Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 271


Chapter 271 Iron
A piece of iron lies quietly in the dark warehouse, it has no thoughts. But if it had, it must have expected to live its life as something.

Is it the plow that clears the land?

Or a sickle to harvest crops?

The door opened, light came in, and the iron was taken out of the storeroom by the craftsman.

It was thrown into the hearth and buried under the hot charcoal. The bellows hu hu sounded, and the flames burned the iron body.

I don't know how long I have endured, and the iron finally escaped from hell. Immediately, it was clamped by the craftsman on the hydraulic forging machine and beaten repeatedly.

Soon, the bar iron was disappeared, and what was left was an iron cone with a long forearm, pointed ends, and a middle section about the size of a human hand.

The iron cone was thrown at the feet of the apprentices by the blacksmith as soon as it was formed. Before the apprentices could make the next move, the craftsman had already gone to fetch another piece of iron.

The iron cone was taken over by apprentices, and it still contained a surprising amount of heat inside.

Its surface is soaped by apprentices: yellow, put back in the forge; whitish, buried in hot sand to cool.

The iron cone was adjusted repeatedly until the color was between golden and silver, and the apprentice threw it into the oil tank;

The hot iron cone touched the cold oil and suddenly issued "呲呲" sound.

In the blink of an eye, it faded from bright yellow to scarlet, and was pulled out of the oil tank by the apprentices and hung in the air;

The color of the iron cone continued to change, the scarlet dimmed, and the violet The color comes out little by little.

It is again submerged in oil and cooled slowly.

While the apprentices were doing this kind of work, a man with a big belly wiped his sweat, stuck his stomach and stared at the apprentices, scolding and correcting mistakes.

Quenching and tempering have always been the unspread secrets of famous craftsmen. The timing of cutting material depends on eyesight, experience and secrets.

If a craftsman is willing to teach the apprentice these two crafts, either he is drunk, or the apprentice is his illegalimate child.

Throughout Tiefeng County, the one who is best at these two skills is none other than Shao Sha, a swordsman and city councilor.

Now, Shaosha takes out the ability of trump card. Although the apprentices were scolded next to each other, their hearts were full of joy.

Just learning to recognize the three colors of steel is enough for them to benefit a lifetime.

The iron cone is quenched and tempered, and is passed on to the just entered apprentice for cutting.

In the high-ranking blacksmith's guild, young apprentices are not qualified to learn more brilliant skills, but can only sharpen iron obediently and honestly.

The pedal grinding wheel spins rapidly, sparks flying in all directions, and the iron cone is sharpened.

Swords are rarely sharpened with a grinding wheel, because the blade can be damaged if not careful. However, I don't have time to do fine work now, so it's natural to do it as soon as possible.

The iron cone, which has been burned, forged, quenched, tempered and sharpened, is sent to the town hall, where the carpenter is waiting.

The next thing is simple: the iron cone is smashed into a thick wooden rod, one end is buried deep in the wood, and the other end has a sharp point exposed.

It was hastily secured with nails and ropes by carpenters before being sent to the town square to join its fellow brothers.

At this moment, Tiaotie understands its destiny and is a weapon.


The fire was red and the hammer was roaring.

No one makes plows and sickles anymore, both craftsmen and apprentices are building weapons like crazy.

Swords are too time-consuming, axes and halberds are too wasteful. Killing things, the simpler the better.

The thorn mallet became the choice as it should be by rights. For no other reason, it is easy to make.

As the name suggests - a mallet with stabbing ability.

You don't need good steel, and you don't need good wood. An iron cone and a wooden stick for agricultural implements are fixed together to form a thorn mallet. Not as good as lance, at least stronger than sharpened woods.

The barbed mallet itself is one of the most crude weapons.

The thorn mallet made in Forge Township is also the most primitive in the thorn mallet family.

