Is It Possible That The Mecha I'm Talking About Is A Toy?

Chapter 88 The Joint Exercise Begins, Can The Aircraft Carrier Fly Close To The Water?

"Master Zhang, how is the development progress of the aircraft carrier?"

"There will be a multinational joint military exercise in a few days, we can't lose the chain at this time!"

Aircraft carrier research and development base.

Yang Tianmin was as anxious as an ant on a hot pan.

At this time, there are only two days left before the multinational joint military exercise.

In addition to the arrangement and sailing time, there is at most one day left for them.

"There are still three final procedures left, which are activating the aircraft carrier engine, doing a good job of painting, and writing to the aircraft carrier control system.

Zhang Dahai answered according to Lu Yuan's meaning.

Seven curvature engines are ready, but the core of the curvature engine has been in a dormant state since the particle collision was completed.

The link with the seven curvature engines has not yet been completed.

"It's running out of time, why don't we take the time to paint? Shall we finish the aircraft carrier's engine system and control system?"

Yang Tianmin gritted his molars.

For the problems of power engine, control system and appearance, he chose the first two without hesitation.

At best, he would be given a reprimand if he didn't finish the painting.

If the engine and control system are not completed, the Dragon Kingdom will have to passively give up participating in this multinational joint military exercise.

At that time, he will not only have to face Qin Huai'an's anger, but also the general military region will not be easy to deal with.

Signed up not to participate.

And not signing up are two completely different properties.

"It's not that exaggerated, the joint military exercise can definitely be completed before, so you don't have to worry at all.

According to Lu Yuan's plan.

The maximum time for activating the curvature engine + writing to the control system + painting the aircraft carrier is no more than 16 hours.

At that time, the aircraft carrier will be sent directly to the military exercise site, and their secondment mission this time will be considered complete.

"That's fine..."

Yang Tianmin couldn't hold back.

He could only nod worriedly, and leave from the aircraft carrier's scientific research warehouse first, leaving time for the Southern Military Region.

And he couldn't refute it.

Since the southern military region took over until now, their people are at most responsible for providing raw materials and handling some trivial matters that are not important.

And there are only more than 30 scientific researchers and security guards in the Southern Military Region.

It took only five months from dismantling the main body of the aircraft carrier to rebuild it, and now there are only three processes left.

Its speed can no longer be described by sitting on a rocket.

Not to mention a miracle!

"Commander Lu, Commander Yang just said that we can directly activate the engine of the aircraft carrier without spraying paint, and write it into the control system."

After Yang Tianmin left.

Zhang Dahai came to Lu Yuan and said.

"That's not okay."

Lu Yuan shook his head.

"Since we have taken over this task, no matter how difficult it is, we must do our best to complete it as required.

"This is our responsibility to Party A, and it is also our responsibility to our reputation."


"The last three processes don't take much time, so let's hurry up a little bit.

All the work on the aircraft carrier's space mother is almost completed, and the last painting process is left unfinished. Isn't this painting the finishing touch?

He is still counting on the follow-up.

I can receive some orders here in the Northern Military Region.

Otherwise, if he wants to put an aircraft carrier space mother into his private collection, the difficulty is really not ordinary.

Looking at the stubborn look on Lu Yuan's face, Zhang Dahai opened his mouth and could only nod.

Then the researchers seconded from the entire Southern Military Region began to devote themselves to the last busy king without stopping.

Lu Yuan was personally responsible for activating the curvature engine, and Song Kaiming led people to write the control program of the aircraft carrier.

Zhang Dahai directed Chen Yong and Liu Xun, who were wearing nano-mechas, to carry out the final painting process around the aircraft carrier.

Time soon came to the evening of the next day.

The dormant curvature engine core continuously releases red and blue particle beams in the energy chamber in the central area.

The nearby space seemed to be slightly distorted under the shroud of these two kinds of light.

The control system of the aircraft carrier has been fully written.

It includes manual control system, intelligent auxiliary control, weapon control system, defense control system, etc.

As for the spray paint on the surface of the aircraft carrier, it is similar to the red Heretic AT fighter, mainly in space gray, with matte black dotted in some places, and some particle beams.

The general command room of the entire aircraft carrier is in the middle of the aircraft carrier's turret.

Even if the projection assistance is not activated here, it has a strong field of vision.

"Old Zhang, contact our military region and arrange for someone to come and pick up Chief Lu and the others later..

Song Kaiming made a hache.

It's been so long.

This mission is finally coming to an end.

Zhang Dahai took out the satellite phone, and according to what he said, he directly gave Hao Leng a mistake.

