Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 251


Chapter 251 Contempt
Soldier of the 2nd Hundred Men Squad of the Iron Peaks [Peter B. Neil] didn't know where to go, and his Hundred-Men Commander [Tamas] wouldn't let him ask more.

Bunir means dwarf in the old vernacular, and seeing that he was born short, an officer who had a headache at the hearing of "Peter" angrily registered him with this apt pseudonym.

Before departure, each person received a stick, and the dwarf also received one.

The Hundred-Men Commander strictly ordered everyone to bite the stick like a horse chomp, not to fall out, and to eat the whip when it fell out.

Without pre-war speeches, the gloomy-faced Hundred-Men Commander only uttered one sentence: "Whether you are worth 300 acres depends on today!"

After he finished speaking, he uttered only one sentence. wave.

Breaking the stick, the dwarf picked up the lance and set off.

The team is marching in the forest, and there is no road to speak of.

The troop of Shorties followed the Hundred-Men Commander through the old forest twice, for some unknown purpose at the time, but now I think they are probably preparing for today.

The dense foliage of trees not only increases the difficulty of marching, but also gives many people the opportunity to desert.

The dwarf watched as his companions in front threw away their weapons and ran into the chestnut forest without a trace.

But the dwarf didn't run, he didn't dare, and he was thinking about the three hundred acres of land.

So he quickened his pace to keep up with those ahead.

The team eventually stopped in a forest, not knowing where it was, what it was doing, and no enemy in sight.

Hundred-Men Commander made everyone lie down, and he bent down and told one by one:
"As soon as the trumpet sounds, give it to Lao Tzu to charge forward, and if you see anyone who does not have a red scarf, give it to Lao Tzu. Kill fiercely! Three hundred acres! Remember! Three hundred acres!"

It was about to be real, the dwarf lay on the ground, his mouth was dry, his hands and feet were numb.

He is a timid and dutiful farmer. He has worked with the land all his life, and he has never killed a pig, let alone a murder.

Murder is hell!
But, three hundred acres, that's three hundred acres...I can't even dream of it.

He longed to hear the trumpet and was afraid to hear it.

I don't know how long he waited, and the urging horn finally reached his ears.

There was a deafening cry of killing in the forest, and many people rushed out while holding the lance.

The dwarf lay on the ground, motionless, his hands and feet not obeying his commands.

He was really scared, scared to death.

In the days of serving as a soldier to the last high-ranking official, he only got two pieces of brown bread a day.

So when he laid down his arms and surrendered, he had no burden at all.

On the contrary, he was relieved not to have to fight.

To serve as a soldier for the current high official, in addition to bread, he also received three silver shields.

Silver Coin was hiding in his closet pocket at the moment, making his ribs hurt.

How can trifling three Silver Coins be worth their lives? War really kills people!

Shorty isn't sure he's going to heaven, he's not very religious, and he's never given money to church. Even with the most optimistic expectations, a walk in purgatory is inevitable.

Even if the Lord is forgiving and allows him to go to heaven, it is better to go as late as possible.

even more how, whether he went to war or not, the three silver shields had already been put into his arms...

He also received a field grant paper, which he put into his pockets. Sheets of tissue paper and silver shields are carefully placed together.

The dwarf wanted the land, he wanted it madly, but he hadn't really got the land yet.

Three hundred acres only exist in the description. Shorty has never set up a boundary marker, crossed a furrow, never sown, and never harvested.

No one pointed to a piece of land and told him literally "This is your land, it doesn't belong to anyone else, it's yours."

"In case it is Is he lying to you?" A voice in his heart was desperately trying to convince the dwarf: "Who knows if he will really give you land? How could the master be kind? Hide, just hide here! Wait until the battle is over before going out!"

The other voice kept mumbling: "Three hundred acres, that's three hundred acres! It's a fight!"

Suddenly, Shorty's back was aching.

He turned his head, and the furious face of Hundred-Men Commander Tamas appeared in his eyes.

Tamas fiercely, holding a vine whip, whipped the short soldier lying on the ground, roaring like thunder: "Bitch! Waste! Go! Look with your pig eyes! We're going to win! If you rush up, you will win! If you rush up, you will get three hundred acres for free! You don't want to give you three hundred acres for free!" Beg for mercy.

Hundred-Men Commander Tamas slapped so hard that the vine whip couldn't bear it, and with a "ga zhi" sound, it broke into two pieces.

