Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 350


Chapter 350 Hunting (V)

I don’t know if the little lion forgot to report it or did it deliberately, when Winters When crossing the tent, besides the white lions, there were many nobles from the Chihe tribe sitting in the tent.

I still remember that the nobles of the Chihe tribe who were the champions of Palatu were either angry or surprised, but they restrained and did not make any drastic actions when they saw the white lion take the initiative to stand up and greet him first.

The upstart Akagawa, who didn't recognize the Platoon champion, whispered a few words to the others, and then cast a somewhat complicated look at Winters.

Winters never thought he would play this way, nor that the White Lion would put his stance so equal.

In return, Winters took off his hat and put it on his chest, and returned the salute solemnly.

At the signal of the white lion, the nobles of the Chihe tribe avoided them, and even the guards withdrew. Only Winters and the white lion were left in the tent, and the little lion was outside the tent.

After the others left, White Lion's body language became noticeably more relaxed.

He propped himself up and slowly sat down on a legless chair, and gestured to invite Winters to sit too.

As soon as he spoke, the white lion easily asked a difficult question: "Have you seen Erlun?"

Winters' body instantly stiffened.

He came to negotiate with the white lion with an extremely serious attitude. Faced with the unexpected question from the white lion, he did not know how to answer it.

And he couldn't guess for a while whether this was White Lion's negotiation strategy, or White Lion just wanted to ask casually.

The emotional Winters shook his head calmly: "She is also in Qingqiu?"

"Of course." The white lion calmly replied: "This is the safest place. Place."


Then there was a few seconds of silence, and the White Lion seemed to be waiting.

Winters took a deep breath, looked directly into the eyes of the white lion, and asked, "Can we do business now?"

The white lion lightly sighed imperceptibly, and responded with a positive color : "No...but at least we can talk."

Winters took a final look at his bargaining chips in his mind. There were only three things worth putting on the negotiating table: gold, trade routes and iron ore, and the rest All are icing on the cake, optional.

And he wants only one thing - people.

Winters didn't speak rashly. When he was still considering which card to play first, the white lion picked up a scroll from the case and handed it directly to him.

While puzzled, Winters politely took the scroll.

He slowly unfolded the shaft, and unfamiliar names, ages, and military ranks flowed out line by line.

A list, a list of captives.

"All the captives that can be found are on it." The white lion's magnetic and mellow voice sounded: "There are still some people in the hands of [Haidong] and [Suz], and there is no way to do it for the time being."

Winters put away the scroll and asked calmly: "They are also in Qingqiu now?"



The white lion smiled and said, "It should be almost time for Iron Peak County. Don't worry, someone will escort them."

Winters was silent as he held the scroll.

After a while, he asked the white lion seriously: "What do you want?"

"Nothing." The white lion nodded lightly: "You are a guest, please Treat it as a gift."

Winters insisted, "What should I give you in return?"

"I received your gift in advance. "The white lion said casually: "In the grasslands, exchanging gifts means friendship. If you don't want to accept friendship, you can also use it as a reward."

There was another silence.

Winters gritted his teeth and played the biggest card: "The gold sacrificial man from Teltown is in my hands."

"I know." The white lion didn't care: "You You told me already, didn't you?"

"I can give it to you."

The white lion clasped its hands and laughed. He looked at Winters as if he was admiring a proud horse: "At that time, Dexuechan thought that I wanted to recruit you, and said that you are a karmic fire that burns all things, and staying by your side will only bring disaster, Persuade me to let you go back to Palatu. In fact, De Xuechan was wrong, and when I saw you at first glance, I knew you would never give in."

I heard the white lion mention the old magician. Tone, Winters wasn't very comfortable, so he didn't answer.

The white lion patiently asked Winters: "Do you think the golden man is very important to me?"

Winters still didn't speak.

"It's not important for people to sacrifice gold to heaven." With a smile in his eyes, the white lion asked himself: "There are no people to sacrifice to heaven -- it's very important to me."

… …

[Camp of the Iron Peak envoys, Winters’ felt tent]
The wooden bathtub was less than one meter in diameter, and Winters had to use “grievance” tucked knees to take a bath.

While washing Winters' hair, Anna felt that Winters was a little depressed.

“What’s the matter?” Anna asked softly, “You seem gloomy since you got back.”