"Commander, this aircraft carrier research and development task has been successfully completed, and we can arrange personnel to take Chief Lu and them back, and Lao Song and I will be responsible for transporting the aircraft carrier.

"very good!"

"You guys are doing a great job!"

A smile appeared on Wu Linghui's face.

Immediately, a super-light particle fighter plane was arranged to fly directly to the aircraft carrier research and development base of the Northern Military Region, ready to return after landing.

at the same time.

Enter the aircraft carrier space mother.

Everyone in the Southern Military Region.

Except for Zhang Dahai, Song Kaiming and a squad of guards, all retreated from the aircraft carrier.

"By the way, Zhang, I've included the instruction manual for the aircraft carrier in the intelligent assistance system this time. Remember to tell them when the time comes."

Lu Yuan waved at Zhang Dahai in the aircraft carrier.

The researchers at the nearby aircraft carrier research and development base didn't think much about it, just thought he was calling someone else.

"The aircraft carrier is ready to launch!"

The rest of the work was completely handed over to the Northern Military Region at this time.

The three of Wang Dewen are directing in the scientific research cabin.

The huge steel cable is relaxed, and the support frame supporting the aircraft carrier is lowered into the sea water.

During the manufacture of the aircraft carrier, the ground below the aircraft carrier has been completely hollowed out.

The seawater poured in can completely make the aircraft carrier float on the water and easily sail to the sea outside the scientific research warehouse.

"Mr. Lu, how do we deal with these instruments and equipment? It is so big that we may find it difficult to move them into the fighter plane.

Back to the conference room that was turned into an office.

Liu Xun looked at the instruments and equipment that almost reached the ceiling, and asked Lu Yuan.


"When we go back, we are reassembling it.

Lu Yuan said simply and clearly.

Although most of these instruments and equipment are used second-hand recycled parts, the price is not cheap.

The key is that these things also took him a lot of thought.

"Let's do it now."

Liu Xun turned on the nano-mecha with a smile on his face.

Cooperating with Chen Yong, An Xiaoyu and several other researchers, they began to dismantle various parts on the equipment.

It was almost a busy half a day.

These instruments and equipment have become more than a dozen piles of parts of different sizes.

"This is the previous shopping list, we are going to take these things away."

Lu Yuan took the purchase list compiled by Song Kaiming and handed it to the cashier of the aircraft carrier research and development base.

After paying the fee.

Then he put all the parts into the two fighters arranged by Hao Linghui.


before this.

The head of the cashier department also got in touch with Yang Tianmin and asked for instructions.

"Let them take it away."

Looking at the second-hand recycled items all over the floor, Yang Tianmin nodded in agreement.

And in his opinion.

These things have absolutely no value.

As long as Zhang Dahai and Song Kaiming don't leave, it doesn't matter whether ordinary researchers like Lu Yuan stay or not.

"chief of staff!"

"Comrade Lu Yuan successfully completed the secondment mission, and now he has boarded our fighter plane and left from the aircraft carrier research and development base!"

Wu Linghui who received the news.

Immediately made a video call and gave an excited report to Zhou Wen'an.

"Ha ha!"

"Old Wu, do you think I'm right? They may not be able to find our trump card. y

"However, Zhang Dahai and Song Kaiming did a good job, protecting our chief engineer perfectly.

Zhou Wen'an's hearty voice came from the phone.

Sure enough, just as he thought, the people in the northern military region would only think that the two chief engineers leading the team this time were the main force.

Lu Yuan, who was hidden among the assistant engineers, was just a young man who was randomly picked up to make up for it.

"The chief of staff is wise!"

Wu Linghui patted the horse with a smile on his face.

But he is more happy now.

After five months.

The trump card Lu Yuan is finally back!


"Don't flatter me, you old boy, I know what you're thinking, when Comrade Lu Yuan comes back, I will definitely be rewarded by him.

Zhou Wen'an laughed and cursed.

"Thank you Chief of Staff!"

Wu Linghui straightened his back and thanked Lu Yuan instead.

the other side.

In the sea area of ​​multinational joint military exercises.

Qin Huai'an was accompanying the head of the headquarters right now, with a slightly anxious face on his face.

Many aircraft carriers from other countries have come to the military exercise site one after another, entering a state of preparation for the exercise at any time.

But their aircraft carrier is still on the way.

"Old Qin?"

"How long will our aircraft carrier arrive?"

Chief of Staff Long Lao frowned.

