Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 312


Chapter 312 breaking the formation
Big Horn, dam.

The signal flag is raised.

"Enemy attack!" The observation post rushed down the hillside like a madman, screaming: "Cavalry!"

After extending to the west bank, the dam was attacked from both sides.

Thus Tamas built a small fort on the beachhead on the west coast, and he himself sat in command.

The flood discharge is imminent, and most of the defense forces on the West Bank have withdrawn. Amid the alarm bell, the warrior who stayed behind hurried up to the wall with his weapon in hand.

"Send a signal to the east bank." On the west bank fort, Tamas spat: "If the situation is not right, destroy the dam in advance."

The horizon on the edge of the river valley one after another has The cavalry jumped out, and the comers did not rearrange their formation, but rushed straight towards the dam.

The cavalry headed by him was tall and burly, sitting on the back of a short Heard horse like a bear riding a rabbit.

At the top of the dam head wall, a childish teenager skillfully hung up the matchlock, set up the gun body, and held his breath to aim.

The enemy is getting closer and closer, and it seems that it has already entered a hundred paces.

The teenager just wanted to press the launch lever, but the matchlock was torn off by the Sergeant Head beside him, Peter Shorty Bunir.

The battalion commander Tamas exclaimed: "Don't shoot! It's your own!"

However, a few musketeers were frightened by the sudden sound, Pull the launch rod directly.

The dull sound of gunfire echoed on the river, and several white gunpowder smoke spewed from the top of the wall.

"[Extremely angry foul language]!" Lieutenant Andrea Cellini's roar cut through the smoke and spread throughout the fort: "What bastard shot at Lao Tzu!"


At the foot of Tiefeng Mountain, the battlefield where the two armies lined up.

After repeated attempts, the Teltown people have roughly figured out the truth of the other party.

Although the flags and numbers on the left, center and right wings of the opponent looked similar, the army in the middle wing was more organized and did not waver in the face of the cavalry charge.

From a commanding view of the Turdun main line, a wall of white smoke can be seen escaping from a cluster of arrows in the center of the line.

"[Hede] is there." One Qing Lingyu looked solemn: "How can there be so many Xiaolei in [Hede]?"

Another Qing Lingyu Yu answered in a low voice: "[Herde] and he played well and neatly."

As for Xiaolei, the leaders of the various divisions all changed their minds. The warriors who could use their armor to brave the arrow feathers and dash repeatedly, are now only killed by the random flying lead.

Compared to the past, the leaders of today's ministries rarely charge themselves.

The elite in the center of the opponent's big formation should not be underestimated, but the battle strength on the two wings is obviously not enough.

With just a hundred cavalry swept through the formation, the front lines on both flanks loosened, and no salvos of white smoke were seen.

According to the original intention of the Turtletown nobles, they were not willing to meet force with force with the two-legged man.

However, wherever the army passed, all the villages were burned in advance, and all the population was relocated in advance. The other party would rather turn their home to scorched earth than let the Teltown people take anything away.

The Khan Court is on the verge of running out of food, and the military's morale is unstable - the rumors of the old camp being attacked spread like wildfire, and the more the bombardment spreads, the more it spreads.

The members whispered in places where the leader could not see. Some people said that Haidong did it, some said that it was the sneak attack of the Suzi department, and some said that it was the Chihe department.

People disagree about which tribe the other is. But one consensus is clear: there must be a major event in the wintering grassland, otherwise the Khan Court will not be secretive.

Under this circumstance, Gervoudan failed to break through in one fell swoop, and he was unable to fight for a decisive battle, and the Great Winter Raid had actually failed.

There is only one way left before the Torretown Department—retreat. With a life left, there is always a chance to come back.

I'm so unhappy! Really so unhappy!
Everyone below the Tordun Khan Court knew it was time to run, but no one was willing to spit out the meat that was already in their mouths.

On the other hand, Winters can continue to wait. As long as the dam is completed and filled with water, Teltowners, who are threatened in the back, will have to retreat.

At a delicate time, Winters decided to take the initiative.

When he pushed down all the chips, he was also forcing the fire roaster to make a choice: break his wrist and save himself? Or... also put down all the chips for a complete comeback.

No matter what the reasons are and what kind of game they have gone through, the two sides have come to this battlefield that is less than one kilometer wide.

The decisive battle begins.


Terdun light cavalry, in groups of three or four with bows and arrows, galloped ahead of the trench.

Sometimes they drew their bows and shot, and sometimes they charged fiercely, from far and near, to gathering and scattered, like crows hovering over the corpse.

In addition to the light cavalry of "Crows and Stars", there were also several teams of armored cavalry who took turns to attack the two flanks of the Tiefeng County Army.

The tactics of the heavily armored cavalry are different from those of the unarmored light cavalry. They form a dense formation, like a heaven overflowing giant wave, slapping at the army formation of the people of Tiefeng County.

