Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 232


Chapter 232 One Pound

Ellen also found that the Navarre sisters were eating very little.

She didn't say anything, just traded six eight-week-old chickens for a bag of wheat, pounded off the bran with great effort, and then ground it into flour.

The Mitchell Manor has mills, but that little wheat isn't enough to caulk Great Millstone.

So Ellen used a hand mill and milled it all night, sifting the flour finely several times.

By the morning of the second day, when the Navarre sisters walked down the stairs, white bread was on the Mitchells' table.

Anna was very happy and thanked Mrs Mitchell for her concern.

Catherine was happy too, and there was still a lot of food left on the plate.

Now even Anna couldn't help taking the younger sister back to the room. She pressed her anger and asked, "What? Is it not to your taste?"

"Although it's still a bit rough. ." Catherine didn't understand why Elder Sister Bai was so serious, with a light smile on her face: "But it's much more delicious than before, barely enough to swallow."

"Then why do you have so much left over? ?"

Catherine answered as it should be by rights: "I can't let me eat it all?"

Anna sighed, took the younger sister's hand, and asked: " Do you think Mrs. Mitchell treats us well?"

"Very well."

"How does the rest of us treat us?"

"Also It's okay."

"Why are they being nice to us?"

The question stumped Catherine.

Ana said seriously: "The people here are not good to Ana Navarre, nor to Catherine Navarre. They are good to 'his' fiancee and fiancee's younger sister. Here, we don't represent the Nava Lei Family, we represent... him. We behave inappropriately, we won't disgrace the Nava Lei Family, and we will only wear away the respect others have for him."

Catherine teased and asked: "You haven't married him yet, so how come you have the mistress mentality?"

"Don't laugh." Anna squeezed the younger sister's palm and sighed again : "People here have high respect for him, I don't know what he's doing, and I don't understand why he's staying here. But at least his reputation shouldn't be damaged because I'm here. ."

Katherine lay down on the bed and drowsily rolled: "Okay, I'll listen to you. Next time I'll be like that little girl and eat cleanly, it's alright. Is it?"

Anna had nothing to do with the younger sister. She hit the younger sister lightly: "If grandpa sees you like this, he will go crazy with anger. He hates wasting food the most."

"Well, he doesn't like me anyway. Grandpa only prefers you, everyone prefers you." Catherine was a little sad when she was told.

"But I prefer you the most."

Catherine snorted gently, turned around, and showed her elder sister a back.

There is a series of hurried voices going up the stairs.

The sound was so violent that it seemed like stepping up several steps in one step.

Without giving the Navarre sisters time to groom, Scarlett kicked the door open like a storm and rushed into the guest room.

Scarlett Girardlovna at this moment is completely a little Dussack.

The gentle and quiet inherited from Ellen has completely dissipated, and the wild, impulsive and irritable temper inherited from Girard has been fully stimulated.

Scarlett was furious, clutching Catherine's leftover white bread tightly, holding it up in front of Catherine, yelling and asking, "You sea blue bitch! Do you think I eat rough bread?! Do you think my mother eats rough bread?!"

Anna and Catherine were startled, and the two sisters froze in place, unable to speak.

Scarlett's expression was even grim, her eyes were wide open, and her anger was about to burst out of her pupils, nose and mouth.

"I also grew up eating white bread! I also had servants to serve my life since I was a child! Do you think I don't understand the leftover food on the lady's plate? Do you understand me?" Furious Scarlett, like a fierce lioness, roared shrilly: "But have you ever been hungry? Not to put on a tunic, but to starve for nothing to eat! So hungry that I want to eat my hands Drop it! My mother and I, if we don't work, we will starve to death! As long as you sit, there will be something on the table. How dare you leave it? How dare you leave it!"

Catherine was completely frightened Stayed, even Anna was at a loss.

But Scarlett became angrier the more she spoke. She tore the white bread with all her might, squeezing it flat and tearing it to pieces, her eyes flushed, and she asked sharply, "How dare you leave it? You didn’t rest all night for this little flour?! We have to prepare breakfast for you in the morning! How dare you have leftovers!!!”

“I would eat this kind of white bread even if it fell into the soil! Scarlett put a mouthful of bread crumbs in her mouth and asked with tears in her eyes, "How dare you have leftovers?" up, crying and walking away.

It took a long time for Catherine to recover from the shock. How could she have seen such intense "quarrels", grievances, fears, unwillingness... All kinds of emotions rose in the mind in an instant.