Using thick wooden sticks sacrifices weight and flexibility in exchange for structural strength; the iron cone is too late to be firmly fixed, which is equivalent to exchanging structural strength for time.

There must be some people in Tiefeng County who don't believe that "the barbarians are going to be killed", but the blacksmiths are sure.

If it wasn't for the most urgent, how could the Montagne tribune order such shoddy weapons?

Under these suffocating circumstances, no one would care about the ownership of a forge changing hands—except for the Great Goncharov.

Da Guncha didn't know what was going on.

Anyway, little Vinicius went to Gervodin, and when he came back, the formalities were smooth.

Silently, the forge of the Vinicius family has been traded to Shaosha, and the publicity, voting and other processes are all simplified.

Da Gangcha suffered a loss. After all, the nominal leader of the Blacksmiths Guild was Mr. Shaosha.

As for Shaosha's back? Dagoncha can guess who it is with his knees.

At this moment, the man was standing in front of him.

"Lord Baomin Guan." Dagangcha cautiously accompany them with a smiling face: "Three hundred thorn mallets and six hundred iron cones have been loaded into the car."

"Not bad." Military Tribunal nodded.

The young military tribunal is dressed in military uniform, holds a whip and wears a long knife on his waist. For some reason, Dagoncha felt a little breathless.

"Many thanks, it's a compliment from the lord, I really don't dare to take it...I don't dare to take it."

"Five of the seven forge masters ran away. They all took their families and mouths to hide in the heat. Wardan, only you three brothers and Mr. Vinicius are willing to stay." The military tribunal showed a smile: "You are really good, I hope I can still use you in the future."

Da Gangcha's forehead was sweating, and his spine was chilling. He didn't take it easy until he got very far.

In the square of Forge Township, a convoy was ready to go.

"You don't have to save horsepower. The sooner you send it to Lieutenant Budd, the better. Tell Lieutenant Budd that this is the first batch, and it will be delivered continuously." Winters told Tamas: " After arriving at the place, the horses that pulled the carts stayed there. Bring back the horses scattered to the various farms."

"Yes!" Tamas saluted heavily.

Winters held up the helmet for the first company commander, sighed: "Don't embarrass me again."

Tamas's nose is sore from grievance, he salutes again: "Yes!"


Just this afternoon, the company commander was severely criticized by Winters in public.

If it weren't for the inconvenience of changing the sequence at will, the first company commander Tamas is now the 12th company commander Tamas.

Because Winters inspected it himself and found that the rations of the companies were a complete mess.

Especially a short soldier in the company brought a loaf of bread, millions of miles apart from the standard deviation of "two weeks".

The lightly fermented dough is baked twice and is light and takes up no space. A fluffy food like bread is not even a dry food.

Winters doesn't clean up the warrior, he picks up the company commander, especially the first one.

According to Legion tradition, the order of each company is closely related to battle strength. The battle strength in a row is the strongest, so he is the first in a row.

As soon as the results were checked, the 1st Company was the worst prepared.

On the contrary, the second company commander, Bart Xialing, did a very good job.

Er Lian carried an average of three and a half weeks of dry food per person, and there was no such thing as "some warriors are more and some warriors are less", which is very commendable.

Winters took out a Gold Cross on the spot and hung it on the flag of the Second Company.

[Note: Andre's one and Winters' two have been melted down]

"Okay." Winters waved his hand: "Let's go. Let's do it."

Tamas got on his horse, raised his hand to salute again, and hit the horse to leave.

Winters watched as the carriage drove out of Forge Country until the convoy disappeared behind the night.

He couldn't give Bud any troops, not even a single one.

Tiefeng County is bounded by the river. If there are plenty of troops or a fleet, then the best strategy is obviously to defend against the river.

Yet he has neither soldiers nor fleets.

He had to clench his fingers and fiercely punch the burner through the nose. Even a disparity in the strength of a Ten Men Squad may affect the success or failure of this fist.

