Is It Possible That The Mecha I'm Talking About Is A Toy?

Chapter 18 A Technology That Is Still In The Theoretical Stage, This Mecha Has Already Been Used?

"Master Zhang, I don't know about this..."

What he needs to know.

Now I am already sitting on the mecha, flying freely in the sky.

Where will it be left aside?

"You do not know?"

"Didn't your sister drive this mecha?"

"It's impossible for her not to know about finding her now, right?"

Zhang Dahai was a little surprised.

Then he quickly asked Gu Chuan to find his sister Gu Wan'er.

He can drive a mech from Qingyuan City to Sheng City, but he doesn't believe that girl doesn't know anything.

"Master Zhang, Wan'er passed out as soon as she got off the mecha, and she is lying in the lounge of the base now..."

Gu Chuan was very helpless.

He knows Gu Wan'er's fear of heights better than anyone else.

Before Gu Wan'er was arguing about taking a fighter jet, he licked his face and went to Lu Ming, and borrowed a fifth-generation fighter jet that was usually used for test flights.

As a result, the girl fainted to death just as her blood pressure soared and her heart rate accelerated as soon as she took off.

After I got down, I lay down for a whole day before waking up.

During this period, he tried various methods, but none of them had any effect on Gu Wan'er.

"Then we just wait?"

Zhang Dahai was very upset.

The wrinkled face was full of anxiety at the moment.

Such an advanced individual mecha was placed in front of them, but they could only watch helplessly, unable to do anything.

It's even more excruciating than facing a beautiful woman who is about to bloom!

As for the forced intrusion into the control system.

Zhang Dahai has completely cut off this idea at this moment.

The ghost knows this mecha.

Will it release the shock wave of the magnetic storm just now?

Regardless of the fact that the number of devices they carried this time does not seem to be much, most of them are also very small.

But it cannot be denied that the price of these devices is really expensive!

Come a few more times.

It is estimated that this research project he is responsible for will have to directly pay a small half of the funds!

"Old Gu."

"How about hacking into your sister's phone?"

"Since this mecha was customized by her in the handicraft workshop, there may be traces of contact with the other party left inside."

"In this way, we may be able to find the makers of the mechs and ask them to solve the current problem!"

Lao Zhou squeezed over from the side.

Special matters.

Privacy is no longer a concern.


This matter also needs to seek the opinion of Gu Chuan, his own brother, after all, they are not some hooligans and bandits.

"Okay! Then do it!"

"Let me handle the follow-up work at Wan'er!"

Gu Chuan looked at the researchers who had made no progress, gritted his teeth and agreed to Lao Zhou's proposal.

Then he turned and walked into the living room.

He picked up Gu Wan'er's mobile phone and handed it to the researchers of Factory 106.

not long time.

The researchers responsible for cracking the phone unlocked the phone's screen lock.

However, when searching for traces related to the mecha, he accidentally found an electronic version of the mecha instruction manual.

"Report to the chief teacher! I seem to have found the instructions for using the mecha!"

The man hurriedly reported to Zhang Dahai excitedly!


"Have you found the instruction manual for the mecha?"

Zhang Dahai's breathing became rapid in an instant!

"Quick! Feel like calling out the instruction manual! See if there is any way to bypass the mech's defense mechanism!"

The deputy chief teacher Lin Yuan's heartbeat also accelerated at this time!

Lu Ming, Gu Chuan and the others also squeezed over excitedly, looking at the mecha instructions projected by the researchers on the big screen.

Everyone held their breath.

Didn't even dare to let out the air.

I'm afraid that the hope that has just risen will be shattered and disappear from their eyes again!

"Biometric fingerprint sound wave dual authentication? There is also an iris pattern recognition function, no wonder we have no way to crack the control system of this mech through conventional methods!"

"This security system is even more exaggerated than the quasi-sixth generation fighter we are developing now!"

"Found it! Engineering test mode! A special mode dedicated to mecha performance testing! After opening, you can temporarily obtain full authority of the mecha!"

After the efforts of nearly ten researchers.

Finally, they found a way to bypass the mecha defense mechanism in the authentication method of the user manual.

But this still requires Gu Wan'er's cooperation.

Perform two authority authentications, and then use the engineering test key to open it.

"Old Zhang!"

"Mecha engineering test mode has been activated! Now we can start testing!"

ten minutes later.

Lin Yuan fiddled with the equipment in his hand for a while.

Finally, bypassing the mech's defense mechanism, it successfully linked with the control system.

"Liu Xun, report your feelings!"

Zhang Dahai's smile almost turned into a chrysanthemum.

His eyes also looked towards the large screen that had been assembled temporarily.

With the operation of Deputy Chief Master Lin, various data related to the mecha began to emerge quickly.

"Report to the master!"

"This mecha is too powerful! It actually uses the projection technology of the visual central nervous system! I don't rely on my eyes at all! I can see the outside picture!"

"Repeat! This mecha uses the projection technology of the visual central nervous system! I don't rely on my eyes at all! I can also see the outside picture!"

Inside the mech.

The driver Liu Xun who just entered couldn't help but get excited!

The technology used in this mecha is simply not too advanced!

Even if you close your eyes!

He can also clearly see the outside picture!

And according to his requirements, 360 images without dead ends can be obtained!

The front, back, left, and right of the entire mecha.

Even the pictures in the six directions up and down can be simultaneously projected into his visual central nervous system!

"What? The visual central nervous system projection technology used by this mecha?"

"No wonder we didn't find any cameras before. It turns out that this mech doesn't rely on traditional visual imaging technology!"

"Too advanced!"

"I remember that this technology is in the 102 factory, and it is still in the theoretical stage. This mecha has already been used?"

The researchers nearby were collectively speechless.

Even the well-informed Zhang Dahai and Deputy Commander Lin were shocked by the shock.

Visual CNS projection technology.

It has been several years since Factory 106 put forward the theory!

This technology also only exists in theory, without any substantive progress at all!

Did not expect today.

This mech of unknown origin is actually equipped with it, and the technology seems to be very mature!

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