Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 279


Chapter 279 Triumph
It was late, but Tartai couldn't sleep.

Not only was Tartai unable to sleep, but Tartai's cronies were also unable to sleep.

The red plumes and feathers of the Tartai Department stayed up all night not because of the defeat at dawn yesterday - the slave can be recaptured if he dies, the subject can be recaptured if he runs away, the horse is not lost, and the armor is not lost. , the Tartai Department is not considered to have hurt the foundation.

But because they were stuck on the river bank, impossible to move even a little bit.

Where to go, the big and small leaders have been arguing for two days.

"That face! Ladies and gentlemen!" The old slave Chahan advised bitterly: "Look at your feet, it's all black! There's not even a piece of turf the size of a palm! This is a dead place! Let's go! I can still walk!"

Chahan said, bent down and grabbed a handful of soil, and burst into tears: "Open your eyes, nobles! The two-legged people were so savage that even the grass roots were roasted to scorch. It's freezing cold, the children can't find firewood to keep warm, so they can only burn the wet horse manure! The eyes are sickened by the smoke, how can they loot? In a few days, the horse manure will be gone! "

Old Nuchahan wanted to go, but the "nobles" of the Tartai Department didn't want to go. The harvest of the plunder is related to their status and wealth, and even their life and death depend on the success or failure of the plunder.

Immediately someone scolded old Nuchahan: "Why is the crow yelling? The fire roaster ordered you and me to cross the river from here on out, but we can leave if we want? The fire roaster does not kill you, but kills the quiver.


Another red-feathered feather with gray beard said: "I can't walk, but I can't waste it. It's better to change the road, go upstream or downstream."

"You and I can take the road of the other ministries?" The person who just spoke became more and more furious: "father oh father! Don't stop talking! Go! Fight! Your next decision!"

It turned out that it was Tartai's son who was speaking.

"Take off the dog, don't worry." Tartai glanced at eldest son, his eyelids jumped: "You are all right."

Tartai thought go? Neither do I want to. Now let go, aren't the hundred and ten subjects and slaves lost in vain?
But he also felt that he couldn't afford it - the two-legged man was so vicious that he burned the West Bank to scorched earth. The Hurds fought by livestock, and livestock fought by grazing. If there is no grass to eat, how can you loot?
I thought Pioneer was a rare fat man, but now he is in a dilemma, and Tartai has no regrets.

"I see that the two-legged people on the east coast are not as numerous as us. In the battle yesterday, their losses were not small." Tartai looked around, the jerky in his hand was about to be twisted Cheng Rou Fung: "Tomorrow, divide the children into left and right wings, and cross the river from the upstream and downstream respectively. My flag will be left here to catch the people on the other side."

"What if I am found out?"

"It's okay to be seen, go a horse's distance to cross the river. If they follow, you keep catching them. They only have two legs and can't go very far.

If they If you don't see it through, you will wait for me to feign from here and then attack them from behind."

[Note: "One horse is so far away" refers to a one-day distance for a horse, about 10km]
"What if it doesn't work?"

"If it doesn't work, then you and I will leave! You and I have done our best, and the fire-boilers can't blame you and me."

Tartai Department The red plumes and feathers couldn't think of a better way, and they agreed to Tartai's strategy one after another.

Chahan is Tartai's personal slave, and his status is an extension of Tartai's authority. Although worried, Chahan could not object to Tartai's words.

The red plumes and feathers of the Tartai Department demarcated the left and right wings, so they no longer quarreled, and went back to their tents to sleep.

Chahan also returned to his quarters. He had no tents -- none of the people of Terdun below the headman had tents.

In winter, the weather turns colder, colder during the day, and colder at night. Ordinary members can only keep warm with hot stones in their arms.

Chahan's son and grandson also went out with the army this time, father and son guarded the bonfire and did not sleep.

"How? father?" asked Chahan's son.

Chahanshook the head.

Looking at the smoke-smoked eyes of his son and grandson, the old man sighed heavily and lay down wrapped in a fur robe.

