Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 292


Chapter 292 Time
The textual research of the [Battle of Iron Peak County-Telltown] will be a big problem.

Due to the lack of writers, the Iron Peak military has not been able to leave any written records.

The new government also did not inherit the good habit of "writing war history" of the old military officer system.

The surviving instructions, orders, and letters are full of secret words and ciphers, which are incomprehensible.

As for the Teltown people? They have no literal this thing at all.

To the Hurds, the war records are romantic heroic epics sung by old shamans around campfires.

Each version of the shaman is different, and all contain plenty of improvisation, classic homages, and pure fiction.

Perhaps in the future, some of those who witnessed the battle will publish their memoirs.

But we all know that memories are the most unreliable records, because everyone distorts and whitewashes memories to suit their needs.

Even liars don't have to be lying, because they genuinely believe that what is in their memory is true.

Only one issue of the "War Newsletter", printed on papyrus, could help bystanders vaguely sketch the full picture of the war.

Brilliant propagandists are good at turning bad news into generally bad news, bad news as acceptable bad news, bad news as good news, and good news as brilliant victories .

Winters is obviously not good at this, because he honestly informs all Iron Peaks in the "War Letter" that the Teltown people have occupied the Pangtuo River Dispute Field.

The night that Bard led the militia to repel the first round attack, the Teltown people's second round attack followed.

Before this, Budd had fended off a number of attempts from a small group of Torretown light riders.

Different from Wolf Town, which is located in a corner, Black Liquid Town and Wuzhen Town are only separated by water from Zhongtiefeng County, which is convenient for communication.

By the time the Teltown people invaded Lower Tiefeng County, a large number of people from Black Liquid Town and Wumastiff Town were evacuated to the territory of Zhongtiefeng County.

The Terdun people who plundered Black Liquid Town and Wuqi Town had limited gains, so they wanted to sneak into the hunting grounds of other tribes - Zhongtiefeng County tried their luck, but they were easily repelled by the militia under Bard's command. .

However, the pressure on Bard's shoulders increased sharply when the Teltowns launched the real offensive.

The small group of sneaky looters who wanted to "poach" were apparently incomparable with the Turdun cavalry who were determined to capture the field.

The first round offensive is merely a trial by the vanguard.

In the second wave attack that night, the Terdun people not only invested more cavalry, but also gathered a group of armored soldiers to dismount and fight on foot, fiercely biting the weak points of the horses and wooden fences.

Bow and arrows and slings are difficult to exert their formidable power in night battles, and the Terdun people stare at a little punch, and the battle becomes often tragic.

Herd Barbarian's snapping arrows were accompanied by a terrifying screeching sound and even flew past Ish's ears a few times.

The exhausted Ish raised high and slapped the gun, groaning in pain unconsciously. His waist, abdomen and arms worked together, and he swung the gun from top to bottom, moved towards the outside of the wooden fence and slapped his face.

He couldn't see where the barbarian was, just the place where the silhouette flashed.

The temporary slap gun is made of oak wood, wrapped around the oak wood with linen cloth to increase the toughness, and finally brushed with tung oil and asphalt.

Because it was too late to dry the wood core, the so-called shooting gun was extremely heavy, and it was more difficult to use than pushing a stone roller uphill, but the formidable power was even more amazing.

When the slap gun was about to land, the gun barrel suddenly sent a shock force back to Ish's hands, causing Ish's hands to go numb.

"ka-cha", the gun snapped in two.

Ish seemed to hear a scream, a crackling sound as the skull was smashed. It was more likely that all the sounds were hallucinations, because the battlefield was so noisy that he couldn't hear anything at all.

The horse-rejecting stakes have been pulled out a lot, leaving only a thin wooden fence between the two sides.

The Tiefeng County militiamen used all one's strength to smash the barbarians outside the fence, not only with slap guns, but also with long-pole flails.

The flail was originally just a tool for farm work, but now the knocker is full of brains.

At the same time, archers and slingers also gnashing teeth moved towards the outside of the fence, pouring arrows and stones, most people can't see where the barbarians are, just moved towards the approximate position, throwing stones and arrows desperately, as if the faster they shoot , the safer they are.

The Terdon people are doing the same thing - moving towards the silhouette and shooting arrows over the fence.

Ish noticed that his slap shot had broken, but it didn't seem to break.

Because the linen wrapped around the wood core was barely connected to the two sections of the gun barrel, this slap gun now looks like a broken arm, with the short section at the front drooping.

The slap shot turned into a large flail, and Ish had nothing to complain about as he gasped and raised the barrel again.

Another screeching sound came from far to near, but this time instead of flying as far away as before, it burrowed into Ish's left leg.

Ish, whose consciousness has been sluggish, was stunned for a while before realizing that he was hit by an arrow.

With the last of his strength, he smashed the barbarians outside the wooden fence with the barrel of his gun, and fell heavily on the rocky beach.

The militiamen beside them saw the sergeant being wounded and hurriedly carried Ish to the rear of the battle line.