Many initial militiamen were so frightened that they almost wet their pants on the spot, thanks to the fact that Winters already had a group of veterans who had experienced barbarian warfare.

"What are you afraid of? It's fucking scaring people! The barbarians don't dare to rush in directly!"

Relying on the restraint of grassroots commanders and sergeants, the two-wing front did not collapse directly.

Seeing that the two-legged man could not be shaken, the former team's terdun cavalry immediately swept across, and the second team rushed again. If you can't enter, the back team will continue to repeat.

The Winters, who were watching the battle, said abruptly: "Give the battalions to eat and drink."

The clerks and guards all around looked at each other in blank dismay, not knowing how to execute this sentence . Seeing that no one was moving, Winters turned to look around, but still no one moved.

Winters then remembered that Bud stayed in Sank to organize logistics and was not there.

All this time, Winters has been dictating, and Bard then translates the dictation into written orders or instructions.

The two cooperated tacitly, which greatly improved the operational efficiency of the headquarters. But at the moment Bud is absent, and Winters has to adjust.

"Go to the Chief-In-Charge of the logistics convoy and ask him to distribute food and water to the battalions." Winters found Ciel beside him and added thoughtfully: "First give priority to the first of the two wings. The second line, then the middle army, and the first line on the last two wings."

"Let's start a team at this time?" Someone asked suspiciously.

“The Teltown people are still resting and obviously don’t plan to launch a general attack now.” Winters explained: “The rotation of the formation looks menacing, but in fact the purpose is to exhaust the enemy.”

"Then what are they waiting for?"

"The Raiders." Winters squinted and looked towards the sun: "It could also be time."


On the banks of the Bighorn River, the pontoon bridge of the Teltown people.

As early as a few days ago, the leader of Teltown [Zhi Falcon] stationed at the pontoon had noticed that the water level was changing.

Zhi Falcon dispatched a light cavalry to trace all the way upstream, and soon found the source of the anomaly - a dam.

If building a pontoon bridge in one day is still within Zhi Falcon's understanding, then the barrage that appears out of thin air has completely surpassed his wildest imagination.

In any case, the problem needs to be solved.

Not only can the impact objects floating down the current cause damage to the pontoon bridge, but also large water level changes.

The essence of a pontoon bridge is to connect a fixed pontoon with wooden boards. The water level changes and the structure connecting the pontoon will also be damaged.

Zhi Falcon, who stayed behind on the pontoon bridge, did not understand the principle of the bridge, but he could see that the beams of the pontoon bridge were twisted and broken one after another.

It is a pity that Zhi Falcon is unable to solve neither the structural problems of the bridge nor the people who caused the problems.

Several attempts to attack the dam ended in failure. The fire-boilers first sent reinforcements, and then hurriedly transferred the reinforcements away.

At the same time, almost all the Terdun men who remained in the West Bank were rushing to the Khan tent to join forces, according to their saying: "The fire roaster caught the cunning's two-legged man".

As there are fewer and fewer people on hand, the water level is getting shallower and shallower. Zhi Falcon makes a difficult decision - demolish the bridge.

He thought about it before and after, and considered the interests very clearly: sooner or later the pontoon bridge was destroyed, and he was powerless to stop it; instead of waiting for two-legged people to destroy the bridge, it was better to demolish it himself; It's not difficult to build another pontoon bridge.

The demolition of the pontoon bridge is in full swing, and the demolition of the bridge is very slow due to the loss of many Plato slaves in the previous rebellion.

Suddenly, the servants in the door rushed over to announce the good news to Zhi Falcon: "[Herde] That Yan! The river is rising again! There is no need to demolish the bridge!"

Zhi Falcon's The heartbeat stopped for a while, and fiercely slapped the close slave with his backhand: "[Hede] idiot!"

Zhi Falcon rushed to the pontoon, only to see that the originally clear river water had become turbid - an undercurrent The silt at the bottom of the river was stirred up, and fish kept jumping out of the water.

The calm Dajiao River suddenly became manic and ferocious, and the flow of the river was almost naked eye. It can be seen that a series of large and small vortex appeared in the heart of the river.

On the river bank, a Turdun sentry moved towards the pontoon bridge.

The sentry ripped off his robe, rolled it in his hands and waved a warning desperately, shouting hoarsely: "[Hedde] boat! The big ship..."

The sentry is no longer needed. Shouted, because Chi Falcon has been able to see it with his own eyes.

Gift from Captain Moreau - a giant triangular raft full of dirt and rocks rushing out of the river bay, spinning and drifting down the water, getting faster and faster.

Moreau designed the impact raft to be triangular, because it always had a corner that could hit the pontoon.

Telltown screamed and ran, watching as the triangular raft whirled towards them.