Ana suddenly felt a stranglehold on her neck.

"Why did she bully me!" Katherine hugged her elder sister tightly, crying sadly, her tears shaved off her makeup, and crumbs were hanging in her hair: "Why did they bully me? Me!"

Ana hurriedly hugged the younger sister and patted the younger sister's back comforted: "Don't be afraid, no one will bully you."

Catherine cried even more sadly : "You don't help me! You bully me too!"

"I help you, I help you, I'm your elder sister."

"I want to go home !"

Ana thought for a while, then nodded: "Okay, when the time comes, you can follow Lieutenant Juan back to Hailan."

Catherine's tears were like a flood over the levee, Totally out of control now.

She was crying and rolling on the bed like a little child, refusing to let the elder sister come near her, and didn't say what she wanted.

“Is little Nava Young Lady Lei all right?” Ellen stood outside the door.

Ellen was picking vegetables in the garden on the west side, and she rushed back to the mansion immediately after receiving the message from the maid.

"It's nothing." Anna replied to Mrs. Mitchell with a wry smile: "Little child."

"I'm sorry, Nava Young Lady Lei." Seeing this scene in the guest room, Ellen immediately understood what was going on: "It was me who taught me the wrong way, and I will teach Scarlett a lesson. Please accept my apology to you and your younger sister on her behalf."

Anna waved her hands hastily: "Don't, Scarlett did the right thing, you shouldn't teach her a lesson, don't."

Unable to allow Anna to explain, Ellen raised her skirt and saluted, and turned to leave.

She closed the door kindly, leaving the Navarre sisters alone in the room.

Later in the day, Scarlett reluctantly came to Katherine to apologize.

Scarlett still had tears on her face, her eyes were full of stubbornness, and it was obvious that she had no reason to apologize.

Catherine also cried like a little tabby cat, and Maroon's hair was messy.

She turned her head angrily, not making eye contact with Scarlett.

"You don't need to apologize, Scarlett." Anna replied in place of the younger sister, smiling and comforting Scarlett: "Catherine just lacks education, I think you're right."

Catherine on the side threw a fist at the elder sister bitterly.

Scarlett curtseyed and read, "I'm sorry, I did something wrong."

With that, she turned away without looking back.

"What kind of apology is that?" Katherine nearly fainted.

"Alright alright, what's your dissatisfaction? I also want you to apologize to Mrs. Mitchell and Miss."

Catherine threw herself on the elder sister, She waved her pink fists indiscriminately and screamed with tears: "Go find her and be your younger sister! You all help her, and you all bully me!"

But she didn't wait for more actions , was easily subdued by Anna.

Anna is not particularly strong, but much stronger than the younger sister.

Catherine couldn't say it, and she couldn't beat her. She was extremely aggrieved and couldn't help crying: "Why are you helping outsiders? Mother! Anna helped outsiders bully me!"

Anna struggled again to coax the younger sister.

"Seriously, Kate." Anna patted the younger sister's back lightly: "You should go back to Hailan. If Lieutenant Juan leaves, you won't have a chance to go back. At least for a long time. Time can only stay here."

"I'm gone, what do you do?" Catherine choked and asked, "Isn't it just you?"

Anna smiled Said, "I'm fine, don't worry."

Catherine wiped her tears and snot with the elder sister's clothes in vengeance.

Anna let out a long sigh: "Ms. Mitchell is right on one point, this is not a home or Hailan. If you don't work, you will starve. When my grandfather started from scratch, it was not and it was very hard. Didn't he always tell us the story of his twelve-year-old apprenticeship at sea, collecting, dyeing, and selling cloth on the streets?"

Catherine groaned angrily: "Grandpa doesn't Tell me! Never tell Olivia, he only tells you! He's partial."

"Anyway, I'm staying here."

"What are you doing here? You've seen Mr. M, and you should take him back. If you speak, he will come back. Trust me, if you speak."

"He doesn't want to go. , I don't want to shake his will." Anna shook the head and whispered: "I don't know what he's doing here, I don't know what he's been through over the past year, and I don't know why people here respect him. But I want to touch him, I want to know the real him, not indulge in the memory of him."

"A idiot full of love, how can marriage and love be the same thing?" Catherine couldn't help reminding the elder sister again: "Who have you seen getting married for love?"

