Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 318


Chapter 318 Shuffle
In the early morning, everything is silent, and the day of nocturnal animals begins.

A hare quietly leaves a shallow burrow in a black locust bush to forage along a hidden path that has been traversed many times.

However, the hare does not know that its animal trail has long been discovered.

After dawn, two people in robes, one after the other, went up the hillside to check the sleeves that were put on yesterday.

The hare pretends to be dead, and its tawny fur makes it look like weeds, but it can't fool hunters.

"[Herde] there! big brother!" the teenager walking behind shouted in surprise.

The young man walking in front also saw the prey. He pursed his lips and took off his short bow, signaling the younger brother to be quiet.

It's too late, the hare has been frightened.

It fluttered desperately, leaping and landing, trying to break free from the restraints of its hind legs.

The thing that binds the hare's right hind leg is a flexible leather rope that is not so easy to break.

The trapped prey is also a strong adult male rabbit. Under the Final Struggle, it forcibly plucked the branch holding the leather cord.

As soon as he regained his limited freedom, the hare dragged ropes and sticks into the bushes.

"[Herde] The rabbit is going to run away!" the teenager yelled.

The young man took a deep breath, drew his short bow, and fired an arrow like lightning.

Although the bow in his hand was an inferior product made of twigs, and even though the arrow he was carrying did not even have tail feathers, the young man still shot his prey.

The boy happily ran into the bushes and picked up the hare.

The two brothers found a place to shelter from the wind. The young man collected dead branches and fallen leaves to make a fire. The young man skinned the prey and then roasted the hare directly.

There is no doubt that the youth and juveniles are Heards—of course, they themselves do not think so.

In the cognition of young people and teenagers, there is no concept of "Hard people", they are only the subjects of the leader of "Tai Chi".

After the Battle of the Pantuo River, Tiefeng County did not directly imprison the Taichi troops, but only expelled the latter to the south bank of the Pantuo River, still under the control of Taichi himself.

At that time, Winters decided to put the annihilation of the Turdun Khan Horde as the highest priority, and could not spare any extra power to deal with the Taichi tribe.

So the Taichi troops were "placed" in Lower Tiefeng County. Winters gave only one task to the two companies stationed in Shishechang: don't let Taichi troops enter Middle Tiefeng County.

Tai Chi himself is also considered to be cooperative, and did not make any small moves during the battle between the Tiefeng County Army and the Turdun Khan Horde - to be precise, Tai Chi may simply not know the battle situation in Central Tiefeng County.

In exchange, during this time, the food and drink of the Taichi troops were supplied by Tiefeng County.

The people of Tiefeng County can only eat black bread, and of course, only black bread can be provided to Tai Chibu.

The daily diet of the Kehd tribes is mainly porridge, rice and dairy products. Day after day eating dry food, the Hurd's stomach can't bear it.

In order to stabilize the troops, Tiefeng County will provide a certain amount of meat every day.

It's just that all the meat went into the belly of the chiefs, and the subordinates and slaves at the bottom had to figure out their own way - such as catching rabbits.

Hare has almost no fat and cannot be roasted for too long.

Seeing that the fire was almost over, the young man used a saber to divide the rabbit meat into small pieces, and then took out a small skin bag filled with lake salt and dipped it for the younger brother to eat.

The young man tore the rabbit's legs and asked, "[Herde] big brother, have you heard?"

The young man chewed the rabbit's head slowly, as if he wanted to. Crushing every bone and sucking out all the marrow: "What did [Herde] hear?"

"[Herde] White Feather and Deji... those people would meet every night. murmured like a sparrow for a long time."

The young man was coldly snorted and did not answer.

"[Herde] You and I should join the team too." Seeing the big brother indifferent expression, the teenager was a little anxious: "[Herde] When will this day come to an end? You and I still follow Bai Yu, thinking Let's run!"

The youth still didn't speak.

The teenager threw away the rabbit leg bone with all his might, and said with resentment: "[Hede] don't you want to go home? big brother? That Yan is no longer an eagle, he was taken away by the wolf The soul is gone! Bai Yu said, Tai Chi will give you and me to the wolf..."

The young man spat off the broken bones: "[Hede] shut up."

Seeing the big brother was a little unhappy, the young man obediently kept his voice.

"[Herde] If you can know what Bai Yu is thinking." The young man picked up the rabbit leg bone lost by the younger brother, wiped it with a blade of grass, put it in his mouth and bit it. Ring: "[Herde] that Yan will know soon."

The boy's eyes widened and his mouth opened.