The river rope was caught and torn, and the blocking stakes in front of the pontoon were knocked into pieces.

"[Hedde] wooden pole!" Zhi Falcon's eyes were red, fiercely woke up those dumb slaves and Qianshou, and shouted hoarsely: "[Hedde] push it out!"

Zhi Falcon personally went into battle, leading a dozen troops to hold up a log, trying to resist the terrifying triangular raft.

He subconsciously closed his eyes, waiting for the moment when he turned into flesh.

The triangular raft went down the river, the breakthrough was blocked layer by layer, and it slammed into the "raft attack hammer" of the Teltown people.

The Chi Falcon's mouth was cracked, blood was pouring, and his breathing was stagnant.

The four Teltowns were thrown into the churning water, shouting in horror, and soon fell silent.

Because the breakthrough barrage lost a considerable part of its speed, the triangular raft, which received the same amount of reaction force, was also pulled away. The raft washed up on the beach and eventually ran aground.

Zhi Falcon fell to the ground, panting desperately.

Avoided a catastrophe, his followers were shouting and laughing, some wept with joy, some hugged their heads and cried.

But almost instantly, the pontoon was dead again.

Zhi Falcon followed the line of sight of the tribe - the second triangular raft rushed out of the river bay, and then the third.

Next to the two triangular rafts that came into view of the Teltowners was... a windmill.

No matter how the people of Teltown wipe their eyes and slap their ears, what floats on the water is a real windmill.

Faced with the giant triangular raft, Teltown people still have the fighting spirit to fight to the death of the pontoon.

But in the face of the water mill windmill that is more than three stories high and like a ferocious giant, the courage of the people of Teltown was completely crushed.

Samu cheat holds a torch, rides a small boat, and personally escorts the "windmill" to prevent it from getting stuck somewhere on a beach or a river bend.

It does take a little imagination to fight, and Samukin has more than everyone else combined.

He dismantled the wind wheel of a water mill windmill upstream, removed the stone base, coated it with asphalt, and pushed it directly into the river, carrying it in four small boats.

The windmill like a giant ship was brought to the front of the pontoon in this way, and the barrage ropes and blocking stakes were like dwarf toys in front of it.

"Go!" Samukin lit the torch and threw it at the windmill with a wild laugh: "Go say hello to the fucking monkey butt face!

In an instant, the asphalt covered with The windmill turned into a fireball.

The warriors in the boat cut the ropes, and the windmill broke free and crashed into the downstream pontoon.

Telltown watched helplessly as the burning The castle is getting closer, bigger and bigger, wobbly but not sinking.

Nothing can stop the behemoth, nothing can stop the pontoon from being destroyed.

The Terdun people who were too late to get off the bridge jumped into the river in a panic, but were swept back by the huge waves generated when the pontoon and the windmill collided, and their bodies were shattered.

Some Terdun people were killed. Sticking to the hot asphalt, screaming and turning into a burning man.

The taut cables one after another snapped, and the bridges connecting the pontoon were smashed to pieces in the blink of an eye.

With a loud bang, the bridge trembled, and the windmill was cut in half without causing any hindrance.

The windmill continued to float downstream, and the two bridges swayed and swayed with the river, and the fire continued to spread. to the cable and the bridge.

Chi Falcon was dragged back to the east bank by the close slave until the last moment, but a natural disaster-like scene was in front of him.

Nearly escaped, mental breakdown The slave frantically moved towards the wreckage of the pontoon bridge and kowtowed.

"[Hedde] put out the fire! Zhi Falcon pointed to the two remaining parts of the pontoon bridge, and spit out words with difficulty: "[Hede] put out the fire! It's not over yet! ”

Suddenly, the thunderous sound of horse hooves resounded on the west bank of the river valley.

Chi Falcon was frightened, and instantly straightened up and looked towards the direction of the hoof sound.

I saw a group of fierce warriors in robes riding Heard horses galloping fast. The leader of the warriors was so burly that it looked like a bear riding a rabbit.

Chi Falcon was relaxed, his body was paralyzed, as if he was drained of all his strength.

He organized his thoughts, grabbed the arm of the close slave, and quickly instructed: "[Hedde] Hurry up and cross the river! Go send a letter to Khan! Tell Khan! The bridge has been destroyed, I will do my best to repair it! Hurry up..."

However, Zhi Falcon didn't notice that the group of "Terdun people" who moved towards them rushed over, and the leader of the warrior was wearing a serious hussar hat.



The main battlefield.

The sun slowly climbed up the treetops, climbed to the top of the sky, and was now moving towards the west and sliding down.

The Terdun people have seen that the Iron Peak County Army has no artillery.

So hundreds of light cavalry stayed outside the arrow field in a sparse formation, and from time to time they swept their arrows and used their arrows. Various means were used to prevent the militiamen of Tiefeng County from resting.