The pony Anglo saw that more and more wounded were carried to the back, and the Teltown people's offensive did not weaken at all, and was already brow beaded with sweat in a hurry.

"Go to the reserve team! Lieutenant." Anglo rushed to Bud's side and pleaded again: "If this goes on like this, the battle line will collapse!"

Watching the battle The Budd didn't seem to have any feelings: "Not yet when the time comes."

"They can't hold on."

"They can hold on, I know theirs. Where is the limit."

"Then let the cavalry team on!" Anglo clenched the handle of the knife tightly: "I'll lead someone to dash from the side for a round."

"Also Not when the time comes."

Anglo wanted to argue, but was silenced by Bud.

Bud narrowed his eyes and listened. Soon, Anglo heard it too.

The dull sound of hoofs grew louder and closer.

Angelo's pupils dilated suddenly - the sound of hooves did not come from the other side of the river, but from behind them!
Reinforcement? Or...

"Drumming!" Bud shouted: "Reserves! Get in the car!"

There are no reinforcements tonight, only the enemy.

south-east direction, on the road leading to Little Rock, cavalry in groups are going over the hills and heading straight for the field.

The lance flashed cold light and the hooves sounded like a shower.

In Hedd, "war" and "looting" are the same word, which means that war is actually an economic act.

Therefore, the Hurds are the least willing to meet force with force in a war, because even if they win, they will lose money.

Detouring, outflanking, pulling, and using the advantages of four legs to annihilate the enemy in motion is the ability of the Hurds.

If the Hurds chose to meet force with force, it must have been for a good reason - such as a "miracle soldier" who smuggled across the river from upstream.

The one who led this cavalry was none other than the Hundred Cavalry Commander "Chewing Corpse" who had just fought Bud.

The mission before chewing the corpse was not to capture the prisoners, but to inquire about the military situation. Using a hundred cavalry forces to attack Tushechang is a matter of chewing corpses on one's own accord.

Winning is naturally a great achievement, if you can't win...then you have to make atonement.

The last time he was repelled, the chewing corpse dropped more than 30 corpses. This time swimming from the upper reaches of the densely forested mountains, many subordinates were swept away by the river.

I haven't grabbed any spills of war yet, and more than a dozen minions have lost nearly half of them. If you can't make a windfall, it's hard to say what will be waiting for the corpse to be chewed.

It is with this strong motive in mind that he chewed the corpse and fell into the pit.

The Terdun riders who followed the corpse chewed their horses one after another, but some people still couldn't react and trampled heavily on the corpse chews and war horses that had fallen into the pit.

When the thoracic vertebrae were smashed to pieces by the war horses of the subordinates, it was only after chewing the corpse that he figured out that the two-legged man had also arranged a defense behind him.

Cota's life and death were unknown, and the other Turdun cavalrymen panicked for a while.

A red-feathered gnashing teeth roared: "[Hedde] chewed the corpse to death! I am Kota! Hurry up and kill the two-legged man! Heavenly God is above!"

Hong Lingyu took the lead and stepped on the body of chewing the corpse and the war horse to cross the pit, killing the disciples from behind. The other Teltowners subconsciously followed the man who dared to give orders.

"The scale is smaller than I thought." Bud watched the Turtletown cavalry collide head-on again: "Anglo!"

"Yes!" Anglo Reckless full of energy.

"Go out through the back door and stab the Terdon people in the waist!"

"Yes!" next to his subordinates.

Including Anglo, the cavalry team was no more than thirty people, all of whom had already prepared their saddles and were just waiting to attack.

"Spantajevich!" A sixteen- or seventeen-year-old half-baked waving a Dussack saber handed down from his father, excitedly asked Anglo: "Is it our turn?"

"You stand at the end." Anglo raised his face, looked serious, and showed a rare commander style: "Follow the team, and don't scare your pants for a while."

The source of Budd's cavalry team is very complex, including Dussack, a 16- or 17-year-old young man, a wealthy peasant who knows how to ride horses, and the children of two manor owners who voluntarily signed up to participate.

Angelo's tongue is clumsy, he doesn't know how to use words to boost morale, and time doesn't allow it.

He pulled out his saber, looked at the vicissitudes of life or childish eyes in front of him, sniffed, and said, "Follow me, I'll be in the front. I'm dead, you keep going. Charge forward."

After saying that, he lightly knocked the red mane with the heel of his boot, and plunged into the woodland by the river without turning his head.

The offense and defense around the refusal of horses and the fence has reached the most critical moment. The Terdun people, the Palatu people... We are all human, and they all want to turn around and run away in the face of death.

The two sides are tensed with one breath, and whichever side shows its decline first, will be followed by a domino Bone Token-like rout, because no one dares to take a step back.

The men grit their teeth, stare, gasp, endure pain and torture as they try to kill each other.

The Terdun people heard the sound of fighting from the rear of the camp, and knew it was the outflanking flanking soldiers coming, and their morale was boosted.

A burly Thortown Armored Soldier named "Bear" wafted to the fence with a waving slap gun and flail.

