The one who spoke was a middle-aged man wearing a Zhongshan suit and glasses.

He looked polite and serious.

After this group came in,

Many people in the conference room were stunned,

I was also frightened by this battle.

Only Yang Mi remained calm, and stepped forward and said lightly:

"Hello Team Leader Fei, I'm Chairman Jiaxing, Yang Mi."

Fei Changan said:

"Let me make a long story short, what happened in your company this morning has now set off a huge public opinion on the Internet, and the impact is very bad."

"Therefore, the above urgently set up a serious case team, and it is necessary to investigate the company, as well as Boss Yang personally!"

"During the investigation, the company needs to suspend all business and hopes that Boss Yang will cooperate."

After the words fell,

Yang Mi's eyes condensed slightly, looked at Fei Changan and said:

"Okay, I'll cooperate with the investigation."

Fei Changan nodded and said:

"Then ask Boss Yang to come with us."

"Take away."

Two police officers came and stood behind Yang Mi,

Start walking outside together.


Yang Lili followed up very worriedly and said:

"Sister Honey, are you really going?"

Yang Lili frowned,

She was very afraid, if Yang Mi followed this trip,

The company is left to take care of itself.

If something happens,

Then I'm really sorry for Yang Mi!

Yang Mi smiled slightly at Yang Lili and comforted:

"Don't worry, I'll be back soon."

After speaking,

Yang Mi came downstairs with the people of the Major Crime Unit,

Walk towards the police car.

At this point,

Under the building of Jiaxing Company, it was already full of reporters.

In the Beijing circle game for so long,

Yang Mi herself is very famous.

And today something like this happened,

Reporters naturally want to seize this opportunity to interview Yang Mi for popularity and traffic.

"Boss Yang, have you really bullied "620" into a group performance before? "

A group of reporters held out their microphones and held up cameras and said:

"Boss Yang, do you feel guilty in your heart?"

"After the jumping incident, will you confess the sins you have done?"


A group of reporters asked,

But Yang Mi paid no attention to it.

She knew that more than eighty percent of these reporters were arranged by the Beijing circle.

Police officers and public servants next to Fei Changan,

It was to drive the reporter away and say:

"Get out of the way, handle the case by the serious case team, and don't obstruct official business!"

After getting on the bus,

Yang Mi and the serious case team were taken to the Chaoyang District Public Security Bureau.

After Yang Mi left,

Soon, the news that he was just taken away,

Quickly exposed on the Internet!

Journalists from major media,

Keep up with current events!

Kyoto set up a serious crime team to intervene in the investigation of Jiaxing jumping incident!

Chairman of Jiaying Entertainment, Yang Mi was taken away by the serious crime team!

Jiaxing Entertainment suspended operations and closed down for investigation!

Bib, Toutiao, Dou Video and other platforms,

About Yang Mi,

It's all exposed!

There are countless melon-eating netizens.

In the Beijing Circle Super Talk Forum,

Netizens have already fried the pan, and the comment area is boiling!


While the Internet is hotly discussed,

In the Hilton Hotel,

Lin Yuan, as usual, played chess with Li Qi.

Ten minutes later,

Li Feng lost.

"It's too fast, Brother Yuan, why don't you let me this time."

Li Feng said with an embarrassed smile.

Lin Yuan said lightly:

"It's a few sets in a row, it's one opponent, it's really a little tired."

Hearing Lin Yuan's words,

Li Feng's eyes became slightly serious,

After thinking for a moment, he said:

"Brother Yuan, Miss Yang has now been taken away by the Major Crime Team, and Jiaxing is in a state of seizure."

"On the Internet, those people in the Beijing circle, those who should speak up have also spoken out."

"The list of personnel is already in place."

Lin Yuan nodded, lit a cigarette and said:

"Tell me, Feng Xiaogang and Yang Caiyu."

Li Feng was slightly stunned, and then said with a smile:

"Brother Yuan, you already knew?"

Li Feng took out a cigarette and continued:

"Yang Caiyu is Feng Xiaogang's goddaughter."

"This Yang Caiyu is very dishonest in China, I found out that this Yang Xiaoying is thanks to him."

"And there are several casinos, in short, the game is quite dark, known as Miss Yang."

Hear this,

Lin Yuan smiled lightly:

"Playing black? How dark can it be.."

Li Feng smiled and said:

"Those who play black, we are ancestors."

"Also, I found out that the reason why Yang Xiaoying was threatened was because her son abroad was controlled by Yang Caiyu."

Lin Yuan took a puff of cigarette, leaned on the sofa and said:

"Did you notify the FBI over there?"

Li Feng smiled slightly:

"As long as you say a word, people can be sent home."

Lin Yuan nodded, and then stopped and said:

"Since public opinion has fermented, everything that should emerge has emerged."

"Just harvest a batch of heads and sharpen the knife."

"That serious crime team leader, you arrange for someone to knock it."

