Is It Possible That The Mecha I'm Talking About Is A Toy?

Chapter 91 Speed ​​Drill! Can An Aircraft Carrier Go Supersonic? !


"Dragon Kingdom's aircraft carrier picked up six missiles on the way here? What does this mean?"

"Wait, six missiles... Couldn't this be the Spear of Odin that was launched by the beautiful country before and didn't explode?"

"Dragon Kingdom is really lucky! If it weren't for the wrong setting of the Beautiful Kingdom, the aircraft carrier of the Dragon Kingdom has sunk to the bottom of the sea, right?"

Acting leaders of several countries also nodded in agreement on the video platform.

However, the leader of the fighting nation said very directly: "Do you think it is possible that the six missiles that Long Lao said were picked up were actually intercepted by their aircraft carrier?"


"Absolutely impossible! The tail speed of Odin's Spear is as high as Mach 27, how could the Dragon Kingdom's aircraft carrier intercept it!"

The old leader of the beautiful country has not yet spoken.

Daoguo and Ah San stepped forward as if stepping on a cat's tail.

The leaders of other countries that have a good relationship with the beautiful country also nodded.

"The speed of Odin's Spear is comparable to that of intercontinental missiles. There is absolutely no missile interception system on the entire Blue Star, which can successfully intercept such fast and small missiles."

"I think Longguo is deliberately discrediting Big Brother. If you don't have enough technological strength, you will admit defeat. There is no need to play these dirty tricks."

"Long Guo is deliberately provoking, but they won't be jumping for long. It's just a fast aircraft carrier without a strong enough firepower system to support it. It's just a bigger target."

at this time.

The old leader of the beautiful country gritted his teeth and questioned Long Lao in a desperation.

"Old Long, this is an aircraft carrier exercise, and we are facing leaders of all countries."

"You are so despicable and shameless, "653" dirty, obscene nonsense, is this the cultivation that your state of etiquette should have?"

He has full confidence.

It is impossible for Dragon Kingdom to intercept Odin's Spear!

It's just that as soon as his voice fell, the screen on Long's side jumped directly to the aircraft carrier.

Six are three meters long.

A white missile with a diameter of about fifty or sixty centimeters was lying quietly on the deck.

Each missile is also marked with a lightning bolt.

And words such as Odin's Spear marked with English letters.


"how can that be!"

Several generals of the beautiful country saw the six missiles through the screen, and instantly exclaimed in shock.

The Odin's Spear carried by the Milegus Airship is a super weapon that has been developed for as long as five years by gathering all the scientific and technological strength of the beautiful country.

Compared with primitive overlord weapons such as mushroom bombs, there are improvements that cannot be explained in words in all aspects.

"This is definitely not what you intercepted! The speed of Odin's Spear is extremely fast, and it is impossible for the aircraft carrier to complete a non-destructive interception!"

"You must have known about the Odin's Spear developed by Big Brother for a long time, and reproduced a few fake ones in advance! Otherwise, even if you can successfully intercept the Odin's Spear, it cannot be intact!"

Daoguo and Ah San start attacking Longguo.

Other countries also nodded.

The core function of the missile interception system is to launch extremely fast missiles for long-range destruction.

Interception is accomplished by destroying the opponent's missiles.

Such an intact interception method, let alone met, they have never even heard of it.


"Aren't these six missiles from the beautiful country?"

"Then if no one claims it, then we can only reluctantly take it back for reverse reasoning and research."

Elder Long still kept a smile on his face.

He could see very clearly that the face of the beautiful old leader was as black as the bottom of a pot.

The complacency and arrogance just now were completely gone.

"Old chief!"

"The Dragon Kingdom must not be allowed to bring back Odin's Spear! This is our top strategic weapon in military industry!"

A general gritted his teeth and stared at the six missiles on the screen.

He can be sure.

These are the six Odin-guided spears fired from the Mienrigus Airship.

"I know!"

"But now that we have come forward to ask for it back, wouldn't it be true that our beautiful country's Odin's Spear was perfectly intercepted by the Dragon Kingdom's aircraft carrier?"

"It's a trap!"

"We can't be fooled by the Dragon Kingdom!"

The old leader's face became even darker, and his voice was filled with irrepressible anger.


The technology of Odin's Spear.

No matter what he does, the beautiful country will encounter a huge doctor this time!

"Maybe we can get our Odin's Spear back through other countries.

Another general thought for a long time, and finally came up with a more compromise solution.

