And melon-eating netizens,

It was even subverted by the three views, extremely excited!

Within the Beijing Circle Chao Talk,

Netizens are all excited and active,

The number of people online reached two million!

"Groove Groove!! Shocked me, awesome! "

"This video is awesome! Although the eyes are spicy, it is still exciting enough! "

"Hua Hua completely collapsed, the two of them would actually engage in this kind of thing!"

"Some details, Arthur Chen's fingers, seem to be missing a few."

"Groove! Who is so bold and dares to engage the prince like this? "

"I guess if this will have something to do with Mr. Lin, after all, he and the Beijing circle are fighting hot..."

In Kyoto People's Hospital,

Chen Fengnian was in the ward, and after a sleepless night,

Seeing this news in the morning, the whole person collapsed quickly!

He never expected it,

After Arthur Chen endured these inhuman tortures,

He was actually forced to do such a thing!

"! I'm not with you! "

Chen Fengnian stood in the ward and roared!

Because this insult is not to Arthur Chen alone,

Rather, an insult to the Beijing circle!

Wang Zhongjun and Wang Zhonglei both bowed their heads and fell silent,

But what is clear is that

There was an extremely shocked expression on their faces!

A moment later,

Wang Zhongjun put down his mobile phone and said with a frown:

"This time, I'm afraid things are not going well with Arthur."

"President Chen, otherwise call the police."

"When something like this happens, we can't just leave it at that."

Chen Fengnian turned around and said with a fierce face:

"Call the police?"

"I don't need the police to handle this matter, my Chen family will handle it themselves!"

"If you don't kill a few people, it's hard to solve the hatred in my heart!"

Wang Zhonglei nodded and said:

"Mr. Chen is right, this matter cannot be called to the police."

"Let's not talk about whether it is useful to call the police, even if it is to alarm the police, we have no actual evidence, and we still can't move the other party."

"And the other party is likely to use the relationship to bite us back."

"Through the previous lessons, it is not difficult to see that the other party has a very hard relationship in Kyoto official."

"Once the authorities are involved, it is even more difficult for us to act."

Hearing the words of the two, Wang Zhongjun nodded, and he seemed to be thinking about something between his eyebrows.

A moment later,

Wang Zhongjun said:

Since this matter is inseparable from Tan Hui, and he has been exposed.

"So I thought, it's better to let Tan Hui, the last time to shine, can be regarded as dutiful."

Wang Zhonglei was naturally able to understand this,

After a short consideration, he immediately agreed:

"Big brother, I know."

"Tonight, I will let Tan Hui lead people and directly kill Wansheng Group and Jiaxing Entertainment Company."

"And the Hilton Hotel, I'll let Tan Hui take people over..."

As soon as these words came out,

Chen Fengnian and Wang Zhongjun both narrowed their eyes.

Since the other party is so ruthless,

Then just let both sides go and go for a big fight!

Anyway, either you die, or I live!

Arthur Chen was lying on the hospital bed,

The hands and legs are wrapped in gauze.

This morning's complexion has recovered a little.

"Uncle... Uncle .."

Arthur Chen said softly as he lay on the bed.

Hearing Arthur Chen call himself,

Chen Fengnian came to the side of the hospital bed, sat on the chair and said:

"Arthur, how are you feeling now?"

Arthur Chen said:

"I... I know today's news..."

Saying that,

Arthur Chen began to cry again, and said with great shame and irritation:

"I can't live here!"

"My face is all lost"

Seeing Arthur Chen so painful,

The hatred for Lin Yuan in Chen Fengnian's heart deepened!

"Arthur, don't worry, your father and I will avenge you!"

"When your injuries are healed, I will send you abroad, and you can still be dashing abroad."

Arthur Chen nodded,

But his expression was extremely lonely, and he said:

"Prince of the Jingyuan Circle, I will change to someone else in the future..."

On the other side,

After yesterday's events came to light,

Hua Chenyu early in the morning, just after coming out of the hospital,

It was besieged by a group of journalists.

Originally, I thought of relying on Arthur Chen's relationship to avoid the Huayi brothers.

But who knows,

Before Hua Chenyu called,

I received the news that I was terminated by Huayi Brothers and Yongtian Entertainment!

Hua Chenyu now has no agent and no public relations.

Purely turned into an ordinary passerby!

Outside the hospital,

Countless journalists have been waiting for a long time,

Seeing Hua Chenyu come out, the spear cannon was a shot!

"Click! `! "

"Hua Chenyu, may I ask what happened to you yesterday night, how did this kind of video come out?"

"Do you have this hobby?"

"Mr. Hua Chenyu, you and Arthur Chen still have this unknown relationship."

"Can you elaborate on what happened last night?"


In response to these journalists' questions,

Hua Chenyu wore a mask, and he couldn't wait to find a hole in the ground to get into it!


These questions are too hard, aren't they?

