Is It Possible That The Mecha I'm Talking About Is A Toy?

Chapter 78: True Aircraft Carrier Killer! This Thing Is Definitely A Domineering Weapon!


"Prepare the helicopter immediately! I'm going to Area 135 to meet with the people from the Southern Military Region!"

There was a long silence.

Luo Hai just recovered from his trance, and quickly gave instructions to the nearby guards.

Such a terrifying weapon.

Coupled with the super maneuverable mechs and the ability to transform fighters, the weapons and equipment developed by the Southern Military Region can completely crush other major military regions!

Do not!

It's the technology of the whole world!

Only Yang Lei, who was in charge of monitoring before, was still a little confused.

Look at the screen.

The red heresy, which is similar to that in the anime, has not recovered for a long time.

at the same time.

coastal area.

In the hand of the red heresy AT-shaped humanoid mech, after the deployed solar furnace plasma cannon is fired, the armor that makes up the energy bow separates and returns to the position behind the shoulder armor with two clicks

As for atomic pulse beams.

After a simple test by Lu Yuan, the data has been recorded in a device brought by Zhang Dahai and the others.

Compared to the solar furnace plasma cannon.

The penetrating and destructive power of the atomic pulse beams must be significantly weakened several times.

The energy intensity is only about 10,000 equivalents.

However, this is a compressed energy beam, which is different from the explosive impact of mushrooms without weapons.

In the words of Lu Yuan.

The weapons equipped with mechas are naturally used to deal with mechas or large space battleships.

Not lethal enough.

Even if the enemy's defense cannot be broken, it is better not to be equipped with weapons, so as to save wasted costs and increase the load of the mech itself.


"The energy attack of this mech is too strong!!!"

"I just saw Chief Master Lu go down with a cannon, and an aircraft carrier floating on the sea was wiped out more than half of it!"

"Round up! This is equivalent to destroying an aircraft carrier with one shot!"

this moment.

Liu Xun, who was among the researchers, called out directly.

Captured by near-Earth satellites.

He saw very clearly that once Lu Yuan fired the plasma cannon from the solar furnace, more than half of the aircraft carrier used by the fighting nation to test its firepower was wiped out!

Although there is still about a third of the bottom of the ship.

But that was also because the attack beam of the plasma cannon of the solar furnace did not sweep to the bottom of the aircraft carrier close to the sea.

"The most terrifying thing is the energy concentration of the weapon, which has reached 100,000 equivalents."

"The current standard mushroom bomb weapon has an equivalent of tens of millions to 20,000...

An Xiaoyu next to him counted with his fingers.

One hundred thousand equivalent.

The lethality is equivalent to five to ten mushroom bombs!


"Am I the only one who is worried that Master Lu will be discovered by the people over there if he loses the aircraft carrier of the fighting nation?"

Chen Yong froze a little weakly.

Only then did everyone react.

The target that Lu just attacked was in the sea area of ​​the fighting nation, and it was also the aircraft carrier of the fighting nation.

Although it is already at the battle damage level.

But people can also pull it out for a walk and use it as a target for testing weapons.

If this is caught on the spot, losing money is probably inevitable.

"Then what are you still doing?"

"Hurry up and pack up your things and run away... Uh, go back! Now that we've finished the test, it's okay to stay here, isn't it?"

Zhang Dahai came back to his senses.

Quickly began to arrange it.

Compensation is also a matter of the live ammunition exercise base. When the time comes, let the people in the military region negotiate, and we must not let this matter affect Lu Yuan.

"Yes, yes, we have completed the test of the mecha, now we have to go back quickly!"

Everyone nodded unanimously.

Quickly disassembled and assembled the equipment, Liu Xun opened the nano-mecha, and carried it back to the super-light particle fighter.

"Master Lu, the test has been fully completed, we can prepare to go back.

Holding the communication device, Zhang Dahai notified Lu Yuan who was inside the red heretic humanoid mech.

"it is good."

"After switching back to fighter plane form, we will take off and go back directly."

Lu Yuan answered directly.

Immediately, he controlled the mech and began to transform into a fighter plane.

click click click!

The sound of metal clashing constantly echoed near the beach by the sea.

Just at this moment.

Luo Hai took a helicopter and came to an area only about 20 kilometers away from the coast.

"hurry up..!"


"I've seen them!"

Luo Hai is holding a telescope.

Through the direction of the coastal area, one can clearly see that the figure controlled by Lu Yuan is rapidly becoming a space gray fighter.

