Is It Possible That The Mecha I'm Talking About Is A Toy?

Chapter 69 Rounding Up, This Is Equivalent To Consuming A Nuclear Power Plant

"Cough cough cough..."

I stood there for a while.

Wu Linghui just woke up from the shock of the AT Particle Nano-Mech.

But this armor.

It was actually optimized and improved because the anti-missile exoskeleton armor was troublesome to wear?

Wu Linghui didn't understand Lu Yuan's genius thinking, why did he feel that the anti-missile exoskeleton machine was troublesome?

It takes half a minute to finish every time just wearing it?

Fang Hongyun was also very speechless.

Others don't know that he can't be clear?

The mechas produced by the Mecha R&D Department of Factory 106 are really troublesome to wear.

A large robotic arm device is required to wear it, and it takes five minutes at the fastest to fully complete it.

That anti-missile exoskeleton mecha is much better than that.

"That... Comrade Xiao Lu, can you sell some of your auxiliary gadgets to our Third Army?"

Wu Linghui coughed lightly twice.

He looked at Lu Yuan with burning eyes.

Apart from other things, the defensive ability of this mecha is enough to make him feel excited.

1000 equivalents.

This is equivalent to two poached eggs thrown on the island country.

Moreover, there is also the epoch-making nanotechnology, which can realize the quick wear of the mecha, and it is also very convenient to carry.

Not to mention mobility.

With a limit speed of Mach 100, except for the super-light particle fighter, there is no other technological product on the entire Blue Star that is faster than it.

"Chief, I'm afraid this won't work. This mech is just an auxiliary gadget I improved. I don't plan to open a production line..."

A look of perplexity appeared on Lu Yuan's face.

Although the production equipment is done before.

But the Idin stone and metal hydrogen needed to make the mech, combined on the entire Blue Star, are probably enough to make another one.

"Comrade Xiao Lu, this mech is very practical, and our Third Army Department also needs a few of them to... assist in the repair of war-damaged weapons and equipment.

"Yes, it is the weapons and equipment used to assist in the repair of battle damage. The number does not need to be many, as long as there are ten... No, five are enough."

Wu Linghui stretched out five fingers.

Such an excellent individual mecha, no matter what, he must buy a few for the third army.

Coupled with the previous anti-missile exoskeleton mecha, the mecha team formed next will be greatly improved on the basis of the previous ones.

"Boss, I really don't plan to open the nano-mecha for sale. The raw materials it needs are too difficult to obtain and it is very time-consuming." Lu Yuan is still a little embarrassed.

Wu Linghui asked: "Tell me what materials you need? I'll see if I can get them from other military regions..."

Lu Yuan replied: "Idinite and metal hydrogen, as far as our Blue Star's reserves are concerned, the world's total is enough to make another nano-mecha.

Sure enough, these two materials.

Fang Hongyun knew it.

When Lu Yuan first arrived at Factory 106, he always asked for idingite and metal hydrogen.

It turned out that these two materials were needed.

To make an upgraded version of the nano-mech.

Idinite and metallic hydrogen?"

"Comrade Lu Yuan, haven't you developed a superluminous particle fighter that can go back and forth to Mars once in 20 minutes?"

"Using it to collect these two kinds of mineral materials, not to mention a few nano-mechs, dozens or four hundred will not be any problem?"

A hint of doubt appeared on Wu Linghui's face.

But before Lu Yuan could answer, Fang Hongyun next to him began to explain: "Boss, the superluminous particle fighter developed by Comrade Xiao Lu can quickly travel between Blue Star and Mars.

"But its consumption is also very alarming."

"Just a round trip, the Ark reactor in the fighter plane will consume 70% of its energy.

"Rounded up, this is equivalent to consuming one, etc. of the total power generated by a nuclear power plant."

"Combining the manufacturing time and cost of the mech itself, I estimate that the total cost should not be much different from that of the Hyperion Particle Fighter."

"One billion one billion is too much to use."

Lu Yuan glanced at Fang Hongyun, and continued: "The most important thing is that it is too time-consuming. It takes at least half a month for the super-light particle fighter to replenish nuclear power once.

"Combined with the manufacturing time of the mech itself, I can't complete the delivery in three months (agbb)."

Fang Hongyun staggered at his feet.

Almost slipped and fell to the ground.

He knows Lu Yuan's rules.

No matter what kind of order, as long as no other agreement is made, it will be completed within three months by default.

If it is not completed, ten times the agreed price will be compensated.

"So that's the case, but Comrade Lu Yuan, there is no need to limit the order to three months this time, it doesn't matter when you complete it and deliver it.

"In addition, the consumption of supplementary nuclear energy of fighter planes can also be fully included in the production cost of the nano-mecha.

After listening to Fang Hongyun's explanation, Wu Linghui finally understood why Lu Yuan was unwilling to accept it.


"But we have to sign a contract and supplementary agreement."

Lu Yuan thought about it.

There is no need to determine the delivery time, and the consumption of fighter planes can also be included in the mech production fee.

This order also seems acceptable.

"Another thing to say first, before starting the production of this batch of nano-mechas, I still need to prepare a few as a routine auxiliary tool for the toy research and development department."

"In addition, regarding the material cost, you transfer it directly to me, and I will arrange the purchase."

The material cost of 200 million, plus the manual cost and the supplementary cost of the Ark of Fighters reactor.

At least he can earn tens of millions for a mecha.

It's not that Lu Yuan is greedy for money.

As a real person, the mechas and super-light particle fighters he put in his private collection room were allocated to the cashier of Factory 106 strictly according to the cost.

Only at particle nano-mech.

After manufacturing a few units, he plans to go through the equipment procurement process and reimburse material costs and production costs.

"no problem!"

"Comrade Lu Yuan will do what he says!"

Wu Linghui breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally, this nano-mecha was discussed.

Now even if the chief of staff knows that the contract written in black and white, even if he wants to slap his feet, he has to wait until his five sets of production are completed.


"The material cost of the mech is 200 million, and the nuclear power of the Ark Fighter's reactor is 100 million, plus the manual cost is 30 million, and the price is 330 million."

"The five nano-mechas are worth 1.65 billion yuan in total. According to the agreement to pay the material fee first, you need to pay 1.5 billion yuan for the material fee first."

Lu Yuan took out the printed contract and handed it to Wu Linghui.

The above delivery time is not specified.

The additional contract only stated that the nano-mechas purchased by the Third Military Department would be produced and manufactured after the completion of five toy R&D department purchases of the mechas.

"Factory Manager, I'm going to be a bit busy next time, can you go to the Fighter Aircraft R&D Department, and the Mech R&D Department to borrow some people for me?"

Wu Linghui just left.

Lu Yuan found Fang Hongyun and started the next arrangements.

"no problem."

"I'll arrange it for you right now, how many people do you think you need here?"

Fang Hongyun naturally didn't have any opinions.

Even when Lu Yuan first joined Factory 106, he wanted to expand the toy research and development department, but Lu Yuan never agreed. .

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