"I'm not leaving anyway, but I want you to go back to Hailan. You're sixteen, it's time to get engaged, You can't stay away from home for too long, what about your reputation?"

"Don't worry, there is a mother here! Mother will be able to take care of everything." Catherine burst into tears: "I'm going home now. , she's getting angry, and she's definitely going to fiercely teach me a lesson. Besides, which man do I want to conquer, is this not just reaching over to snatch away the grain?"

"But life here is really hard, Mi Mrs. Chell has given us the best, but it is still very difficult."

Catherine was silent for a long time, after thinking about it, she made up her mind: "I still stay... I don't care about Mr. M, nor do I care. This is a shitty place, but I can't leave you here alone. The mother said we are Bing Tilian, and no one can leave anyone. I won't leave you here, I'm not that bad guy Mr. M."

Anna smiled helplessly.

"As for mother, isn't there that little idiot Olivia? She won't be lonely. Olivia will finally be able to monopolize mother's favor, and she will be very happy." Catherine's eyes were swollen. Taozi, looking at the elder sister, said seriously: "After all, I want to take care of you!"


On August 11th, the wolf section protecting hall resumed every day. ceremony of the week.

A few days later, a school official came.

The officer, who was always awake, spent most of his time dozing on the lounge chair in the living room, and Lieutenant Juan respectfully called him "Lieutenant Colonel Van Nassau".

A few days later, Winters is back.

Pierre, who was greeted out of town, noticed Winters' almost unconcealed joy: "Who did you meet? So happy?"

"Wait a minute, I'll tell you carefully ." Winters now has only Anna in his mind, and after a long absence, there is another small farewell, and the urge to meet is almost unbearable: "Let's go, let's go to your house first."

"I also have a major event to do. Report to you."

"No hurry, go to your house first."

Winters and Pierre galloped toward Mitchell Manor, when Pierre heard Hundred- Men Commander's saddle bag has the sound of ding ding dong dong.

When the two stopped at the door of Mitchell's mansion, Pierre couldn't help but ask: "What bottles did you buy from Gervodin?"

Winters was a little sorry, and spit out a word: "Bribery."

The two dismounted, and Winters didn't even wait to tie the horse, and strode directly into the Mitchell mansion.

In the living room, nobody.

The living room, nobody.

Winters made his way upstairs, and there was still no one in the Navarre sisters' guest room.

“Where are the people?” Winters asked Pierre, staring.

Pierre also startled: "I don't know either."

Ellen came out of the study when she heard the movement: "Montagne, Pierre, here we are. ”

The layout of the Mitchell house has a study, but the Mitchell family has few books in total.

Gillard was illiterate, and Ellen was doing embroidery and handling account books in the small living room, leaving the study room idle.

Winters' tense heartstrings finally relaxed, and he smiled and walked towards Mrs. Mitchell: "Are you taking refuge? It's not safe upstairs. Someday, I'll dig a basement for you. "

Ellen also made a rare joke, and she responded with a smile: "Okay, I really want a basement as a storage room."

Now it's Winters not knowing what to do: "Then I'll bring someone to chisel tomorrow."

"You're joking."

"Where are the Nava Young Lady Lei?"

“In the study.”

“In the study?”

“The ladies need a little space for their work, and the guest room is too small, so I brought them to the study. "

"Work?" Winters wondered.

Ellen smiled but answered firmly: "Yes, work."

The study window faces south and is well-lit.

There is a wide oak table and two rows of bookshelves in the room, on which are the account books and documents of Mitchell Manor over the years.

Ana sits at her desk, busy.

And Katherine snuggled up to her elder sister, cutting her quill in boredom.

Seeing Winters walk into the study, Catherine suddenly became interested.

Without waiting for the others to speak, Catherine frowned slightly and said, "Mr. M, as far back as I can remember, I have never seen an account book that can do such a bad job as you. Did the four hounds remember the account for you?"

Ms. Navarre's voice was soft and gentle, but her words were ruthless.

Anna hit the younger sister quietly.

Pierre coughed softly to hide his embarrassment, who had so far been responsible for the accounts of the militia.

“It’s not that bad, is it?” Winters smiled and defended Pierre.

Catherine ignored Winters, staring at Pierre with a pair of almond eyes: "What are you coughing? Are you responsible for it?"

Inevitably, Pierre stepped forward One step, the answer: "Yes."

