After Tan Hui was taken out,

In the hotel, silence was restored again.

In the room,

Lin Yuan and Anna play chess against each other,

At this time, Li Feng walked in and said lightly:

"Brother Yuan, Tan Hui has already dealt with it."

"After tonight, the Beijing circle is completely fried."

Lin Yuan looked calm,

Without taking these things to heart in the slightest, he said:

"It's just a little interest."

"Okay, it's not too early, the rest, just wait for the news to ferment tomorrow."

Hearing Lin Yuan's words,

Li Feng nodded and said:

"Well, I believe that the Beijing circle will be very lively tomorrow."

After Li Feng walked out,

Lin Yuan and Anna also returned to the room to rest.


Inside Kyoto No. 1 Courtyard.

Chen Fengnian who just got the news,

As if struck by lightning, standing in place for a long time can not come back to his senses!


Wang Zhonglei gasped and said with a shocked expression:

"Tan Hui was actually arrested?!"

"And handed over the shares of the heavenly club on earth!?"

Get the news,

Wang Zhonglei was a little unbelievable,

Tan Hui's battle tonight, originally thought that he could create a lot of movement.

Even if you can't kill the surnamed Lin,

At the very least, it can also create some big cases that shock the whole country!

But I didn't expect it,

Die before the master comes out!

Wang Zhongjun frowned and said:

"The people below came to the news that Tan Hui Bing divided into three ways, respectively to Wansheng Group, Jiaxing Entertainment Company, and Hilton Hotel."

"On the way to Jiaxing Entertainment, the direct internal muck car that took the lead was hit and killed."

"More than 50 people who went to Wansheng Group were stopped by another group, more than 30 people were cut and seriously injured, and the rest were also lying in the hospital."

And Tan Hui personally took a group of people to the Hilton Hotel, and was served "seven seven zero" by the security bureau. "

"Tan Hui also went in."

Saying that,

Wang Zhongjun's expression became more and more solemn,

All this,

It's like the other party calculated it in advance!

Every step,

All lagging behind each other!

Chen Fengnian frowned, and said with a puzzled face:

"But why, Tan Hui will hand over the shares?"

Mentioned here,

The most difficult thing to believe is Wang Zhonglei.

Wang Zhonglei owns 40% of the shares in the heavenly club on earth!

He is the second boss in heaven on earth.

Now, Tan Hui will sell its shares,

At this moment, the other party has become a big boss in the heavens on earth!


Wang Zhonglei couldn't understand,

Why did Tan Hui give away the club?

With his character, even if he fights to the death,

It won't let people touch his piece of cake.

Wang Zhongjun said:

"There must be more complicated things here, but we don't know yet."

The voice just fell,

On Wang Zhonglei's mobile phone, he received an anonymous message.

Open the phone and take a look,

It's a half-hour long video.

Wang Zhonglei's face was gloomy,

Intuition told him,

This video content is definitely not a good thing!

Next to it, Wang Zhongjun said:

"Open it and take a look."

The three stared intently at the mobile phone screen,

Take a deep breath,

Wang Zhonglei clicked on the video.

Just clicked,

There was a terrifying howl from inside!

"Ahhh!! No! Let me go! Please! "

The sound is very poignant,

I just heard it, but I haven't seen the content,

It's scary!

"This voice seems to be from Tanhui?!"

Wang Zhonglei raised his eyebrows and said.


The three of them saw it,

The man in the video,

The hands were pierced by daggers and nailed to the table.

Isn't this man Tanhui?!


As can be seen in the video, Tan Hui was tortured in various ways.

Tooth extraction, alcohol filling, etc.,

The three of Wang Zhonglei who watched were a little cold in their backs, and their hearts were beating fast!

These means,

It's so ruthless!

However, in the video, there is no mention of the heavenly shares on earth,

And the voice of the people inside has post-processing.

After forcibly reading it,

Wang Zhonglei instinctively breathed a sigh of relief, and his own emotions became tense.

"This... This is what that surnamed Lin did?! "

Wang Zhonglei said in disbelief:

"No, isn't there someone from the Security Bureau in the hotel?"

"There are official people, how can they still torture Tan Hui so arrogantly?!"

Wang Zhongjun's face was gloomy,

The other party's means and ruthlessness are beyond his imagination.

Chen Fengnian said lightly:

"I'm afraid that these official people are also acquaintances surnamed Lin."

"Otherwise, Tan Hui would have been taken away by the people of the Security Bureau long ago, instead of staying in the hotel and being tortured."

Wang Zhonglei took a deep breath,

He never expected it,

This opponent in the Beijing circle is not only related to connections,

What's more, surprisingly ruthless!

The other party sent this video to himself,

Isn't it to warn and deter yourself?