Winters replied without hesitation, “Nothing.”

Anna Holding the bad thing's neck from behind: "You can tell me."

Out of self-esteem, Winters wanted to answer "nothing", but he recalled that Anna said "I want more know about you".

Winters laughed at himself, "You're going to laugh at me."

"Don't think like that!" Anna bit the evil thing's ear.

As a result, Winters endured the discomfort and told Anna exactly what happened to the captives, the white lion, and what happened in the palace tent of the Chihe Department.

As he tells, Winters continues to turn his back to Anna, neither looking nor seeing Anna's expression.

While listening, Anna didn't give any judgment, just hugged Winters quietly.

After listening to it all, Anna asked inexplicably, "Hasn't your goal been achieved? Why are you unhappy?"

"Maybe the goal has been achieved." Winters' mood at the moment is like a chess player after being instructed step by step to win a game, he said angrily: "But I... always feel like I'm losing."

Playing Winters-haired Anna "puchi" laughed: "It's some kind of masculinity competition again, right? It's like a puppy grabbing a bone. It's not enough to eat a bone. Must grab the other person's bone to be happy."

Winters wanted to refute, but couldn't think of how to refute it, so he had to defend himself aggrievedly: "I wasn't taken away by the white lion! And it's not because of the bone that I'm unhappy."


"Okay, okay, I believe that if you really grab your bones, the opponent will definitely not be able to grab you." Anna continued to scoop water to rinse Winters' hair: "I still believe that although you think you have lost now, one day sooner or later You can surpass him. So...why are you unhappy?"

Winters' mood dropped instantly, and he whispered, "It's nothing."

Anna noticed To Winters' change, he encouraged: "But you saved your comrades, didn't you? Isn't this something to be happy about?"

After hearing Anna's compliments, Winters felt the need to explain : "If the white lion didn't lie to me, the 'falling into the hands of the Chihe Department' and the 'what the Chihe Department can buy' have already left wasteland. There are also some people who are slaves in other tribes, and those tribes There is deep hostility in the Chihe Department, and the White Lion can't do anything, but he promises to help with the redemption as much as possible. That's about it..."

The more Winters explained, the more silent Anna became, until In the end, he didn't speak at all, and the movements of his hands stopped.

"I don't understand..." Anna asked with some distress: "Why do you deliberately demean yourself? You deliberately avoid the word 'rescue' and the word 'comrade-in-arms' - you are deliberately avoiding the word 'rescue'. Divide you and the people you rescue."

"I'm not avoiding it." Winters struggled to explain: "The word 'rescue' is too serious, as for the word 'comrade in arms'... "

He paused and sighed wearily: "I don't know if I'm still their comrade in arms."

"You did a good deed." Anna kissed One 'good' thing on the cheek: "And you're doing better than a lot of people. There are a lot of people with more power than you who don't do anything. There are a lot of people who are to blame and they don't do anything either. When you try to do something, you're better than them all."

Winters turned to Anna: "You're so nice."

Ana feigned anger: "You Did you know?"

"But I'm not as good as you think." Winters' tone was calm, but there was pain in his eyes: "Do you really want to know me?"

"Of course." Anna felt a little uneasy: "What's wrong?"

"Okay, then I'll tell you." Winters took a deep breath, summoned up great courage, and said it for the first time in her life The most obscure and dark thoughts in the deepest heart: "Actually, I am not noble at all."

"Today in the palace tent of the Chihe Department, I saw the list and found a fact - the list above. I don't know anyone, and I'm afraid they don't know me either."

"It was at that moment that I suddenly couldn't understand, why should I 'save' them? Save a group of strangers?"

"I will save my men because I have an emotional bond with them. They entrust their lives to me, and I have to do my part."

"But others What? They don't know me, and I don't know them, so why should I save them?"

"Just because I fought in an army? Oh, that's not a good enough reason."

"So I can't help but wonder, am I really 'saving' them? Am I really going to 'save' them in order to 'save' them?"

" or for using them? Give some sweetness to make them work for me, and then use them to avenge those who owe me."

"Or for self-satisfaction? Satisfy my vanity to be a savior? Satisfy me Desire to be appreciated, admired, praised?"

"Maybe it's even a spur of the moment? Just do it when the brain heats up?"

"I don't know, it makes sense I don't know."

