planned to use Beizhai as the bait first, and then use himself as the bait.

If he "knocks it down with one hammer, it will smash Chihe and Teltown."

The Jesska Corps set fire to the old camp of Teltown, although it severely damaged the people of Teltown, it also led to the dispersion of the Hurd coalition forces.

So in the end, only Chihe was smashed by the anvil and the heavy hammer.

On the other side, the Terden Division was repelled.

But Jieska battallion's troops were too small to be annihilated.

The core group of the fire roaster is still there. He gathered the defeated soldiers all the way and approached the main battlefield. Instead, the remnants of Chihe used the fire roaster to escape alive.

The misfortune is where the blessing rests; the blessing is where the misfortune lies.

The four Hundred-Men Commanders don't know how to feel when they learn that their desperate fight has disrupted General Sackler's plans.

“It’s the attitude of a famous general to make the right decision in the absence of information.” Lieutenant Colonel Jesska fiddled with his chess pieces, lightly said: “It seems that none of us are famous generals.”

"The fighter plane is in front of you." Winters was angry and funny, he looked towards Bud and Andre: "We can always let it go, right?"

Lieutenant Colonel Jesska played Yawned and started to clean up the chessboard: "I only said that we are not famous. As Hundred-Men Commander, you play very well."

"We are Hundred-Men Commander with big sesame seeds anyway." Andre concluded: "The enemy's neck is stretched out, and we will cut it. If you want to blame General Selek for not coming to inform us."

"Don't say it." Lieutenant Mason answered swiftly. Over the black pot: "It's all my fault."

Winters was so tired that he curled up in his chair and didn't want to talk. He just wanted to go home as soon as possible, even if it was Wolf Town.

Lieutenant Colonel Jesska put away the chessboard and pieces, took out a few maps and sent them to everyone, asking: "How is your homework on the map?"

"A+." Winters He took the map without looking up.

"A." This is Bud's answer.

"B." Andre sorry.

Mason scratched his head and said embarrassingly, "I was an A+ when I first came out of school, and now I don't know how much is left."

The map is a vertical projection map - this is three One of the fruits of military reform a decade ago.

A vertical projection map is more difficult to understand than a forty-five-degree overhead map, but it is more accurate and can carry more information.

[Note: there is no contour line yet]
Winters recognized the map around Bian Li at first glance, and he asked the lieutenant colonel curiously: "Draw it with graphite strips? You drew it yourself. Every one of them was painted by you?"

The lieutenant colonel nodded three times.

Winters' respect for Lieutenant Colonel rises suddenly: "You actually know how to map?"

"Picked from Legion's grand competition example map."


Lieutenant Colonel Jesska asked the Hundred-Men Commanders: "See the shoal marked downstream of the Confluence River?"

The four nodded together .

"That's where Alpad's team crosses the river, and we're going to cross the river from there." Lieutenant Colonel Jesska announced: "We're the vanguard, and we'll set off early tomorrow."

The response of the four Hundred-Men Commanders was mediocre. Sooner or later they had to leave, but it was a good thing to leave first.

Mason suddenly regained his senses and hurriedly asked, "Then... what about that golden man? Keep burying it."

Winters also regained his senses, straightening his back and standing up ear.

“What else can we do?” Lieutenant Colonel Jesska replied indifferently: “Keep burying.”

“Will someone be picked up?” Mason asked hesitantly. .

"Then get out." Lieutenant Colonel Jesska frowned: "Cannons are too cumbersome, and they bring Jinmen? Wait for the next time to fight the Chihe Department, and find a chance to get out.


"Next time?"

"Hmph, Bian Li is broken, but the white lion is not dead. Look, this battle is not over yet."

"Next time, many militiamen may not serve."

"If they are registered, as long as they are not lost, they will not lose money."

Bud measured a tape measure. Afterwards, he was a little surprised and said, "General Arpad's attack distance is nearly 90 kilometers in a straight line alone?"

If the scale is ok, the straight-line distance is really 70 kilometers.

With no rest a day and two nights, the straight-line distance of the cross-country march exceeds 70 kilometers. After arriving at the battlefield, he smashed the Chihe Department into pieces with a tsunami-like charge... and he still had the energy to continue chasing and killing the remnant enemy.

Winters quoted the old marshal's admiration: "It's really a galloping horse."

Jesska also smiled and said nothing.

"Don't give up the work on the map." Lieutenant Colonel Jesska took out a few small wooden cylinders for the Hundred-Men Commanders to install the map: "It will be useful sooner or later. It is said that the old marshal likes to carry it with him. White paper, and record the terrain he likes.”