So he can't divide his troops to Bard, Bard and the camp can only rely on themselves.

A one-armed middle-aged soldier stood behind Winters, watching all this in silence.

The one-armed soldier asked softly, "Without a single soldier, Lieutenant Bud can really do it?"

"It can be done, it can be done." Winters There was a long silence: "I trust Bud, and he trusts me."

The wind blew lightly, bringing back the muffled sound of the forging hammer in the distance.

"The last time I saw this level of trust." The one-armed soldier's mouth showed a smile of reminiscence: "It's still between a hammer and a shield."

Winters laughed out loud and took the one-armed soldier's arm: "Okay. Principal, don't curse us. Let's go back to Rewardan, Mrs. Mitchell will entertain you tonight, forget it. ?"

"I really don't want to go. I'm scared to see that lady."

"And there are other women you're scared of?"

"At least there is one right now."



It has been three days since Colonel Bode returned to Parato.

According to the custom of the Paratus people, for such happy events as Colonel Bode's freedom and his return to his homeland, it is necessary to invite relatives and friends to hold a banquet to celebrate, as a way to make a clean break with the bad luck of the past.

Despite the current situation, Winters wanted to clean up the Colonel.

After thinking about it, I can only ask Mrs. Mitchell for help.

Winters is ashamed of Mrs. Mitchell, Gillard's life is uncertain, he has sent Pierre on the most dangerous mission, and he has used Mrs. Mitchell.

Ms. Mitchell never showed the slightest rebuke to him, making Winters all the more guilty.

So in the end it was Anna who asked Mrs. Mitchell for help.

And Ellen Mitchell readily agreed, so there was this "family dinner".

Mrs. Ellen Mitchell was the host and Colonel Bode Gates was the guest of honor.

The male guests were Winters, Mason and Father Carman.

Andre was not there. Like Don Juan, he had led the scout into wasteland; Lieutenant Colonel Moritz avoided Colonel Bode and did not come to the dinner.

The female guests were Anna and Katherine, but Scarlett was away.

Because Scarlett had cut her hair on her own initiative, Mrs. Mitchell would not allow her to come to the table.

It just happened to meet the little wild cat's intention. At this moment, Scarlett was hiding in the kitchen and eating the impudent, and no dish could escape her "poisonous hands" - Ellen obviously did not expect this. .

There were only six guests, and Ellen chose a two-meter-long table that was neither alien nor crowded.

Ellen also opened two bottles of wine brought from Wolftown. In today's Gervodin, wine is a rare commodity.

The guest of honor toasted and chatted, and everyone deliberately avoided talking about war, politics, and the Heard people. The atmosphere was pleasant and intimate.

Colonel Bird's witty tidbits followed one another, and the laughter at the dinner table didn't stop.

Which of the three men here is better at marching and fighting is controversial.

But when it comes to pleasing women, tying Winters, Bud, Andre, Mason, Don Juan and Moritz together is not enough for Bode Gates alone hit.

Although wasteland's calamity nearly tortured the Colonel into Little Old Man, it failed to kill his sense of humor.

After chatting and chatting, it was time for dessert.

One host and six guests, should be seven dim sums, but only six served.

Ellen handed it to the others quietly, but she didn't take it herself: "Speaking of snacks, the flour in the city these two days is one price for a while."

Winters' attention suddenly focused: "The price of flour has gone up?"

"Yes, those poor believers can't even drink batter." Father Kaman asked coldly: "This is the matter. Not yours?"

Colonel Bird stopped telling jokes, he sipped his snacks silently, as if he was invisible at the dinner table.

"This... I'll go check it out." Winters nodded to Mrs. Mitchell and Carman, "Thank you for the reminder."

Carman sneered, Stop looking at Winters.

"Is this still worth checking?" Mason Senior, who had a low alcohol intake, said in a dazed and confused manner: "I heard that the barbarians of Heard are going to kill them. All the nearby villages and towns with some family property will run into them.

