Is It Possible That The Mecha I'm Talking About Is A Toy?

Chapter 202 Mars Space Station Of The Island Country: It's So Beautiful, Can You Still Contact

"Then... what does the third elder mean?!"

Lu Yuan supported his chin.

Then he grabbed Liu Xun who was next to him, and asked some doubts.

But at this moment, Liu Xun's mind is full of chaos, and the only thing he can say is abaa abaa.

Chen Yong's heart is still stronger.

Although he was extremely shocked in his heart, he took out his mobile phone anyway, found the official website of the Federation that had just been opened not long ago, and found the explanation about the elders in it.

"Having the right to vote? Nothing else?! Isn't this just what it looks like?!"

Lu Yuan took a look at the phone and immediately lost interest.

On the contrary, the later grand duke still has some more practical rights.

Being able to have a separate right to speak in the Human Federation.

But Lu Yuan's idea just came to an end.

The federal commander began to announce the titles of the five Marshals and the three Dukes.

A Grand Duke is not the same as a Duke.

It seems that the difference is only one letter, but in fact their levels are all directly different by one level.

"Now I announce the five marshals, the first marshal is Long Lao, the second marshal is Zhou Wen'an, and the third marshal is Qin Huai'an..."

"The titles of the three great dukes are that Mr. Qiu is the first grand duke, Mr. Huo is the second grand duke, and Comrade Lu Yuan is the second grand duke......


This time it was Lu Yuan's turn to be surprised.

Grand Duke!

Although he is only the third grand duke, don't forget that he is still the third elder.

Adding these two together, he is equivalent to having the right to two votes in the subsequent voting meeting.

You must know that the federal commander only has three votes...

"Damn it! My brother has become the third grand duke again?!"

Gu Dayong, who hadn't run to the production line, was shocked by another piece of news.

This is a real fish jumping over the dragon's gate!

What's more, it directly changed to the rhythm of a five-clawed golden dragon!!!

"Congratulations Grand Duke Lu Yuan, Elder Lu Yuan..."

06 Long Lao directly congratulated Lu Yuan.

This identity can be picked up casually, and it is no worse than him as the first marshal.

However, he feels that Lu Yuan is perfectly capable of taking on these two identities.

Apart from other things, just the Wandering Planet Project and the Moon Sun Project this time are completely enough.

after all.

If Lu Yuan hadn't shouldered these two plans, I'm afraid that in a year at most, the civilization on the entire blue star would completely disappear and be completely frozen under the ice layer.

"Chief of the General Staff, don't laugh at me, I can't do this.

"I'm good at tinkering with instruments and equipment in the laboratory, and I'm involved in the subsequent development and management of the Federation. I don't know anything about this matter..."

Lu Yuan scratched the back of his head in embarrassment.

Elder Long patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile: "You don't need to be so modest. Without you, I'm afraid that not only our Dragon Kingdom, but also the civilization on the entire planet will be completely frozen in a year."

Zhou Wen'an, who had just been awarded the title of Second Marshal, also nodded: "We also followed you, kid, to have what we are today.

"To describe it in one sentence, it is that one person attains enlightenment and ascends to heaven. This time, we will be cheeky and take advantage of you."

For this.

Zhou Wen'an could see it more thoroughly than anyone else.

If it weren't for Lu Yuan's presence, and it happened to be in the military arsenal in his jurisdiction.

I am afraid that the entire southern military region is the bottom of the five military regions.

Even if it can be honored.

It is impossible for him to be the second marshal, and he can be ranked fifth if he is exhausted.

"The first awarding ceremony for the Federation is here. People in other regions should not be discouraged. As long as everyone contributes to the future of the Dragon Human Federation, sooner or later, "you will be recognized by the Goddess of Fairness."

The federal commander said in a global live broadcast meeting.

And the figure of the Goddess of Fairness was also projected beside him by Alpha.

"Damn it! None of our empire was selected! On the contrary, the fighting nation and the Batie empire were selected as four elders!"

Here in the Pretty District.

The old leader who had lost his identity as the leader directly smashed the coffee cup in his hand to the ground.

Compared with the personnel in the military region, although he is still the manager of this area for the time being.