The grandson of Chahan fiddled with the horse dung and said angrily to Heaven and Earth: "If the battle is lost, you and I will die. If the battle is won, the chiefs will share the wealth. Of course, the wolf who is bloody won't let go easily."

"Shut up!" The middle-aged Hurd scolded his son in a low voice: "I heard that Yan, pull out your tongue!"

"If he doesn't stand up for a day, I will talk about it for a day." Chahan's grandson stubbornly pouted with his father: "People who come and go say that even ordinary members of the Chihe Department can get money. .But the headman of Tartai? He puts everything in his saddle bag, and he doesn't give a single horse's shoe to his followers!"

The middle-aged Hurd man couldn't say anything about his son and taught him angrily. Dao: "The Chihe Department is the Chihe Department, and the Terdun Department is the Terdun Department."

"The golden people are gone! What is the Terdun Department?!" Grandson of Chahan The more you say, the louder.

"Shut up!" The middle-aged Hurd jumped into a rage, swung his arms round, and fiercely slapped his son's mouth.

"Bang! !!"

It was as if thunder exploded in my ears, and the mouth shook so much that the earth trembled.

The horses neighed in horror, and the old man Chahan jumped up suddenly, not as vigorous as an old fogey.

"What sound?!" The old man Chahan's eyes stared like a cow.

"I..." The middle-aged Hurd was at a loss: "...hit him in the mouth..."

"No!" The old man Chahan shouted: "No !"

Red light flashed.

"bang! !!"

Zhenlei exploded at the feet of the three of Chahan's ancestors and grandsons this time, invisible fragments flying in the air, a wave of air instantly Push Chahan down.

Chahan's head collided with something hard, and his vision went black and he lost consciousness.

Thirty meters away from the Tartai camp, Winters, still wet-haired, was holding a saber and ordered sharply: "Get ready!"

In the darkness behind Winters crouched eighteen Warriors, each with purple lips and trembling uncontrollably.

And in front of Winters, are four carefully selected burly warriors.

Twenty-two warriors followed Winters and swam across the river in sheepskin sacks from two kilometers upstream, to avoid the Terden outposts.

The Hurds may not have imagined that they inadvertently taught the enemy how to use sheepskins to gain buoyancy.

The four burly warriors each lifted a palm-sized iron grenade to the height of their eyebrows, and a long lead extended from the top of the iron ball.

Winters passed behind the four, he didn't strike the scythe, but the four gunpowder twists were already burning.

“Throw!” Winters shouted.

Like ancient discus-throwing competitors, the four burly warriors strode up, turned their bodies in a full circle, and used all their strength to push the grenade towards the Tartai camp.

The sizzling grenade disappeared into the darkness, and Winters' roar even drowned out the dull explosion: "Come again!"

The little blacksmith Carlos used iron peak mine The iron smelted from the ore is of poor quality and brittle. But Winters found a use for brittle iron -- making grenades.

By improving the technology, the weight of the grenade produced in Tiefeng County has been compressed to less than 1kg.

The lighter weight eliminates the need to use the "hammer" throw - a method so dangerous that a grenade can fly over allies.

People were running, horses were neighing, and the Tartai camp was in chaos.

The Tartai Department, which lacks cold protection gear, uses sticks to arrange the horses in the outer circle of the camp to protect from the wind.

Bright light, gunpowder smoke and loud noises, any of which can cause a horse to lose control, let alone all three stimulate the horse's senses at the same time.

A frightened horse, occupied by the escape instinct, kicked the surrounding horses wildly, broke through the ropes, and moved towards the night.

More frightened horses rampaged through the camp, trampling the crowd, spreading panic to more horses and people.

"Don't panic!" Tartai ran hoarsely and shouted: "Open the rope rails! Disperse the horses!"

The rumbling snare drums covered Tartai's A cry of despair, the sight in front of them would make the knees of the Tartai minions go weak just at a glance.

Hundreds—no, thousands of torches like a heaven overflowing giant wave over the riverbank, headed straight for the riverbank, surfaced, moved towards the west bank and pressed down.

