Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 209


Chapter 209 Finale (continued)
There is nothing more tragic for the military than Failure, the second only to failure is victory.

If anyone doesn't believe this, just take him to the Wounded Barracks.

In order to prevent morale from being affected by the wounded, the medical post of the Palatine army was located in the most remote corner of the camp.

In the middle of the night, in the half-open tent.

Several surgeons are busy at the operating table with their sleeves rolled up like butchers.

They use hacksaws and soldering irons more than sharp scalpels and delicate tweezers.

The screams of the wounded soldiers were endless, and all the listeners had one's hair stand on end.

Amputated arms and legs were littered outside the tent, some with fragments of military uniforms.

It was dark at night, and some people stepped on it accidentally, thinking it was a litter of wood waste.

The infirmary looked like a slaughterhouse, and everyone who saw it for the first time couldn't help but want to vomit.

And the medics and their assistants are obviously used to walking around in bloody mud.

Please don't blame them, they have provided medical care that far surpassed any army of its time.

The sound of gunfire came from not far away, and it was the barbarians attacking the camp wall on the south side.

The Platoons raid the fortress, and the barbarians will fight back.

The battle is not over. Even though the medical center is overloaded, more and more wounded soldiers are crying and waiting for treatment.

"Kaman!" Winters, covered in blood, broke into the infirmary and searched in a frenzy: "Doctor! Kaman priest!"

A force that seemed to have come back from hell The team followed behind the Hundred-Men Commander, the lightly wounded carrying the heavily wounded, almost no one uninjured.

In the tent in the corner of the medical center, Kaman is undergoing surgery.

He looked pale and tired. Except for the holy emblem hanging on his chest, he could not find a trace of a priest.

The left tibia of the wounded soldier lying on the operating table was shattered by a blunt force and had to be amputated.

"What's going on outside?"

Hearing the commotion outside the tent, Kaman asked without raising his head, but the movements of his hands did not stop for a moment.

A sharp scalpel cuts through skin, fat, and tendons until white bones are exposed.

His assistant held a red-hot iron, stopping the bleeding from time to time.

The other three strong assistants held the drunken wounded man under control so that he could not struggle and move.

Speed is life, and the sooner the amputation is completed, the greater the chance of survival for the injured person.

"It's the Montagne Hundred-Men Commander!" exclaimed another of Kaman's assistants.

"Send the rest of the wounded to the other doctors! Immediately!" Kaman dropped the scalpel, grabbed the hacksaw, and began sawing the tibia.

His hands were steady, and he sawed off the tibia and fibula in a dozen rounds. The assistant stopped the bleeding with a soldering iron in time, and took over the suture work tacitly.

It took less than 3 minutes from cutting the skin with a scalpel to completing the amputation.

"Here!" Kaman stepped out of the tent, waving and shouting, "Mr. Montagne! Here!"

Seeing familiar faces being carried into the infirmary one by one, Kaman's His face became even paler.

Kaman blunt asked Winters: "Where is Mr. Michell?"

"In the back." Winters' eyes were sore: "I got an arrow in the neck, it's about to die. ”

He watched as Pierre, who opened the way for the entire team, was shot down by stray arrows, and Anglo, Bell and Wasika desperately grabbed their partners.

But he couldn't stop because he was holding the flag and everyone was looking at him.

Jesska battallion pierced through the enemy with a burst of air and returned to the camp.

"Send Mr. Mitchell to the operating table!" Kaman asked Winters again: "How are you?"

"I'm fine." Winters' face was hidden under the iron helmet , because I don't want others to see the tears: "But..."

"It's okay." Kaman said softly: "Leave it to me."


"Don't saw my arm! No!" Andre shouted desperately: "Who dares to attack... I'll kill you!"

The soldiers held his arm tightly. Limbs, for fear that Second Lieutenant Cellini's wound would burst again.

Andre desperately tried to break free, but because of the blood loss, he had no strength left.

Andre's consciousness gradually blurred, he cried and begged: "Don't let them saw my arm... Winters...don't let them..."

Andre's voice Getting weaker and weaker, he soon fell into a coma again, and the excitement just now was just a flashback.

Winters' heart hurts like a knife, and he can barely stand still, listening to the medics as a walking corpse.