The Tiefeng County militiamen only saw a bear-like thing wrapped in iron armor with two shields tied to its shoulders hugging the fence, roaring forcibly like a brown bear pulling a tree. A stake pull up by the roots.

The militiamen waved their flails in horror and hit the human-shaped wild beast, but the other party seemed to have no pain or weapons, so he directly picked up the stake in his hand and roared into the fence line.

"Bear" completely relied on brute force to wave the three-meter-long log in his hand. The militiamen of Tiefeng County, who couldn't dodge, were beaten until their chests collapsed, and no one could get close to "Bear".

"[Head] breaking the formation! Breaking the formation!" the other Teltowners, with red-eyed provocation, howled and squeezed into the small opening: "[Head] Heavenly God is above!"

The sound of hoofs was thunderous, and a series of sounds of war horses stepping on the water came from behind, and the Terdun people by the fence thought that some noble person was eager to win.

Several red feathers flustered and exasperated, scolding, but the scolding has turned into exclamation even in the mouth.

Because they saw a reddish-brown warhorse floating on the water like a Pegasus, rushing towards them with a thunderous force.

There are also continuously riders leaping out of the bushes on the banks of the river, their war horses as if they won't sink into the water, marching on the water and slaughtering the Terdun people from the side and rear.

The Teltown people who are besieging the fence have once again tasted the most classic anvil and hammer tactics.

"Ура!" Anglo roared, and he chopped off half of his head with a knife - the deceased didn't come back to his senses in the end.

The red mane, draped in a felt breastplate, slammed into the Teltown people without slowing down at all.

The Terdun people along the way screamed and avoided, when they could avoid Red Mane, Yellow Mane, White Mane, and other Iron Peak County riders who were struggling to push their horses to charge.

Having been hacked to death, knocked to death, trampled to death, the will of the people of Teltown collapsed.

They are a horse-taming clan, and dismounting and fighting on foot is not their forte, let alone a flank charge.

The Terdun people fled in all directions, and Anglo, brandishing his saber, ruthlessly drove the barbarians into the deep waters.

The water was getting deeper and faster, and the people of Teltown, who had been driven to flee by instinct, found that the icy water had reached their knees.

They were on the verge of losing their footing, and the vicious cavalry drove more of the Teltuns into the deep waters.

Finally, one, two...Telltown people who were exhausted one after another couldn't maintain their balance, screaming and being swept away by the river. After a few ups and downs, they disappeared.

There were fewer and fewer Terdun people on the riverbed, and Anglo without the slightest hesitation ordered: "Don't take prisoners! Kill them all!"

Just as Anglo Clamping the horse's ribs and preparing to launch the final charge, a hail of hoofs came from the south bank.

Telltown's commander sent another cavalry to take the Anglo cavalry on the back.

"Retreat!" Anglo pulled the reins and led his subordinates back to the north shore along the same path.

The chasing Turdun cavalry tried to follow Anglo to the north shore, but one after another horse stumbled and fell into the water.

The people of Teltown won't know what's going on until tomorrow morning, when the Iron Peaks militia sets out to remove the wooden stakes and bridge deck beneath the water.

The Armored Soldier "Bear" of Teltown, who broke into the fence, was finally exhausted, and Anglo's charge defeated the other Teltowners.

Aside from "Bears," no Terdon man passed through the gap between the fences.

"Bear" hugged the stake, gasping for breath, barely supporting his body.

A militiaman tentatively approached this bear-like barbarian, who didn't move... He really had no strength.

Suddenly, all the militiamen became bold, waving guns, flails, sticks all directions at "Bear".

The "Bear" was knocked down by the bat, and the militiamen beat the bear-like barbarian lifelessly, as if they were venting some long-repressed emotions.

Many people roared and fought. When they were just fighting, they clenched their teeth and couldn't make a sound.

"Enough!" Bud coldly stopped everyone.

The militiamen stopped one after another, and many stood stunned after they stopped, and some cried.

Perhaps the armor is sturdy, the life force is tenacious, and it may be the return of light. "Bear" is not dead yet, and a sigh-like moan came out of his throat.

"He's also a warrior." Bud took off his hat: "Give him a treat, don't cut off his ears and head."

"I'll come." Ish, whose arrows had been removed from his legs, limped over to the dying Telton man.

He drew his dagger, made a salute, took off "Bear"'s neck guard, and slit "Bear"'s throat.

The sound of throat cutting was unpleasant, and some militiamen could not help but spit out blood.

"You'll get used to it." Ish said, wiping his dagger.

At the same time, Bard received a letter from a green helmeted messenger cavalry swiftly.

"Let everyone prepare to evacuate." Bud handed the letter to Anglo who returned to the camp: "Captain Montagne is here."

Walk northeast of the field, not far A kilometer away.

Winters arrives at the "Battlefield" with a large army.

But the battlefield he chose was quiet, and most of his "troops" were not armed with weapons, but shovels, shovels, and pickaxes.

"This is it." Winters stopped the war and looked back at the hundreds of faces behind him: "Let's start."

[Thanks to book lovers for their collection, reading, subscription,推荐票、月票、打赏和评论,谢谢大家]

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