Tamas's arms were also trembling, he smashed the remaining half of the vine whip at the short soldier, and reached out to draw the knife: "Give you three hundred acres, you don't want it! Good! Fuck your mother. I'll kill you now!"

The dwarf digs the dirt with his fingers, struggling to get up.

Pain, shame, greed, fear, hatred... His brain was about to be turned into a pot of rotten porridge.

"Ah!!!" The shrill howl of send cold shivers down one's spine came from the dwarf's chest. The honest and timid farmer rushed out of the forest with blood red eyes and bare hands: "Devil! Death! Three hundred Mu!"

The rest of the cowards were either infected by the dwarf's fanaticism, or afraid of military law, or talking about three hundred acres, or both, and stood up panting.

"There are devils ahead! The devils who came to snatch your land! Kill! Killing the devil is not a murder!" Tamas snarled with a saber: "Who the fuck can't get on, I'm here to do it. Kill you!"

"Kill!" Everyone face looks sinister, shouting and rushing towards where the devil is.


Don Juan was never afraid of fighting, on the contrary, fighting made him addicted.

But this battle, he felt anxious for the first time.

The layout of the enemy is very orderly.

In order to hide his tracks, Juan had to set up his attack position a mile away.

But he still bumped into the enemy's sentinel. Fortunately, the opponent's sentinel was also taken aback and was killed before warning.

The charging distance of more than one mile, not to mention how much strength the soldiers have left to run to the place, few people can do it just by running one mile in the forest without deviating from the direction.

So Don Juan is making a big bet. On one side of the scale are the disadvantages of reckless raids, and on the other side of the scale are the fragile fighting will of the enemy army soldier and Moritz van Nassau.

The original plan was to wait for the enemy to split up and fight an ambush in the wild between Hammer and Gervodin.

But the enemy commander was unusually cautious and fought with a straight face.

This made Don Juan unsure whether the other party would split up.

By observing the enemy's several failed attacks on Hammer Fort, Lieutenant Don Juan concluded that the enemy's morale was low and lacking in the will to fight.

So he decided to adopt a more dangerous battle plan - whether or not the enemy split up, annihilate them in front of Hammer!

The successful interception of Colonel Geisa's messenger was a godsend for him.

Don Juan didn't propose "decapitation", maybe he didn't expect, maybe he didn't want to.

But Lieutenant Colonel Moritz himself came up with the sinister plan.

As a lieutenant colonel, Moritz voluntarily risked mortal danger to assassinate the enemy commander, surprising everyone.

Don Juan was even more moved.

“It’s just the way of the other side, and the other side of the body.” Moritz chuckled as always: “They can send the sorcerer disguised as a messenger to assassinate, we can try it too.”

Huan ran wildly through the forest with his saber, thinking in his heart, "Don't let anything happen, Lieutenant Colonel."

He rushed out of the forest and suddenly became enlightened. As expected, only a few people followed. He ran right to the enemy's barracks.

The formation of the Tiefeng County Infantry Regiment has been shattered after a one-mile cross-country charge.

Many soldiers ran out of the forest and stood on the road to find the enemy barracks three-four hundred meters away from them.

Some soldiers even ran behind the Hammer Fort.

Juan roared: "Pull the stake!"

He was the first to rush to the wooden fence, and the other soldiers followed along as if they had just woken up from a dream.

The wooden stakes carried by the army are inserted into the ground with a gap of two fists, and the pointed ends are pointed out, which is the wooden fence—a textbook-like temporary camp fortification.

The enemy has two circles of wooden fences inside and outside.

Just as Don Juan pulled out a two-person gap on the outer fence, the enemy troops in the camp ran over.

There are enemies Chaotang Juan and the others firing bows and arrows.

The strength of the enemy's bow was weak, and the arrow flew crookedly, but it still frightened the soldiers of Tiefeng County.

The arrows sou sou flew by, and they all turned and fled.

Don Juan was so angry that he cursed: "I didn't even run! What are you running? The supervising team!"

The supervising team did not respond to him, because the supervising team also ran seventy Eight falls.

Don Juan, flustered and exasperated, raised his saber and pulled down a fleeing soldier, in order to supervise the battle himself.

There was a howl that didn't sound like a human voice in the forest. Everyone was shocked, even Don Juan was stunned.

The howls got closer and louder.

A dwarf soldier rushed out from the branches and leaves with his bare hands - no one could have imagined that such a dwarf little man would make the terrifying battle cry.

The little soldier broke between the two wooden fences, pulling the stakes frantically.