Revodan is here! This is a city wall! Can the price of flour not go up? What do you think? Can it go up?
The price will continue to go up. When the barbarian's horseshoe steps into Tiefeng County, there will be a More people fled to Revodan."

"Then you just watch?" Father Carmen asked frowned.

“So what? Restrict prices? Prices will go even higher! Restrict purchases? Everyone will rush to buy!” He pushed back bluntly: "If you want to solve the problem completely, you have to open a warehouse to sell grain! But do we have grain? We don't have any extra grain! The grain in the warehouse is getting less and less every day, and we have to take the grain to talk to Hurd. People are fighting! You push us, do you know our difficulties? Father Kaman!"

Senior is not only a poor drinker, but also not very least at this moment Mason is not normally suave Senior.

Kaman was too choked to speak, and the priest didn't want to argue with the drunk.

As for Colonel Bode, they have already finished their snacks.

"I'll discuss a solution with Mayor Priskin." Winters smiled to reassure Kaman and Senior: "There's always a solution, don't worry."

See Mason Senior was six-point drunk, Winters thought, and asked Senior: "How is your ranch now?"

"Which one?" Senior was a little dull.

"It's my first visit to your place."

It's okay for Winters not to mention, but to mention the sad thing that happened to hit Senior.

The wine, depression, and emotions were infected by the atmosphere of the banquet. Mason Senior actually cried directly, and the atmosphere suddenly became subtle.

Are you pushing too hard? Winters was also a little panicked.

Winters felt someone kick him under the table, and he lifts the head to meet Anna's big smile.

The major event is bad!

Winters scratched Anna's ankle blankly.

Ms. Navarre's hand was shaky, almost spilling half a glass of wine.

Catherine narrowed her eyes and looked at the two suspiciously.

Then Winters was kicked harder in the shin.

Enduring the pain, Winters grabbed Senior's shoulders, comforted: "I just wanted to ask, how are the breeding pigs you bred?"

"It's gone, no? Did I tell you?" Senior wiped his nose.

Of course Winters knew, because of the testimony of victim Don Juan. Last time, Senior was drunk and crazy and dragged Juan to talk about breeding stock all night.

"It doesn't matter if it's gone, it can be cultivated again." Winters guided the Senior.

"Ai, it's different." Senior said drunkenly: "The fastest way to improve breeds is to use male animals, and the most direct effect is female animals. There are both males and females in my place, all of which were carefully selected and bred, but they are all gone now... Ronald... Raising pigs and eating meat is no problem, but how can there be slaughtering pigs for meat? I hate..."

Winters nodded while listening.

Anna was a little annoyed, what about sows and boars at the dinner party? She clearly signaled Winters to stop Continuing this topic, but the bad things seem to be inaudible and invisible, and continue to lead Mr. Mason to speak.

Anna suddenly heard the younger sister speak: "Can't the seeds be bought from outside? "

There are ladies who are interested in this topic, Mason Senior is more talkative, he explained in good spirits: "Most pigs are kept in a family, lacking the awareness and conditions of breeding. If you raise a lot in one breath, you will have more opportunities to choose and cultivate from them. "

Katherine smiled sweetly and asked curiously, "Can't we raise a lot more? "

Ms. Navarre Jr. is in some ways far more perceptive than her elder sister. For example... Mr. M is clearly trying to induce Mr. Mason to talk about something.

<"Restoring the size of the herd ... will take many years. "Senior became more and more melancholy and sad: "It takes time to conceive, and it takes time for cubs to grow up, alas. "

"What about breeding horses?" ” asked Winters.

[Ask for leave in advance. The tinnitus has become serious recently. I have to go to the hospital after get off work today, so there should be no update tomorrow, sorry, thank you all]
[Thank you for your collection,阅读、订阅、推荐票、月票、打赏和评论,谢谢大家]
[其实Winters 也是一块条铁]

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