The chief medic told Winters: "Lieutenant Cellini's wound cannot be sutured, so he must amputate as soon as possible. Otherwise, Lieutenant Cellini will have mortal danger."

The chief medic also told Winters : "The buckshot can't be taken out, and Lieutenant Colonel Jesska's right eye also needs to be removed."

Winters came to Lieutenant Colonel Jesska's bedside, overwhelmed by endless grief and powerlessness Out of breath.

"Is that you?" Lieutenant Colonel Jesska extended the hand, groping into the darkness: "Lieutenant Montagne?"

Winters gripped Jesska's middle Colonel's hand, tears welling up in his eyes: "Lieutenant Colonel, it's me."

"Don't cry, Winters." Lieutenant Colonel Jesska, who was normally stern, was now completely relaxed.

His expression was peaceful and calm, as if he didn't feel sad for himself at all: "If the earthen pot is not left out of the well, the general will inevitably die before the battle. Isn't this a common thing?"

The tent was quiet except for soft sobbing.

"Do you have any alcohol on you?" Lieutenant Colonel Jesska asked softly.

Winters doesn't drink alcohol, but he can't bear to say "no". He suddenly remembered the jug that Arpad had given him, which he had always carried with him.

Winters immediately took out the jug and placed it in Lieutenant Colonel Jesska's hand.

"Oh, it's this jug." Lieutenant Colonel Jesska felt the shape of the jug, unscrewed the lid, and took a sip.

Then he fumbled and took out a chinos bag from his arms: "I have a present for you, Winters."

"No, I can't." At this moment , Winters could not accept the gift from the lieutenant colonel.

"You open it first." Lieutenant Colonel Jesska seemed to be smiling.

The inside of the twill bag is an oilcloth bag, and the inside of the oilcloth bag is a map, many, many maps. From the great wasteland to the Palatu, they were all drawn by Lieutenant Colonel Jesska.

"I don't need this thing anymore, it's yours in the future. Don't throw away the ability of homework on the picture, it will be of great use." Lieutenant Colonel Jesska lay calmly on the military couch, as if But one thing on his mind: "Come on, let me rest for a while."


Kaman found Winters in an unmanned corner of the medical center: "Second Lieutenant Cellini Amputation?"

Wiping away tears, Winters turned around: "Yes."

"Take me to see him."

Officer It is not in the same place as the soldiers' medical clinic. Kaman was in the soldiers' medical clinic before, while Lieutenant Colonel Jesska and Andre were both in the officers' medical clinic.

Winters took Kaman into the surgical tent, and Andre had already been carried on the operating table and was about to have an operation.

Ignoring the surprised eyes of others, Kaman went straight to Andre's side to check the wound

"Lieutenant Montagne, what are you doing?" the chief military doctor asked dissatisfiedly.

The Chief Medic has no rank, and his status is equal to that of the Colonel, far more honorable than the Hundred-Men Commander
Winters stood in front of the Chief Medic without saying a word, and he didn't know what Kaman was going to do.

"Don't let them cut off my arm," Andre's desperate plea echoed in his ears.

If Andre was to be amputated, Winters would rather be Kaman.

"Get out! I'm going to have surgery!"

Winters completely motionless.

"Do you want to kill Lieutenant Cellini?" the chief medic snapped.

Kaman suddenly said, "Take it to me!"

As soon as Winters was nodded, four fierce warriors broke in, raised the operating table and went outside the military tent go.

No one dares to stop it.

Andre was carried back to Kaman's surgical tent, his lifeform signs already weakening.

The confused Andre was still muttering, "Don't saw...don't saw my arm..."

Kaman lowered the curtain and covered the window tightly. Seriously, get everyone out - including his medical assistants.

Aside from him and Andre, Winters was the only one left in the tent as an assistant.

"More lamps!" said Karman
Winters unleashed a fire spell, setting all the oil lamps in the tent on fire.

Kaman presented an unremarkable black wooden box.

Open the wooden box, a set of silver surgical instruments gleams in the light.

This set of instruments is extremely delicate, even more delicate than the set of bloodletting instruments that Winters saw in the dungeon of Seablue City. There are twelve sizes of tweezers alone.

