Is It Possible That The Mecha I'm Talking About Is A Toy?

Chapter 100 Completion Of The Mars Base! The Full-Form Space Carrier Is Completed!

The short-distance wormhole fixed-point transmission channel has been built.

In the subsequent time.

Lu Yuan began to arrange to build a production line and base for manufacturing space carriers on Mars.

The first is various construction materials.

According to Lu Yuan's request, Zhang Dahai directly sent a purchase list to the procurement department of the military department.

The purchasing staff who was in charge of Lu Yuan looked at the list in his hand, and he was a little dazed.

The list of materials sent by Lu Yuan three months ago still looks like that.

Various used car chip parts.

Plus some rare metals.

This time, in addition to used cars and various recycled chip parts, there are actually concrete, and some construction materials such as steel bars.

Didn't you say this is a research and development department?

"Reporting to the Chief of Staff, General Master Lu has sent a new round of material procurement list, and he requested that we purchase a huge amount of construction materials.

Purchasing personnel of the military department.

Call Zhou Wen'an to report this abnormal phenomenon.

"This time they purchased a huge amount of construction materials? Did you say where the transportation was?"

Zhou Wen'an was also surprised.

Some couldn't figure out why Lu Yuan needed so many building materials.

"All raw materials are transported to the same place as before, in the toy R&D department of Factory 106." The purchasing staff replied.

Zhou Wen'an was thoughtful: "Perhaps he intends to build an underground scientific research base underground, which is why he needs so many building materials."


"You purchase for him according to the requirements on the list and send it over.

Strange is strange.

Zhou Wen'an still agreed to Lu Yuan's purchase request.

The Chief of Staff of the Central Military Region personally spoke, giving what he wanted, and protecting him even if he sacrificed his life when necessary.

This is just asking for some construction materials, so there is no point in disagreeing.


"I'll do it now!"

The military purchaser immediately agreed.

Immediately, according to the materials on the list, they purchased them in large quantities and sent them to the toy research and development department of Factory 106.

But I just hung up the phone here.

Zhou Wen'an received a transfer application from Lu Yuan.

There is not much content in it, only a few simple sentences: "For research and development needs, please ask the chief of staff to allow two squads of anti-missile mech squads to be seconded from the military department, and eight squads of ordinary soldiers to help."

There are two mecha squads and eight squads of ordinary soldiers, a total of more than a hundred people.

It looks like a reinforced company.

After Zhou Wen'an inquired about the number of mecha squad members in Wu Linghui's place.

Directly print out the documents and dispatch relevant personnel to assist Lu Yuan in completing the task of manufacturing the aerospace mother.

This confirmed his previous guess even more.

Lu Yuan wanted to dig out an underground scientific research base under the 106 factory.


"The secrecy issue of the space carrier has been solved, how should we get this big guy out of the ground?"

Zhou Wen felt a little puzzled.

Then he changed his mind.

Isn't the super-ray particle fighter also made in the warehouse Curry?

Perhaps when the underground scientific research base was being built, Lu Yuan had already thought of countermeasures related to this.

For example, build a dome door near the ground that can also be opened.

It just so happens that this aircraft carrier space carrier also has the ability to open the air vertically.

"Tsk tsk."

"After the order from the chief of the general staff is completed, our Southern Military Region will also have to get an aircraft carrier like this.

Zhou Wen'an watched the exercise video sent to him by Qin Huai'an.

The various capabilities of the aircraft carrier space carrier should not be too prominent.

Especially the superconducting star destroyer.

Europa was wiped out in one shot.

Such a weapon is stronger than the plasma cannon of the deformed mecha.

Follow up.

Time passed quickly.

The person borrowed from Wu Linghui seemed to be missing something, even if they used a signal-enhanced communication device such as a satellite phone.

There is no way to connect those who are seconded to Factory 106.

"It shouldn't be, you can't even get in touch with the satellite phone?"

"Could it be that the depth of the underground base that Lu Yuan dug has exceeded the limit of satellite phone reception?"

Wu Linghui thought curiously.

As for leaving Factory 106 and going to other places?

The guards he arranged guarded the door every step of the way, protecting the entire toy research and development department.

If Lu Yuan left with those company soldiers, how could the guards not know?