After hearing this, the old leader of the beautiful country quickly decided to implement the method he said.

at the same time.

Still clamoring for Dragon Kingdom to reproduce Odin's Spear, the island country that splashed the dragon country's dirty water received a secret satellite order from the beautiful country.

"Admit that the missiles are lost, and get them all back!"

There is not much content in the information.

But it was this sentence that directly hammered the fact that Dragon Kingdom intercepted Odin's Spear.

The leader of the island nation shut up for a moment.

At the same time, on the command warships of the entire island country, the heads of several generals who knew the secret orders seemed to be beaten with sticks.

Straight into a void!

"terribly sorry."

"I just received news from our aircraft carrier that we bought these six missiles from the beautiful country and accidentally dropped them from the ship during the exercise."

"I am very grateful to Long Guo for being able to save money and salvage these six missiles from the sea for us.

I froze for a while.

Only the leaders of the island country wake up, and according to the content of the secret order of the beautiful country, they are responsible for losing the missile.

Completely embrace them.

Just now, he was still blaming other countries in the Dragon Kingdom, but at this moment, he subconsciously set his sights on the leader of the island nation.

"So it was dropped by the island country?"

"Let me just say, how could the missiles launched by the beautiful country known as the world's most technological country be intercepted.

"It turned out that I sold six coins to you, and then accidentally fell into the sea."

The leader of the fighting nation had a smile on his face and said very pointedly.

Especially the two words of selling and accidentally falling into the sea, his tone is very heavy.

But whoever is not a fool.

You can hear another layer of meaning from his words.

"It seems that the Spear of Odin in the Beautiful Country was really intercepted by the Dragon Country. Otherwise, the island country would not have been so happy before, and now they are so humbly admitting that they dropped it."

A national leader who has a good relationship with Longguo can be regarded as thoroughly understanding at this time.

Pretty country is not easy to come forward.

Therefore, these six missiles will be claimed by the island country.

Otherwise, Longguo, which has obtained non-destructive missiles, will definitely be able to reverse-engineer various technologies on these six Odin's Spears.

This is equivalent to giving away technology to Longguo for free.

"Old Long, well done!"

The leader of the fighting nation directly sent a congratulatory message to Long Lao.

"Master Zhang and Master Song, you two did a great job this time!"

"The developed aircraft carrier has not yet started the exercise, and we have already defeated the spirit of the beautiful country twice!"

Dimensionality reduction in speed.

Then there is the non-destructive interception of the Spear of Odin.

No matter how you think about these two technologies, they can directly crush the Milengers Airship in the Beautiful Country.

"Luck, luck..."

Zhang Dahai and Song Kaiming were flattered.

However, I was also very shocked in my heart. The aircraft carrier that Lu Yuan created this time is so heaven-defying.

Not to mention the extreme cruising on the water, even the Spear of Odin in the beautiful country was intercepted.

The mantissa of Mach 27.

This has fully demonstrated that the missile interception system of this aircraft carrier is not only capable of intercepting commercial missiles without damage.

Even intercontinental missiles can be intercepted without damage!

"Yang Tianmin!"

"The beautiful country's aircraft carrier exercise has ended, and now our aircraft carrier exercise begins!"

After a few minutes.

The island country sailed over to take away six Odin's Spears, and the Milengers Aircraft Carrier in the beautiful country also completed the exercise.

Top speed 49 knots.

The explosive impact of the weapon system is equivalent to 150,000.

The fighter planes took one hundred and fifty.

The maximum speed of the missile interception system is Mach 6.

The data in all aspects comprehensively crushed the fighting nation and the country of Hans, and it can be called the strongest aircraft carrier in this military exercise.

"Guaranteed to successfully complete the task!"

Yang Tianmin straightened his body and gave a military salute, then took the communication equipment and issued an aircraft carrier exercise command!

There is an aircraft carrier space carrier.

The remaining three improved world-class aircraft carriers are directly excluded from this military exercise.

"The surface navigation mode of the aircraft carrier space carrier is on! Curvature engine No. 1, No. 2, and No. 3 main engines are synchronized successfully!"

Synthesized voices echoed in the control room of the aircraft carrier.

Several operators are responsible for the control of the driving system, the control of the weapon system, and the control of the defense system.

In addition, the curvature engine and the core device also have special personnel responsible for monitoring various data.

Hoo hoo!

The three main engines at the rear of the aircraft carrier space mother quickly spew out blue-red light.