Kaman chose one of the tweezers: "Light me up!"

Winters held up the oil lamp to illuminate Andre's wound for Kaman.

Kaman narrowed his eyes and began to use tweezers to pick shards of lead from Andre's wound.

"Not bright enough! More oil lamps!" Kaman's tone was unmistakable.

Winters picked up another oil lamp.

“still not enough light!”

Winters put down the oil lamp, took out the casting materials, and activated the light spell without reservation.

The dazzling white light instantly filled the military tent, even to the point of dazzling.

"That's it! Keep it up!"

Kaman moved quickly, pulling out the lead fragments one after another from the horrific wound on Andre's right arm.

This is an extremely delicate job, like carving a walnut.

Some of the pieces were so small that they were no bigger than a grain of wheat. Some pieces are embedded in the meat, and the skin needs to be cut open to remove them.

Kaman put the removed fragments on a plate, roughly pieced together into the shape of a lead, only partially missing.

After three consecutive inspections, Kaman confirmed that there was no shrapnel left in the wound.

"No." Kaman said to himself: "The defect of the lead bullet in the disk should be the part that shattered when it penetrated the arm armor, and did not shoot into Mr. Cellini's arm. ”

Winters is nearing the limit of spellcasting.

The consumption of the light spell is not particularly large, provided that the sorcerer controls the magic output power. If it is an unreserved push, no spell can last long.

Hearing Kaman's words, Winters suddenly relaxed, and the light in his hand instantly dimmed by three points.

"Hold on! It's not over yet!" Kaman shouted.

Winters gritted his teeth, pushing himself to the breaking point again.

Winters felt like he was thrown into a volcanic crater one second, and an ice cellar the next, his body swaying uncontrollably with phantom pain.

The light in his hands became brighter than before—even hotter.

It's not that Winters' ability is at the breaking point, but that he has no way to stably control the magic power output, so he can only push hard.

Using this destined short-lived light, Kaman quickly removed the dead flesh, rotten flesh, and crusted flesh from Andre's wound.

The scalpel becomes a fine carving knife, as Kaman shaves off the dead, preserves the intact, and rearranges and grooms the muscles.

"I can't take it anymore!" Winters yelled.

"Okay!" Kaman also yelled.

Winters' eyes were black, and he fell straight.

In a trance, he heard Kaman chanting: "[Ancient] My lord, forgive our sins, and don't let us fall into the fire of hell..."

Winters struggled to get up and walked over to the operating table.

He saw Kaman clutching the holy emblem tightly, reciting scriptures with a trembling voice, face deathly pale.

He saw Andre's wounds heal at a speed visible to naked eyes, the lead-beaten muscles sprouted and the broken skin gradually closed.

"I get it all, no wonder you know medicine, no wonder you know surgery." Winters' cranial cavity was buzzing: " are a dive technique user!"

Kaman looked extremely tired. He wrapped Andre's wound with a bloody gauze: "Did I say I wasn't?"

Winters yearn for day and night The person with the ability to dive technique was hidden by his side. After getting along for so long, he didn't notice it at all.

Andre's broken muscles and skin grew back together, and only the dark red blood can be seen under the cortex.

It's a little different from the diving technique that the old shaman [Hestas] showed to Winters on Iwo.

Winters' wound healed to a red line. After the scab has faded once, the red line has completely disappeared, and there is no trauma at all.

Andre's wound was irregular, like a large drop of red ink splattered on the skin, leaving a radial trail.

"Then" Winters asked, tremblingly.

He wants to ask "Why don't you identify yourself and help?"

He also wants to ask "Do you know how many people can be saved by users of the dive technique?"

But he couldn't ask, and his conscience told him: Kaman has saved many people.

Even if Kaman didn't reveal his identity as a user of the dive technique, he'd already saved countless lives.

He can understand Kaman, how many people can be saved by a dive technique user who squeezes himself dry? What will the people who are not getting treatment think?

As it is now, is Kaman getting resentment or gratitude?

"Do you want to go tell them?" Kaman asked lightly. "Tell them I could save their lives, but I don't care."

Winters bowed his head, silent for a while. : "No one can save all."

"Only the Lord can save all." Kaman nodded.