To cross the Big Horn River!

"What? How?" Tartai grabbed a slave beside him who was trying to escape, red eyes, and incoherently asked: "Defend us! Two-legged people must protect you and me. That's right! Why? Why do they cross the river?"

The normally submissive slave had a fierce look on his face, fiercely pushed that face away, struggling to get on a horse without a bridle and no saddle, He walked away without looking back.

"father!" Tartai's son took two personal guards and found Tartai in the crowd: "What should I do?"

"Fake!" Tartai suddenly woke up: "Two-legged people never have so many soldiers, those torches are all fake!"

"What should we do?"

" Draw your sword! Get on your horse! Go to the river bank!" Tartai roared with a face looking sinister: "Come up and kill one!"

At the same time, on the east bank of the Big Horn River, Bart Shaling's voice was hoarse. Like a human voice, he was still trying his best to shout: "Shout! Shout! [Herde] Tartai is dead!"

In the battle at dawn yesterday, the two armies killed almost equally.

On the eve of today, Winters took away another twenty of the best sergeants and veterans.

Bart Xia Ling had only a little more than one soldier left in his hands, and he was able to create such a big momentum by pulling out all the men, women and children who could walk in the Niu Hoof Valley.

The warriors rode on rafts made of door panels and logs, waving their arms and paddling fiercely, and moved towards the other side of the river.

The mobilized civilians did not have the courage to cross the river to fight, all they could do was shout.

"Shout! It's all fucking shouting to Lao Tzu!"

The shouts came out in various ways: "[Hedde] Tartai is dead!"


There are young children's voices in this shout, the vague guttural voices of old people, and the screeching voices of girls.

"Shout! Shout!" Bart Xialing was about to burst into tears: "If you don't shout, the blood wolf will die! One! Two! Three!"

People Gradually let go of his voice: "[Hedde] Tartai is dead!"

"One! Two! Three!"

The blunt shouts merged into one voice, soaring into the sky : "[Herde] Tartai is dead!"

"Not dead!" Tartai shouted angrily, beating the warhorse under the crotch like mad: "I'm not dead! I'm here! This!"

Outside the camp, Winters with eyes like falcons pulled out his saber, and pointed the blade directly at Brawny Man, the fat Hurd, who was particularly noticeable: "There!"

Two The twelve warriors no longer concealed their tracks, took off the lance cloth, and jumped up.

"That person is Tartai!" Winters seemed to have entered another personality, all the emotions that had been suppressed for a long time were released in this brief moment, he laughed happily, wantonly and cruelly: "Everyone! I'm coming!"

But before Winters could step out of the 1st Step, someone hugged him from behind: "No way!"

It was Ciel.

“What!” Winters shouted furiously.

"You can't go!"

"No armor! No horse! You're not a Hundred-Men Commander! I am!" Tamas stopped in front of Winters, He raised his lance and roared: "Follow me!"

Tamas rushed to the enemy camp without shouting or shouting. Twenty warriors silently followed behind Tamas, like a handle The pitch-black dagger plunges straight into the heart of the enemy.

"Let go!"


Winters roared like thunder, and with a forceful blow, Ciel forcibly dislocated his right shoulder.

Ciel let out a scream, his left hand still gripping his right wrist tightly, and he did not let go.

Perhaps awakened by the screams of Ciel, Winters slowly became quiet and silent, and his breathing and heartbeat gradually returned to normal.

Ciel felt the fading of Winters' frenzy, tentatively withdrew a little, but remained vigilant.

"Okay." Winters said suddenly, "Let go."

Ciel let go of his hand obediently, and stood with his right arm bowed.

Winters threw the knife backhand into the ground and silently attached Ciel's right shoulder.

"You said." Winters looked at Tamas, who was screaming and rushing, and said to himself, "Am I never going to have a chance to fight in person again?"

Ciel didn't know how to answer, after thinking about it, he whispered: "At least not this time. The company commander is right, we didn't bring armor or horses when we swim... If something happens to you, Then... how about that?!"