“Hmph, my aunt also said that the old marshal likes to do housework, do homework and eat lettuce.” Winters yawned and put it away cautiously. Map: "I found that each republic has a special edition of the old marshal's anecdotes, and I will publish them in a binding book, and the title is "Footprints of Great Men". Every Lu You student is forced to buy a copy, hehe, I posted."

Everyone shook their heads and showed helpless smiles. .

A voice suddenly came from outside the tent: "Excuse me, is Lieutenant Montagne here?"

Several people in the tent looked at each other.

“Come in!” Winters exclaimed.

A tall, thin, serious infantry sergeant opened the curtain and walked into the tent: "Um... Jesska? Are you there?"

Lieutenant Colonel Jesska Stands up: "Robert? How did you came to Montagne?"

The others also stood up.

Jesska introduced to the others: "This is Lieutenant Colonel Robert of the 6th Legion, an old acquaintance of mine, but a great man."

The lieutenants hurried salute.

"Oh, what's so special about you? Let's get down to business." Robert waved his hand and asked anxiously, "Which one is Lieutenant Montagne?"

"I am. "What do you want me to do, sir?" Winters replied.

Robert narrowed his eyes and examined the second lieutenant in front of him from head to toe, but he didn't see anything special.

He only saw a tired youngster, slightly thin, gentle and quiet, not as exaggerated as rumored.

Youngster has an inconspicuous white scar on his forehead. If that position is two inches further down, there will be another one-eyed person in this tent.

"You sorcerers, I don't see anything special." Lieutenant Colonel Robert was a little regretful, and then he asked: "I heard that you are the only sorcerer in the army who can use magic? "


Later, in Robert battallion's camp, Winters saw Lieutenant Roy, who was also a sorcerer.

Lieutenant Roy stuffed a towel in his mouth, face deathly pale, clenched his teeth, curled up under the blanket, his body trembling uncontrollably.

"We don't know why this happened. Roy didn't have any trauma, and he couldn't see any internal bleeding." Lieutenant Colonel Robert's eyes were slightly red: "But he's like this now...the pain is excruciating, He's in so much pain right now, I even thought about giving him a good time, it's better than this endless torture..."

Winters covered Roy with a blanket and asked, "All the sorcerers in the army are like this. Is it?"

Lieutenant Colonel Robert sat on the bench and replied with his forehead: "Some people are not so serious, but they can't use magic anymore. Roy is still good, and there are others who are more conscious than others. Roy was still awake and kept shouting 'kill me kill me', until he fainted, awake, fainted, awake again."

Next to Lieutenant Varga said softly: " It's as if their bodies are still on earth, but their souls have been dragged into purgatory to suffer."

"Can I talk to those with milder symptoms?" Winters asked again.

"Okay, I'll take you to see them." Lieutenant Colonel Robert said he was leaving.

"Lieutenant Colonel, wait a minute." Winters hurriedly stopped the other party: "I don't know what to do, but the top priority should be to reduce the pain of Lieutenant Roy."


What is Roy going through? Winters is all too familiar, because he's also been through that [muscle strain] after accidentally using the Fire Dragon roll.

Winters has a guess: Roy's stage is still "strained", and those dead Hed shamans are "strained".

But Winters isn't sure if the "muscle" metaphor is appropriate.

Winters isn't sure whether the third hand really works like a flesh-and-blood arm, it's the only "self-consistent" logic he can find right now.

So in theory, just use Moritz's secret recipe sedative and wait for the third hand to repair itself while sleeping.

Even, after recovering completely, you will gain something.

After a long period of "Moritz-style" overload training, Winters' spell ability improved much faster than in the past.

He therefore speculates that the process of "tearing and healing" can make "muscles" and even "bones" stronger.

But the problem is, Winters doesn't have that sedative herb on hand.

The herbs he was carrying were still in his duffel when the bastards from the inter-provincial group pushed him into the carriage.

The luggage was also not delivered to Palatu.

Therefore, Winters' training for the past six months has mainly focused on [precision control], and the overload training is all dependent on willpower, which has caused his sleep quality to worsen.

And even if there was that sedative herb, Winters wouldn't take it out.

Plato's sorcerers have no problem with intelligence, and when they return to normal, sooner or later they will find that their spell abilities have improved slightly.

In fact, the improvement is not obvious. According to Winters' intuitive feeling, it is actually less than 1%.

But the Veneta people have a saying: "Decimals are afraid of long calculations."