Stationary aircraft carrier.

Also advancing forward at a terrifying speed.

"At 1.57 seconds, the aircraft carrier's speed increased to 2.3 knots..."

"The time is 5.72 seconds, and the speed of the aircraft carrier speeds up to 8.9 knots..."

"At 11:21 seconds, the aircraft carrier's speed increased to 27.5 knots..."


"At 15:33 seconds, the aircraft carrier's speed increased to 57.1 knots..."

"At 19:77 seconds, the speed of the aircraft carrier increased to 149.95

Less than a second time 0...

The surface cruising speed of the aircraft carrier space carrier directly increases to the limit close to 150 knots.

The leaders of many countries were stunned for a moment.

In the sea with strong resistance, the speed-up of Longguo's aircraft carrier was suppressed within 20 seconds!

Even on land, it is very difficult to reach 150 knots in 20 seconds, that is, close to 300 miles.

However, this big guy with a self-weight of more than 60,000 tons can actually complete it in only 20 seconds.

"What kind of monster engine did Dragon Kingdom come up with? The acceleration of the aircraft carrier can be so fast? It breaks ten knots in six seconds, and approaches 150 in twenty seconds?"

"This thruster is definitely aerospace-grade! And it's a super-heavy rocket! Otherwise, it would be impossible to have such a large reverse propulsion!"

Space-grade rocket propulsion.

Ordinary-level ones only have a thrust close to 1,000 tons.

Only the thrusters of super-heavy rockets can provide tens of thousands of tons of reverse force.

However, many countries are still developing such propellers.

Unexpectedly, Longguo installed it on its own aircraft carrier, and it seems to last for a very long time.

The power output is also very strong and smooth in all aspects.

"The Longguo aircraft carrier takes 20 seconds to accelerate, and the maximum cruising speed is 150 knots..."

On the detectors of various countries, the final test speed results of the aircraft carrier and space carrier appeared.

It's just that the data has just been frozen.

The school official who was in charge of flipping through the instruction manual immediately sent a shocking news.

"Report to the Commander!"

"Aircraft carrier has a second mode! can fly out of the"

"Ask for the next step!"

The officer's voice was trembling.

He couldn't believe that such a big guy could actually take off directly from the water.

Yang Tianmin looked at Zhang Dahai and Song Kaiming.

The two coughed lightly and said: "When we were developing the aircraft carrier, we added two pairs of auxiliary propellers to reduce the resistance of seawater."

"Whether it can fly or not has not been tested yet."

In the design drawings drawn by Lu Yuan and when the aircraft carrier was manufactured, they had already discovered that a pair of curvature engines were installed on both sides of the aircraft carrier.

After asking Lu Yuan.

It also just got the word confidentiality.

However, they can see from Lu Yuan's excited expression that these two pairs of curvature engines are definitely not as simple as they appear on the surface.

"Permission to activate airplane mode!"

3.8 Yang Tianmin reported the matter to Mr. Long.

Long Lao immediately became interested and gave the order for the aircraft carrier to take off.

In the control room.

Under the guidance of the school officer in charge of reviewing the instructions, the flight mode of the aircraft carrier's aeronautical mother was activated.

"Aircraft aircraft carrier is ready for take-off mode, No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, and No. 4 auxiliary curvature engines are synchronized..."

Synth sounds again.

Outside the aircraft carrier.

The armor plates on both sides are quickly deformed, and four curved engine propellers that can change directions are assembled.

With the end of the countdown.

The four auxiliary curvature engines quickly ejected blue-red beams, counteracting the terrifying gravity brought by the gravity.

"What?! How is it possible?! Dragon Kingdom's aircraft carrier is flying..."

World leaders stared wide-eyed.

The length exceeds 400 meters.

The giant steel beast with a width of 130 meters actually flew up from the sea after releasing four propulsion engines.

The bottom of the boat is no longer in contact with the water.

Distances are also increasing rapidly.

at the same time.

Driven by the three main engines, the aircraft carrier aerospace mother began to break through 150 knots, which is close to the limit speed of 300 miles [continue to increase!

One hundred and fifty meters per second.

Two hundred meters per second.

Two hundred and fifty meters per second.

Three hundred meters per second.

The flying speed of the aircraft carrier's space mother reached more than 300 meters per second near the speed of sound in an instant.

And this rate is still increasing.


The sonic barrier was directly broken!

Everyone in the entire aircraft carrier military exercise area was stunned by this loud noise!

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