Detailed process?

You can see the mom video so clearly.

Also ask me the details of the process?

Hua Chenyu ignored the reporter and just walked outside.

After finally coming out,

It didn't take long,

Not far ahead, I saw several police cars slowly approaching.

stopped in front of Hua Chenyu,

Several vigilantes got out of the car.

"Are you Mr. Hua Chenyu?"

The vigilante blocked Hua Chenyu's way and asked.

Hua Chenyu was slightly stunned, and then said:

"I'm wearing a mask, you can see it too?"

The vigilante said lightly:

"With so many journalists blocking you, everyone knows it's you."

Hua Chenyu took a deep breath and said lightly:

"What are you looking for me for?"

The sheriff said:

"As a public figure, my private life was chaotic, and the filming spread online, which caused a bad impact!"

"Come with us,"

"Moreover, the Cultural and Entertainment Authority will also intervene to conduct an in-depth investigation of you."

"I hope you can cooperate well."

Hearing this,

Hua Chenyu was completely stunned,

He took off his mask, looked at the vigilante with some frustration and said:

"Are you mistaken?!"

"I'm the victim!"

"Why are you holding me for those people if you don't arrest them?!"

The vigilante sneered:

"You're a victim?"

"Then come with us too!"

"Get in the car!"

Take out a pair of silver bracelets for Hua Chenyu to put on,

He was then escorted to a police car and taken away.

It didn't take long for you to do so.

The news that Hua Chenyu was arrested by the police,

It spread online.

As soon as Hua Chenyu left the hospital, he was immediately arrested by the police!

The Cultural and Entertainment Bureau will investigate Hua Chenyu!

Strike hard! For public figures with bad influence, you must not be soft!

After these media outlets broke the news,

Instantly attracted the attention and discussion of countless netizens!

Just finished watching the special food of Hua Chenyu and Arthur Chen,

Now one is lying in the hospital.

One was arrested by the Sheriff's Department.

At this moment, the end of the two is really miserable, and it can't be worse!

Many netizens discussed on the neck.

"It's over, my beloved flower has completely collapsed!"

"It's disgusting, I have shadows when I watch that video."

"This time the loss of troops in the Beijing circle is absolutely inseparable from this game."

"Stimulating, I've never seen anything so exciting."


With the re-exposure,

Hua Chenyu can be regarded as a complete end.


In a compound in Kyoto.

Early in the morning, Zhu Zhu also looked at the news and news on his mobile phone.

Video about Arthur Chen,

Zhu Zhu only looked at it a few times, but he couldn't stand it.

It's a bit bloody and disgusting.

However, through the description on the Internet,

Zhu Zhu knew about Arthur Chen's current situation.

After seeing these things,

Zhu Zhu sat on the sofa in the living room,

The whole person was stunned for a while!

She couldn't believe it, (read violent novels, just go on Feilu Novel Network!) )

From the beginning of the game to the present,

Arthur Chen will end up like this!


For that Mr. Lin's means,

Zhu Zhu also felt a little incredible.

It's as if you've returned to Hong Kong and Macao at the end of the eighties.

Real knives and real guns!

After taking a deep breath and putting down the mobile phone, Zhu Zhu said to his father:

"Dad, have you read all the news?"

"Oh my God, this is incredible."

Zhu Hanbin's eyes flickered, and he smoked a cigarette in his mouth, and his expression was obviously a little surprised:

"Yes, I was shocked after watching the news early this morning."

"Arthur Chen and Hua Chenyu had an accident, don't think about it, it must have been done by that Mr. Lin."

"In the Beijing circle, apart from him, no one else should dare to do such a thing."

After seeing those news on the Internet,

Zhu Hanbin was shocked.

Especially those videos,

The other party's means are really too vicious!

In this society governed by the rule of law,

brazenly kidnapping the prince of the Beijing circle,

I also removed several parts from my body.

This means, wherever it is placed, can be regarded as ruthless and hard enough!

Even if it is the Beijing circle,

No one dares to be so arrogant!

Zhu Hanbin smacked his tongue:

"Next, it is estimated that the Chen family will be furious."

"It is said that Arthur Chen's fingers are missing two, and one of his two legs is provoked and the other is broken."

"The video is still exposed on the whole network, and after Arthur Chen is discharged from the hospital, he can't stay in China."

Zhu Zhu said with a bright eye:

"It seems that this Mr. Lin has begun to move seriously."

"Maybe the previous ones, for Mr. Lin, are just small troubles."

"Now, this game has really begun!"

Zhu Hanbin took a deep breath of cigarette and said:

"Hehe, if it really develops according to the current situation."

"Next, the Beijing circle may really bleed."

Zhu Zhu's beautiful eyes narrowed slightly, and said:

"Dad, do you think that if something like this happens to Arthur Chen, what will happen to the Beijing circle?"