"Thank you, I owe you once."

"You owe me nothing, Mr. Montagne." Kaman slowly opened the curtain: "I didn't do it for you. You don't owe me anything for coming here."

"Thank you."

"Mr. Cellini isn't out of danger yet, and the dive technique can't come back to life. If his fever goes down, he If he doesn't have a fever, he'll die. You go, I'll take care of him."

Winters had countless questions in his mind, and he wanted to ask Kaman: why did you come Wolf Town coming? Why join the army with us.

But seeing Kaman's tired eyes, he couldn't ask.

He wanted to leave, but suddenly remembered Lieutenant Colonel Jesska, and a ray of hope ignited in his heart: "Can the divide technique heal the eyes?"

"I haven't tried it. .”

Lieutenant Colonel Jesska was taken into Kaman’s surgical tent.

Kaman put down the scalpel and took Winters outside the tent: "No...I can't get the buckshot in my eye out."

Winters slammed the wood with a heavy punch. on the grid.

"Is it possible to completely remove the eyeballs and 'recreate' them with the divide technique?" Winters asked in a low voice.

"Stop exploring..." Kaman answered with difficulty: "divine technique...divine technique cannot 'treat' an organ as complex as the eye."


Kaman avoided his gaze, almost Begging: "Don't ask any more..."

Winters was extremely confused, but Kaman's words were so earnest that he couldn't bear to ask any more.

"Is that all it takes?" Winters was sad and angry, and nothing was more hopeless than disappointment after hope.

Kaman was heavily nodded.

Winters bowed his head and let out a long, painful sigh.

A green-helmed tassel hurried over: "Sirs, where is Colonel Laszlo? Lieutenant Colonel Robert? Lieutenant Colonel Custer? And Lieutenant Colonel Jessica?"

"What?!" Winters yelled at the messengers.

Sudden outburst The messenger was taken aback by the sudden outburst.

The joys and sorrows of human beings are not the same. In his eyes, this blood-stained Hundred-Men Commander is probably just a tantrum.

The messenger stood at attention and said resolutely: "General Sackler summoned the four officers."

Jesska couldn't go to see Sackler. Laszlo, Robert and Custer can't either because they also shed blood.

So Sackler came to the clinic in person.

Winters was ineligible to attend, but was retained by Lieutenant Colonel Jesska.

“This kid is fine.” Lieutenant Colonel Jesska took Winters by the arm: “He took my flag.”

Receiving the flag, in the Platonic language Medium means alternation - a very serious tone.

The command of Jesska battallion is officially transferred. According to custom, this unit should be called "Montagne battallion" from now on.

But nobody at the scene cared about that, they had more pressing matters.

"Gentlemen?" General Sackler glanced at each subordinate with sharp eyes: "What is the task I gave you?"

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The next one...the finale of the finale, Kaman's appearance takes up too much space.

Note: The foreshadowing that Father Kaman is a user of the dive technique, as well as other foreshadowings, are in Volume 2, Chapter 34, "The Journey".

Because it's been too long, so I'll paste that paragraph here: [The line is in a neat two-way column, and Father Kaman presided over the departure blessing ceremony.

After the ceremony, Kaman led two horses from the back of the church yard, one saddled and the other a pack.

"How can I do without a military priest?" asked the young priest with a smile.

Rid cultivator came over from the crowd seeing off: "Kaman brother, do you want to follow?"

"I don't worry if I don't follow." Kaman's tone was like is begging for forgiveness.

"Ai, you're gone, it's no use for me to stay here." Reid sighed and said to the second lieutenant, "Boy, do you still need a scribe?"

Winters is no nonsense: "I asked Ciel to pack your luggage."

"What do I have?" The old alms-cultivator laughed heartily: "I came here with only my sleeves in the air, and I left naturally With only two sleeves in the air."]
Kaman at first said "the priest". It's just that Winters didn't understand the profound mystery. If you change a high-level inside the church, you can understand it as soon as you hear it.

And Kaman easily saw through Winters' "magician" identity, which also shows that he has a certain degree of understanding of "magic" and "magic users".

On the contrary, Winters is ignorant, a simple teenager, and fails to perceive another identity of the other party.

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