Is It Possible That The Mecha I'm Talking About Is A Toy?

Chapter 66 At Particle Nano-Mech Research And Development Completed!

"What? You want a hundred?"

Lu Yuan rubbed his ears.

I thought I heard it wrong.

With a price of 1.1 billion RMB, Zhou Wen'an actually wants to order 100?

Before Zhou Wenan could repeat.

Wu Linghui next to him said a little speechlessly: "Chief, you are going too far. Lu Yuan belongs to our third military department, and I was the one who proposed the order for super-light speed fighters."

"Even if you want to order, I will be in the front line, right?"

Zhou Wen'an glanced at him: "It's true that you are from the Third Army Department, but isn't your Third Army Department from my Southern Military Region?"

"Besides, you just asked Comrade Xiao Lu just now, and didn't say how much you need to order. Now that I placed the order first, do you blame me for being ahead of you?"

"It's not the chief, we have to follow the first-come-first-served basis anyway?" Wu Linghui argued hard.

Zhou Wen'an also blushed and had a thick neck, and he had no intention of giving in at all.

Finally, Lu Yuan spoke.

It shows that the production speed of fighter jets is very slow. Even if there are enough production lines, only a few can be produced every three months.

Zhou Wen'an and Wu Linghui each took a step back, and according to the first batch of fighters, the Third Army Department had one, and the Southern Army's General Staff allocated the remaining few.

"It's Comrade Lu Yuan who is clear about it, unlike some people who are selfish and only think about developing their own military department, completely disregarding the overall situation!" Zhou Wen'an said pointedly.

Wu Linghui was a little speechless: "Comrade Lu Yuan is a member of our Third Army Department. Shouldn't the military strength of the Third Army Department be increased?"

Zhou Wen'an glanced at him and understood what Wu Linghui was thinking.

Then he patted Wu Linghui on the shoulder and said, "Don't be so stingy. As the commander of the Southern Military Region, I naturally hope that the entire Southern Military Region can develop."

"Besides, with Comrade Xiao Lu here, it is much easier for your third military department to acquire new equipment than the other military departments."

Wu Linghui thought so too.

Since Lu Yuan is close to the water, he is in the Third Army Department, so it is okay for him to lose some mechas and fighter planes.

The key is.

Lu Yuan's research and development expenses still need to be dispatched from the General Staff.

Otherwise, it's just the Third Army.

Even if it can support Lu Yuan's subsequent research and development expenses, the money for ordering fighter jets is really gone.

However, Wu Linghui still had an extra heart.

Before leaving Factory 106, he took Fang Hongyun to a place where no one was around, and gave a single command: "Fang Hongyun!"

"In the future, no matter what Comrade Lu Yuan develops, you must notify him as soon as possible! Only after I personally come to the scene to confirm can we proceed to the next step!"

"Do you understand?"


Fang Hongyun was speechless.

But this also indirectly proves how important Lu Yuan is to the commander Wu Linghui.

Zhou Wen'an and Wu Linghui left Factory 106, while Lu Yuan stayed quietly in the office of the toy research and development department.

It took him almost half a month to complete the drawing of the AT Particle Nano-Mech.

The raw materials for making this mech were also delivered one after another during this period, and the warehouse where the materials were piled up was Curry.

As for the super-light particle fighter, both Zhou Wen'an and Wu Linghui wanted to buy it directly, but Lu Yuan refused.


This is an auxiliary tool he prepared for mining Idin stone and metal hydrogen.

If this thing is gone.

Even if he had the equipment to produce super-light particle fighters, it would take a lot of time to remake one.

In the subsequent production of large-scale mechs, more at particle nano-mechs will be required.

Manpower and material resources can be mobilized at will.

Lu Yuan had already planned in his heart that he would send some people from the mech research and development department to help when developing large-scale mechs.

He does the brains and directing, and the work of assembling the large mecha can be handed over to others.


As a collector, Lu Yuan finds time to re-manufacture the same toy every time he completes an order.

Including the previous anti-missile exoskeleton mech.

There is also one at the moment, which has been added to his personal collection Curry.

Therefore, Lu Yuan intends to keep this hyperparticle fighter as his own collection.

In addition, when making other at-particle nano-mechas, you can also go back and forth to Mars to mine some Idin stone and metal hydrogen.

Get someone to help.

Naturally, you have to prepare some useful tools, right?

Soon time came two and a half months later.

Lu Yuan, who was busy, finally completed the last at particle nano-mech, a fully automatic auxiliary device.

Successfully fiddled with a watch that looks similar to a belt.

It looks very cool on the outside.

Not only is it full of strong futuristic style, but also an indescribable sense of mystery.

The dial is like a mechanical watch, with a gear-like structure that rotates continuously.

The blue light is slightly bright, indicating that the miniature ark reactor built into the watch has been running continuously.


"Start the at particle nano-mech!"

Lu Yuan's thoughts rose from his mind.

The all-round improved brainwave control system has been perfectly integrated into the miniature ark reactor.

next moment.

In the watch on Lu Yuan's left hand.

A dense array of micro-mechanical structures emerged, and spread throughout the body at an extremely fast speed.

Combining without trace, the outer armor plate of the at particle nano-mecha.

In the end, a pitch-black mecha covered his entire body!

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