The enemy shoots arrows at him, and he does not hide.

"Devil!" He pulled out a stake and loudly roared: "Death!"

Many of the fleeing Tiefeng County soldiers stopped.

Taking this opportunity, Don Juan finished what he was going to do. He slashed the deserters to death, and sternly shouted: "Fighting! Fight on the spot!"

More and more Iron Peak soldiers are running out of the forest.

Most people didn't charge with Don Juan in the first place, it was easy to get down on the ground, hard to get up.

So they lay on the ground, trying to win or lose.

It was thanks to the scolding, whips, and three hundred acres of Hundred-Men Commander and the sergeants that the terrified soldiers rose into battle.

The new force smothered the enemy camp with soldiers who wanted to escape. For the troops lacking will, the number is the courage.

Seeing that they are surrounded by their own people, the most cowardly soldier also gave birth to three points of courage out of thin air.

Tiefeng County soldiers swarmed to the fence and followed the short soldiers to pull up the stakes.

"Shout! Give me a fucking shout!" Don Juan roared.

The emotions were extremely intense, but Don Juan's mind was unusually calm.

He knew that the enemy and us were both mobs, and they fought in an imposing manner.

As long as you can act like you are winning, you will win!

Don Juan raised the bloody saber high and led the soldiers to shout: "Kill! Kill! Kill!"

"Kill!" Circle stakes.

"Kill!!" Tiefeng County soldiers pulled out the inner circle stakes.

"Kill!!!" Soldiers from Tiefeng County poured into the enemy camp like a flood.

"The garrison officer in Vigne County is dead!" Don Juan suddenly realized that something was wrong: "Surrender and don't kill!"

"Death!" The Tiefeng County soldier was red Eyes roared: "Kill!"


When Richard Mason, who was in charge of defending Hammer, led his artillery, the Iron Peaks infantry had broken through the fence , enter the enemy camp.

The two sides scuffled between tents and fires.

Without uniforms, it's almost impossible to tell the enemy from me.

The overwhelming majority of the soldiers fighting each other have no armor, the sharp sword can see blood with a single stroke, and the lance moved towards the chest can kill with a poke.

Among the screams, shouts of killing and begging for mercy, someone shouted hoarsely: "The one wearing the red scarf is the rebel! The red scarf! The rebels!"

Next to the gap in the gate, Mason found the anxious Don Juan.

The latter let two soldiers hug his legs and lift him up, watching the battle with a dignified expression.

“Where is the lieutenant colonel?” Mason asked when they met.

"I don't know." Juan bit his lip.

"How's the battle?!"

"It's not good!" Don Juan's handsome facial features were a little distorted, he held the scabbard tightly: "There is no way to escape, It's all blocked inside, this battle is going to be bad!"

A small camp squeezed into two armies, the soldiers of Tiefeng County fought with blood and courage, while the soldiers of Vigne County had no place. run away.

The soldiers in front were screaming and stabbing, and the soldiers in the back were pushing the soldiers in front to the enemy's blade.

Frightened on both sides, fear can overwhelm one's "fight or flight" survival instinct.

At this moment, "war" is suppressing "escape", so the two armies are at a stalemate.

But the slightest perturbation can cause the balance to tip irreversibly.

Huan jumped back to the ground and asked Senior, "Where's your cannon?"

"I've brought everything that can be shot." Mason pointed to the gun that his subordinates were carrying. A piece of wood-like thing.

"Okay! Wait for a while to see my signal and let it go together! Wherever there are more people fighting, don't worry about accidental injuries, just bang!" Juan waved his arms and ordered the soldiers he could command: "The others Come with me!"

Before he finished speaking, Juan went around the wooden fence and ran north. The soldiers didn't know so they followed him.

"What are you doing?" Mason yelled at Junior Brother's back.

Don Juan went straight to the camp gate without looking back.


Winters deliberately spread the word that Captain Mason and Lieutenant Bard, who were responsible for relocating the refugees, had left Gévordan.

In fact, only Bard went to relocate the people, and Mason secretly led the construction of the "new" Hammer Fort.

During this period, Mason also improved the wooden cannon.

The original wooden cannon was made of long, straight, thick and large wood, and it also needed to be fastened with iron rings.

So the artillery captain Mason gave up his pursuit completely and directly built a one-time second-generation wooden cannon.

Is it difficult to obtain large timber? Then use small, one-foot-diameter wood to make do with it.

