Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 216


Chapter 216 Mastiffs
It was a day in mid-May.

It was just dawn when Pierre went down with his hoe.

He had been home for a while, and he did not let his mother and younger sister do the farm work in the fields, so he did everything.

Wolf Town is remote and closed, and the war between great characters is like a few words returned from a distant land.

The Second Republic, the military government, the battle of the castles... The people here can only hear bits and pieces of news, and it is difficult to tell the truth from the false.

For the boring farmer, a little news can bring them together for a long time, not to mention the major event of war.

But Pierre doesn't care about the lives of the great characters, he just wants to farm and eat.

"This year's tobacco planting is impossible." While weeding, Pierre thought: "Fortunately, the father has left a little winter wheat field. Plant some other things, and this year should be able to deal with it. I'll mow some grass in the afternoon, and Scarlett won't have to herd the cattle and horses again."

Compared to riding a horse and dancing a knife, weeding was a rusty job for Pierre.

The old cocoon holding the handle of the knife can't protect his hand, but fortunately new cocoons will slowly grow.

From row to row, Pierre carefully and patiently weeded out the weeds.

When he first started farming, he often hoeed vegetable seedlings together.

The former Mitchell Young Master may not care, but now Mr. Mitchell is very distressed.

Because these plants were seeded, watered, and filled with sheep manure by his mother, each with Ellen Mitchell's sweat and wounds on his hands.

Mitchell Manor is out of employment, and the men either run away or get caught.

Pierre's family is very sparse, with only his mother, younger sister and a few maids who are too old and too young.

Ellen tied up her hair and rolled up her sleeves. In addition to housework, she also took up the work in the field.

Nobility is not in how well you live when you are rich, but how tenacious your spine is when you are hard.

Farmers from nearby villages also lend a helping hand, sometimes bringing a bale of hay, sometimes a bucket of wheat, and others who come quietly and plough several acres of land.

Gillard and Ellen helped them without asking for anything in return. It's just that there was nothing missing from the Mitchell Manor in the past, so they silently kept it in their hearts.

Ellen opened up a vegetable garden, raised chickens, sheep and cattle; Gerald's precious stallion was well hidden and was not discovered by the grain collection team.

Through her hard work and the help of her neighbors, Ellen keeps Mitchell Manor well.

The war real estate tax levied by Gervoudan had already been paid with Scarlett's dowry a few days ago.

As he worked, Pierre calculated: "The family now has a vegetable garden, a cow with calves, four goats, and six hens.

Last fall The planted winter wheat can be harvested as early as the end of this month, so when the time comes, you will not have to worry about food.

After the winter wheat is harvested, you can put cattle and horses into the wheat fields to fatten up, and then rush to plant barley

There are four more horses in the house. One war horse I brought back, three father stallions, one of which is already pregnant.

Wait until next year , we have five horses!"

Although Mitchell Manor was severely damaged, it did not fall down, and it was still a wealthy and wealthy family.

When things get better, the estate will come back to life again.

"I'm going to buy a hand grinder! Grind flour. I'll have to replace two more piglets! I feed hog grass every day, and I'll have meat in winter."

Pierre wiped the sweat from his forehead and thought proudly: "Two horses are enough to drag a heavy plow. When the land at home is finished, I will go and help the villagers. Those villagers who have helped their mother, I will Repay you. Scarlett's dowry, I will save it again. I want to live, never let mother and Scarlett starve. When father comes back, make sure to let him startled."

Farm work was hard, but Pierre was young and strong, and he was not afraid of anything.

The only thing that gave Pierre a headache was his father's four hounds.

He doesn't have time to hunt and he doesn't have extra food to feed the dogs.

The "head wolf" passed away, and the hounds had to catch voles and rabbits by themselves, struggling to survive, almost becoming wild dogs.

"It would be nice if the Montagne big brother was there." When he deserted, Pierre stopped using the military name.

Thinking that at the last moment of the blood wolf's life, he did not fight side by side with the blood wolf, Pierre's chest was like a big stone.

"Montagne big brother! I will live well!" Pierre shouted at the wilderness, and he thought sourly: "You will praise me too?"

The sound of hooves is heard in the field.

Someone heard his cry and ran towards him.

"Pierre!" cried the visitor out of breath.

Mitchell Manor has a rare visitor.

Pierre walked out of the vegetable bank and saw the two of them riding bareback Ryzk. Anglo is in the front, Samukin is in the back.

The two ran to Pierre before they stopped their horses.

Anglo dismounted and hurriedly grabbed Pierre's arm: "Not good!"

"Don't worry." Pierre handed the water bottle to Anglo : "Speak slowly."

Anglo gulped down a big mouthful and shouted: "There is an officer in the town, and he is with him, as Samukin saw. The officer entered the university. Benting's house!"


Big Benting is the elder Benting's son.

During the delivery to Gervodin last year, Benting's father and son left the team and wanted to go back to Wolf Town first.

As a result, he was intercepted by a group of bandits called "Ivan Horseshoe" halfway through. The old Bentin died, and his elder son was tortured half-crippled.

Once the old Bentine died, his three sons were separated, and his land became smaller and more fragmented.