"Or, what will happen to Chen Kaige's Chen family, as well as the Huayi brothers Wang family, and even other big courtyard disciples?"

Zhu Hanbin thought for a moment and said lightly:

"With Chen Kaige's temper, it is estimated that in a few days, he will return from abroad."

"In the past few days, Chen Fengnian will definitely use some black power means to frantically retaliate against this Mr. Lin."

"And the Wang family will not stand idly by, and will definitely fan the flames in this."

"The most worrying thing is Chen Kaige's wife, Chen Hong."

"If she makes a move, this game will rise to a height again!"

Zhu Zhu nodded,

Speaking of Chen Hong,

This woman does have great weight in the Beijing circle!

It can even be said that

Chen Kaige's fortune is largely because of Chen Hong's help.

Chen Hong's grandfather,

He was once a founding figure.

Even after a few decades,

But the red background of the Chen family is still as stable as Mount Tai in the Beijing circle!

If Chen Hong makes a move,

That game is really full of variables.


In Zhu Zhu's heart,

I always feel inexplicably that all this, in front of that mysterious Mr. Lin, is still pale and weak!

Zhu Zhu felt that himself,

It's as if an unconditional sense of trust has arisen.

Regardless of the Beijing circle,

That Mr. Lin will have the means to deal with it!

Zhu Zhu said:

"Dad, what should we do?"

"Next, Chen Hong will definitely win over these people in the Beijing circle, we can't stay out of the matter!"

After Zhu Hanbin finished smoking a cigarette, he immediately lit another and said:

"Alas, right now, this matter should indeed be considered."

"This matter, don't give an answer to the outside world, when the time comes, let's silently strike."

Zhu Zhu nodded and said:

"Well, I see, Dad."

After Zhu Zhu and Zhu Hanbin discussed,

I also have a plan in mind.

Zhu Hanbin sat on the sofa,

Looking out the sunny window outside,

But in his eyes, he saw dark clouds all over the city, which made people feel that the air was dull.

After Arthur Chen and Hua Chenyu and other young people had an accident,

It has set off a huge storm of public opinion throughout the country!

This pair of Beijing circles,

Undoubtedly dealt a heavy blow!

Especially on public platforms such as bibs,

Many Shanghai circles have spoken out, naked contempt and criticism of the Beijing circle!

Wang Sicong's personal account statement:

The atmosphere in this circle of Beijing is really disgusting, and it is disgusting to see it.

Early in the morning, I couldn't even eat breakfast.

It is recommended that the Cultural and Entertainment Administration crack down on the Beijing circle!

Qin Indignant issued a statement:

From today onwards, the young children of the Beijing Circle, I will cut off all contacts.

Some business, definitely will not cooperate with the people of the Beijing circle, it is simply a shame!

Except for two people,

What's more, there are many stars who also stand up and criticize!

For example, Han Hong, Mao Buyi, Xu Song and other singers or actors,

Criticism and irony of the Beijing circle.


The Beijing circle is like a rat crossing the street, people shouting and beating.

Jiaxing Entertainment Company,

Inside the chairman's office.

After Yang Mi's morning meeting,

Just start working in the office.


Yang Lili said brightly:

"Sister Honey, did you watch the video from last night?"

"Oh my God, that's called a thrill!"

Yang Mi glanced at Yang Lili and said lightly:

"I'm afraid of dirty eyes, I didn't look at it."

"But I heard people say that Arthur Chen is wasted, his image is wasted, and his people are also wasted."

Yang Lili was extremely excited, sat next to Yang Mi, and whispered:

"Sister Mi, you said, could this matter be related to Mr. Lin?"

"With such a means, looking at the entire Beijing circle, it seems that only Mr. Lin dares."

Speak at the same time,

Yang Lili's eyes lit up,

It was like Lin Yuan's little fangirl.

Yang Mi said in a deep voice:

"Don't guess, don't speculate."

"What does the godfather do, we just have to watch from the side, we just need to do our own thing."

"Especially during this time, outside, you'd better not discuss this matter, I'm afraid it will be bad for yourself."

Hearing Yang Mi's words,

Yang Lili shrunk her neck, spit out her little tongue and said:

Honey, I know.

"Now that the city is stormy, I don't dare to talk nonsense outside, maybe the Chen family will find someone in the shadows and give me a gam..."

Yang Mi said:

"If you have a number in your heart."

Yang Lili was still curious, standing aside and asking:

"Sister Honey, next, the Beijing circle will definitely be like a mad dog."

"Mr. Lin, what should I do?"

"And I heard that Chen Kaige is coming back soon."

"The old Chen family in the Beijing circle, this time they are angry."

Yang Mi looked indifferent, as if she didn't take the Beijing circle to heart at all, and said lightly:

"Godfather naturally has godfather's plans, how can we guess."

"However, I have a hunch that this matter is not over."

"Look, today, there will be more things going to happen."

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