Is It Possible That The Mecha I'm Talking About Is A Toy?

Chapter 28 Complete Smelting In Three Minutes? Finished Product In Five Minutes?


Zhang Dahai and Deputy General Manager Lin fell silent in an instant.

They are used to thinking from their own perspective.

He completely forgot about the ruthless man in front of him, but within three months, he independently completed a single-soldier mecha with controllable nuclear fusion!

However, the two were still a little curious.

How long does it take for this pocket-sized particle collider to complete the atomic fusion of tungsten steel and titanium metal.

"The particle collider starts..."

"The estimated fusion time is three minutes and one second..."

Alpha quickly gave them the answer.

"Impossible! How could it be possible to complete the rearrangement of metal atoms in three minutes!"

Zhang Dahai exclaimed directly.

It is very difficult to fuse tungsten steel and titanium metal. Even if you use a particle collider, it will take at least several hours to succeed.

And the probability of successful fusion is very low!


Vice President Lin subconsciously swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

The eyes behind the reading glasses are staring at the beam of particles excited by the particle collider.

He actually saw tungsten steel and titanium metal, in the particle beam, quickly approaching and merging together.

Not at all like a solid metal!

On the contrary, the characteristics tend to be close to liquid!

Not only are there no exclusions between each other, but they also actively merged together!


"The melting of tungsten steel and titanium alloy is completed, and the particle collider is closed..."

Three minutes passed quickly.

The machine also sounded an electronic synthesis sound.

A mechanical claw stretched in from the outside, and took out the fused tungsten-steel-titanium alloy in the particle collider.

Taking advantage of the fact that the link between the two metal atoms has not been completely fixed, it is immediately put into a laminating machine for armor plate pressing.

Then start the metal carving equipment.

Cut out the missing armor plate parts for the mech's arms.

"The production of the armor plate was completed in five minutes? Isn't this too fast?"

Master Zhang looked at the finished armor plate.

Swallowed a mouthful of saliva severely.

From starting the particle collider to forming the armor plate and entering the assembly process, the whole process did not exceed five minutes!

This efficiency.

He finally knew why Lu Yuan was not human!

Able to independently complete a single-soldier combat mech in three months or so!

"The assembly of the mecha arm is complete, the two of you are satisfied with the effect?"

The last metal spraying process is over.

Lu Yuan picked up the assembled mech arm and threw it to Zhang Dahai and the others who were still in the aftershock.

"Master, this is indeed the same as that individual mecha, the seams of the outer armor plate can't see any gap at all!"

"And this metallic spray paint!"

"The texture and touch are exactly the same!"

Wang Shenghai stared excitedly at the mecha arm in Master Zhang's hand.

No matter the touch on the arm of this mech!

Still texture!

It is completely indistinguishable from the individual mecha they tested!

"Old Zhang!"

"Why don't we dig him into our mech R&D department?"

"Such talents are here to make toys, don't be too condescending!"

Deputy Chief Lin lowered his voice.

"You are not talking nonsense!"

Zhang Dahai glanced at Lu Yuan who avoided them.

"No matter where such a talent is placed, it will shine like gold!"

"But I am even more convinced!"

"He's going to join our mech research and development department, he will definitely be the most dazzling one!"

Deputy Chief Master Lin's face was full of heat!


"Just do it!"

"Let's find a chance to talk to him later!"

After a while.

Not far from Lu Yuan.

Seeing that the discussion was almost done with several people, they also walked here pacing.

"How about it?"

"The mecha parts made by our equipment are no different from the one in your photo, right?"


"This arm part is indeed exactly the same as that mecha."

Zhang Dahai coughed lightly twice.

Deputy Chief Lin next to him took the opportunity to squeeze over.

On his wrinkled face, he looked at Lu Yuan sincerely.

"Comrade Lu Yuan!"

"With your skills, staying here and making toys is a bit too sublime!"

"On behalf of Longguo 106 Military Factory, I sincerely invite you to join our mecha research and development department!"

"Hope you agree!"

Lu Yuan was taken aback.

These three people are actually from the mech research and development department of the military factory?

What are they doing here?

"Isn't it because you want to go back on your word and don't want to order those two alloy mechas here?"

Lu Yuan muttered softly.

Zhang Dahai misfired instantly.

What's going on in this guy's head?

Isn't it good to enter the 106 factory and get a golden job?

Or is this the way a genius thinks? !

Next to him, Deputy Commander Lin quickly smoothed things over: "Comrade Lu Yuan, of course we won't go back on the matter of customizing the mecha."

"However, you can also join our mech research and development department."

"In this way, you can not only get 200 million annual research and development funds, but also have the right to purchase some special materials."

"It will also be of great help to you when you study some new projects."

"Is there such a good thing?"

Lu Yuan was moved.

200 million yuan per year, and can also have the material purchase channels provided by the military.

Lu Yuan glanced at the at particle nano-mech lying in the toy customization system.

This thing is much more interesting than the anti-missile exoskeleton mech!


"And I can guarantee that the research and development funds you get in the future will definitely be higher than this!"

Zhang Dahai quickly patted his chest to promise.

"I'll think about it first, let's talk about the two mechs first."

"My rule here is to pay the material fee first, and the manual fee can be paid after the toy is finished, and the final payment will be paid when the toy is delivered."

"Each set costs 1 million Ruanmei coins for materials, and 300,000 for manual work. The two sets add up to 2.6 million."

"You need to pay me two million RMB in advance..."

Lu Yuan directly raised two fingers.

"no problem!"

"We'll arrange for someone to bring the money over right away!"

Zhang Dahai quickly picked up the satellite phone and began to arrange matters related to ordering mechs.

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