"Yeah. Oh, court mage, no wonder." Winters suddenly remembered an old man: "Forget it this time."

Charles kept nodding, thinking, "It's better to forget it later."

"Give me your spear." Winters shook his wrist.

"What are you doing?" Charles hugged Lance warily.

Winters took the lance involuntarily. He calmed his breathing, took four steps to run, and threw the lance as smoothly as flowing water.

The tip of the spear swept across the battlefield like a shooting star, and a horse-riding red feather feather on the edge of the rope rail was thrown off in the blink of an eye.

"Remember." Winters high-spirited and vigorously announced: "In this battle, Winters · Montagne will kill one enemy."

Charle took a deep breath, facing the The silent river cheers: "Winters · Montagne! An enemy at your fingertips!"

As the rafts carrying reinforcements hit the west bank, warriors jumped knee-deep in the river, screaming and charging towards the enemy camp.


The fighting on the west bank did not last long, and some fires could be seen at the beginning, and finally the light of the torch was completely dimmed.

But the hoofs and the cries were intermittent until dawn.

Bart Shaling, who stayed on the east coast, was anxiously waiting for the outcome of the victory or defeat.

Not only Bart Xialing, but also thousands of civilians in Niu Hoof Valley stayed on the river bank and refused to leave for a long time.

Many were whispering prayers.

Finally, when the light of the morning dawned, someone shouted in surprise: "The snare drum!"

"It's the snare drum!"

"Xiaojun Drums!"

"I heard that too!"

It's the snare drum! Bart Shalling couldn't hide his excitement, he ran all the way to the river bank, stood in the river, and cheered ecstatically.

Civilians in Oxhoof Valley also ran to the river bank, waving hats and handkerchiefs and cheering from the heart.

On the west bank of the Bighorn River, Winters urged the drummers: "March! Knock harder! Louder!"

The tower has been defeated, and the troops have fled, the enemy chief tower Ertai himself was captured by Tamas.

"It's a pity." Tamas' left arm and left leg were injured, and his face was pale: "The horses have run a lot, but only more than 200 horses have been collected."

" The meadows with a radius of tens of kilometers have been burnt clean, let Bart Xialing get some wheat seedlings, water, and a few mares in estrus. Before it gets dark, all the horses that have run away can be found again. Come." Winters laughed, "Lt. Cellini seems to be right. Stealing is faster than anything else. ”

The snare drummer blushed and beat the march hard.

Washing away the dust and blood with the river water, the warriors waiting for the triumph hummed softly.

Winters always felt like something was missing.

After thinking for a moment, it dawned on him—the lyrics were missing.

The army marches, the assembly, the assault...all of them. No words. Warriors can only hum along, but can't sing happily.

"Come on! come! all get up! Without thinking, a new 'judge' took shape in Winters' mind: "Someone worships Alexander!" Sing along! "

The warriors didn't know why, uneven and stumblingly repeated: "Some people worship Alexander. "

"Some people admire Hercules!" "

"Hector, Lysander!" ”

“The names of heroes are countless! "

"But even the greatest hero! "

"Not as good as the good soldiers of Plato!" "

Tamas followed the Hundred-Men Commander, singing enthusiastically, but he couldn't catch the last line, so he added the last line according to his own ideas.

Happy The songs gradually converged, and finally resounded on both sides of the Big Horn.

"There are people who worship Alexander!
Some people admire Hercules!

Hector, Lysander!

The names of heroes are countless!
But even the greatest hero!
Not as good as the blood wolf's guards! "

[Magic changed the Grenadier March, and filling in lyrics for the song should be a trend that began in the 18th century in my impression. The previous songs were basically composed without lyrics. But let it be here Come on, that's good. The motivating effect of songs on people's hearts can't be ignored.]
[Adjusting the jet lag "successful" - means that I didn't sleep last night, and successfully reversed the update time from 12 midnight to 12 noon.到底成没成功……得看明天中午有没有更新……]

(End of this chapter)

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