But the identity has become temporary.

If he behaves badly, his identity will be directly deprived.

"Hello, old leader of the beautiful district, in view of the latest implementation of the federal code and the regional change regulations, your current status has been changed to the title of regional deputy consul, which is equivalent to Dasong"

"Have the temporary ruling power in the beautiful district, and the temporary decision-making power..."

The figure of the goddess of justice appeared on the computer in the old chief's office at this moment.

The same picture is also happening in other areas that have agreed to join the Human Federation.

It's just that the content of the notification message received from the Fairy Goddess is different.


The leaders of the fighting nation and the Batie District, because they have become the elders of the Federation, their status as regional leaders has not changed.

It was directly given the status of consul in the region.


The trade between the countries has also directly canceled the so-called tariffs, and direct purchases can be made.

in addition.

Dragon civilization does not prohibit Shitake weapons.

But the central area.

That is to say, on the side of the Dragon Kingdom, it is still not allowed to enter with weapons at will, otherwise the citizenship will be deprived, and even the civilian status will be lost.

Become a black person who does not fall under the protection of the federal code.

Everything is going on in an orderly manner.

Especially in the central area, the Federation voted to add various advanced courses in institutions of higher learning.

It includes design and development, as well as special specialties such as control and driving.

In the words of Commander-in-Chief and Long Lao.

This is to plan ahead and deploy in advance in order to strengthen the military power of the dragon civilization.

Now that Blue Star has entered the interstellar era, no one knows whether they will encounter other civilizations in the universe.

Therefore, training more operators related to mechs, fighter planes, and space carriers can effectively increase the production probability of dragon civilization.

At least not when encountering other civilizations, the number of combat units that the dragon civilization can produce is completely unable to protect Blue Star.

"Finally able to get on with my work..."

Where the Federation was formed.

Lu Yuan was directly dragged into various large and small meetings for a week.

Finally, when he felt that his people were about to disappear, he successfully completed all the meeting votes and returned to the Mars base.

In the one-third of an acre of land that belongs to him.

"Old Lu Yuan........."

"Don't... You should call me the chief teacher, this is the grand duke and the elder, I am really not used to it..."

Just as Zhang Dahai called Lu Yuan, he interrupted him immediately.

Especially in this week's meeting, the various voices calling him Grand Duke Lu Yuan and Old Lu Yuan have already made him a little confused.

As soon as I heard it, I felt subconsciously, and I was dragged back to that conference room, where I was conducting boring voting.

"Master Lu, according to your request, the quantity of red gold alloy has just been fully completed.

Zhang Dahai opened his mouth.

But looking at the serious and serious look on Lu Yuan's face, he can only be called as before.

"Then focus on the dark gold alloy. The subsequent space carriers we need to make must be made of this metal."

"in addition."

"According to the list above, prepare all the materials for me, I need to use them in two days."

Lu Yuan nodded and said.

As for now.

After so many days of meetings in a row, he just wanted to go back and lie on the bed, sleeping for two days and two nights at a stretch.

"Okay, Mr. Lu, I'll make arrangements right away." Zhang Dahai quickly took the list written by Lu Yuan, and walked out of the office quickly.

Since all the empires on the blue star joined the Human Federation, Lu Yuan, the Mars base, has become the primary supply target for the entire Human Federation.

in addition.

After voting.

Before that, Lu Yuan donated various technologies to Longguo free of charge, and the relatively basic mech technology and fighter technology were also distributed to other districts.

After all, there are many talents in this field in other regions.

Naturally, there will be some different opinions on the expansion of these technologies.


Those relatively high-end technologies are still in the hands of Lu Yuan, and have not been made public for popularization and research.

This is a secret belonging to the dragon civilization.

At the same time, it is also the core of the entire dragon civilization and must not be exposed.

Even high-tech products such as space carriers and mobile space fortresses have been included in the SSSR authority by the Goddess of Fairness.

Except for the people on Longguo side.

Even the veterans of the fighting nation and Batie could not check it.

"Finally I can sleep peacefully..."

Lu Yuan yawned.

Then he fell directly on his own bed and fell into a deep sleep.