Because of the problem of property distribution, the three brothers of the Benting family also fought a lawsuit for a while, which was very unpleasant.

Now, the people of Wolftown call them Big Benting, Er Benting, and Little Benting.

Big Bentine became acting mayor after Girard Mitchell was drafted.

His acting mayor is disgraceful.

The news of the recruiting of strong men spread, and the hired workers were planning to hide. They don't have permanent births, they have feet on them, and they can go anywhere.

Big Bentine called together all the employees in the family, saying that they wanted a banquet and farewell.

It is rare for a stingy owner to be generous, and the employees do not doubt that he has him, and happily eat shouted.

When everyone was almost drunk, Big Bentine opened the door - the people from the Zhengding team were waiting outside.

After this incident, Big Benting became the acting mayor of Wolf Town.

He did something bad, as if he wanted to take revenge on all the people of Wolftown.

The villagers in each village grow vegetables in the wasteland, and he also has to pay the land payment and taxes.

He doesn't recognize the public injury pension system established by the Montagne resident officer.

The life of the survivors of public injuries has become very difficult. Their families have lost their labor force and have to make up the tax and land payments over the years.

The widow of a refugee soldier was cornered and nearly committed suicide with her babbling daughter.

It was Ellen who brought the mother and daughter to the Mitchell Manor, and paid for them to make up their taxes, so the tragedy didn't happen.

But the more respected the Mitchells were, the more Big Bentine made things difficult for them.

When the war estate tax was levied, Big Bentine deliberately put a high price on the land of the Mitchell estate.

In desperation, Ellen and Pierre used Scarlett's dowry money.

Scarlett is very sensible and has no reluctance, which makes Pierre even more distressed.

Drawing his tired body into bed every night, looking at the saber hanging on the wall, Pierre had more than once considered whether to "talk" to Big Bentine.

But he held back, he still had mother, younger sister, and Mitchell Manor, so he couldn't be impulsive.

Nowadays, when people in Wolf Town mention Big Bentin, they all have gnashing teeth.

Big Bentine knew this, too, and he was afraid of being shot.

I don't know what means he used, but Gervoudan sent eight soldiers for him to drive.

With a team of ferocious soldiers as support, Big Bentine acts more and more recklessly.

The eight soldiers usually limit the dog and steal chicken, molest women, and act like hooligans, making the town restless.

It's good now that Pierre didn't go to Big Bentine to talk to, but Big Bentine went to him first.


"What do they want to do?" We want to arrest the strong man again! He came with the order and the shackles. It may also be to arrest us."

"Hook! Go and inform everyone." Pierre made a decisive decision. household matter.

Anglo nodded heavily, jumped on his horse, and moved towards Dusa Village.

The deserters reunite at the Mitchell House. Not only Dussack, but also people from the other four villages.

Old Christians, Protestants, whoever can come has come.

Everyone took a horse when they escaped, so they moved quickly.

"Run away now! Get away now!" Anglo yelled anxiously.

Washka glared at him: "You're a bachelor, it's easy to go! We still have a family!"


As The acting mayor of Wolf Town - and acting resident officer, Big Bentine removed Anglo's guard duty and handed it over to his own stupid son.

The horses in Dusa Village were gone, because the war horses were all ridden away by the Dusaks.

Angelo the pony is again no one to rely on.

He doesn't know how to farm, and he doesn't want to eat the Mitchells' idle meals.

So Anglo rode the red mane around the nearby villages and towns, earning a stutter by treating big animals.


Anglo asked back: "How about not going? Either catch Ding! Or catch deserters. Do you think you can escape?"

"Catch the deserters and I'll hide on the other side of the Bighorn River. I just don't go—isn't it over?"

"They'll force you to go!"

" Tell them to try. I'm not their calf on the reins."

Pierre sighed: "Let's not call deserters, I won't go even for strong men. Winters .Montagne, Such good people are killed without blinking their eyes. Do you want me to work for them? Dreaming! Do you want to work for them? You have to go, the key is where to go.”

"Don't worry about it so much, you have to be in a hurry, you have to find a crack in the ground to get in." Anglo was the most determined, he was one of the members who was abandoned on the west bank of the Netherworld River.

"dang~ dang~ dang~ dang~ !" The bell sounded faintly suddenly.

The big bell of the wolf sect protecting hall rang.

The bell rushed down the bell tower, spread across the plaza, rolled over the azure wilderness and black farmland, hit the trees and shattered into small pieces and disappeared.

Then there was a series of panic bells: "When... when..."

"Did you hear it?" Anglo stared wide-eyed: "Is this a reminder? !"

Pierre made up his mind: "Let's go! Follow me if you want to go, stay if you don't want to go."

"Let's go!" Anglo Excited to jump up.

Washika said with difficulty: "We will all walk out side by side in blood and fire. If you go, I will go too." The deserters dispersed and went home to prepare rations and other things.

Pierre found mother, only to find that mother and younger sister had prepared dry food, clothes and boots for him.

"Don't worry." Ellen gently kissed her son's forehead, untied the holy emblem and hung it on his son's neck: "We can take care of ourselves."

