Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 197


Chapter 197: The Army's Lack of Strength

Winters had no idea what was going on behind him.

All he could do was urge the team to keep walking, walking, walking.

The appearance of the Hurd cavalry was like an invisible whip, fiercely slashed on the back of the Paratus, and the marching speed of the troops suddenly accelerated.

"Montagne Hundred-Men Commander." Lieutenant Colonel Jessica called Winters to his side with a very serious expression: "Take your Hundred Men Squad as the vanguard. Control the speed and walk slowly."

"Montagne Hundred-Men Commander." p>

"Walk slowly?"

Lieutenant Colonel Jesska released his right hand to measure the pulse, pointed at the queue and said, "The troops are now walking one hundred and twenty-six steps per minute. They I'm afraid to walk so fast. There are still hundreds of kilometers ahead, what's the use of walking fast for a while?"

"Understood." Winters raised his hand in salute, and was about to leave.

"Slow down your speed and walk at the rhythm of your normal steps."

[Note: normal steps are seventy-two steps per minute]


"Go ahead." Lieutenant Colonel Jesska gave Winters a light slap on the shoulder with the whip.


Behind the vanguard, the two army reconnaissance cavalry are chasing and fighting on the vast wasteland.

Single-digit skirmishes of equestrianism, skill and courage.

The Hurds have bows and arrows, and the Palatians have better horses. Both sides suffered casualties, and it was hard to tell who would win or lose.

On the Plato side, the first batch of messengers had not yet returned, and the second set of messengers from Sackler had already left, followed by the third set of messengers.

As a result, not long after the white lion returned to the Chihe camp, Gray Eyes sent someone to invite him to discuss matters, and he also invited the fire roaster to come over.

"You go to the various ministries to pick up the women and children, uncle." The white lion was dressed neatly, put on a slave horse, and turned back to the silent and determined leader: "The leaders of the various tribes have an appointment with me, I won't embarrass you."

"And then what?"

"Then you will escort the women and children north with the Eagle Forest Department and escort them back to the old camp."


"You want me to leave here? If the Eagle Forest Department is not here, how can I share spills of war?"

"You send clansman to the old camp and come back, just in time to catch up ." The white lion said calmly and firmly: "Look, uncle, this battle still has to be fought." A humble beginning.

When the first messengers came, the terms of the peace deal were to leave with arms and flags - no difference to retreat.

Of course the leaders of the Hurd tribes would not agree.

The conditions of the second batch of messengers have become: the Palatine army leaves with arms and flags, and pays compensation according to the losses of the various ministries.

Conditions of the third batch of messengers: willing to cede land, pay indemnity, and agree to ten years of peace, but the Palatine army still has to leave with weapons and flags.

The ministries debated, and the leaders quarreled.

"What messenger! It's clearly a spy!" The fire roaster roared, suppressing the voices of the others: "The people of Paratus bullied the tribes and did not kill the messenger, so they sent one after another. People come to investigate you and me! Catch up with those messengers and kill them all!"

"If you want to kill, you will kill."

[Note: The Hurd tribes have a tradition of not killing the messenger, and Palatu... used to have it as well]
The fire roaster glared at the leader of the black liquid tribe: "This is my Teltown tribe's family. What? You don't want to get blood, but let me kill you?"

"What else do you think? Do you still agree? Knowing that there is a pit in front of you, you still want to jump into it?" ] patted his thighs and scolded the leaders: "Two-legged people's minds are like sheep's intestines, what should I talk to them? They fled all the way, they had nothing to eat or drink, they should send troops to attack them, how could they? Sitting here, not moving?!"

A leader agreed: "Yeah! We sat in the felt tent, but the clansman hugged each other to keep warm. All the way over, the horses didn't know they were dead. How much. The earlier the two-legged people were eliminated, the less our losses would be. The young men of the various tribes also said that there were 30,000. If they joined forces to attack, how could they not be able to defeat the two-legged people?"

Herd Zhu The troops set off in winter, and the war horse first lost fat, and the ribs were exposed one by one, and finally died inexplicably.