After watching the video,

Chen Fengnian fell into silence.

Since the game between Jing Circle and Yang Mi's godfather,

I didn't take advantage of it.

Every time, the Beijing circle will suffer heavy losses!


These times, the other party's means have become surprisingly cruel,

I have no idea how to deal with it at all!

Could it be, this great Beijing circle,

Can it really be conquered by an outsider?!

Chen Fengnian said gloomyly:

"Right now, it's only clear that things have been exposed."

"Fortunately, a few of us didn't fall into it, and Tan Hui was just a substitute for the dead ghost."

"When my eldest brother comes back, he will deal with this matter."

Wang Zhongjun nodded, and now

We can only wait for the storm of this matter to pass,

The Beijing circle can go further.


If you commit a crime against the wind, something will definitely happen.

The time quickly came early the next morning.

At half past seven in the morning,

A few extremely explosive news,

Quickly swept the entire network!

Last night, a serious car accident occurred on Nandong Road in Chaoyang District, Kyoto City, and the number of injured people was more than 50 people

In the alley on the west side of Wansheng Group, at about ten o'clock last night, there was a crowd brawl, more than 50 people entered the hospital, and so far, 7 people are being rescued!

The boss of the heavens on earth, Tan Hui, led people to rush into the Hilton building to smash it, has been suspected of terrorist attacks, and is currently all captured by the Public Security Bureau and is investigating!

After these three messages were exposed,


The whole network was shocked!

Major platforms on the hot search,

National media came forward to report, and the relevant government in Kyoto came forward to be interviewed!

On the hot search of the neck,

In Chaoyang District, Kyoto City, the Public Security Bureau officially came forward for an interview.

Question from reporter:

"Excuse me, what is the situation of these things?"

"Is there a connection, or rather, how bad the case is, is there a detailed explanation from the Public Security Bureau?"

The director of the Chaoyang District Public Security Bureau, Wu Tianlong, personally came forward and said:

"These serious accidents and cases yesterday night, after our investigation and inquiry, are the same thing!"

"The car accident on Nandong Road, as well as the crowd brawl in the alley, these people were all planned by Tan Hui and prepared to attack Jiaxing Entertainment Company and Wansheng Group."

"It's just that the other two parts had car accidents on the road, and some people encountered unknown people and failed to succeed."

"These are all Tan Hui's confessions." (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"Specifically, after our interrogation, it will be announced to the public!"

After the video of the interview was released,

Netizens were even more shocked!

Heavenly boss Tan Hui on earth,

But the underground soil emperor of Chaoyang District!

Gray started and had a lot of people.

Tan Hui brought so many people,

Go to Jiaxing Company and Wansheng Group, as well as Hilton Hotel,

The purpose is already obvious,

It was for Yang Mi and Anna, as well as that Mr. Lin!


The gray forces of the Beijing circle have also joined this game!

It's just that the speed of this offline is too fast!

All of them

I was shocked by these news!

Within the Beijing Circle Chao Talk,

Netizens started a heated discussion!

"Groove! It's exciting! "

"For the first time in so many years, I saw such exciting news!"

"Tan Hui, this is thinking, leading people to fight with others? The groove is very similar to the black of the eighties. "

"This game is getting more and more exciting, the excitement of Zhente Niang!"

"But it's useless, obviously, Mr. Lin, he has long been ready."

"What kind of car accident, what kind of fight, this is all arranged in advance by Mr. Lin, right?"

"It's really scary to think about, now they all start to fight, and they all die!"


Netizens were extremely shocked,

This time things are really big!

It's all dead!

After things fermented online,

It didn't take long for you to do so.

Another news was broken by the news media!

After interrogation by the Public Security Bureau, Tan Hui confessed that the fire of Wansheng Group was his personal instruction, and it was artificially arson!

Sixty percent of the shares of Tanhui Human Heavenly Club have been transferred to Wansheng Group!

After these two news were exposed,

Originally lively on the Internet,

Sets off a bigger storm of public opinion!

So much so that the attention of netizens across the country,

are attracted to these things in the Beijing circle!

"The fire of Wansheng Group is not an accident of the company, it turns out that Tanhui sent people to set fire!"

"I just said, how can such a large enterprise as Wansheng Group make such a low-level mistake when the city leaders are inspecting, it turns out that the Beijing circle wants to engage Anna!"

"Well, the truth is out!"

"The heavenly club on earth has actually changed hands into the hands of Wansheng Group."

"The power of the Beijing circle is rapidly draining!"

"As far as the current situation is concerned, this Mr. Lin, I'm afraid he really wants to be alone, and the entire Beijing circle does not dare to raise his head!"


