Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 224


Chapter 224 Founding the Army
When Winters opens his eyes now, dozens of people eat, drink, shit and piss.

The men and horses of the pot ring, he has included.

He also experienced the pain of the pot ring.

Before this, he had never worried about logistics.

Logistics is a high-level officer's concern, and Winters is nothing more than a Hundred-Men Commander. Whatever is sent to him from the top, he will send to the bottom.

If it is not enough, go to the logistics department to ask. If you don't come, there's nothing you can do.

As long as he doesn't embezzle and enrich himself, the soldiers will be thankful.

But now it's different, he's an officer without a superior, leading a force with no rear - although there are currently only 38 men - all on his own.

To be blunt, everyone has nothing to wipe their butts, and the first thing that comes to mind is Captain Montagne.

Intercepting the Grain Requisition solved Winters' pressing needs, but left the nascent team with a tough decision.

Should I return the food?

Winters gathers the key members of the party for a fireside meeting.

The representatives of Pierre, Anglo, Wasica, and several other villages sat in a circle around the campfire, and Winters shared the current situation.

Twigs were beeping and peeling in the fire.

Anglo said timidly: "Give it back to the villagers. These grains belong to the villagers, and they robbed them from the villagers in Wolf Town."

Winters nodded, encouraging Anglo to go on. He wanted to hear what other people thought.

He is now cutting wood by the firelight, intending to carve a few pieces.

"Go back?" Pierre coldly snorted, and asked: "What shall we eat?"

Anglo was stunned, he was gentle in nature and didn't like to think too complicated thing. So he lowered his head and fiddled with the branches at his feet.

Pierre bit his lip and said cruelly: "Don't pay it back at all! Not even a grain of wheat! Which family really doesn't have anything to eat, let's give them a little more, and they will thank us."

The knife in Winters' hand paused for a moment, and he nodded: "This is also a way."

The representatives of the other villages did not dare to interject, but it was obvious from the expression that they Agree with Pierre.

Although they sympathize with the wolf town farmers, it is more important to fill their stomachs after all.

"The food collection team is going to grab the food of the villagers, and we will go to grab the food collection team. What's the difference between us and them?" Anglo raised his head suddenly and said sadly: "Then we will later Just stay at the edge of Wolf Town, and wait for the food requisition team to snatch all the villagers before going to rob them? Aren't we becoming carrion-eating crows and hyenas?"

This time it was Pierre Wu's turn. Yan retorted, he folded his arms and muttered: "It's still different."

"There's no quarrel." Wasika came out to mediate, he neutralized the views of the two, and asked tentatively: " Or else... still go back halfway?"

Hearing this, Winters, who was carving chess pieces, almost cut his hand.

For a split second he really wanted to pry off Vashka's skull to see how the kid came up with such a "genius" solution.

But he also remembered Lieutenant Colonel Jesska's attitude towards the ensigns - listen more, talk less, and make decisions.

You can't hit everyone casually, otherwise no one will dare to speak again.

Not waiting for Winters to say anything, Pierre pushed back: "Half? Why don't you just not! Half? Everyone will hate us!"

Washi Ka also shyly closed his mouth.

"Okay, arrange the night whistle, the rest of the people rest. Anglo stays." Winters brushed off the sawdust from his body and put a horse head piece in his pocket: "Left tomorrow, let's go back to the wolf Town."

The Dussacks stood up neatly, accustomed to obeying orders.

Representatives from other villages were a little flustered.

The past few days the team still lived in the robber camp in the forest, and suddenly went to Wolf Town, they were a little uncomfortable.

"I can't stay here." Winters thought, "Otherwise I'll be a robber."

The robber camp has no walls, no barracks, no posts, not even a few tents. top.

Even Winters is nothing more than a blanket by the campfire as a bed.

Living in such a place can even change people's mentality.

Everyone else has gone away, Anglo squeezed the corner of his clothes nervously: "Did I say something wrong?"

"I said nothing wrong, you are a good child ." Winters said softly to Anglo - in fact, the age difference between the two was less than four years: "I just want to tell you this, go back and sleep well."

Anglo raised his hand and saluted, He walked away ignorantly.

Winters pulled out two blankets, one for a quilt and one for a bed, and soon fell asleep.

He had just fallen asleep when Wasika's cheerful voice woke him.

Winters' head hurts a lot: "What?"