But don't talk about him.

Even Fang Hongyun, the director of Factory 106, didn't know the situation in the toy R&D department at this time.

Except for the guards at the door.

The two company soldiers wearing anti-missile exoskeleton mechas are also stationed outside the safe warehouse of the toy research and development department.

All those who enter inside need to obtain Lu Yuan's approval.

As for the raw materials purchased.

The company soldiers transferred from the military headquarters are responsible for transporting them into the Curry side of the warehouse.

Fang Hongyun also went there to see it from a distance.

Inside the warehouse door that was opened during the transfer, it was empty everywhere, and there were no materials that had been transported in before.

plus researchers.

A total of more than one hundred people did not see a few at all.


"Before the sandstorm comes, we have to complete the construction of the dome here!"


Zhang Dahai is directing outside.

Nearly a hundred seconded company soldiers were either wearing anti-missile exoskeleton mechs or wearing space suits to drive special vehicles.

Separately transport the device for erecting the dome to the designated place, and complete the assembly!


A large fixed protective device improved from the energy shield of the energy carrier space carrier.

The energy it consumes.

Provided by the more advanced particle engine.

When no large-scale energy impact is encountered, the antimatter that can be converted by the particle core can almost maintain the stability of the entire dome for ten years.

Lu Yuan also built a canopy with visual deviation technology near the entire Mars base, which can affect the peeping of the inside of the base from outside the base.

And the interior of the base.

It will not be affected by this visual deviation at all.

To put it bluntly.

The improved visual deviation technology is more similar to a fixed image projection.

Looking in from the outside.

What I saw was only the projection screen that Lu Yuan wanted to see outside.

"The main body of the No. 1 dome has been built! The particle engine has been started! The energy flow is normal!"

"The main body of the No. 2 dome has been built! The particle engine has been started! The energy flow is normal!"

"The main body of the No. 3 dome has been built! The particle engine has been started! The energy flow is normal!"

Lu Yuan has prepared eight dome generators around the entire Mars Space Mother base.

in a certain way.

A protective net link that can fully cover the entire base.

"Report to Master Lu!"

"A sandstorm on Mars has appeared! The direction is southeast! The wind level is predicted to exceed level 12!"

Generator 8 of the dome has just been completed.

The researchers responsible for observing the weather on Mars quickly came to him to report.

"Activate the dome device!"

Lu Yuan nodded.

Immediately through the nano-mech.

To the researchers distributed near the eight dome generators, issue the activation command of the dome device.


The researchers near the dome generator responded simultaneously.

A countdown appeared in front of their eyes, beating constantly.

When the number on it returned to zero, several researchers hurriedly pressed the trigger device of the dome generator.

"The dome generator started successfully, the connection of No. 1 generator is normal, the connection of No. 2 generator is completed, and the connection of No. 3 generator is completed...."

In Lu Yuan's mind.

in the projected screen.

The eight dome generators successively changed from the disconnected state to the green color of normal operation.

At the same time, an energy passport somewhat similar to the air wall appeared above the entire space mother base.

It will completely cover the area of ​​hundreds of square kilometers.

"Hoo hoo!"

The sandstorm also arrived as expected at this time.

Because there is no vegetation on Mars, every time a sandstorm blows, it will sweep the entire Mars.

And the minimum wind force can reach level 12 or above!

However, each global dust storm will be roughly separated by about ten years.

"It worked!"

"We made it!"

Everyone looked up at the sandstorm above their heads, which was completely blocked by the energy shield, and couldn't help but exclaimed.

Zhang Dahai and Song Kaiming also swallowed hard.

Energy shield.

The two of them had heard of this thing before.

It's just that they didn't see the excited energy shield during the aircraft carrier air carrier exercise.

"It feels... like a wall of air..."

Zhang Dahai reached out and touched the protective shield.

The surface doesn't feel like glass, it's soft like invisible cotton.

But more of a rebound.

The more you move your palm forward, the greater this rebound will become.

When it reached a critical value, there was no way for his palm to move forward even a little bit.

"Mr. Lu is really a genius. It's just a void with nothing. After activating the dome generator, we were completely isolated in the base."

Song Kaiming was very excited.