It wasn't until noon on the third day that he woke up from hunger, got up with some unfinished business, and went to the cafeteria to get some food.

It is enough for three bowls.

Lu Yuan barely ate 80% full.

"It's almost done, and it's time to go to the key equipment of the particle space jumping device."

The most difficult part of the particle space jumping device is not the main body structure metal, it is just an entry requirement for it.

In the follow-up, it is necessary to master the more difficult proton equipment, and carry out specific combinations and arrangements of the proton particles in the particle space jumping device.

Just this point requires femtometer-level technology to do it.

Fortunately, when he was making the Goddess of Fairness, he had already completed a femto-level chip device.

Now it only needs to make simple improvements, and it can be directly placed on the particle space jumping device.

"That's right, Zhang."

"The next space carrier will not be delivered to the military region for the time being. I need to keep it for some related experiments."

Lu Yuan made simple arrangements to Zhang Dahai who came to carry the femtometer equipment.

"Alright Chief Master Lu, I'll go and say hello to Lao Song right now."

Zhang Dahai quickly responded.

As for the work here, neither he nor Lao Song can help.

Lu Yuan also ignored it.

As soon as Zhang Dahai left, he once again devoted himself to the busy minister.

But at this moment.

Above the Mars base, there are still two space stations with the logos of the beautiful country and the island country printed on them, and they are still floating in the sky here.

Because the communication time is relatively long.

In addition, when there are no missions, the two space stations also take into account some research on Mars.

So they haven't discovered that the blue star has disappeared yet.


"Can you contact Blue Star? I sent communication requests to Blue Star these days, but I didn't receive any reply from them at all."

island side

In the space station, Okamoto connected to the space station on the side of the beautiful country, and sent a message with Sam to ask.

"I don't know, recently we just send messages to the ground according to the usual practice, but it seems that it has been a long time since 640 received the Blue Star message last time

up. "Sam has not attracted attention at the moment.

After all, before this.

The positions of Blue Star and Mars happened to be in front of the sun, so they couldn't see the situation on Blue Star's side at all.

In addition, when Lu Yuan started the planetary engine, the direction in which he left the orbit of the star was also opposite to that of the Mars region.

That's why they only know until now that they haven't received a reply from Blue Star for a long time, and they haven't found that Blue Star is no longer on the original orbit.

"I've been trying for several days, but I haven't received a reply from Blue Star, why don't you try sending a message?"

Okamoto suspected that the communication equipment of their space station was broken.

So when I sent a message here, Blue Star didn't reply.


Sam is no nonsense either.

Quickly wrote a message, activated the communication equipment, and sent it to Blue Star.

His partner smiled and said, "It's probably because there is something wrong with their long-distance communication equipment. Otherwise, how could it be impossible to receive a reply from Blue Star?"

"Isn't it possible that Blue Star can still grow legs and run away from the solar system?"

Sam spread his hands: "It's impossible to run too hard, but maybe there is some kind of interference between Blue Star and Mars, which caused the communication to fail."

The two chatted casually like this.

However, half an hour passed.

One hour.

Even two hours.

Their communication equipment did not receive a reply from Blue Star.

"What's going on? Could it be that our communication equipment is also faulty?"

The female astronaut panicked.

If they can't get in touch with Blue Star, it will be difficult for them to carry out follow-up work, and there is no way to lock Blue Star's specific location if they want to go back.

If they fly in the wrong direction and run out of fuel midway, then they can almost be sure that they will fly forever in the interstellar universe.

Until it meets a certain planet, and then receives the influence of gravity and lands on it, and finally becomes nothing but bones.

"Don't worry, even if there is no way to lock the direction of the blue star through the communication equipment, we can roughly confirm it through the detector."

"At that time, we will mainly pay attention to the direction and reserve some fuel for adjustments. Theoretically, the possibility of us successfully returning to Blue Star will not be less than 85%..."

Sam comforted his teammates.

While manipulating the detectors in the space station, they probed in the general direction before the blue star.

However, when he scanned a large circle, he was a little confused and found that there was nothing in the orbit of the third planet in the entire solar system.

A huge planet.

Did it really disappear mysteriously like this?!

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