Until this time, the old interpreter roughly understood why the opponent did not occupy the hill to form a formation.

If they occupy the hill and form a formation, The Tiefeng County Army will fall into uninterrupted fatigue from all directions, and no one will be able to rest for a moment.

The current situation is: the Tiefeng County Army is in control between the mountains and the forest. With a passage less than one kilometer wide, it is difficult for the Turdun light cavalry to detour to the side, so they can only repeatedly swept the front.

The exhausting tactics of "ring cavalry shunting" has become "half-ring shunting" ”, the effect is really limited.

He even vaguely saw that the troops of Iron Peak County seemed to be taking turns retreating to the rear of the front line to rest.

But these are all trails, Teltown people. There is no plan to let go, and the people of Tiefeng County will not be easily intimidated.

This victory is ultimately decided by a real thing.

The celestial aspect is gradually moving Towards a change of direction in Teltown's favor - the morning light is not in the right direction, and the wind is not in the right direction.

But now, the time of day has changed hands.

The Winters of the Central Army also vaguely sensed it. To the subtle changes in the atmosphere: the wind is changing, the southwest is turning to the northwest; the sun is setting, and the Teltown people will no longer face the sun as they charge.

Most importantly, the continued fatigue Tactics made the tense left and right youths numb and drowsy.

There was a faint cloud of smoke rising from the Terdon front - albeit unremarkable.

"It's time to charge. ! " Winters threw off his cane and stood up abruptly: "Let the second line of the wings prepare!" Bring back the light soldiers! Tell Western Mountain to mount an ambush! ”

Drowsy monkeys and Doug were kicked up by the sergeant, and the line of prime soldiers suddenly tensed.

From what seemed to be disordered and in a mess, there was no regularity In the scattered formation of the Turdun light cavalry that can be followed, a team of armored cavalry rushed out from the diagonal.

"Come back? "The young militiamen on the first front were already a little impatient. The opponent repeatedly charged and plundered to scare people, but never dared to cross the trench.

After the fear gradually subsided, many young soldiers turned back. There was a trace of slackness.

However, the Teltown people did not swipe across this time. Armored Soldier, the leader, roared and jumped, and flew directly over the horse and the ditch, exclaiming in exclamation. They rushed into the dodging militiamen in the sound, wielding long spears to pick up several people.

Other terdun armors did not have such equestrian skills, nor such war horses, they obediently and honestly pulled down the horses and Luzhai, passed through the gap between the trenches, and followed the leader to charge.

At the same time, the main formation of the Teltown Department suddenly came to life.

Tired enemy? Ride Shooting? Crows?

Iron cavalry is the housekeeping skill of the Teltown Department! [If one point is broken, no matter how many or few, the entire army will march straight in, even if there are hundreds of thousands of them, they cannot be defeated].

A gap has been opened on the left flank, and the Terdun will do whatever it takes to widen the gap and throw a decisive shock force across the entire front.

With this At the same time, in the forest on the west side of the army formation, Anglo stepped on his horse when he saw the semaphore signal.

Behind Anglo, Dussac, Paratus, Protestants immigrated... Winters The cavalry of the cavalry has gathered the potential energy, waiting for the horn of a decisive counter-charge.

[Thanks to the book lovers for their collection, reading, subscription, recommendation tickets, monthly tickets, rewards and comments, thank you all]
[Using "triangular rafts" and "windmills" to impact the pontoon bridge is the bridge-breaking tactic used by the Austrian army in the Battle of Aspern-Essling described in "Battle". However, because there is no mention of "triangular rafts" in other materials Raft" and "Windmill", so I don't really know if this part is the original of Mr. "Patrick Rambeau"... But hitting the pontoon with the windmill is really romantic, there is a kind of spectacle of miracles.]
[Tactics such as Raven Soldiers scatter stars, ring cavalry sparse sentry and other tactics are from the description of "The Story of Tartars". As for the use of heavy cavalry, it is obviously suicide to fight against the infantry front, so repeated testing and charging are very common arrangements. This point is similar in the East and the West. After all, everyone has a head on their shoulders, and there is no "who is more afraid of death than the other"]
[As for the long-spread tactic of Mengmayan rushing into the formation, it is basically fictional First of all, there are cases of blindfolded horses. In horse competitions and bullfights, there are blindfolded or half blindfolded situations. In horse racing, there are also situations where horses do not enter the fence and are blindfolded.]
[But blindfolded The author has not seen any records of the war horse's eyes charging. Before 2007, the Chinese Internet did not even have any discussion about it. It is obviously the original creation of the name. Because the battlefield is not flat, and there are many complex terrains]
[Compared to war horses, People who are more unwilling to die are actually people. Compared with cavalry不要命地冲进方阵,骑手死了,受惊的战马撞进方阵的记录恐怕更多一些]

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