Is It Possible That The Mecha I'm Talking About Is A Toy?

Chapter 2 1.3 Million? Such A High Price For A Toy? !

[AT particle nano-mecha: using the latest nanotechnology, combined with the at particle engine, to create a super individual exoskeleton mecha, with super endurance, manufacturing cost: 200 million RMB...]

Lu Yuan clicked on the first three-dimensional image of the nano-mecha.

The general information about this set of armor quickly emerged from his eyes.

"Other functions are very good, and this set of humanoid mechas uses nanotechnology, which can compress the entire exoskeleton mecha into a specific mecha part..."

"It's just that the manufacturing cost of this mecha is too high. It needs 200 million yuan in material costs... It's just a custom-made toy. 200 million yuan is a bit outrageous."

Lu Yuan shook his head.

directly deny this plan.

He looked at the next few three-dimensional mechs.

The dark blue lines are full of sense of technology, and various components are more impactful with high technology.

According to the urine of the system.

The cheaper the customized solution, the closer it will be to the back area.

It's just a toy after all.

No matter how rich the rich customers are, they can't afford the whole set of humanoid exoskeleton mechs with fancy functions.

Gu Dayong, that obsessed guy, doesn't want to spend too much money on customization, and the upper limit is only 50,000 to 60,000.

[Anti-missile exoskeleton mecha: It is made of the latest tungsten steel and titanium alloy, combined with a miniature ark reactor, to create a basic individual exoskeleton mech. It has a strong endurance. Manufacturing cost: one million RMB...]

Lu Yuan rubbed his temples.

Obviously, this fee also exceeded his expectations.

The maximum cost of a 100:1 military toy is less than 30,000. This 1:1 restored toy actually costs millions of RMB?

"Miss Gu, just now I made a simple design plan. The basic material cost is 1 million RMB, plus the manual cost, a total of 130 RMB. Do you think this price is acceptable?"

Lu Yuan picked up the phone.

Quickly send a message to Gu Wan'er.

the other side.

Gu Wan'er, who was tinkering with the Type 96 main battle tank, picked up her phone and glanced at it, her two curved eyebrows were slightly clustered.

"1.3 million? Such a high price for a toy?"

He frowned and thought about it.

Gu Wan'er called Gu Dayong.

"Gu Daudao, didn't you say that customized toys are very cheap? How come the price has become more expensive when I come here?"

"One million for materials, and three hundred thousand for manual customization?"

"Did you discuss it with Boss Lu and plan to trick me?"

"No! Cousin! Absolutely not! You have to trust cousin, how could I be such a person!"

Gu Dayong shrank his neck in fright, almost lost half of his soul.

Gu Wan'er continued to ask: "Then tell me what's going on? Your custom-made military toys cost tens of thousands of yuan each, but when it comes to me, it will directly cost millions of dollars?"

"If you can't tell why, you are going to spend the next half of the month lying in bed!"

"By the way, your toys are waiting to be collected!"

Gu Dayong wiped the cold sweat from his forehead: "Don't! Don't! Let's talk about something!"

"A gentleman uses his mouth and doesn't move his hands. At worst, I will ask you to find out what is going on with this price..."

But he was thinking in his heart.

This guy Lu Yuan is too capable, let him open his mouth and ask for 1.3 million without hesitation?


His cousin is just spending money, but she's not a fool! ! !

"Call Lao Lu! Call Lao Lu!"

"Are you crazy about money? I just told you not to give me face, but you actually asked for a price of one or three million?!"

"It's all right now. She came to me and said she wanted me to give an explanation, otherwise I would have to lie on the hospital bed for the next half month, and you would have to visit me in the hospital..."

Lu Yuan replied: "No way, this kind of humanoid exoskeleton mecha does not have any real objects as a reference, and all parts need manual mapping, which is time-consuming and laborious."

"Moreover, the function also requires a certain degree of mobility, and the manned function must also be retained. Compared with the previous Type 96 main battle tank, the F22 Raptor fighter is much more difficult..."

"What?! Humanoid exoskeleton mech?! Isn't she a custom-made ordinary military toy?!"

Gu Dayong rubbed his ears.

Instantly understand why the price is so outrageous!

When he customized Type 96 main battle tanks and F22 fighter jets before, he found some less important parameter data in the data Curry.

I dare not say that this humanoid exoskeleton mech does not exist in the real world, but he is sure that Gu Wan'er will not be able to obtain the corresponding data as a reference.

"Then what old Lu, I'll go and clarify with Wan'er right now..."

The phone hangs up.

Gu Dayong quickly explained to Gu Wan'er.

"Is it so difficult?"

Gu Wan'er frowned.

After a while, she returned a message to Lu Yuan:

"1.3 million is 1.3 million. If you can make it and satisfy me, I can add another 100,000 to you for the manual cost."


Lu Yuan breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thank you, Ms. Gu, but according to my rules here, the manual fee can be paid later, and the material fee required for these productions must be paid in advance."

"Okay, send me your bank card number, and I'll transfer the money to you."

Gu Wan'er replied.


Lu Yuan sent an emoji over.

Then he took the bank card and quickly sent his card number over.

After a while.

He received a transfer message from Gu Wan'er: "Your bank card received 1,000,000.00 yuan, and the balance is **.05 yuan..."

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