"Then please tell me." Catherine supported her chin, changed a more lazy posture, and asked: "The first line of the account, [Payments, 39 ducats], [to buy barley, 12 ducats]. Where did the money come from? Was it conjured out of thin air? And it didn’t even have a date.”

“It’s Captain Montagne’s money. ."

"What about you?" Katherine looked towards Winters again: "Where did your money come from?"

Where did the Winters money come from?
There is only one answer: Anna gave it.

That night in the Castle of Kings, Winters exchanged a thousand gold coins from the goldsmiths.

The journey from the King's Castle to Wolf Town, plus a hundred pieces for the old pirates as travel expenses, and the rest are left in Winters' hands.

It is only with this money that the militia has been able to hold on to the present day.

Winters' cheeks were suddenly hot as he looked at Anna, sorry to say.

Anna also felt her lover's gaze, and she suddenly wanted to understand what was going on, and her face blushed.

Catherine looked at the elder sister and then at Winters, and suddenly realized.

"You..." Catherine stared at Winters, her eyes quirky, her brows furrowed, her tone full of disbelief: "So you eat soft rice!"

In the study There were five people in total, and Mrs. Mitchell also covered her lips and chuckled, leaving only Pierre standing bewildered and at a loss.

"I have something to do, please allow me to say goodbye." Pierre quickly left the place.

"I won't disturb you either." Ellen also walked to the door.

"No, Mrs. Mitchell, please stay." Catherine quickly hugged Mrs. Mitchell: "If you leave, he will definitely bully us both. How can unmarried men and women get along? No elders to supervise?"

Ellen glanced at Winters strangely, then at Anna, smiled helplessly, and sat down at the desk again.

"This money was indeed lent to me by your elder sister." Winters explained, "It has helped me a lot, and I will pay it back."

"Borrowed. How much for you?" Catherine blinked.

"One thousand ducats."

Hearing this number, Catherine walked up to the elder sister angrily and squeezed the elder sister's lower back: "You haven't Marrying! Are you going to have a lover? You poor woman!"

Ellen was also slightly surprised by this number.

"Don't make trouble!" Anna maintained a polite smile on her face and slapped the younger sister's knee hard.

“Without the support of the Nava Young Lady Lei, we wouldn’t be here today...” Winters hesitated for a moment, but still used a concept familiar to the Veneta to describe what he was doing: “… ...this 'business', so you are actually my primordial shareholders."

Catherine hearing this became serious, her emotions gradually subsided, and she put on the mask of [Ms. Navarre Jr.].

She smiled and shook her head politely: "No, I have already roughly seen what 'business' you are doing. We don't want to get involved in the bloody business. If you succeed one day, don't forget me elder Sister helped you."

"What are you talking about?" Anna was anxious and shy, she pulled younger sister behind her, looked towards Winters, and asked seriously: "What do you mean? , your private property and the funds of this… Before the elder sister, he said, "How does this work? How can public and private accounts be mixed together?"

"Do you want two accounts?"

"Of course!" Catherine His eyebrows were knitted together: "The expenses of the Navarre Manor, do you still need to go through the accounts of the Navarre Trading Company? Of course, there must be two accounts!"

Not only Winters fell silent, but also the love of the audience. Len also looked thoughtful.

"One account and two accounts are not the main problem." Anna showed Winters the account book: "Mr. Mitchell uses the single-column checkout method, and the expenses and income are recorded together. Priordial, it is difficult to reflect the specific number of assets."

"You are still Veneta, and you don't even understand double-entry bookkeeping." .

In fact, Winters knew a little bit, but he didn't have the energy to keep the books, so he threw it all to Pierre.

Anna gently led Winters to the table and continued to question patiently: "I also saw some very strange items, [distribute a ox], [distribute a plow cart], these Are they all white hair?"

Winters explained: "It's not white hair for them either, they will pay me food when they harvest."

Anna held The hand of the lover said softly: "I don't understand why you do this, but if it goes on like this, it will be a net loss in the accounts. A business that keeps losing money, no matter what it is, will not last long. ."

"Then what should I do?"

Winters ·Montagne, through childhood, was raised as a pure soldier.

If he was asked to train soldiers and fight, he would never be afraid. But in the current situation, he is really not good at dealing with it.

And Winters can't think properly now, because Anna is holding his hand, his head is full of Anna's body temperature, and his cheeks have been flushed uncontrollably.