Is the hoop too troublesome? Then don't hoop, anyway, use it once to chop wood and burn it.

The wood is thin and not hooped with iron rings, so it is easy to explode? Then use less medicine.

The final "products" are these "wooden cannons" that are like pieces of logs.

It is said to be a gun, but in fact it is a large wooden musket.

It wasn't even lead, iron sand - not so much lead and iron to waste - but broken stone.

It is more difficult for Mason's second-generation wooden cannon to kill the enemy.

The extreme "sloppy-work" leads to formidable power being sad, but the cost is also extremely low - in the end, it's just a hole in the wood.

So Captain Mason made hundreds of them in one go, and they're still making them continuously.

Nowadays, it is not the number of guns that limits the size of Mason's artillery team, but the lack of gunpowder supply...


The garrison in Vigne There is no high ground around the camp where the guns can be mounted, and the range of the disposable wooden guns is close.

Mason was as anxious as an ant on a hot pan.

Looking around all around, I really can't find a place to mount a gun.

He gritted his teeth and ordered: "Hold it!"

The "artillerymen" were stunned, no one moved.

Even with reduced charges, these shoddy wooden cannons still occasionally explode.

To shoot a cannon in your hand is to commit suicide by drawing lots.

Seeing that no one was moving, Mason snatched a wooden cannon from his subordinate's hand: "I'm coming!"

He was holding the wooden cannon and stepped on something that could tiptoe , barely standing in a higher position.

But it was still too low, Mason simply picked up the wooden cannon.

His men were too frightened to speak.

Holding a cannon and blasting the chamber may break your hand;
Carrying a gun and blasting the chamber will kill you.

Juan had already detoured to the north side road, opened the gate of the camp, and was waving the flag desperately at Mason.

"Fire!" Mason yelled.

The soldiers dare not move.

"Fire me!" Mason shouted angrily.

An "artillery" with a large red birthmark on his face silently lit the lead of the wooden cannon in his hand and stood on the stepping stone with the wooden cannon on his back.

With a loud bang of "hong", gunpowder smoke gushed out.

Anyone who uses gunpowder, even if it is not a gun but a gun battle, is far more powerful than a crossbow.

The people fighting in the camp were startled by the loud noise.

Mason strode through the smoke and sighed in relief when he saw that the old man with the red birthmark on his face was still alive.

"Red Birthmark" face pale, blood dripping from one ear, hands trembling uncontrollably.

He threw away the smoking wooden cannon and coughed desperately.

Mason suddenly realizes how stupid he is, what's the use of shooting people?

With the range of this wooden cannon, how many people can it hit?
It's enough to make a noise!

"Put it on the ground to fight!" Mason was enlightened: "Let me put it on the ground to fight!"

The wooden cannon has completely turned into a cannonball battle.

A series of rumbling sounds sounded outside the fence, and the melody of the bloody battle was shaken to a halt.

The smoke filled the air, and the two army soldiers couldn't figure out which side was firing the guns.

"Vogne County is defeated! The garrison officer is dead!" At the camp gate, Juan commanded the soldiers beside him to shout in unison: "Surrender and don't kill! Run!"

"Victory—victory!" Mason also commanded his subordinates, shouting in unison in rhythm: "Victory—victory!"

The Iron Peak soldiers quickly understood what was going on. Feverly followed the beat and shouted: "Victory—victory!"

"Run! Go north! Go home!" Some Vigne soldiers pointed to the camp gate and cried.

The ferocity and bloody bravery of both sides seemed to have been drained in the pause just now, and the soldiers of Vigne County moved towards the direction of the camp gate and moved towards the direction of home to flee.

The soldiers in Tiefeng County didn't stop them either. They were able to stab each other with lances like crazy just now, but for some reason they couldn't stab them any further.

"Not yet defeated!" Captain Hundred-Men Commander Sarai, the chief of Vigne County, shouted angrily: "Not defeated yet! Come back!"

Captain Raisa raised his saber , want to stop the torrent of this rout.

Suddenly, a soldier in the crowd behind Raisa shot a dark Silver Coin, hitting the back of Raisa's head.

Leza fell to the ground, coughing up a few mouthfuls of blood, and his consciousness was annihilated.


On Winters' side, he still doesn't know what's going on at Hammer.

Hundreds of kilometers away, he could remotely control the troops.

At the same time, Winters has full confidence in Hu Senior Brother An's military talents.

The vast battlefield is roughly divided into the Eastern and Western Fronts, Winters is in charge of the Eastern Front, and Don Juan has absolute command of the Western Front.