Li Feng nodded and said:

"Well, then I'll go down first."

Then he retreated.

At this point,

Inside Kyoto No. 1 Courtyard.

In the living room of the villa,

Feng Xiaogang and the others, as if in a meeting, sat on the sofa.

Wang Zhongjun and Chen Fengnian always pay attention to the dynamics of public opinion on the Internet.

A moment later,

Chen Fengnian said with a smile:

"Hehe, Yang Mi has been taken away now."

"Jiaxing has also been sealed, and the stock market has plummeted all the way!"

"I believe that in less than two days, Jiaxing is likely to be on the verge of bankruptcy!"

Wang Zhongjun said with a smile:

"So now, we have to increase our efforts and strive to wait until the end of the harvest, a wave of harvest!"

"As soon as Jiaxing falls, Yang Mi's general trend is gone, and we can continue to deal with Anna."

The mood of the crowd is high,

After all, this is the game since the game,

The most ruthless means used by the Beijing circle,

It's also the closest thing to winning.

At this time, Feng Xiaogang frowned slightly and said:

"It's all like this, Yang Mi's godfather, why hasn't there been any movement yet?"

"It's a bit of an anomaly..."

Feng Xiaogang is an old fox among everyone,


Suspicious and worried.

Yang Caiyu sat on the side, peeled the fruit and said:

"Godfather, now that public opinion has spread throughout the country, under the big waves, no matter how big his surname Lin is, what is the use of coming out?"

"On the contrary, it is wise if he does not come out."

Arthur Chen agreed:

"Miss Yang is right, if the surname Lin comes out now, not only will he not be able to break the game, but he will also cause a commotion."

"He must be hiding behind and letting Yang Mi be a shield."

Feng Xiaogang nodded,

The heart is clearly analyzed.

Even if Lin Yuan came out to fight back now, he couldn't find a way to fight back.

Something like this happens,

Yang Xiaoying's son is in control in his hands again,

So the police did not get any useful information from Yang Xiaoying's mouth,

On the contrary, Yang Xiaoying will bite Yang Mi in one bite.

So how,

In this game, Yang Mi can't turn over!

At most, Yang Mi discarded Jiaxing and saved herself!

At this point,

It's already decided!

Wang Zhongjun said:

"Okay, then let's see how things develop below."

"When Jiaying Entertainment falls, let's hold a celebration banquet!"

Everyone was happy!

And at this moment,

Arthur Chen looked at the mobile phone, was slightly stunned, and said:

"Uncle, Wang Sicong actually spoke up in the neck at this time."

"And Qin Yan, and Fanrui."

Hearing this,

Yang Caiyu narrowed his eyes, and then opened his phone,

Refreshed the hot search of the neck.

Sure enough, in the top five of the hot search,

Wang Sicong and Fan Rui and several other people's posts, (read violent novels, just go on Feilu Novel Network!) )

The heat is rising.

After clicking on Wang Sicong's personal homepage,

Just see Wang Sicong's neck post:

For the Jiaxing jumping incident, can you bring some brains to think.

"This matter must be Yang Mi and Jia Xing's fault? And not what conspiracy is in it? "

"Jingyuan, I know you like to play this set, this matter remains to be investigated."

"Let's first talk about this fire rescue and police officer, on the road, why did the four main roads open to traffic, at the same time, all had car accidents, and still refused to move the car?"

"Whether this is a coincidence or not, I think everyone knows in their hearts."

"So don't be like a fool, shout on the Internet, use your brain!"

Wang Sicong was shocked,

Many netizens suddenly sobered up.

Because the problems in this are indeed worth thinking about!

And next, Fan Rui and Qin Angry, these two young people,

Also followed Wang Sicong's footsteps to speak:

Don't judge anything until you've made a conclusion.

Is there still less dirty work in the Beijing circle?

These posts have been sent,


Public opinion on the Internet has voiced a reversal of the trend!

After all, Wang Sicong's comments on the news,

It is still more credible on the Internet!

Netizens in the Beijing circle began to think and discuss:

"Principal Wang's words make sense."

"Yes, on the way to the fire fighting, there were car accidents on four main urban roads, which is also too coincidental!"

"Could it be that this matter is really a game of the Beijing Circle against that person?!"


With more and more conspiracy theories online,

More and more netizens,

Also began to realize,

This Jiaying jumping incident may not be as simple as imagined!

Most likely,

This is just a game between two major forces.

Seeing these statements online,

Wang Zhongjun frowned slightly, and said lightly:

"Wang Sicong stepped in again, it seems that he really got on the bar with the Beijing circle."

"Now online speech, began conspiracy theories, to our Beijing circle suspicion."

Arthur Chen said with a cold face:

"Hmph, these big and young, if they don't eat good food, they have to be a dog for that surnamed Lin!"

"As long as their Laozi doesn't come forward, the Beijing circle will get him the same!"