Staring at the dome generator, there was a touch of excitement on his face.

0......seeking flowers......

Then he continued: "I just don't know if this dome can confine the air, so that as long as we produce oxygen, we can completely transform this base area into laws and regulations."

almost. "


After Lu Yuan inspected several other dome generators, he just came to the position of No. 7 generator.

"The energy shield is a special energy force field, which can not only isolate but also tangible objects, such as air and other molecular particles, which can be completely divided, allowing them to pass through. 11

"Master Lu, what do you mean?"

Song Kaiming looked at Lu Yuan.

"Didn't you just say that? Let's make this place similar to Blue Star." Lu Yuan replied casually.

At the same time, the movement of his hands did not stop, and he quickly checked some internal parameters of the No. 7 dome.

But when he turned off the upper dome generator again, the energy force field protected the entire dome generator.

Even from the inside.

No one can receive the top generator without Lu Yuan's approval.

"As expected of Chief Master Lu, the idea is to be strong!"

not far away.

Several researchers and company soldiers gave Lu Yuan a thumbs up.

others say this


They might still question it.

But no matter what the man in front of them said, they felt that it was stating a fact.

Especially Colonel Ye Fei Hong.

The last time he participated in the secondment mission of an aircraft carrier, he had already seen Lu Yuan's terrifying practical ability and hands-on ability.

This time I personally experienced it, from Blue Star to Mars in one step, this kind of dynamic space transmission channel can only appear in movies.


Talk to Lu Yuan.

No matter how outrageous.

He has only one word: Believe!

"Hurry up and build the main body of the base, we will try to complete it within two months!"

After dealing with the No. 8 dome generator, Lu Yuan continued to arrange the next things.

The general architectural plan of the space carrier base.

Regarding the infrastructure, the ordinary soldier company led by Ye Feihong is responsible for logistics and material delivery.

Two squads of anti-missile armor squads mainly completed the construction of the base building.

Lu Yuan led Zhang Dahai and other researchers to solve the necessary environmental improvement equipment such as the water circulation system, air generation and purification system, and automatic constant temperature system in the base.


Same as Lu Yuan planned.

two months.

The main body of the entire aerospace mother base has been fully completed, and all kinds of environmental improvement equipment have also been fully arranged.

Because the soil on the ground is seriously desertified, except for Yiding stone and other stone minerals, it is a large area of ​​fine sand.

Therefore, about 95% of the entire base area was reinforced with concrete.

The entire space carrier base is divided into rest area, entertainment area and work area.

Among them, the configuration in the rest area is also very complete. There is everything you need in the canteen and shower room, which is completely the same as in the 106 factory.

However, the working area here is very large.

It consists of a semi-enclosed scientific research room and an open-air space carrier base station.

According to Lu Yuan's plan.

The base station of the entire space carrier can accommodate five motherships to dock at the same time.

Therefore, the location for assembling and manufacturing the space carrier has also been finalized here.

In the second month after the completion of the main body of the base, the production line of the aerospace carrier was also officially completed, and the alloy processing of the main deck began in an orderly manner.

At this point most of the work.

It all fell on the R&D personnel of Factory 106.

Ye Feihong and his seconded company soldiers and mecha squad, because of the confidentiality treaty, before completing the delivery of this space carrier.

They can only stay here at the Mars base temporarily.

The only chance to leave here is to go to Blue Star to transport some materials needed to make the space carrier.

that's it.

Nearly five months passed again.

A brand new space carrier was manufactured at the space carrier base on Mars.

The double-body reinforced hull looks more visually impactful, with black spray paint and red particles deliberately regulated by Lu Yuan.

Let this full-form space carrier equipped with a curvature engine be more technological and sensory aggressive than the previous one!

"Curvature engine core functioning normally..."

"No. 1, No. 2, and No. 2 main engines are synchronized..."

"No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, and No. 3 auxiliary engine frequencies are normal..."

"Self-inspection of weapon system, control system, and defense system completed..."

More than a dozen researchers surrounded the space carrier, constantly reporting the data.

There was a smile on Lu Yuan's face.

"It's also time to ask the chief of staff to arrange someone to come over and carry out the delivery and acceptance of this aerospace carrier."

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