"Commander, this is already the fastest speed!" The helicopter pilot's hands were about to cramp.

But the speed is still only 300km/h.

With 20 kilometers remaining, it will take four minutes to arrive at the fastest!


"Old Zhang! The people from the live ammunition exercise base have arrived!"

Deputy Commander Lin looked at the screen on the fighter plane's radar monitor, and several helicopters were rapidly approaching here.

"Then what are you waiting for! Chen Yong! Take off now!"

Zhang Dahai quickly issued an order.

The red heretic humanoid mecha next to it has also completely turned into a fighter plane at this moment.

The direction of the three particle injection ports has also been switched, forming a 90-degree right angle with the ground.

The light blue particles flickered, and the height of the fighter plane was raised a little, and it entered a state of preparation for vertical liftoff.

"Old Zhang, you guys will go ahead this time." Lu Yuan's voice came through the communicator and said to Zhang Dahai.

Zhang Dahai replied: "No problem, Mr. Lu."

"Sit down guys!"

Chen Yong, who had made preparations in advance, pushed the lift-off joystick on his left hand to the front.


The three quantum entanglement engines ejected yellow particles, and the height of the super-light particle fighter also increased rapidly!

Lu Yuan followed closely behind.

However, because of the fusion of deformation capabilities and heavy weapon systems, the speed of the entire fighter is naturally not comparable to that of the super-light particle fighter.

But even so.

The red Heretic AT fighter also rose into the high-altitude clouds within a few breaths.

Can no longer be caught with the naked eye and telescopes.

"Vertical...Vertical lift?"

"And...and there's a sonic boom?!"

Commander Luo Hai opened his mouth slightly.

The telescope in his hand almost fell off the helicopter, but he didn't feel it.

At this moment, his mind was buzzing.

It's all the picture when the two fighter planes took off just now.

The brains of other people in the helicopter have also entered a shutdown state.

As the officers and guards of the live-fire exercise base, what kind of weapons and fighters have they never seen?

But today they feel that their three views are shattered!

"Commander, those two fighter planes flew away..."

"We, shall we go there?"

There were two more bangs.

A loud sonic boom woke up everyone in the helicopter.

Then the adjutant looked at the empty coast and asked Luo Hai.


"Although they have left, there are still some traces left there. Let Lao Sun arrange for people to come over and restore the beach here to its original state!"

A look of regret appeared on Luo Hai's face.

But soon recovered.

Let the adjutant arrange personnel to come over and remove the traces left by the two fighter planes.

Especially what was left after turning that fighter plane into a mecha!

This is a top secret belonging to Dragon Kingdom.

Before the above is made public, no information about the suspected Gundam mecha can be leaked out!

at the same time.

Luo Hai also saw the hope of the Dragon Kingdom's rise!

Although I don't know what that weapon is, but judging from the attack effect, the aircraft carrier is completely a younger brother in front of it.

He dared to say that even if the aircraft carrier in the sea area of ​​​​the fighting nation was not at the level of battle damage, it was fully equipped with various weapons and fighters.

It is also very likely that more than half of it will be evaporated by that weapon in an instant.

the most important is.

This weapon, like the Skyfire weapon newly developed by the fighting nation, is a green and environmentally friendly weapon with very weak radiation.

The damage range is also very concentrated.

Controllability and lethality are definitely the top rankings on the entire Blue Star!

the other side.

The fighting nation is reporting the results of tests of new weapons.

"Your Excellency the leader!"

"The weapon test of Darborg's hammer has been successfully completed. A single skyfire attack can observe the double deck of the aircraft carrier, and a direct attack by the mother bomb can penetrate the multi-layer aircraft carrier deck."

"Ten bursts of cumulative damage can tear a 500mm reinforced deck......"

The old man in the picture nodded very gratified: "Very well Ralph, this test task has been completed very well!"

The Hammer of Darborg, this will be the cornerstone of a new series of weapons for our fighting nation in the future!"

Weapons are powerful.

The pollution to the environment is close to zero.

This is definitely a very strong advantage!

If it is possible.

He hopes that the fighting nation can develop a substitute for mushroom weapons before the beautiful country.

"Ralph, by the way."

"Although there is only a small part of the 211 aircraft carrier left on the bottom of the ship, we can't abandon it."

"As a target that has tested weapons for us many times, it is now considered a battle-damaged target that is very valuable."

"In addition, with today's test data, we believe that we will be able to create an aircraft carrier killer that can destroy an aircraft carrier soon based on the equivalent of ten rounds of Dalberg Hammer!"