Feng Xiaogang was much calmer and calmly analyzed:

"No fuss: 0"

"Since the last time, Wang Sicong's standing in line has been very clear."

"Even if the outside world speculates that this is a game, what can change?"

"Jiaxing should still fall."

Feng Xiaogang looked confident,

Let the stone in the hearts of all also put down,

Next, it is necessary to wait until public opinion and the serious crime team continue to investigate,

Completely drag Jiaxing down!

Three o'clock in the afternoon.

Chaoyang Ward, Kyoto City, inside the Public Security Bureau.

In the office,

Yang Mi was sitting on the chair, looked at the leader of the serious crime team opposite and said:

"I have made it clear, this matter has nothing to do with me."

The leader of the serious crime team, Fei Changan, said lightly:

"Miss Yang, now is not a matter of whether there is a relationship or not, but we have to investigate you and your company in depth."

Yang Mi narrowed her eyes slightly and said:

"Team Leader Fei, you should know how much my company will lose if I stay here for one day?"

"And, there are some things that you don't pretend to be confused."

Fei Changan was slightly stunned, and said lightly:

"Miss Yang, when something like this happens, we must find out the cause of the incident and give an explanation to the masses."

"When Yang Xiaoying jumped off the building, she said that you and the company had insulted and bullied her, how do you prove that this matter has nothing to do with yourself?"

"You can't say yes, she jumped off the building to commit suicide for no reason?"

Yang Mi said lightly:

"Then Team Leader Fei, then you go to the hospital, bring Yang Xiaoying over, let's talk about it together."

Fei Changan nodded and said:

"Exactly, I'm going to the hospital now, you can think about it here now."

After Fei Changan left,

Assistant Yang Lili came to the office.

Wu Tianlong, the head of the Public Security Bureau, also walked over.

"Sister Honey, what did they say? Can't release you yet? "

Yang Lili said a little anxiously:

"Now the stock market of Jiaxing has plummeted, and public opinion outside is still rising."

"This serious crime team, why don't you release people without evidence?"

Yang Mi's face was calm, and she looked at Wu Tianlong and said:

"Director Wu, do you have any good solutions for this matter?"

Wu Tianlong took a deep breath and said:

"Miss Yang, don't worry first."

"The serious crime team was sent by the city, and I have no right to interfere."

"But I believe, Mr. Lin, there will definitely be a countermeasure."

Yang Mi raised her eyebrows,

The last time Feng Xiaogang was arrested at the banquet in the Beijing circle, it was this bureau chief who personally led people to relieve the siege.

It is very likely that this martial arts chief is also a godfather.

It's just that things are now beyond the scope of Director Wu's control!

Wu Tianlong continued:

"The people who blocked the road in this morning's car accident have all loosened the interrogation room, Miss Yang wait first."

Yang Mi didn't speak, and her beautiful eyes seemed to be thinking about something.

More than an hour later.

In the office,

Escorted by several police officers,

Fei Changan, the leader of the group, walked in with a woman with her arms bandaged.

Yang Mi looked up,

Isn't this Yang Xiaoying who jumped off the building?

After coming to Yang Mi,

Fei Changan sat down and said:

"Miss Yang, Yang Xiaoying, I brought 3.4, now we can have a good chat, right?"

Yang Xiaoying had a plaster cast on her hand,

Jumping off the building in the morning, although he fell on the air cushion, his body was still injured.

It's not good that it doesn't hurt the point,

There are just a few fractures,

It can still be interrogated normally.

"Yang Xiaoying, the reason for the matter, can you clearly explain it to everyone now?"

Fei Changan said:

"Why do you commit suicide by jumping off a building, and how the other party oppresses you and what kind of damage it has caused to your body and spirit!"

After Yang Xiaoying saw Yang Mi,

His eyes were suddenly stunned, and his eyes obviously meant to dodge.

But she still said firmly:

"I used to do group acting in Jiaxing Entertainment Company, Yang Mi's crew."

"Yang Mi and Jiaxing Company, don't settle for me, don't give me food, and beat and scold me every day!"

"Even, there are many ways to insult people, making people eat and drink urine!"

The voice fell,

In the office, many police officers and people from the Major Crime Unit were stunned!

Eat and drink urine?

That's too much!


Yang Mi looked calm and said lightly:

"Yang Xiaoying, I have your information here."

"You said that my company and I bullied you, is there any evidence?"

"Also, according to records, you committed theft when you were a group actor in our crew."

"Since then, you have nothing to do with our company, so what you said does not exist at all."

After Yang Mi finished speaking,

Fei Changan frowned,

Both men have their own reasons.

But no one has proof!

At this time, Yang Xiaoying said urgently:

"I don't care if you admit it or not, when this matter is over, I will find an opportunity to jump from your company building!"

"I die, I will use my death to avenge you!"

Yang Xiaoying's emotions were very excited, and her eyes stared at Yang Mi! .

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