"You say that I am nobler than many people, but I can't find any noble motives in my heart, only selfishness, Vile and cruel..."

Winters poured out the stagnation in his chest, and he vented without thinking, without hiding, and even he was shocked that he was so reckless.

"What will Anna think when she hears this? Will she hate me?" Every time she thought about it, Winters' chest hurt like a sword pierced.

How can someone learn about another person's darkest side without being disgusted?
But there is a desire for self-destruction that drives him to continue.

He is like a masochist, cruelly opening himself, breaking his ribs, digging out the dirtiest part and showing it to the other party, telling the other party: "Look, I am such a person, are you disappointed? ?"

At the end, when Winters fell silent, Anna's eyes were already full of tears.

"You said you wanted to know me." Winters asked softly, "So do you know me now?"

"I know you, but you don't know you yet. yourself." Anna blushed and said persistently, "You saved them because you were kind."

Winter sighed heavily, reaching out and rubbing Anna's cheek: "You younger sister said That's right, you really are a fool who is carried away by love."

"No! You are not allowed to say it, listen to me." Anna's tone could not be refuted or rejected. She took Winters' hand, tight and tight: "In the winter when I was seven, mother took me to Trading Company as usual. On the way home, we met a beggar outside the city who was about to freeze to death. With money, the coachman didn't, so mother took off the earring and gave it to beggar."

"Mrs. Navarre is kind."

"No." Anna looked Looking at Winters, his eyes were complicated: "The mother found out later that the beggar froze to death on the way to pawn the earrings." feel good. He silently shook Anna's hand.

"I asked mother if we brought that beggar home, if he wouldn't freeze to death." Anna's words were fast and tears welled up in her eyes: "mother said 'yes, but Bringing random strangers home could put our family in danger'."

Winters wiped Anna's tears: "Actually, Madame Navarre is right."

"I didn't mean to tell you 'my mother's words made sense'!" Anna revealed her sincerity: "I just wanted to tell you that my mother is the most ruthless and ruthless businessman in Hailan and even Veneta! But even if it was her, Without the slightest hesitation, she will also take off her earrings and give it to a strange beggar. Even she has a side of kindness and compassion."

"Because kindness and kindness are human nature, and God is imitating himself to create human beings. We also put kindness and kindness into our bodies. If everyone had no kindness, the world would never be what it is today.”

“But when kindness and reason conflict, people There are always trade-offs! My mother always listens to her senses, so she gives earrings to strangers, but she doesn't take strangers home."

"And you? You're the repeater After weighing the person who still carries the beggar home, your reason cannot accept this behavior, so you must make up a sufficient reason for yourself - a selfish reason. I save him to use him',' I saved him because I liked him and appreciates me'. Reason can be persuaded because of selfish reasons."

"Dear, don't you understand?" Anna cried and said, "You Don't think of yourself as kind, because your reason tells you that kindness is a defect and means weakness. So you despise kindness, hate kindness, and blame goodness."

Ana stepped into the bathtub and hugged Winters tightly: "But you are wrong, my dear. Kindness is a precious quality. Especially after suffering, pain and betrayal, choose kindness. You save your comrades because of this. Your companions Be willing to believe in you, follow you, fight for you, die for you because of that. Nobility is not a motive, nobility is an outcome, and so is kindness."

"Don't hate yourself." She lightly Gently stroked the wound on Winters' forehead: "No matter what, I will be with you."



Later, the bath is over .

The clothes that Anna brought Winters to replace: "I'll change to this set later."

Looking at the new hunting clothes that Anna brought, an ominous premonition flooded into Winters' mind, He said cautiously: "I don't seem to have this dress... I took the wrong luggage when I unloaded the truck?"

"It's your size." Anna smiled, but her tone couldn't be denied: "Just wear it. ."

[The content of this chapter can be summed up in two sentences: Although Yue Dong's expression is absolutely neutral, the underlying logic is actually lawful and kind (laughs)]
[Wrong, Jiugongge The mechanical classification method of the camp should be knocked down and stomped on 10,000 feet! ]
[I would even like to include this in the chapter remarks, if possible. Because there is no promotion of the plot at all...The emotional description of the large paragraphs is also suspected of water words]
[The next chapter will definitely push the plot! ]
[But who would have thought that "Hunting" was only going to be written for one chapter? ]

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