"It can be counted as a loan, so that your assets are still balanced." Anna has not noticed the change in her lover's mood, she explained carefully: "Although the net assets on the account will decrease, it is not Pure loss."

"But they don't have the money to pay it back," Winters replied with difficulty.

"It doesn't matter, you can pay it back slowly. It doesn't matter if you pay it back in 20 or 30 years, it doesn't matter if the interest rate is set a little lower. For you, you always have to pay everyone. But you It will be reflected on the debt and loan sheet." Anna looked at her lover tenderly.

Suddenly, Anna also noticed Winters' mood change, and she released her hand as quickly as she felt a soldering iron.

Winters relaxed and coughed a few times.

Ellen and Katherine may or may not have noticed, but they were silent.

Anna picked up a pen and paper and began to calculate for Winters: "If the debt can be repaid steadily for twenty or thirty years. Even if the annual interest is only 5%, the final interest will be more than the debt itself. More. Then the debt is profitable and can even be sold. If someone is willing to take over, you can even use the debt as collateral for cash."

"This...this is not a tax package Officer?" Winters was startled.

"You can also go out without mortgage, this is just a way of using debt." Anna continued to ask methodically: "There is another very important asset, land. Land is very important and very important. It is an important asset, why are you releasing the land for free?"

Winters sighed, briefly talked about the situation of the newly cultivated land and the difficulties of the refugees.

In Winters' view, the newly cultivated land has a large area of wasteland, why is it not allowed to open up wasteland without permission? In the final analysis, it is because of profit.

Because of the interests of the manor owners and the newly cultivated land, Legion, land reclamation was restricted, land prices were pushed up, and all landless farmers were forced to become tenant farmers and hired laborers in disguise.

If private land reclamation is allowed, the price of land will drop to the bottom, and the major estates will also be impossible to recruit long-term workers and tenants - no farmer does not want to own his own land.

This status quo is not necessarily deliberate, but it is not surprising that people with power are chasing interests and gradually evolving into the status quo of new land.

Anna, Catherine, and Ellen listened attentively, especially Ellen—the wife of a manor.

But Ellen did not defend the estate, she just listened quietly.

This was the first time Winters had told anyone what he was thinking, and he didn't even tell Pierre.

"You think the interests of the farmer are more important than the interests of the manor and the Legion?" Catherine hit the nail on the head, although she didn't know the history of the new land.

"I think everyone's interests are important." Winters thought for a moment and replied: "But the powerful should not extract the flesh and blood of the powerless. They are also people who try to live."

"I think everyone's interests are important." p>

Anna thought for a while and concluded: "In the final analysis, land is always an important asset, for anyone. Then you can put all the wasteland in Wolf Town into your account. This way , your business has a large net worth and principal. You can even take a real estate mortgage."

Winters thought about it, this is a just and honorable embezzlement of Legion's property in the newly reclaimed land, but it is It was what he was doing, so nodded.

"Land should not be distributed for free. If something has no price, it will not be cherished." Anna suggested softly: "Land debt can be held for a long time and can also bring profits."

Winters was happy at first, but the more he thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong.

Suddenly, he woke up and realized that he was really starting to think about everything as a business.

"No, this won't work." Winters felt uncomfortable, he asked sadly: "They have just come out of the quagmire of extreme poverty, are they going to be squeezed to nothing by me again?"

Anna was also a little surprised. It is human nature to pursue interests, and she never felt that there was anything wrong with chasing interests.

But altruism is also the spirit of human sing, even the Hailan people who advocate profit-seeking have the feat of "breaking a family into a city".

Anna understood Winters a little bit. She was moved, but also very distressed.

She came up with an alternative: "Then you can set the price of the land a little lower, as low as a Silver Coin. But don't give it away for nothing, at least let everyone get used to the price and contract these two distinct things."

Winters was lost in thought, still unable to nodded.

Anna was close to her lover's ear, hugged her lover's shoulder, and said sadly: "Darling, no one can save everyone, but...I will accompany you."

This is the first time she uses the title "dear".

Winters seemed to be poured down by a bucket of ice water, and the physical and mental shock was indescribable in words.

"What are you talking about?" Catherine protested dissatisfiedly: "If there are other people present, you will bite your ears and ignore Mrs. Mitchell and me too much!"

" Sorry." Anna apologized to Mrs Mitchell.

Ellen smiled and shook the head.

Winters suddenly and earnestly asked, "Anna, are you willing to help me?"