In the major forums,

Netizens started a heated discussion!

Jing Circle and this mysterious Mr. Lin,

It has changed from an ordinary game to a battle of life and death!

The game has been going on for this time,

The prince of the Beijing circle was abolished, and Hua Chenyu, Cai Xukun and other stars who followed the class were banned from the line,

Until now,

It has begun to fight in the dark,

Things have taken to another level!

But who will survive to the end,

Until now, it is not known: 0

In the eyes of many netizens,

Mr. Lin has become a mysterious legend!


After these news were broken,

Many stars outside the Beijing circle began to criticize the Beijing circle!

There are also Wang Sicong, Qin Yan and other famous second-generation young masters in China,

is even angry criticism of the Beijing circle on the Internet,

Didn't leave the slightest face.


The reputation of the Beijing circle is even lower, and the image is simply lost compared to the past!

At this point,

Inside Villa One Kyoto,

Chen Fengnian and Wang Zhonglei came to Wang Zhongjun's house early in the morning.

Here, it has basically become the stronghold of these people.

After reading these news and messages,

Wang Zhongjun sighed and said:

"Now, the Beijing circle can be regarded as being notorious!"

"This battle, the loss is really too miserable!"

After a series of scandals and illegal things were exposed,

The face of the Beijing circle is completely black!


Wang Zhongjun's cell phone rang.

Open it and take a look,

It was the secretary of the Secretary for Business Administration, Zhang Jianwei, who called.


In order to make the Bureau of Business and Commerce, Wang Zhongjun increased its efforts to crack down on Wansheng Group.

Give Zhang Jianwei a gift and ask him to help fan the flames in front of the director.

But at this time, I received a call from Zhang Jianwei,

Elder Wang Zhongjun felt,

Certainly not a good thing.

But he answered the phone anyway and said:

"Secretary Zhang."

On the phone, Zhang Jianwei said:

"Mr. Wang, I have already returned the money to you before."

"In the future, the two of us will have nothing to do with each other."

Hearing this,

Wang Zhongjun was slightly stunned, and then said:

"Secretary Zhang, what do you mean by this?"

Zhang Jianwei sighed and said:

"Now that I've been suspended for investigation, you should be careful."

"If I am lucky, I may be able to spend the second half of my life in peace, but if I am unlucky, I may have to spend it in prison."

After speaking, Zhang Jianwei hung up the phone.

Wang Zhongjun stood in place, smoking a cigarette and frowning:

"Secretary Zhang of the Bureau of Industry and Commerce has also been swept down now."

Chen Fengnian and Wang Zhonglei's faces became more solemn.

Wang Zhonglei sat on the sofa smoking a cigarette and said:

"Brother, what is the identity of the other party?"

"With such skills and energy, it is absolutely impossible to be a person without a reputation."

Saying that, Wang Zhonglei frowned again,

Taking a deep breath of smoke, he continued:

"We don't even know what the other party is doing, 1.8, and we are still fighting."

"To be honest, I don't think it's surprising that we lost."

Wang Zhonglei's words,

Chen Fengnian felt uncomfortable for a while when he heard this, and said lightly:

"If I could find out, wouldn't I have said it earlier?"

"It's not because, after several investigations, nothing can be found at all."

Wang Zhongjun said in a deep voice:

"Okay, let's make a noise about our own people."

"President Chen is telling the truth, this surname Lin, I have also investigated, and I really haven't found anything."

Wang Zhonglei's eyebrows showed a hint of gloom, and said coldly:

"Things have come to this point, and the Beijing circle obviously has no way back."

"Hurry up and think about the next step, how should we deal with that surnamed Lin."

"Swallow me a clubhouse, I will let Wansheng Group spit it out intact!"

Chen Fengnian said:

"President Wang, by now the two sides have begun to play black methods."

"You should be able to play to your strengths, right?"

Wang Zhonglei smiled slightly and said:

"Yes, it's just that this kind of high-risk thing, to the later dividends, I also have to account for a higher proportion, this requirement is not too much, right?"

Chen Fengnian didn't care:

"Don't talk about dividends, if we can quickly kill the surnamed Lin, I can give you my share later."

So far,

Chen Fengnian hated his teeth itching!

I can't wait to get rid of Lin Yuan quickly!

Wang Zhongjun said:

"Wait first, Mr. Chen, I heard that Director Chen is coming back soon?"

Mention his eldest brother,

Chen Fengnian's eyes flickered, and he seemed to have a little more confidence in his heart and said:

"Well, my eldest brother will arrive tomorrow at night."

"When my brother and my sister-in-law come back, let's discuss what to do next."

Hearing Chen Kaige and Chen Hong come back,

A smile finally appeared on Wang Zhongjun's face.

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