Is It Possible That The Mecha I'm Talking About Is A Toy?

Chapter 11 Flight Teaching Mode! The Toy Mecha Is Really Heavenly!

"Dididi... The energy core micro-reactor is ready, and the power frequency adjustment is stable at 1%..."

"Dididi... The energy conversion of the electromagnetic generator is completed, and the power output frequency is adjusted by 1%..."

Dididi...the anti-gravity components of the power engine are running, and the power is locked at 1%..."

"Thrust suppression: 5 tons..."

The projection screen on Gu Wan'er's visual central nervous system, a series of data that she couldn't understand kept changing.

"Pull it down..."

"If I didn't know that this is a toy, I might have been fooled by you!"

"But don't tell me, the effect of this toy is really good. If I don't tell him about it on my brother's birthday, will he think it's a real mech?"

Think here.

The corner of Gu Wan'er's mouth revealed a hint of cunning.

However, she was shocked that Lu Yuan could make the toy mecha so realistically.

Just the flight mode of this mecha toy.

If she hadn't known that it was just a toy and couldn't fly, she would probably have been fooled into thinking that this was a real mecha.

Including the outer armor plate of this mecha, all of them are made of alloy, and the surface has a special coating with a full sense of metal.

Whether it's texture or touch, it seems to be better than any fighter she has ever seen!

Not to mention 1.4 million, even if the price is several times higher, she feels that this toy is definitely worth that price!

"Airplane mode countdown begins..."

At this time.

Alpha tip.

Begins the countdown to enter teach flight mode.

Gu Wan obviously felt some slight vibrations in the body of the toy mecha.

The faint blue diamond pattern on the chest, the radiance emitted, also quickly brightened at this moment.



The armor plate on the instep of the mecha opens downward, forming a shape similar to a propeller.

The same armor plate moves on the back and palm.

Gu Wan'er wanted to control the mech, to see what the armor plate was with her palm open.

However, after the flight teaching mode was turned on, she seemed to have completely lost control of the mecha.







The countdown will soon go to zero.

next moment!

Gu Wan'er hasn't reacted yet.

She could clearly feel a very strong thrust coming from her feet.

The alloy toy mech weighing several hundred catties flew towards the sky above her head at an extremely fast speed under her bewildered eyes.

"Dididi... the current altitude is 200 meters..."


"Dididi... the current altitude is 500 meters..."


"Dididi... the current altitude is 800 meters..."


"Dididi... the current altitude is 1200 meters..."

Gu Wan'er was frightened and dumbfounded.

Looking at the smaller and smaller yard, she felt that every cell in her body was trembling!

As a beautiful girl with fear of heights.

When had she been to such a high place?

In particular, the visual central nervous system projection system equipped with the mecha allows her to see the quickly shrinking villas and yards directly under her feet without any obstacles.


Gu Wan'er's face was pale.

Scream in horror!

Subconsciously, he wanted to cover his eyes.

However, the mecha is limited to the flight teaching mode, and the visual central nervous system also relies on the special sensor of the mecha to capture images.

The stress response exclusive to women also fails at this time.

It didn't affect her at all, and she saw the villa complex outside quickly go away.

"Dididi... the current altitude is 3350 meters, and the system judges it to be suitable for basic teaching..."

When the mecha stops rising.

Gu Wan'er's height from the ground has reached an astonishing three thousand meters.

On the city streets under your feet, pedestrians look several times smaller than ants!

"Dididi... Now start the basic flight teaching, please control the mech to fly left and right..."

Alpha's reminder sounded again.

Gu Wan'er was about to collapse completely at this moment.

Even though she was wrapped in mecha, her body was shaking like a sieve.

There is absolutely no way to follow Alpha's prompts to learn flight instruction.

"Ding Ling, Ding Ling..."

At this time.

The phone in Gu Wan'er's pocket rang.

Alpha prompt: "Find a phone signal, is it connected to the mecha?"

"Link! Quickly link in!"

The frightened Gu Wan'er.

As if grabbing a life-saving straw, he quickly selected the confirmation link.

"Wan'er, the day after tomorrow is your brother's birthday, when do you plan to come to Shengshi?"

The phone just connected.

Gu Wan'er's elder brother Gu Chuan's voice echoed in the manned cabin of the mecha.

Gu Wan'er hurriedly said in a trembling voice: "Brother! Save... save me..."

Gu Chuan was obviously taken aback.

However, as a major with excellent training, his reaction was naturally very quick.

Just less than half a second.

He reacted quickly, and while comforting Gu Wan'er on the phone, he asked her about her specific situation.

"Don't panic, Wan'er, quickly tell me your general location, what happened, and whether you were injured!"

Gu Wan'er was comforted by Gu Chuan at this moment, and calmed down a little bit of fear in her heart.

Then he told Gu Chuan intermittently about his situation here:

"Brother, I... I'm not injured, I'm just... just trapped in a toy mech..."

"Now...the current position is, in the sky, three... three thousand meters from the ground..."

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