In order to get there as soon as possible, they didn't even bring a few tents, and it was not an exaggeration to hug each other for warmth.

It can take a day or two to pass, and over time, the iron man will also freeze out of the disease.

The sooner Plato's army is defeated, the less damage Hurd's tribes will suffer.

The fire roaster is not to be outdone, and immediately pushed back: "Healthy eater, I want to ask you, do you still want to jump into a pit even though you know it's a pit? What are you doing, acting like a blind cow?"

"The guy who has been thrown away by the people who sacrificed to the sky is not qualified to talk to me." The healthy eater replied.

The fire roaster stood up in silence and suddenly swooped at the health eater like a bear.

The two grabbed each other's robes, and the other leaders struggled to separate them.

The gray eyes reassured the two: "You might as well send a few bright-eyed people to follow the two-legged man's messenger back to find out what they are."

The white lion sat in the corner, Not a word.

The little lion sat behind the white lion with disdain on his face.

When the foodie saw the two, he pointed at the white lion and asked, "White lion, you called us here. Why don't you speak? You speak!"

"If I talk about you, you won't listen, so it's better not to talk."

"How do you know I won't listen?" The health eater was furious.

"That's good!" The white lion patted the little lion: "Bring my tapestry."

The little lion got up and left, and returned to the felt tent with the rolled blanket in a short time. .

It's not the blanket with wool that is common in Heard herdsmen's homes, but a blanket woven from wool.

The blanket unfolded slowly in the center of the felt tent, the length and width of a person, and a map was embroidered with gold thread on it.

Maps, that's amazing stuff.

Nowadays, the territories of various ministries are limited, and the map is memorized in my mind, and there is no need to draw it.

The large maps of the Que Yehan era are treasured by the leaders of various ministries and are treasures that are not shown to outsiders.

"Open the skylight!" Gray eyes ordered the guard outside the account.

The leather covering the tent was removed, and the sun shone into the felt tent and cast it on the map.

The leaders surrounded the map, cautiously not daring to step on the map.

"Isn't this Galan Lake?" A leader asked with narrowed eyes, pointing to the corner of the map.

Galan Lake is far and far in the west, and the tribes living there are savages in the eyes of the Heder tribes, and are called "Wild Heders".

"This is a map drawn by the Platoons." The white lion said word by word: "It stretches to Golden Peak Mountain in the south, Shayin Mountain in the north, King Castles in the east, and Galan in the west. Lake.

You are fighting for power here, but I don’t know that the Paratus people have long been thinking about how to exterminate you and me. If you don’t work with a common purpose, one day all the stoves will be smashed. When the Latu people are trampled down, the leaders of all the tribes will be lifted up like ashes."

The leaders of the tribes remained silent.

"That's all I have to say." The white lion sat back down.

The health eater stepped on the map, looked angrily, pointed at the white lion and asked, "Then what do you say?"

"I only have one word." The white lion He replied calmly: "Since the health eaters are recommended as the war leaders, then all the health eaters will listen to them. He asks all the tribes to go to the fire sea, and all the tribes will go. He asks all the tribes to climb Snow Mountain, and all the tribes will climb too. ."

There was an uproar under the dome, and this answer was not what the leaders of the tribes wanted to hear.

"The people of Paratus fight, although they quarrel. But once the military order is issued, everyone no longer has a second opinion, and only listens to the order and rushes to kill. Even if the order is wrong, it is carried out correctly. So the Paratus people We can beat twice or three times the number of Hurds. If you and I can't do it, we will be beaten forever." The white lion's tone was firm: "Since the healthy eater is recommended, then you must listen to him, that's it. !"

The rest of the leaders were silent, and the little lion looked dissatisfied.

"That's good! That's it!" The fire roaster loudly roared: "But if you give the order to kill the Terden department, I will not obey! Healthy eater!"

"I agree too." Gray-eyed nodded.

The leaders of the tribes made a fuss, agreeing to obey the order of the dieter.

