Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 382


Chapter 382 vortex (8)

Walking down the carriage, the cold wind from the lake blows in [Enns Fuller's face, causing him to subconsciously tighten his neck.

Fuller was hopeful when invited to the hotel where Baron was staying in Granachi.

However, when Fuller saw the rows of carriages parked in the hotel clearing and the waiting coachmen gathered in the leeward corner, his enthusiasm cooled a little.

The saber-wearing guard checked the invitation, opened the door for Fuller without a word, and made a "please" gesture.

"Don't you need to search?" Fuller pretended to be lighthearted.

The guard looked at Fuller up and down, smiled contemptuously, and replied bluntly: "Within five steps, no one is the enemy of an adult."

Fuller's courtesy nodded, Not too serious.

Entering the parlour, Fuller's mood became heavier.

Everyone came.

From old Schmid, a die-hard supporter of Mayor Wupper, to a loyal ally of Senator Servetus like "Iron Hand" Geisberger;

From sitting From the owner of a large workshop with eleven forges, to a small businessman like Fuller who only inherits the next special workshop;

Every seller who participates in the formation of a bargaining alliance is now in Granach Baron's living room.

Fuller hid his unease, first found a few elders and the big workshop owner one after another to greet him, and then walked to a few normally acquainted peers.

"What's the matter?" Fuller asked in a low voice.

"I don't know what to do!" A small workshop owner who is normally familiar with Fuller browses tightly knit: "I am also confused."

"is it possible That little Baron wants a complete showdown?"

"Showdown? What cards? As long as we don't let go, what cards does he have to show? If we don't buy it at Steel Castle, where can we sell it to him? "

"Yes, yes..."

The wood was beeping in the hearth of the fireplace, the fire was on fire, the living room was as hot as a smelter, Fuller's My heart is as cold as my own forge.

"Hey, the Imperials are so fucking stingy." A small workshop owner unbuttoned his collar and complained angrily: "Please come over, and we won't even give you anything to quench your thirst."


The door was pushed open and Carman, Baron's personal priest and interpreter, entered the living room.

The Iron Hand Geisberger, who had been waiting impatiently, stood in front of Father Kaman defiantly and asked in a gruff voice: "Where is Baron?"

Card Manke politely replied: "Master Baron is ill and cannot see guests."

There was a moment of dissatisfaction in the living room.

"What's wrong?"

Kaman coughed lightly: "Head disease."

"Then what else did he ask us to do?" Sperger's face turned from black to purple, almost dripping blood: "Playing with us?"

"Please come, of course to discuss business." Kaman's expression was calm like lake water, without any fear or fear. Back off.

The Iron Hand roared like thunder: "No one can see, there is nothing to talk about!"

"Baron has a sudden illness, and all matters big and small are now decided by the lady." Card Mann raised his voice slightly, but his tone was still so gentle: "Baron's business dealings with you will also be decided by your wife in the future."

The masters of the forge were still understanding what the priest said. What do you mean, the door to the inner room opened again.

A young lady of involuntarily breath-taking grace and grace walks into the living room.


[the night before]
"You really want to let... let me call the shots?" Anna leaned against Winters' chest, unable to see her face. Delighted, instead has several points of apprehension.

Winters sniffed Anna's hair and asked, "Isn't it always you who is in charge?"

"But that's different!" Anna became abnormal Anxious, she sat up from the bed, looked at Winters, and asked angrily: "I shouldn't show my face casually, let alone interact with strange men, people will gossip about you, and they will also gossip about me, and they will say bad things. Something..."

Winters didn't hear what Anna was saying at all, his eyes didn't blink, staring at Anna's beautiful curves.

Ms. Navarre was too shy to ever confront Winters in good lighting conditions, and Winters never had a view. At this moment, the extremely rare fighter plane appeared, how could Winters be blinded by a few words.

Anna noticed something strange, immediately pulled up her nightgown, and immediately grabbed the pillow and threw it at Winters, but was easily caught by Winters.

Then Winters was kicked out of bed.

The intimate contact between the buttocks and the floor, and the friendly collision between the forehead and the chest of drawers, caused two loud bangs in a row.

Then a series of heavy footsteps quickly approached Winters' bedroom along the living room, corridor, and stairs, as if knocking down a domino Bone Token.

Eventually, Koch, who was in charge of the vigil, sounded outside the door.

Koch couldn't hide his panic: "Are you all right? What happened? Your Excellency."

"It's fine!" Winters replied reluctantly.

"Is it all right?" Koch was skeptical.

Winters climbed into bed with difficulty: "It's all right."

Koch murmured a few words, and walked away a little worried.

After finally getting rid of the overly conscientious subordinates, Winters turned around and looked towards Anna, only to find Anna sitting on the bedside with the quilt in her arms, with tears in her eyes.

The quilt is like a barrier between the two.

Winters lifted the quilt carefully: "I know you're scared. But I'm not worried about you at all, do you know why?"

Anna lightly snorted, wiping away tears, Ignore Winters.

"Because I totally understand your emotions right now." Winters moved closer to Anna: "You feel nervous, frightened, overwhelmed, like when I first went to war. But when you really step on When you enter the battlefield, all anxiety and anxiety will disappear in an instant. Because you are about to do something you are fully competent."

Ana let Winters pull herself into her arms.

“Rather than having you hide behind the scenes, I want you to be on stage. I trust you as much as I trust my eyes and my hands. Not only do I trust your abilities, but even my father Said, 'Nava Young Lady Lei will do more than her mother'."

Winters slightly altered the words of his adoptive father and cut out the second half of the content in good faith.

"Does General Serbia really say that?" Anna asked suspiciously.

"Sure." Winters blushed slightly, but the light was dim so it wasn't obvious: "He said you could hold up half a Veneta!"

Anna Tears turned into laughter: "Lie."

"Okay, just laugh." Winters relieved, holding Anna in his arms: "Seeing you cry, my heart is pierced. Don't I'm worried that someone will gossip and they will end up marveling at your intelligence more than your beauty."

Anna sighed softly.

"Actually, the reason why I want you to deal with those workshop owners is a little bit selfish." Winters changed the conversation and enlightened Anna from another angle: "I have tossed for so long, but the result is Steel Castle. People want to join hands to raise prices, but you have to clean up the mess for me. And I really hate socializing with those workshop owners hypocritically. I'd rather jump into the Rose Lake three times, and don't want to smirk with those guys anymore. ."

Ana nibbled at Winters' arm and said angrily, "Are you saying I like fake socializing?"

"I mean you're better at it." Draw blacker.

"Forget it, I'll let you go this time." Anna snuggled up to Winters, exhaling like a blue: "But you never told me about your first battle on the battlefield."


The heat of Anna's breath brushed against Winters' chest, making Winters a little itchy. But he still rigorously corrected the previous mistakes: "Accurately, that battle can only be called a battle, and the scale is not enough to be called a battlefield. It was just a small-scale gang-hopping battle against a group of pirates."

"Tell me about it."

"It's a little late..."

"It's still growing at night."

"Well then. ” Winters changed to a more comfortable position and asked with a smile, “Do you remember Lucky Gold?”

[This chapter was updated on December 22]
[Only 2265 words, sorry orz][Tentative priority to guarantee a daily update, and then pursue the number of words]
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