Is it normal for a top student with an EQ of 20 to create a chip?

Chapter 84 It’s Luo Yao who wants to attract hatred! (2-in-1)

Fu Daobin asked everyone to pack their luggage and headed to the airport immediately.

When she left the hotel, Adela looked longingly at the bakery and sausage shop not far away. This scene was captured by Luo Yao on the other end of the video.

Luo Yao turned to Dao Bin and said, "Can you help me buy some bread and sausage from that store?"

Fu Daobin was stunned: "Mr. Luo, do you want to eat?"

"It's a rare trip for you, so I want you to bring me some specialties." Luo Yao's words were not a lie. He really wanted his family to taste authentic Hansi food.

"Okay, do you want me to buy more and give it to the company's people?"

Luo Yao hesitated for a moment. He thought that if he bought these things for his family and Aidela, others would definitely complain to him if they didn't, especially Wang Ye's blabbermouth, so he nodded.

Fu Daobin turned around and sent three people to buy Hans' souvenirs.

After a while, the three of them got into the car carrying large and small bags.

"You guys bought this?" Edela said with envy.

"Mr. Luo bought it for you. Let's divide it when we get back. Let's get on the plane first." After Fu Daobin finished speaking, he asked the driver to drive.

Adela and Sergei looked at each other, and both saw disbelief in the other's eyes.

The boss actually bought them souvenirs!

This is the first time ever!

They were so simple-minded that they didn't know that Luo Yao bought it for them because he was afraid that they would cause trouble for him.

However, after the people at Leading Technology learned that Luo Yao had bought souvenirs for them, they all felt that Luo Yao was not as cold as before.

After they got on the plane, the people from the Quantum Forum found their hotel under Lawrence's instructions and came to invite them to a dinner in the evening.

As a result, when I inquired at the hotel, I found out that they had left early.

The news reached Lawrence's ears, and Lawrence immediately made up his mind to return to Schiron.

Once back in Schiron, Lawrence eagerly rushed to their improvised technical team.

This team mainly conducts disassembly and reverse engineering of Huaji mobile phones.

To put it bluntly, I just want to understand the technology used by Huaji Mobile Phone this time, and see if I can get inspiration from it or directly appropriate it.

"Mark, have you disassembled the chip?" Lawrence started asking as soon as he arrived at their work place.

"Mr. Lawrence, it doesn't work at all. We have tried every method. Once the chips are disassembled, they are all scrapped."

"We have checked that a company has recently applied for a new packaging patent technology. We suspect that this technology is used in this chip."

After Lawrence was silent for a while, he turned and left and returned to his office.

An hour later, the business team held a meeting.

"The people who develop quantum chips have confirmed on the quantum forum that their 60-bit quantum chip has been mass-produced. To be honest, this is a big threat to us."

"We need to tighten restrictions on what they export."

Bilar pondered what Lawrence meant and said, "Sir, do you think we need to increase restrictions on raw materials and high-end technology products?"

Lawrence sighed: "To be honest, these two paths will also cause losses to our own companies. Once the production of raw materials and high-end technology products is restricted, the profits of these companies will definitely decline in a short period of time. However, in the face of the overall interests, this loss Forget it."

Bilal said nothing.

Not only will it decline in a short period of time, but the market share may also be reduced. You made the decision very easily, but it is strange that other companies would agree to it for the sake of profit.

Bilal decided that as long as this decision was made, she would pretend to be sick and take leave, so that the anger of those companies would be directed at the initiator.

"Bilal, Pat, what do you think?" Lawrence did not forget the existence of his two capable subordinates.

"I think we can give it a try. Using production raw materials and high-end technology products will definitely restrict the development of the other party."

"They want to find alternatives, but it's impossible to find a suitable one right away."

"They will definitely ask us for mercy when the time comes."

Pat felt excited when he thought about this scene. The stronger the opponent, the more memorable it was to beg for mercy.

Even though Bilar felt that there was something wrong with Lawrence's proposal, she later agreed in order not to offend Lawrence.

Lawrence was very satisfied, and after asking other people's opinions, he announced that the meeting was adjourned.

He returned to the office, wrote a plan, and submitted it.