Moritz and Juan are Winters' most powerful secret weapons.

Don Juan's side has just won a big victory, and Winters has a little trouble here: the enemy in White Mountain County is coming so fast.

While in Antlers, he received a message that the "enemy turned back to help".

Before he could leave Antlers Town, another scout came back and reported that "the enemy is building a pontoon bridge, and the speed is amazing."

Combining the situation in Baishan County, Winters concluded that the other party was well prepared.

The three Hundred Men Squad quickly assembled in Antlers Town Square.

Faced with the soldiers, Winters ruthless gave an order: "Throw away everything you have captured!"

Soldiers could not get enough to eat, don't wear warm clothes, endure harsh military law, and Going into battle desperately, robbery is one of their only means of venting.

In other words, post-war robbery has become a soldier's "sacred and inviolable right."

Winters hated it, but he couldn't eradicate the tradition all at once.

He can restrain soldiers from robbery, arson, and adultery. As for petty theft, he turns a blind eye.

In the wealthy places like Antler Town, the soldiers made a small fortune.

Some soldiers have even put on new clothes and shoes to match their old clothes, looking ridiculous and pathetic.

Everyone was reluctant to hear Winters' order.

“Throw it away!” Winters repeated the command rarely.

His old minions—the Hundred-Men Commander and the sergeants—without hesitation, took coins, cloth, silver knives and forks, fine china, and other odds and ends from their rucksacks, and resolutely. thrown to the ground.

The Hundred-Men Commander and the sergeants took the lead, and the other soldiers followed suit.

But they were really reluctant, some even threw it and cried.

Beautiful silver forks - many warriors from bitter backgrounds have never used them in their lives, they can't even use steel ones, only wood ones.

They knew the robbery was wrong, but the "I want to take this home" feeling was so strong.

On the other side, Andre is leading the cavalry to sweep the bakeries, taverns and all possible places to store food in Antlers Town.

He kicked open the baker's shop door with a saber: "Take it all!"

The vicious cavalry immediately set out to raid the baker's house.

"My lord! This is not my bread!" The baker cried and said, "I bake it for someone else! If you take it, how can I explain it!"

Andre throws a pack of Silver Coins to the baker.

The baker weighed the purse and nodded to submit to humiliation.

Winters' side, seeing the soldiers clear all the clunky items, he went into the queue to check one by one.

The six soldiers also had "spoils of war" in their rucksacks, which he found.

"Throw away." He repeated the command a third time.

The six obediently threw away the things they grabbed.

Back in front of the team, Winters directly told his subordinates: "The enemy is coming, and marching speed is life. Except for weapons, rations and ammunition, you are not allowed to bring anything! There is no need to greedy for these small profits, Antlers Town Public Treasury The money is being carried by the horse team, and everyone has a share after the war!"

The soldiers turned from sadness to joy, and those who were especially sad suddenly burst into laughter.

Andre's cavalry team returned to the town square and distributed food and drink that they could bring, such as bread and bacon, to everyone.

After getting rid of the burden and replenishing the baggage, Winters waved his hand, and the troops left Antler Town and continued to move towards Iris Castle.

Winters didn't know how the battle was on Hu Senior Brother An's side, but the longer he held the enemy in check, the more room there was for the Western Front to turn around.

Therefore, even though he knew that the enemy was ready, he still chose to continue to feign the Iris Castle as originally planned, involving as much of the enemy as possible.

As he left Antlers Town, the scout came to report: "The enemy's pontoon has penetrated."

Winters said nothing.

He led the troops out of Antler Town within five kilometers, and another reconnaissance horse came to report: "The enemy is traveling lightly and fast, and the vanguard is only fifteen kilometers away from Antler Town."

The speed of the garrisoned army in Baishan County was astonishingly fast, like a bloodhound, moving towards Winters, chasing after him.

"Okay." Andrei also figured out the taste, he laughed heartily: "If you dare to love people, they will wait for us to jump outside and want to eat us."

" There's no need to go any further. If you guessed correctly, the militias in the towns of Baishan County have already begun to assemble, and we will hit a wall no matter where we go." Winters looked at the map and frowned.

Andrei yawned, not caring at all that he was surrounded.

"The garrison officer of Baishan County...wouldn't he think I was unprepared and rashly ran into his territory?" Winters · Montagne is simply an unfathomable mystery.

He laughed angrily: "This guy, he really looks down on people!"

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