Is It Possible That The Mecha I'm Talking About Is A Toy?

Chapter 30 The Overall Cost Is One Million, And You Tell Me That You Are Still Picking Money Out Of

More than half an hour passed.

Lao Zhao from the mecha department hurriedly came to Lu Yuan's toy customization studio from Factory 106 with his anonymous bank card.


"Give me the money now!"

Zhang Dahai, who was waiting outside the door, urged Lao Zhao anxiously.

Waiting for the money for half an hour.

Zhang Dahai and Deputy General Manager Lin were like ants on a hot pot, running around in a hurry at the door outside the studio.

"Mr. Lu Yuan!"

"The deposit for the mecha has been delivered! A total of two million!"

Take a quick walk across the courtyard.

Zhang Dahai's voice.

It echoed throughout the studio.

Lu Yuan, who was busy assembling the equipment, stopped what he was doing and walked to the previous living room.

"Alpha, according to the previous contract, print out two custom contracts for alloy mecha toys."

"Good master..."

Alpha's voice sounded from the loudspeaker in the room.

not long time.

Two printed copies of the contract.

I took it out of the printer and sent it to Lu Yuan.

"Look at this contract, if there is no problem, just sign it!"

Lu Yuan handed it to the two of them.

After all, this is a cooperation with the national team. Signing a contract can avoid many follow-up problems.

"Okay, Mr. Lu Yuan..."

Zhang Dahai took over the contract.

His eyes subconsciously glanced at it.

[In order to save materials, this mecha toy will be made of including, but not limited to, second-hand car parts, recycled computer and electrical chip motherboards. The material cost is less than one million, rounded up to one million. 】

[The delivery time is two and a half months for one, and the longest time is no more than three months, that is, the total delivery time for the two mechas is five to six months. 】

[If there is no special agreement, the remaining manual fee will be settled after the delivery is completed. If it exceeds one week, the fee will increase by 15% on the previous basis, and it will be superimposed once a week. 】

[If the studio delays the delivery, the custom party will be paid ten times the deposit in one lump sum, that is, the initial material cost and production cost. 】


He was amazed by the contents inside.

That mecha, which directly exceeded the international first-class standard, actually used second-hand car parts, as well as recycled chips and motherboards?

And look at the meaning of the contract.

This guy even picked a part of it, so it doesn't take a million? !

Oh my god!

This is simply out of reach! ! !


"Is there something wrong?"

Lu Yuan looked at Zhang Dahai's bewildered look, and thought there was something wrong with the contract.

" problem."

Zhang Dahai quickly waved his hands.

"It's just that the delivery time is a little... a little too long."

"Mr. Lu Yuan, the delivery time for this first mecha... Do you think it can be reduced to two months?"

I held back for a while.

Zhang Dahai opened his mouth and continued.

"Within two months?"

"This is a bit troublesome..."

Lu Yuan's voice paused slightly, and then continued: "But it's not impossible, it's just that it will increase my workload."

"So you have to... add money."

"no problem!"

"As long as Mr. Lu Yuan can complete the first mecha within two months, we can give Mr. Lu Yuan ten times the expedited fee on top of the previous total price!"

Zhang Dahai quickly nodded in agreement.

Two months later, there will be an assessment exercise for the first generation of mechs, although this was not developed by their 106th factory.

But as long as the genius Lu Yuan is recruited to Factory 106 in the future, it will be justifiable to use this mecha to participate in this way!


"no problem!"

"However, we have to sign a supplementary agreement. In addition, this expedited fee is not included in the scope of compensation for the delayed delivery of subsequent mechs."

Worthy of the national team!

This shot is a big mistake!

Lu Yuan's eyes lit up immediately.

Rush fee of ten times the total price! That's a full thirteen million!

This wave of blood is worth the money!

Zhang Dahai and Vice President Lin naturally had no objections.

After all, according to the real value of this mech, it is definitely ten times, even dozens of times more than thirteen million!

Especially for the mecha project that the two are in charge of, 300 million will be allocated from above every year.

Now five years have consumed a total of one hundred and fifty.

As a result, the mecha they developed with painstaking efforts was not as advanced as the toy mecha that they spent one million in three months.

Regardless of the armor performance.

Or the level of technology used.

They have achieved dimensionality reduction blows to them from all aspects!

So don't say 13 million, even 130 million, or even 1.3 billion!

The price of this mecha is not outrageous!

"Happy cooperation!"

The supplementary agreement was signed, and Lu Yuan was very satisfied with the mecha order.

The two mechas were urgently manufactured at the same time.

You can earn an additional 26 million in four months!

Tut tut.

This is the rhythm of getting rich overnight!

"Mr. Lu Yuan, now that the mecha contract has been signed, can we talk about your joining our Factory 106?"

Zhang Dahai put away the mecha customization contract in a happy mood, and looked at Lu Yuan with a little expectation on his face.

"There's no rush for now."

"Wait until the two mechs are completed."

Lu Yuan answered casually.

At this moment, he completely focused on the two mechs that had just signed the contract.

The food of the national team is good.

But before finishing these two mechs, he couldn't be distracted with other toys.

Zhang Dahai heard the words.

He exchanged a glance with Vice President Lin.

After that, the two of them walked in the direction of the bathroom in a very tacit understanding.

"It seems that Mr. Lu Yuan is not satisfied with the previous conditions."

"Otherwise, let's go back first and discuss with the factory manager if we can create a separate department for Mr. Lu Yuan."

"In this way, not only can the annual research and development funds increase to 2 billion, but you can also have the authority and treatment of the chief teacher."

"Okay! Let's do it!"


The two discussed a countermeasure.

Decided to go back to Lu Yuan, a mecha genius, and apply for a research and development department alone.

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