The next day, many mining companies in Scaron announced resource shortages and the need to restrict exports of minerals.

Every company is wailing.

"There's absolutely nothing in stock, not even oil, right?"

"Manganese, copper, nickel, chromium, cobalt, platinum, etc. are out of stock. What should we use for production?"

"This is clearly meant to punish us! Which one of chips, computers, mobile phones, lithium batteries, satellites, unmanned aircraft, etc., does not require these things?"

“Originally, we only restricted chip-related raw materials, but now it’s better, here comes a decisive blow!”

"Some people are really dishonest. The ore companies in Scaron were working well together earlier, but now they are doing this!"

Dongcheng, Pilot Technology.

In Luo Yao's office, Shan Xing and Fu Daobin were sitting.

"Currently, quantum chips have been initially used, and industries that have used them have reported that production efficiency has been greatly improved."

"But, that's where the problem ends." When Fu Daobin said this, he glanced at Luo Yao.

Luo Yao was indeed attracted by Fu Daobin's words. He asked, "Are you saying there is overcapacity?"

Fu Daobin secretly thought that talking to smart people would save trouble.

"You are right. Our production capacity in some categories has already been at the forefront of Blue Star. Now with the support of quantum chips, the response speed of production machines is faster than before, and the production capacity has naturally increased a lot than before."

Luo Yao thought for a while and said, "This is a good thing."

Shan Xing looked at him with interest and said: "There is overcapacity and we won't be able to consume it for a while. How can it be considered a good thing? Let's talk about it so that we can listen to suggestions."

Luo Yao looked at the two of them, a little strange, thinking that they must not have thought of it, right?

No, they're not too stupid, so why do they have to do it themselves?

Luo Yao paused for a moment and finally explained: "We have excess production capacity and we can't consume it. Naturally, we can find places to consume it."

"Now that many minerals have been cut off, we must find new supply relationships."

"The area heading east contains exactly the minerals we need."

"We can cooperate with those mining companies."

"I've seen the situation in those areas in the past two days. Most of the ore companies have one name, and many don't even have mining capabilities.

"They need people to help them mine. Mining ore cannot be done in a day or two. To ensure the normal life of so many mining workers, surrounding supporting facilities need to be built, such as roads, railways, hospitals, etc. We have overcapacity. , that’s just the right time to cooperate with them.”

"Scaron can actually do this, but firstly, the other party looks down upon it, and secondly, the infrastructure strength is not as strong as ours."

"So at present, it seems that this plan is the optimal solution."

"We have cooperated with some small places before, but they did not have a complete system. Now that we have quantum chips, we can build a smart network on this basis."

"The most difficult thing to solve in smart networks is the amount of calculations that are constantly being generated. It is difficult for ordinary hardware to meet the requirements, but now with the support of quantum chips, it is completely possible. We have an advantage over Scaron in this regard."

Shan Xing nodded repeatedly after hearing the previous content, but with this smart network, Shan Xing had doubts.

"Are you saying that the content and quantity of the cooperative products will be moved online? Will this expose key information?"

"After all, we all know that Scarron will never let go of this opportunity to obtain secrets. As long as there is a network, they will be there."

Luo Yao shook his head, remembering a report he saw this morning.

He can't imagine that there are still people who don't have access to electricity 24 hours a day.

Even in Luo Yao's hometown, that remote town.

Luo Yao has never experienced a power outage since he was a child.

"It is about establishing a service network, which obviously involves urban service projects such as water, electricity and so on."

"It will be the same as our city service items. You can pay bills there and check notices about water and electricity outages."

"The hidden function is to intelligently transport excess energy to places where it is lacking. I learned that we are actually doing a very good job with this system."

"With the support of quantum chips, calculating energy gaps will definitely be easier than before."

"Once this network is built, it will play a key role in energy distribution in various regions. If someone wants to destroy it, the first thing they will encounter is the opposition of people in these regions."

"We don't have to do anything at all, and the other party will be condemned."

Cutting off water and electricity is a big no-no!

It seems that Luo Yao still knows how to incite hatred!

Shan Xing was filled with emotion.

In fact, they have already discussed helping the mining companies in the eastern region to develop and build new mining relationships, but the smart network proposed by Luo Yaoxin is indeed a novel idea.