The head of the military region of the fighting nation is very satisfied.

But the more Ralph listened, the more he felt something was wrong.

According to the equivalent of 10 bursts of Dazborg Hammer, create an aircraft carrier killer that can destroy an aircraft carrier?

Is there some misunderstanding here?

"Your Excellency, the 211 aircraft carrier is actually..."

Ralph hesitated to speak.

"Ralph, don't say anything directly.

The head of the military region spoke directly.

Ralph had a bitter face: "Your Excellency, I regret to tell you that the 211 aircraft carrier was not destroyed by our Dazborg Hammer."

"When I tested ten bursts of continuous blows, I just tore the reinforced special steel deck..."

"The reason why the aircraft carrier became like this is entirely because we suffered an unknown attack after completing the third test.

"It was a light beam mixed with red particles. It only appeared for five seconds, but it could easily carry the special steel deck of the aircraft carrier. "

"Whether it's a double-layer deck, a multi-layer deck, or a reinforced deck, even the engine protection deck that we haven't cut is directly evaporated by it!"

"That's right!"

"It's just evaporation!"

"After that attack, two-thirds of the main body of our aircraft carrier was directly missing, and all the decks seemed to be evaporated, leaving nothing behind!"

Think back to the previous scene.

Ralph still felt a flutter in his heart.

That attack doesn't look like a weapon on Blue Star at all, but it's very similar to the energy beams in sci-fi movies.


The 3,000-equivalent Dariberg Hammer can only tear out a hole in the aircraft carrier, and it is completely as if it is paper under that attack.

If it is a weapon developed by a certain country.

Then it must be able to crush an era!

And the aircraft carrier that many countries are proud of is not even a fart in front of it.

As for the Hammer of Dazhborg.

With the existence of that weapon, the title of aircraft carrier killer can be completely ignored.


"How could there be such an attack!"

The head of the military region was full of disbelief.

A beam of light completely evaporated two-thirds of the deck of the 211 aircraft carrier.

Such a terrifying attack effect.

If a country has mastered this weapon, wouldn't it mean that the era of aircraft carriers dominating the seas will come to an end?

"Your Excellency, this is the picture captured by the near-earth satellite at that time. It seems that its power has not been fully released."

Ralph uploaded the video material that has not been fully organized yet.

The military chief rolled his eyes.

In just a few seconds of the video, his palms were soaked in cold sweat directly.

"From the direction of Longguo?"

"Could it be that this light beam... is a new weapon developed by the Dragon Kingdom?"

a long time.

The head of the military region came back to his senses.

At this moment, there was a sense of powerlessness on his face.

Destroying an aircraft carrier is like chopping melons and vegetables, this thing is definitely a super weapon for controlling hegemony!

Stronger than mushroom bombs!


The fighting nation began to use its power to inquire about all the information related to the red energy beam.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs also began to negotiate with Long Guo about the destruction of the aircraft carrier.

But before that.

Lu Yuan flew the red Heretic AT fighter back to Factory 106 and landed in Curry, the special hangar.

"Old Zhang, what's the result of the test? What level can this mech's combat rating reach?"

Just got back.

Song Kaiming caught Zhang Dahai and asked about the test situation of the red Heretic AT fighter.

"It turned out to be a bunker!"

"The power of that weapon is terrifying! Commander Lu killed an aircraft carrier of the fighting nation with one shot!"

Zhang Dahai hasn't spoken yet.

Liu Xun, who was carrying the instruments and equipment, couldn't help squeezing over excitedly.


Song Kaiming was directly stunned.

Killed an aircraft carrier with one shot?

And it's from the fighting nation?

"Didn't you go to the live ammunition exercise area to test? How did you get involved with the aviation of the fighting nation?"

" went straight from live ammunition drills to actual combat?"

Song Kaiming stared at Zhang Dahai.

This direct actual combat is a bit outrageous.

And the relationship between the Dragon Kingdom and the fighting nation, isn't it just a matter of face?

"What kind of live ammunition exercise becomes actual combat?"

"What are you talking about?"

Song Kaiming's voice just fell.

There was an angry voice at the door.

After receiving the message that Lu Yuan came back, Fang Hongyun, the factory director, trotted all the way here from the office immediately.

Just got to the door.

He heard what Song Kaiming said just now.

Song Kaiming glanced at Fang Hongyun and said, "It's nothing."

"As Liu Xun said just now, when Chief Lu was testing the red Heretic AT-type fighter, he killed the aircraft carrier of the fighting nation with one shot.".

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