Scarlett is also soft Softly comforting the big brother: "You go, Pierre, I will hide the cows and horses well, so that they won't find them. When you come back, we will have the foal."


The deserters of Wolf Town gathered again and fled their hometown.

The soldiers who came to catch them fled, but Big Bentine and the officers found out that they had escaped.

At dusk, the officer set out from Wolf Town with six cavalrymen and chased after the deserters.

Night fog rolled over wasteland, swirling in valleys, licking depressions and cliffs.

The mound filled with clouds and mist is much brighter on the contrary, and the birds sing in the tender grass.

The moon paddled in the puddles of reeds and hazelnuts like a blooming water lily.

"They can't run very far!" The officer turned back and urged his subordinates: "Hurry up! Hurry up!"

Suddenly, a tripping rope rose "shua" from the middle of the road.

The officer's steed stumbled on the ropes and fell forward sharply, throwing the rider fiercely on his back.

The officer fell confused and rolled in the dust three or four times before stopping.

The other three unresponsive cavalrymen were also brought down, and only the latter three cavalrymen managed to restrain their horses dangerously and dangerously.

A dozen silhouettes leap out of the long grass on either side of the dirt road.

They didn't shout or scold, but silently subdued the four who fell to the ground.

The other three cavalrymen were dragged off their horses before they could draw their swords.

The sabers were placed around their necks, preventing them from moving.

The officer's shoulders were drooping, apparently broken.

He thought it was just a group of frightened deserters, absolutely didn't expect the other party to dare to fight back.

The officer was unusually calm and tried to convince the deserters: "You can stop now, there is still time. If I die, your whole family will be implicated. I will speak well for you."

Another sergeant yelled, "You bastards! How bold!"

The deserter in the dark remained silent.

On the desolate field, only the trembling voice of the officer and the scolding of the sergeant could be heard.

"Did anyone run away?" Pierre asked.

"No." Wasika confirmed.

"Drag into the woods." Pierre's voice seemed to be drinking water: "Don't leave blood on the road."

The officer realized what the deserters were doing, and he Desperately struggling, his emotions became out of control: "Aren't you afraid of sitting with your family? I guarantee your safety! Don't! Don't kill me! I'm for..." A fiercely smashed, and the officer was dumbfounded.

Samukin did the same thing, and the sergeant was instantly ignorant.

The pursuers were horrified to discover that a hole had been dug in the woods beside the road.

"Buried directly?" Wasika asked.

"No, have a good time," replied Pierre.

Washka raised his hand and wiped the officer's neck, being careful not to let a drop of blood fall outside the pit.

Then Sergeant.

Then there are others.

A cavalryman was so scared that he wet his pants and begged bitterly: "I am also Dussac, don't kill me."

"I am also Dussac." Pierre With a blank face, he asked, "Aren't you here to kill me too? I just want to farm and support my family."

The bodies of the seven pursuers were put into the pit.

The deserters filled back the soil, cautiously put the turf back in place, and piled up dead branches and fallen leaves like anywhere else.

It will soon come back to life, and plants will grow more vigorously thanks to the nourishment of fertilizers. Birds will sing here, mice will make nests here.

“What about the company he said?” Wasika asked.

“If you don’t live without a person, if you’re dead without a corpse, you can only be considered missing.” Pierre instructed: “Clean up the traces on the road and lead the horseshoe prints into the distance.”

Angelou came over and said regretfully: "The four horses are useless and can only eat meat. The other three can still be used."

"Bring them." Pierre waved his hand. : "Let's go."

It was very quiet in the woods, as if no one had ever come.

Only Anglo's sad voice could be heard vaguely: "It's a pity for those four horses."

As the saying goes [the alpha wolf died and the mastiff ran away. The solitary mastiff will die, the group of mastiffs will live]

This chapter explains the affairs of the mastiffs, otherwise they will be invisible (cover their faces) The mastiff is used to describe it instead of the wolf, because in Palato and In Hurd's culture, dog is a good word, and wolf is a bad word ∑(O_O;)
[Thanks to book lovers for their collection, reading, subscription, recommendation ticket, monthly ticket, reward and comment]

The character of Anglo is a little missing.

In the original outline, one of the horses he had in his life, Ryzhik/Redmane, would soon die.

Redmane will be favored by the superiors, and if it is too bad, he will be poisoned to death.

Angelo becomes extremely depressed.

And then cross the Netherworld River for the first encounter with the Heard cavalry.

While everyone was just running, Anglo would jump off the carry and take down a Hurd officer.

Because the opponent's warhorse looks exactly the same as the red mane. He was also the only one who dared to resist in the militia that lost one's head out of fear.

The captured warhorse will be named, also known as the red mane.

But at that time, the author was not a big villain, and the author was reluctant to bear Redmane and Anglo.

As a result, this setting has become a waste case.

Anglo and Redmane are happy, although he's flattened a bit.

I rarely write about the death of horses in battle. In fact, the casualty rate of war horses on the battlefield is not low.

The Zhaoling Six Horses are Li Shimin's six horses, all of whom died in battle.

Please be lucky to be a parallel world warhorse.

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