"Hundred-Men Commander, I have an idea!" Wasika came to report as soon as possible, he beamed with joy : "I will give it back to the villagers in Wolf Town at this time. In the future, we will stay beside other villages and towns, and when the grain collection team has robbed all other villages and towns, we will go to grab the grain collection team, won't it be over?"

After all, Winters overestimated his endurance and kicked Vasya over.

The furious roar woke all the creatures in the forest: "get lost!"


A team of forty people, more than twenty vehicles cart.

Rolling up whatever they could take from the camp and throwing them at the car, Winters' troops set off.

The motorcade was dragging on the road in a long, chaotic manner.

Without the sixteen veterans to lead, the convoy would fall apart on its own.

Villages, small towns and even gangs in the forest along the way spy on the team.

Is it the expropriation team?
Not like.

In the past few months, I have only seen the expropriation team pulling the grain to Revodan, and this is the first time I have seen the convoy pulling the grain to turn back.

“lifts the head! Lift your chest!” Winters rode back and forth: “You are soldiers, not bandits! Walk me freely!”

In Winters In the scolding, the tense cheeks of the "recruits" gradually relaxed.

They thought to themselves: Right? I'm already a militiaman, why should I be afraid?
"Washka!" Winters shouted from a distance.

"Yes!" Wasika rushed over on her horse.

"Sing a song for everyone!"

Washka's face was bitter: "Hundred-Men Commander, I only know the songs of our Dusa..."

Most of the songs in the army only have tunes, no lyrics.

On the contrary, it is a folk song, the tune is just a few, but the lyrics are myriad.

Winters glared, "Sing if you want to sing! Tweak what?"

Washka shuddered.

He coughed a few times, blushed, and shouted at the top of his voice:
"big brother, you are leaving the village!
Little Sister, I really can't stay!

Holding big brother's hand!

Send brother to the gate..."

"Stop, stop!" Winters didn't know whether to cry or laugh, and gave Vasya whipped: "What's this singing?"

The militiamen also laughed kindly.

Washika covered her head and felt extremely aggrieved: "This is the song of our Dussas! Dussacs left home to serve, and the girls went to the village to send them off..."

"Okay! Let's continue singing!"

Washka continued to roar:
"Tightly pull the big brother's sleeve!

Wowwow Tears are flowing in my stomach!

I only hate younger sister and I can't go with you!

I just hope big brother you go home early..."

Wasika sang badly, three out of four lines were out of tune.

But as he sang, the militiamen's eyes were wet.

There is a sudden resonance between the homeless farmer in the newly cultivated land and the Dussac who has paid the blood tax for hundreds of years.

"Don't just listen!" Winters stood up and ordered everyone: "All sing along! Learn to sing!"


 … …

“Big brother, you are riding!
Little Sister, I am in pain!

How long will this walk take!
I hope you will lose your head too. "..."

With the singing of wail like ghosts and howl like wolves, Winters' team drove into Wolf Town.

Immediately afterwards, Winters waved his hand and ordered all the food to be returned to the people of Wolf Town.

Villagers from all directions gathered in the town square, and even the farmers of Wolf Town who had not been confiscated for food came to watch the excitement.

Everyone had a smile on their face, the one who received the food, and the one who distributed it.

It is easy to identify who owns the food, because the food is packed in straw baskets woven by farmers and a few sacks.

The straw baskets and sacks are all handmade products, so the weaving habits of each family are different. In order to avoid mistakes, many farmers even leave unique marks.

So the return went well.

Winters also served as an interim judge: Both farmers said a basket of wheat belonged to him, and Winters sent them home to get reed baskets that they had made at home. Comparing the two, As the water recedes, the rocks appear.

Since the town center was burned down, it has been a long time since Wolf Town has seen so many people today.

Winters sat on the hillside outside the town, watching the lively scene of Wolf Town, contented.

"Alas." Pierre was sitting beside Winters, still a little distressed: "I think it's better not to pay it back. Whoever lacks food will help someone. It can also make everyone remember your goodness. ."

Winters laughed and asked back: "Are you stupid for being a wolf town? They don't know what's going on? There's no need for this kind of tricks! Don't worry, I'll get supplies for everyone. Yes."

"Ai, I'm not worried about supplies." Pierre said sadly: "I'm worried that they will resent you in the future. You helped them once, what about the second time? What about the third time? ?"

"It's okay." Winters lay back on the hillside, patted Pierre's back: "It's okay."


After all the food was returned to the people of Wolf Town, the second thing Winters led the team did was to gather the remains of the cemetery.

The cemetery is located next to the church and is surrounded by bushes all around. It was originally a solemn and peaceful place for people to remember the dead.