This was also the first time he used the title "Anna".

"What are you talking about?" Katherine jumped up like a cat whose tail had been stepped on: "elder sister is an unmarried lady, how do you show your face? Have you considered her?"

"I will." Anna nodded with a smile, but then looked the head: "But no, not only because it is against etiquette, but also because it will make your subordinates and everyone lose respect for you. We still live In this world, it's still bound by it. I don't want your reputation to be damaged by me."

"It's okay." Winters bared a row of teeth: "I have the final say here."

"I can only keep accounts, read accounts..."

"That's better than everyone else."

"Do you want me to be the elder Sister manages all the accounts for you? Do you want to exhaust her?" Catherine was anxious, quick witted in an emergency and came up with a compromise solution: "Anna and I can teach other people to keep accounts, if you have a general ledger, pay Just leave it to my elder sister. She doesn't have to show her face to be criticized. Even my mother doesn't keep every account book in person."

Winters laughed, he laughed happily He said to the ladies, "Everything has been going so well since the Nava Young Lady Lei came here, like the monsoon blowing the sails of a boat."

"How shall I repay you, Anna? ?" Winters asked.

Anna wanted to say "stay with me forever", but she never said it.

She smiled lightly and said, "Will you make an easel for me? Make a light and strong easel that can be taken out of the studio."

Winters walked out of the study. Pierre did not wait at the door.

Winters searched the first and second floors of the mansion, but couldn't find Pierre.

Eventually, he found Pierre in the attic.

Mr. Mitchell is hugging with another lady.

Spotting someone walking up the attic, the woman panicked and ran down the escalator, nearly knocking Winters over.

Winters didn't see the lady's face, but saw the black veil in her hair.

There are just a few people in Mitchell Manor, and it's easy to guess who it is.

Tie her hair in black veil, which means she is a widow.

And there is currently only one widow in the manor - Mrs. Medellin, the widow of the wolf disaster refugee soldier who was cornered by Big Bentine before.

Ellen paid to help Mrs. Medellin pay her taxes, and hired Mrs. Medellin as a maid to take her and her young daughter to the Mitchell Manor.

Mrs. Medellin was four or five years older than Pierre, and Winters didn't notice whether she was good-looking or not.

After being smashed by the superior, Pierre scratched his hair sadly and asked with a smile, "Is it done over there?"

"It's done." Winters looked subtle, looked at Pierre with a complex look.

When he was Pierre's age, he still lived a normal life as a cultivator of painstaking cultivation.

Every week, he was in class and on duty, and he also served as a sparring partner for Ike.

The only women in life are cooks and washerwomen, with arms and thighs stretched out stronger than him.

Mr. Mitchell is so... colorful.

"Let's go, let's go back to the barracks." Winters sighed: "You said there was something very important, what is it?"

Pierre fastened his buttons, Answered word by word: "Black liquid town, willing to provide food, please be their protector."

In September, the autumn crops will come down, mainly barley, oats and beans.

A person of sound mind can already predict that when the autumn crops are mature, there will be a new round of ruthless [grabbing] and [forced recruitment] waiting for the new land.

Through word of mouth, the townspeople of black liquid gradually learned of the actions of the Montagne resident.

They knew that the food requisition team sent to Wolf Town was ambushed;
They knew that the Montagne town officer killed all the bandits near Wolf Town;

Also Knowing the massacre and trial in the St. Ghis Valley - the corpse of the bandit leader is still hanging at the entrance of the St. Ghis Valley, shocking any thugs with bad intentions.

So the townspeople of Black Liquid came up with a bold idea: to invite the resident officer of Wolf Town to be the protector of Black Liquid Town.

Not only from bandits and robbers, but also from the food collection team.

This is a secret agreement, of course, on the surface black liquid the town still owes its allegiance to Gervodin.

But if the food requisition team was robbed, then no one can blame the town of black liquid.

"That's what happened." Pierre hesitated a little: "Although we are short of food, being their protector... is almost equivalent to confronting Gervodin head-on."


"Okay!" Winters laughed loudly: "just to my liking!"

[I, a Veneta businessman, clicked on the skill "double-entry bookkeeping", Obviously very reasonable]
[Today is also a big chapter, 8589 words, equal to adding more]
[[Thanks to book friends for collecting, reading, subscribing, recommending tickets, monthly tickets, rewards and comments, thank you all ]]

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