Ah San, who didn't participate in the joint military exercise in the past, has arrived, and now their aircraft carrier in the Dragon Kingdom is not even a shadow?

"Chief of the General Staff, Commander Yang has reported to me a few hours ago that the aircraft carrier has successfully left the port and should be able to arrive successfully before the end of this exercise.

Qin Huaian wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Fortunately, multinational joint military exercises are not carried out at the same time, there is no sequence, but there is a certain time requirement.

Half an hour after the end of one country, the second follow-up country has to keep up, otherwise the military exercise will be over.

Fine. "

"Don't let me down!"

The chief of staff nodded.

Did not dwell too much on this issue.

At this time, he was more concerned about the direction of the beautiful country. Eleven aircraft carriers lined up, which looked very visually impactful.

"Could it be that the beautiful country has not completed the research and development of a hegemony-class aircraft carrier?"

Long before today.

The number of aircraft carriers in the beautiful country is only 11, which is known to the whole world.

Just one more rumor.

The beautiful country has secretly developed a hegemony-class aircraft carrier.

Elder Long narrowed his eyes.

According to the urine of the beautiful country, perhaps this is not all their trump cards.

in addition.

The same goes for the fighting nation.

The aircraft carrier pulled out is also a previous world-class aircraft carrier, and there is no hegemonic class that can dominate a sea area.

According to the technological level of the fighting nation.

They are not inferior to the beautiful country and the Hans country.

Soon the joint military exercise began.

The island nation took the lead in pulling out the upgraded world-class aircraft carrier, and started the wartime in terms of speed and firepower.

The 114 fighter planes on board also took off one after another for a demonstration of fighter planes.


In the online video communication platform of the joint exercise.

The old leader of the beautiful country was the first to speak: "I didn't expect that the firepower system of the island country's aircraft carrier this time has increased by 80% compared with the previous one, and it is not much different from the definition of a dominant aircraft carrier.

General Ah San nodded in agreement: "The number of fighter planes carried has also been greatly improved. In the next joint exercise, perhaps the island country will be able to have a dominant aircraft carrier."

The leader of the fighting nation retorted unceremoniously: "This is not necessarily the case. Even if we develop a hegemonic aircraft carrier, it may not be able to withstand other people's shots..."


The leader of the fighting nation glanced at the Chief of Staff of the Dragon Kingdom.

For this military exercise.

Qin Huaian suppressed the review of the plasma cannon.

Therefore, before the Dragon Kingdom was made public.

The information about the plasma cannon is still in an encrypted state, and not many people know about it.

"Then let's wait and see!"

The old leader of the beautiful country replied contemptuously.

It seems that he is full of confidence in this exercise.


The island nation's exercise is over.

Other countries with aircraft carriers have started one after another.

Except for Hans abroad.

The country with the strongest aircraft carrier firepower has only reached 35% beyond the world-class level.

It is completely incomparable with the island country and Hans country.

"Old Long, we won't be polite if you don't start."

The leader of the fighting nation glanced at Long Lao who still hadn't expressed his opinion and said.

"Not urgent."

"It's not too late for us to start when you're almost finished." Long Lao said directly.

The old leader of the beautiful country bared his teeth: "Okay, then the finale will be handed over to you, the dragon country. When the fighting nation finishes the exercise, our beautiful country will take over."

"I think Mr. Long, you shouldn't have any objections, right?"


Old Long nodded.

He didn't compete with the old leader of the beautiful country for the second-to-last order of the exercise.

At this time.

Qin Huai'an made a phone call, and hurriedly came to his ear and said a few words.

Elder Long's expression suddenly changed.

"You said that they studied the instructions on the road and delayed for almost three hours before they mastered the correct control method?"

The distance from the Northern Military Region to the high seas is not very far.

But at the speed of an aircraft carrier, I want to rush to the high seas during the exercises of the fighting nation and the beautiful country.

This is clearly impossible!

Unless the aircraft carrier can fly on the sea surface like a hovercraft, reducing the resistance of sea water.

"Chief of the General Staff, we... what do we do now?"

Qin Huai'an's palms were covered with cold sweat.

no doubt.

This time, the aircraft carrier military exercise they conducted in the Northern Military Region was a mess.

"What else can I do?"

"I can only bite the bullet and let these three improved world-class aircraft carriers board!"

Old Long gritted his teeth.

His voice was filled with almost uncontrollable anger.

Especially at this time.

In addition to the previous world-class aircraft carrier, the fighting nation also produced a larger aircraft carrier.

Carry more fighters.

It is suspected to be a mysterious aircraft carrier of the hegemony class. .

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