"If you are willing to listen to me." The health eater said loudly: "Have a cup of wine with me."

When the Hurd people have a big meeting, the senators drink a glass of wine together. , to show that there are no more two hearts, that is, a united cup.

Ceremony is the ceremony that announces the end of the conference, and it is obviously against the rules for healthy eaters to close their cups now.

"Yes." The white lion stood up and agreed first.

The guards brought in spirits, and the chiefs took the lead to warn Spiritual God, and began to take turns drinking and swearing.

"Health Eater, you're not a big sweat yet. If you assassinate the Teltown Department, I will not obey you." , before drinking the spirits to finish the ceremony.

So according to the tradition of the Hed people, the health eaters divided the parts of the Hed into two wings and one army.

Suz and Haidong are the central army, Teltown and Chihe are the right wing, and the other tribes are merged into the left wing.

Eaters also know that all the tribes of Hart are scattered, and one tribe can still command, and many tribes can't execute too complicated military orders at all.

"Let's go back tonight and set up camp, tomorrow when the two-legged people march." The eaters gave orders to the leaders: "The central army will attack their central army, the right wing will attack their rear guard, and the left wing will attack them. All the tribes work with a common purpose, they are determined not to be able to resist you and me."

The foodie was still making an appointment for the meeting time, when the sentinel outside the tent suddenly came to report: the Palatine people are burning The camp has fled overnight.

"All the tribes hurry back to order troops and horses!" The health eater made a decisive decision: "Two-legged people, don't let them get away!"

The leaders responded. Scattered, they walked out of the tent one after another.

In addition to the felt tents, everyone in the east of the sea is also hanging strings, wearing armor, and preparing horses.

The people in the camp were neighing, it was really lively.

As the master of this area, the Chihe Department also carried some tents with the army.

East of the sea came all the way, and didn't bring anything at all.

Less baggage means faster action.

Standing on the war horses, leading the slave horses, and the bows and knives, the Haidong people changed from the camping state to the marching state in a blink of an eye.

The leaders of the various tribes left the east of the sea and went to find their own tribes.

On the way back to the camp, the little lion was still sulking: "How can you listen to the rubbish of the health eater? They are here to take advantage! Vice Khan's style!"

"Every sentence I said to the health eaters is what I have thought about over the years." The white lion patiently explained to the younger brother: "The lion bites our throat, The wolf is biting us on the wrist. To deal with the lion first or the wolf first?"

"But that can't be..."

The white lion blunt said: "If the dieter can Take us to defeat the Paratus, and I am willing to recommend him as a big sweat."

The little lion scratched his head: "Can he win?"

The white lion uses a blunt universal Yu asked the younger brother: "[Common language] how do you think the health eater compares to me?"

The little lion was stunned, and replied in common language: "How can [Common language] be comparable to the big one? Brother!"

The white lion sighed deeply: "[Common language] I was preparing for three years, but I thought I would be able to defend Bian Li for three months. But when the Paratus people exerted their strength, Bian Li was even seven days away. I couldn't hold on. With the help of various shamans, I thought I could at least cut off the arm of the Paratus, but I was still beaten and almost wiped out the entire army."

As a witness, the little lion didn't know what to do. How to comfort a brother.

"[Common language] I thought I had overestimated the Paratus people enough, but I still underestimated them." Bai Shi patted younger brother on the shoulder: "[Common language] What we need to learn... There are many more. The tribes looked down on us when they saw our defeat, because they had not yet experienced the ability of the Paratus people. Only when they hit the nail will they know what we have experienced and will recover. Respect for the Chihe Department. Only when they hit a nail, will they follow my strategy."

"[Common language] Then you and I... should expect the health eaters to lose? ' asked the little lion suspiciously.

"[Common] No! I sincerely hope that the Eater will win." The White Lion replied sincerely: "[Common] but he can't win because he is facing 'Paris'. Latu's Hammer' and 'Plato's Shield'."

The white lion showed a rare smile: "[Common language] And from Plato's Hammer, I learned something very important .”

“[Common] what?”