The young man continued: "[Herde] wants to go home, you must first have a horse. Without a horse, even if you and I are exhausted, you will not be able to walk through the vast grassland. And the horses are all in the hands of the leaders."

On the day of surrender, Winters ordered the soldiers to take away the soldiers' horses and weapons, leaving only the swords for the soldiers.

Therefore, the bows and arrows used by young rabbit hunters are made of branches temporarily, which are very unsuitable.

But Winters deliberately left some horses and knives for Taichi himself - to suppress the Teltown people.

"[Herde] Then... what should I do then?" The boy suddenly slumped.

The young man glanced at the younger brother: "[Herde] shut his mouth and open his eyes. I'll find a way, don't mess with it."

The young man is alive again Come here, pester big brother to ask what happened.

However, the young man knew that the younger brother couldn't hide it, so he refused to reveal it.

Being worn out, he just mentioned a little: "[Herde] is not only Tai Chi Nayan, there are other leaders in the south...and the leaders of weapons and war horses..."

The two brothers were about to put out the campfire when a group of riders suddenly turned from the hillside to the north.

The team of riders saw the fire and went straight to the brothers.

The young man knew that the other party was not this clansman as soon as he saw the high-headed horse, tight attire and riding posture of the visitor.

"[Herde] escape!" The young man dragged his younger brother and ran away.

However, where two legs can run faster than four legs, the two brothers were quickly overtaken and surrounded by riders.

The leading rider took off the triangle scarf and asked in confusion, "What are you running for?"

The young man obviously felt the weight of the younger brother was pressing on him. In fact, he His legs were also involuntarily weak.

Because what he saw was a face that was almost carved into the bone marrow.

It was the owner of this face who took away Tai Chi Nayan's soul; it was in front of this face horse that the young man handed over his weapons and warhorses - the "wolf" in the mouth of his younger brother. "coming.

Winters glanced at the still-frozen translator.

The translator hurried forward and translated the tribune's words to the two Hurds.

The young Hurd didn't react, but it seemed that the young Hurd suddenly "thumped" and knelt on the ground, chattering a lot.

"What's this for?" Winters laughed, looking towards translation.

The translator listened to it for a long time, and then answered rather embarrassedly: "Your Excellency, he said that he wanted to be your door slave, open the door for you, lead a horse, carry a knife, and serve wine... No one in the back. Listen too clearly, it's probably all similar chores."

Winters listened, wanting to give the little Heard a whip.

This mentality of being willing to be a slave for power made him indescribably disgusted, but thinking about the state of Hurd's society, he couldn't ask for anything.

Winters shook the head.

The interpreter immediately relayed the tribune's attitude to the other party, and added a thoughtful explanation: "[Herde] The tribe of the big blood wolf leader does not need slaves, nor does it have slaves."

The little Hurd was confused at first, and soon came back to his senses, and asked a few more questions eagerly.

"Your Excellency." The translation was even more embarrassing: "He asked you, if you don't want a slave, do you want a guard? What?" Winters tapped the translator's back with the whip.

"I didn't say anything." The translator scratched his head: "I just translated your words truthfully."

When most clerks first met the Montagne tribune, they would unconsciously bring With a hint of awe and fear.

However, the translator who came to Lower Tiefon with Winters was a "senior" clerk. Walking beside Winters for a long time, the fear gradually subsided, replaced by a sense of ease and closeness.

Winters put away his smile, looked towards one big and one small Heard, and said solemnly: "Go home, come back to me if you can't live, but don't come with a sword. Where is the leader of Tai Chi now? Please take me to see him."

After the translator repeated this sentence in Hed, the young Hed bowed his chest and stretched out his hand to indicate the direction. .

"He said just follow him." The interpreter said, "He'll take you to camp."

The two Hurds walked in front, and the Winters group of riders followed. .

"Your Excellency, I really don't understand what the barbarians are thinking." As one of the entourage, Mr. Jacob Green witnessed the scene just now: "Aren't they the ones who wanted to kill us all before? Now I'm taking the initiative to be your slave again? It's hard to understand!"

Winters thought for a while, he had a lot to say, and finally answered simply: "To survive."

Ya Mr. Cobb Green wanted to continue the conversation, but he was not interested in seeing the Tribunal, so he did not continue the topic.

The entire group soon arrived at Taichi's camp.

The sight before him was a far cry from the chilling, gloomy barbarian lair that Green had expected.

Because there is no need to fight anymore, Taichi's followers are trying to find ways to get food.

The fur of all kinds of animals hangs on the branches, and the down feathers of birds and birds are blown everywhere by the wind. Some Heards were grinding bone arrows, and some Heards were walking out with fishing rods.