Shan Xing said with some excitement: "This is a good idea. I will elaborate it with the expert team when the time comes."

"What currency was used to settle the previous cooperation with enterprises in these areas?" Luo Yao suddenly asked.

Shan Xing paused and thought back: "To be precise, it was Scaron coins that were used in the first place."

"But now it has been changed and it has been changed to our own currency."

"When working with us, it always feels weird to settle with Scaron coins, as if Scaron is also involved, so we use Chinese coins."

Luo Yao nodded.

That's right, only settling with Chinese currency is the wisest choice. Using Scaron currency for settlement means that you still recognize the hegemony of Scaron in your heart.

"Now due to the restrictions of Scaron, many foreign-funded enterprises have withdrawn. Now is the time to vigorously develop our own enterprises!"

When Shan Xing said this, he suddenly asked with concern: "By the way, Luo Yao, how far has your quantum satellite research reached?"

The new mobile phone released by Huaki is indeed very powerful, but its function is to enhance the self-confidence of ordinary people, and to break the monopoly of Ringo and other Scaron technology products.

"You know, the only thing that can really stand out from Scaron's siege now is 6G technology."

Fu Daobin felt a little uncomfortable. What riddle was the leader playing with Luo Yao?

He asked: "Why can't 5G work?"

Shan Xing sighed and said: "To be fair, it is a delusion to surpass Scaron through 5G technology."

"What we cannot ignore is that in terms of technology, Scaron started at least 20 years earlier than us. All industries under 5G will indeed get an opportunity to improve."

"But not enough."

"Under such circumstances, even if we try our best, we can only be on par with them. If we want to truly surpass them, we must rely on more advanced information networks."

"This is why 6G has to be built."

Originally, the expert team was all thinking about 6G. Now Luo Yao is going to build a quantum satellite, and everyone in the expert team is looking forward to it. Shan Xing is here to inquire about the latest progress.

"Currently, I have sorted out the technical documents based on the previous learning results." Luo Yao had been digesting the technology given by the system before, sorting out the technical documents and drawings while digesting it.

Now that everything is ready, the project can be officially launched.

After Shan Xing heard Luo Yao's words, he immediately clapped his hands and said, "That's great. I've already organized the people for the quantum satellite. But before the project is formally established, you know we need to review the technical documents and Drawings.”

Of course Luo Yao knew this. He took out his hard drive, handed it to Shan Xing, and said, "It's all in here."

Shan Xing took the hard drive, which weighed only over a hundred grams, and felt that what was inside was their future.

He believed that Luo Yao could create three miracles, and there was a high probability that he could do it this time too!

Shan Xing took the hard drive and couldn't wait to take Fu Daobin back to the capital for review.

Not long after they left, Sergey knocked on the door of Luo Yao's office.

"Boss, the money that was shorted before has been successfully received."

"After deducting the handling fee, the total is 1.2 billion Scaron coins. How do you think you can transfer it?"

1.2 billion Scaron coins.

The money reached the country safely through various secret channels.

Otherwise, in order to get the money back, AS and other companies would have used various reasons to come to your doorstep.

Luo Yao knew that all this was thanks to the operation of a veteran like Sergey, and he was able to get the money without any risk.

He thought for a while and said, "It's enough to transfer 1.1 billion to me, and you keep the rest."

Sergey was stunned and blurted out: "Boss, are you kidding me?"

Luo Yao looked at him with a puzzled expression and said, "I thought you were smart enough to understand what I meant."

"You deserve this. If you put in your brainpower and labor, you should be rewarded. This is an equal exchange."

"Do you think I, like other capitalists, will exploit you?"

"Of course not, how can you be like those dog capitalists! Boss, next time who you want to short, just tell me directly!"

Money is really disorienting.

How can a good scientific researcher think about shorting others all day long?

Luo Yao decided to correct Sergey.

After receiving half an hour of ideological education, Sergey walked out of Luo Yao's office in a daze.

Luo Yao checked his itinerary and found that he was going to give lectures at East Polytechnic the day after tomorrow.

Although Xia Qing told him to just relax, Luo Yao still prepared the class content seriously.

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