Is It Possible That The Mecha I'm Talking About Is A Toy?

Chapter 14 Gu Wan'er: Brother! Don't Fire! It's Me!

"Zhang Dahai! What the hell are you in menopause? Are you so angry? Also! What did you just say that a mecha is a dog walk?"

"When did I get the mecha out? If you don't make it clear today, labor and management will never end with you!"

Wang Zhuo is also a violent temper.

Facing the satellite phone is a rhetorical question.

Zhang Dahai was taken aback.

He heard from the other party's words that they didn't release the latest mecha at all.


Then where did this mech come from? !

The entire Dragon Kingdom is also involved in their 105th and 106th factories, which are involved in mechs.

It's not the 106 factory or their 105 factory. Could it be that this thing still came out of the stone?

"Zhang Dahai! Why didn't you answer the question? Are you so deaf?!"

Wang Zhuodai's voice came from the satellite phone again.

But at this moment, Zhang Dahai didn't want to pay attention to him at all.

Just casually said something.

You can hang up the phone.

"Old Wu! This matter is complicated!"

"Just now I called Lao Wang to ask about it. He didn't take out the quasi-generation mecha he developed for testing. This is an invasion mecha that didn't get our permission!"

"What? Not from Factory 105?"

Wu Weiming opened his mouth in bewilderment.

It's not Factory 106 or Factory 105. The origin of this mecha is immediately obvious.

Except for the few technologically advanced countries abroad, I am afraid that no one can manufacture it at all!

"No! I have to contact Lao Lu and the others immediately about this matter. I must not let this mecha slip away again!"

Wu Weiming quickly picked up another phone and called Lu Ming at the air force base.

at this time.

Lu Ming is anxiously waiting for the fighter plane to meet the unknown target.

A communication mixed with the sound of electricity soon sounded in the command room.

"Call the ground! Call the ground! This is 191! This is 191! Please answer if you receive it! Please answer if you receive it!"

"The ground has been received! 191, please report the situation!"

"I have found the target! I have found the target! The opponent is an unknown bright silver and red exoskeleton mecha! Repeat! The opponent is an unknown bright silver and red exoskeleton mech! Please give the command room the next step!"

In an instant, the voice in the entire command room disappeared!

Get extremely quiet!

Bright silver and red exoskeleton armor?

Isn't this the one made by Factory 105 last time?

"What should we do? If it's really that mecha, we can't attack it at all..."

There was a long silence.

Lao Zhou stared at the detection radar with some depression.

Lu Ming was also a little confused at this time.

The air defense alarm this time was actually triggered by that quasi-first-generation mecha from Factory 105 again.

When did these military factories pay so little attention to secrecy?

Have you exposed the exhibited mechs for testing before the military exercise started?


"Old Lu! Tell you a good news and a bad news!"

"The mecha that mysteriously disappeared has appeared again! It is flying towards your air force base!"

"The bad news is! That mecha is not a product developed by our Dragon Kingdom! Repeat! It does not belong to our Dragon Kingdom!"

Wu Weiming's voice rang through the satellite phone.

Lu Ming's eyes widened in disbelief.

"Old Wu, you said that this mecha is not a product of our Dragon Kingdom? Didn't Chief Master Zhang ask Factory 105 last time? They admitted that the mecha belongs to them!"

Wu Weiming smiled wryly: "I don't know the specific situation, but Chief Master Zhang just called to ask Chief Master Wang, and then Chief Master Zhang told me that the mecha was not from Factory 105..."

"Damn it!"

"It's not Factory 106 or Factory 105!"

"This is a foreign invasion mech!"

Lao Zhou's face changed instantly.

Mechas from other countries appeared in the airspace of the Dragon Kingdom, obviously this is an invasion!

And the provocation is very serious!

"Convey my order! Contact the driver of the other party! If the other party does not respond within ten seconds! Shoot it down from high altitude immediately!"

"Fighter 043 received!"

"Fighter 031 received!"


"Fighter 191 received!"

"Fighter 65 received!"


The fifth-generation fighter jets flying in the air responded.

Captain Zhang Peng immediately turned on the radio, trying to establish contact with the fast-flying exoskeleton.

"This is the Air Force Base of Longguocheng City! The person on the other side please answer! You have ten seconds! Otherwise, our army will shoot down your mecha in ten seconds!"

"Repeat! This is the Air Force Base of Longguocheng City! The person on the other side please answer! You have ten seconds! Otherwise, our army will shoot down your mecha in ten seconds!"

In the anti-missile armor.

Zhang Peng's voice echoed in Gu Wan'er's ears.

It's just that Gu Wan'er, who was in a coma, didn't respond at all.

"The countdown begins!"





Zhang Peng adjusted the orientation of the fighter plane.

Count down.

On the one hand, the missile system of the fifth-generation fighter is locked on the anti-missile armor.

"Dididi... It is detected that the mech is locked by the weapon system. May I ask if you have turned on the anti-missile mode?"


"Dididi... It is detected that the mech is locked by the weapon system. May I ask if you have turned on the anti-missile mode?"


Inside the mech.

A faint blue light.

Quickly transforms into a harsh blood red.

The ear-piercing siren also kept reverberating in Gu Wan'er's ears.

Gu Wan'er in a coma.

Woke up by the shrill siren.

Several fighter planes followed behind the mech, and various red symbols that indicated danger flashed in front of her eyes.

Combine alpha hints.

She instantly understood her current situation!

Fortunately, Gu Chuan never hung up on the phone. She quickly grabbed the straw and yelled at Gu Chuan on the other end of the phone:

"Brother! Don't fire! It's me! I'm Wan'er!"

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