A stone's throw from the camp, Heinrich played the blood wolf's personal banner.

The atmosphere of Taichibu camp changed suddenly. The Hurd people who went out ran back desperately. The Hurd people in the camp wanted to watch the fun but did not dare to approach.

Winters, with a squad of riders, politely waited at the camp entrance.

As more and more Heards gathered around, Jacob Green realized that the soldiers were still half an enemy, and he subconsciously put on the hilt of his sword.

"Your Excellency, why don't we go in directly?" Green asked in a low voice.

"Don't worry." Winters reassured the accompanying clerks: "You can't go in directly - we need to maintain Taichi's authority as much as possible."

Soon, there were bursts of sound in the camp. Horn, Tai Chi led a group of Keta and Nayan out of the camp.

Winters also dismounted, and in the eyes of his followers, Tai Chi welcomed the Palatine champion into the camp in a reciprocal manner.

For the victor, this may be a little unfair; if Andre was there, I would have lost my temper.

Luckily Winters doesn't care about these things. He has already won, and there is no need to continue to humiliate Tai Chi.

even more how Winters The last thing Winters wants right now is the complete collapse of the Torretown Department.

As soon as they enter the inner tent, the guest of honor completely removes their masks.

The two sides were enemies and still are. Instead of maintaining false etiquette, get straight to the point.

Tai Chi raised his hand to drive away the leader of his subordinates, and Winters also nodded to signal his subordinates to be at ease. Only Winters, Tai Chi and their interpreters were left in the tent.

"[Herde] You can walk in here with a big swagger." Tai Chi sat down on the soft couch with difficulty: "[Herde] means that the Teltown department is over."

Winters sat across the desk from Tai Chi and stated calmly: "The fire roaster is indeed dead."

Taichi sighed heavily.

Winters watched the other party—although Tai Chi was partly responsible for the Burner's downfall, the other party's grief at the moment didn't seem to be fake.

Tai Chi's demeanor, stature, and loud voice make it easy to overlook his real age, and now he looks like a twilight old man with gray hair and wrinkles in an instant.

The old Hurd asked: "[Herd] the fire roaster is dead, what do you plan to do with my troops? Kill them all?"

"There was indeed such a plan. ' Winters answered honestly.

The interpreter's expression was stiff, and he didn't know whether to translate this sentence, but Tai Chi's interpreter had already told Tai Chi.

"[Herde] Your ambush has gone outside?" Tai Chi sneered: "[Herde] why didn't you do it?"

"After thinking about it, I think It will be more beneficial to my interests to keep you and the Terden Ministry." Winters paused for a moment, then said slowly, "So I will not only let you go, but also return your war horses and weapons, and give you another hundred chariots. Food. In addition, I will provide you with the remains of the fire-boilers.”

Although the customs of Heder’s tribes are different, the act of [returning the remains of the war dead to their families] , no matter which clan you are in, you can get a heavy reward.

In individual clans, the returnee may even inherit the deceased's property, wife and children.

Obtaining the fire roaster's body means that he has the right to treat the fire roaster's funeral, and to a certain extent High Level has the right to distribute the fire roaster's inheritance.

Winters looked directly at Tai Chi: "I have only one request for you and your troops - return to the great wasteland immediately, or I will kill you all."

… …

While Winters sincerely exchanged opinions with Tai Chi, [Tsing Ma] and [Stone Arrow] returned to the wintering pastures of the Turtletown Department.

The damage caused by the fire to the people of Teltown is immeasurable, because the people of Teltown have no ability to put out the fire at all and can only flee.

Man can escape on horseback, but what about livestock? What about the tent?

The livestock that were too late to get rid of were choked to death, the property that was too late to be taken away was burned, and the people of Teltown had to move again with their only remaining property.

The other tribes are far more dangerous than the natural disaster, which most Terdun people still believe is the wrath of Heavenly God.

At this moment, the Teltown Department urgently needs a large army, and only in this way can it scare away the coveted eyes of the various departments.

However, the army has been taken away by the fire-boilers, and they don't know when they will be able to return.

Some of the chiefs guarding the stove were determined to wait for the fire-boiler to return, and some of the chiefs guarding the stove implicitly expressed that maybe they could temporarily defect to the eastern part of the sea, the Suz...or simply go their separate ways.

When the big bosses were arguing at the conference, Tsing Ma and Shijian tried their best to find all the little bosses and little bosses they could find.

Tsing Ma and Stone Arrow bring good news: there is a large tribe willing to provide pasture and shelter for the small tribes of the Teltown tribe - that tribe is called "Red River".

Acridine...I'm late.


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