It's not what it looks like now.

The better the tombstone, the more damaged the tomb will be.

The dug tombs are like wounds in the earth, brutally exposed.

The corpses are scattered everywhere, many of which have been unidentified.

There are still relatives of the deceased, and most of the remains have been collected.

The skeletons scattered in the cemetery now belong to the dead who have nothing to do with Human World.

Winters led the group to bury the remains that could be distinguished, and those that could not be placed in a newly excavated mass grave.

Many people from Wolf Town also volunteered to help.

With everyone's efforts, the dug tombs were backfilled one after another. It's like a wound healed, but a shallow scar remains.

After returning the food and collecting the remains, the Winters assembled their team on the ruins of Wolf Town.

"Here." Winters stepped on the scorched earth under his feet and drew a random circle with his cane: "It's here, we're going to build our barracks. The barracks is home, and it's the rear. From now on, We are no longer rogues, bandits."

People listened quietly.

"I know that everyone stays with me, not because you want to be soldiers, but because you have nowhere to go." Winters held on to his cane and said with a smile: "So I thought about it. , need a ceremony to let everyone understand that you are no longer farmers. Come on! Bring something!"

Angel came over with a sack of clanging things, gold coin!
Winters took the purse, walked up to the people, and handed everyone a ducat.

He said to the soldiers word by word: "This thing is called army salaries. When soldiers are paid, they receive army salaries. From now on, you are soldiers, and we have obligations to each other. You Maybe you still don't understand why you are fighting, but you will gradually understand."

"Okay." Winters tapped his cane lightly: "Swear it!"

No Clergy, no holy symbol, and no other extra ceremony.

One by one, the soldiers approached Winters and swore allegiance to him.

The oath is a regular ceremony for the military, it's a bit odd to swear an oath to an individual in a republic, and that's not what Winters wants, but the army is really held together by charisma at the moment.

Although it is still small, from this moment on, it is enough to be called an army.

After taking the ceremony oath, the army of less than forty men docilely accepted the reorganization.

Winters is like a painter standing in front of a blank sheet of paper, he can finally build an army according to his ideas, unfettered and unrestricted.

There are only 8 people in Ten Men Squad, the number is too small, and it is inconvenient to undertake the functions of night guard and patrol, so Winters is increased to 12 people.

It was too crowded for 12 people to live in one tent, so Winters divided it into two tents.

There are 6 people in one account, and two accounts share a pot, which is for a group.

A group of soldiers has a ten commander and a deputy ten commander.

Because of the phalanx tactics, the smallest tactical unit of the alliance's current military system is the battallion.

However, the Hundred Men Squad sometimes conducts combat missions alone, and the 80-person Hundred Men Squad is too small for Winters to feel inconvenienced.

Meanwhile, the experience of commanding two Hundred Men Squads has taught him something.

He plans to expand the Hundred Men Squad to 120 people, the size of the battallion remains unchanged, and at the same time add a Level 1 command layer between the Hundred Men Squad and the battallion, which may be called platoon.

The internal organization of the battallion was changed to 1:2:4, with two Hundred Men Squads having three officers, and whoever died was replaced.

But this is only Winters' draft, and he has no way of knowing what problems will be encountered when it is implemented.

Because he now has only 38 soldiers, three groups plus two messengers, not even enough for a Hundred Men Squad.

And the most important question now is: where does he go to find food for everyone?
[This chapter is also thanks to the Alliance Leader for the update]
[Because I didn't think there would be an Alliance Leader before, and I didn't make an agreement with the book friends, so please allow me to explain to the book friends here:

Alliance Leader update is limited to the current two book friends (4 chapters in total, currently 2/4).
My ability and energy are actually very ordinary, far less energetic than those with strong energy the great god.

A chapter and four thousand words a day is almost the limit. When writing is difficult, there are only three thousand words a day. Occasionally, due to things like overtime, I have to dove for a day.

On the days when writing is efficient, I also write a chapter and send a chapter, just like the previous two days and three shifts.

Although I have been clamoring to prepare the manuscript, but I have not been able to save the manuscript...

If there is an Alliance Leader in the future - although I don't think there will be, Sorry I can't add more like this. Because I really can't guarantee that I'll be able to write an extra chapter on top of the daily update.

Thank you very much to the two book friends who are on the League, thank you to everyone who is willing to read this story, thank you all]
[The character card of Reid cultivator has been updated, and it is still at the end of Second Volume边]

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