Assuming an improvement of one percent a day, it can increase thirty-seven times in a year; an improvement of two percent a day can increase six times a year

[Note: Exponent is the most terrifying function on this world. ]
[Also note: The exponential increase is just a guess by Winters, but he has made a lot of progress]
In Winters' opinion, this sedative herb should be classified as a strategic material, and its secret should be kept forever It is strictly forbidden to export any finished products, seedlings and seeds, and smugglers will all be punished with capital punishment, the whole family will sit together, and they will be expelled from the church.

However, the problem is that the alliance does not produce this thing, and the entire continent does not produce...

It can only be seen from the end of the known world, the edge of civilization, the edge of civilization, unimaginable How far - the empire's overseas colonies get it.

The natives there use it as sleeping aids, chewable tablets and hookah leaves.

So Winters is more impossible to leak this secret, especially to the Paratus.

There is no sedative herb, it can only use the earth method.


"You know how to ease Roy's torment?" Lieutenant Colonel Robert asked expectantly.

"How about..." Winters asked tentatively, "Try some wine? The stronger the better."

Alcohol anesthesia is also a therapy, which Winters used on the ship . He didn't even want to say this at first, but he couldn't bear to look next to Lieutenant Roy, who was worse than life.

In the tent, except for Lieutenant Roy, who was tortured by phantom pain, everyone else stood there.

Lieutenant Colonel Robert and Lieutenant Varga's four eyes intersect, Lieutenant Colonel slightly shocks the head and turns away.

Lieutenant Varga said helplessly: "Winters, do you think we never thought about using alcohol? We tried it, but it didn't work. He clenched his teeth, and if he poured it in, he would choke."

"Bite your teeth, then pry it open. If you choke, pull it out and pour it again." Winters' rationality prevailed, and he spread his hands: "Either drink or knock him unconscious, I only Thinking of these two ways can ease his pain. Once the power of stun is not controlled well, people will be directly killed. In contrast, drinking alcohol is safer."

Lieutenant Colonel Robert clenched his fists. Turning around, staring at Winters and asking, "Are you sure there's no other way?"

Winters hesitated, then hesitantly said, "Maybe...there's another way..."


"What?" Lieutenant Colonel Robert hurriedly asked, "What can I do?"

"This... It is said that suffocation can also make people coma, why not try suffocation?" Winters was also very helpless. : "I always think it's better to let him pass out than to let him wake up and suffer."

Lieutenant Colonel Robert slapped his thigh, his eyes were red, gritted his teeth and said, "I'm going to inject myself! What? I have to try every method! There is really no way, I will let Roy free himself, he should not be tortured like this..."

Winters also felt that the use of spirits was the most reliable, and there was no way to pry it. Open teeth, only those who are not firm enough.

As long as Roy can swallow, he should be able to pour in.

Varga ran to get the wine, and ran back in a panic after a while: "Lieutenant Colonel, there is no more wine!"

"What?" Robert was furious: "It wasn't delivered. A lot? Can you drink it all?!"

Vargar said with a sad face: "It's all thrown into the river..."

"Have you not kept any wine?"

"I don't drink..." Lieutenant Varga - who was Winters' actual squad leader - was really about to cry.

"[Vulgar language]!" Lieutenant Colonel Robert cursed: "I don't drink alcohol."

Suddenly, Robert and Vargazi looked towards Winters.

Winters waved his hands again and again: "I don't drink, I'm a sorcerer, I can't drink."

The tent wu wu blew in the west wind, and the three of them looked at each other silently.

Lieutenant Colonel Robert calmly instructed Varga: "If you ask for it from someone else, just say what I want. There will always be someone hiding a few bottles of wine."

Winters divine light flashed , stretched his hand into his arms, and groped... Found it!

"Wine!" He took out the silver jug and said excitedly: "That guy from Arpad gave it!"


Lieutenant Roy's consciousness gradually blurred after forcibly ingesting a large amount of spirits.

The sorcerer is good at this point. I don't usually drink alcohol, so my alcohol intake is generally poor.

Watching Roy fall asleep, it was no longer the same as before - obviously enduring great torture, and the other people in the tent were relieved.

Lieutenant Colonel Robert called three strong soldiers to help, and the six of them worked together. It took Strength of Nine Bulls and Two Tigers to pry open Roy's mouth and pour the wine down Roy's throat , and didn't choke him to death.

In the cold weather, Winters was brow beaded with sweat, he panted and said, "It seems that some poisons can paralyze people, snake venom, scorpion venom and so on... It's much easier than we are now..."

Lieutenant Colonel Robert, who was wiping his sweat, kicked Winters, laughed heartily.

Lieutenant Colonel Robert said to Heaven and Earth: " This method w

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