“[Common] backup plan.”


white While the lion and the cub talked, General Arpad was giving his final speech to the Palatine cavalry.

Alpad stood on a carriage, brandishing a parchment, shouting, "Do you know what this is?"

Thousands of cavalry led On the reins, stand in front of the horse, absolute silence.

"This is the order to withdraw troops from the Council of Prato!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was shocked.

Not only the soldiers, but even the lieutenants looked suspicious.

The lieutenant colonels looked as usual, because they had long known the existence of this order.

The colonels were not surprised, not only did they know the order, they also knew that this was the second withdrawal order.

In the entire Legion, only Arpad and Sackler know the truth: this is actually the fifth withdrawal order.

Not long after Heder robber invaded the mainland of Palatu, the Great Council issued the first order to withdraw troops.

Five orders in a row, one more severely worded than the other.

"I tell you, what is written on this order!" Arpad picked up the parchment and told all the Legions the contents of the confidential letter: "The fifth and sixth Legion, staying in enemy territory, Not an inch of merit. Order the fifth and sixth Legions to return to the Shuangqiao camp, and any delay will be punished as treason! bursts of anger.

"The Council will ask us, when we need a Legion, where is the Legion?!" In front of everyone, Arpad tore the lacquered order of the Palatine Council to shreds, Fiercely falls to the ground: "The council's fat-headed bastards! What do they think we're doing?!"

"Did they think we're drinking, eating meat, and enjoying Heard women?"

"Did they think we didn't want to go back to Palatu?"

"Didn't we fight the Heard barbarians one by one to this day?! Which one of you is not hurt? Which one of you is? No comrade Paozer was buried in wasteland?! Now we are traitors?!"

Aided by the sorcerer who restored spell, Arpad's voice reached every corner of the Praetorian army.

The anger and resentment suppressed in the hearts of the soldiers gradually fermented, but they fought bloody battles! But he took his life to fight with the barbarian Hurd!

"Tens of tens of thousands of Heard barbarians are biting us behind! The Great Council treats us as traitors!" Arpad was also full of anger: "We are now alone! No one will come. Save us! Only ourselves! Keep up with me! Kill all the Heard barbarians! Thread their ears with straw ropes! Go to the Great Council with me for an explanation!"

"Hooray!" Some soldiers shouted.

"Hooray!!" the others shouted.

"Hooray!!!" All were shouting with anger and resentment.

Alpad mounted his horse and ran north first, with the eagle flag behind him.

The bugle blew, and the cavalry all turned on their horses and followed the general under the guidance of the officer.

Arpad’s inflammatory speech had little to do with the vanguard, though.

If the old gods hear about it, he will give Alpad a "ultimate" negative evaluation.

For Winters, he still lives a marching life of walking, camping, resting, just more vigilant.

A day and a half later, herald cavalry, holding the azure flag, caught up with the vanguard from behind.

"Victory!" Winters heard the opponent shout, "Victory!"

"General Sackler defeated the barbarian coalition! General Arpad broke ten battalions!"

"Victory!" p>

Soldiers from the vanguard were cheering excitedly, and the crowd slapped their chests and roared, throwing their hats into the sky.

Winters was excited to find Lieutenant Colonel Jesska, only to find Lieutenant Colonel Jesska, Lieutenant Colonel Bode and two other officers with facial expression grave together.

"What's the matter?" Lieutenant Colonel Jesska asked Winters.

Winters saw that the situation was not right, and his excitement gradually dissipated. He said as calmly as possible: "Good news, the rear army seems to have defeated the Hurd coalition."

"What's the matter? Use?" Lieutenant Colonel Bode spat: "The bridge has been burned again."

[I worked overtime yesterday and went home and slept well. Please allow me to make up the debt slowly, sorry. I still owe a map...]
[The book friend group also has it, 924430243, the password is "strong luck". ]
[Today I tried to contact the editor in charge to correct the typo, but I couldn't get in touch for the time being. The correction of typos may have to wait a little longer, but which chapter has a typo and where, I have registered it and will not forget it. ]
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