Is It Possible That The Mecha I'm Talking About Is A Toy?

Chapter 98 Build A Metal Portal! A Short-Distance Wormhole Fixed-Point Shuttle Device That Can Link

[Ultra-distance wormhole fixed-point shuttle device: Using the latest space black hole technology, combined with the antimatter particle engine, the ultra-long-distance shuttle device is built. It has ultra-distance shuttle and transmission functions, and can travel up to five million light years. Size: 1 Reduction by comparison, manufacturing cost: 10 trillion mb...]

[Mass space jumping device: a super space jumping device built using the latest space technology and combined with a black hole engine. It has the function of an ultra-distance shuttle and can jump as far as 10,000 light-years. Size: 1:1 reduction, manufacturing cost: 1,000 100 million RMB...]

[Short-distance wormhole fixed-point shuttle device: a short-distance shuttle device built using black hole technology and combined with a particle engine. It has short-distance shuttle and transmission functions, and can travel up to 100 light-years. Size: 1:1 reduction, manufacturing Cost: 20 billion rmb...]

【Superlight Spaceship: Using the latest superlight particle technology, combined with the quantum entanglement engine, the super spaceship is built, with ultra-long-distance navigation function, size: one-to-one reduction, manufacturing cost: 1.5 billion RMB... ..]

Lu Yuan held his breath.

His eyes quickly flicked over the several 3D projection images generated by the system.

Space shuttle jumping device.

The highest priced fee is ten megabytes.

According to the calculation that one trillion is equal to one trillion, ten trillion is equal to ten trillion.

Somewhat ridiculously expensive.

The cheapest one is only 1.5 billion RMB.

But it's a pity.

Lu Yuan now has a similar super-light particle fighter in his hand, so there is no need to generate related types of technology at all.

"It's better to choose a short-distance wormhole fixed-point shuttle device, the distance shuttle is moderate, and the price and cost are more appropriate.

Choose and choose.

Lu Yuan's eyes finally fell on the short-distance wormhole fixed-point shuttle device.

Although the manufacturing cost of 20 billion is a bit expensive.

The key point is that this thing is more in line with his requirements. It can establish a transmission channel on Blue Star and link to Mars without anyone noticing.

In this way, not only can he have enough space for him to create a full-scale space carrier, but also meet the requirements of Long Lao. The fewer people who know, the better.

The barren Mars.

Except for those who participated in the manufacture of this space carrier, no one else will know what they are doing.

"Complete the wormhole fixed-point shuttle device first, and wait until this thing is almost done, and then start the production line of the space carrier."

Lu Yuan praised his wit.

Space carrier Mars production line.

Tut tut.

Later, he can also create a separate area for himself to put his collections.

"Old Zhang, purchase according to the above materials, if you need anything, go directly to the Chief of Staff."

the next day.

Lu Yuan took the material report required for the wormhole fixed-point shuttle device and handed it to Zhang Dahai and Song Kaiming who arrived at the toy R&D department.

"No problem, Mr. Lu, you can rest assured about the materials and leave them to us."

Zhang Dahai and Song Kaiming took the material report and quickly glanced at it.

There are a variety of materials on it.

Among them, except Yiding stone.

There are also some less common minerals.

However, there are also some reserves on the curry side of the material warehouse in the military region, which should barely meet Lu Yuan's requirements.

It's just that the two of them were a little puzzled.

These materials seem to be completely different from those used in the research and development of the aircraft carrier and space carrier in the Northern Military Region.

"Maybe Commander Lu will upgrade and transform the full-form aircraft carrier based on the previous experience?"

The two guessed.

After all, some functions of the previous aircraft carrier space carrier were simplified and castrated, and they were not included in the fighter headset.

Then, according to Lu Yuan's request, the two began to contact the cashier department to purchase related materials.

The entire Third Army Department, and even all gang departments in the Southern Military Region, have also received relevant orders to actively cooperate.

While purchasing raw materials, Lu Yuan continued to draw the design drawings of the short-distance wormhole fixed-point shuttle device.

in addition.

The user also made a research and development log, and some simple follow-up questions need to be handed over to Zhang Tianhai and the others.

This R&D log can play a role.

He will not admit it.

This R & D log is used to declare the R & D bonus allocated by the military department.

Been busy for almost half a month.

Lu Yuan just completed the design drawing of the entire short-distance wormhole fixed-point shuttle device.

According to the information generated by the system.

If you want to build a stable wormhole fixed-point transmission channel, you need at least two identical devices.

They are respectively placed on Aquamarine and Mars.

In this way, when the wormhole fixed-point shuttle devices on both sides are activated at the same time, a stable wormhole fixed-point transmission channel can be established.

The structure of the entire wormhole fixed-point shuttle device is not complicated, it only consists of two parts: the energy system and the fixed-point transmission system.

However, the technology contained in it.

But it is not comparable to those fighter planes, mechas and aircraft carriers before.

Just the energy core equipped with the energy system is hundreds of times stronger than the curvature engine core!

It has reached the mass of the particle infinitely approaching the center of the black hole.

Therefore, the energy core of this short-distance wormhole fixed-point shuttle device is also called the cycle point core and cycle point engine.

It can provide energy amplifiers, tear the space and build stable channels of energy.

As for sustainable time.

It is calculated according to the distance of the fixed-point transmission channel of the wormhole.

The farther the distance.

The more energy the particle engine consumes, the shorter the hold time will be.

However, Lu Yuan just wants to connect Blue Star and Mars, and the farthest distance between the two is only 400 million kilometers.

Compared with the limit distance of one hundred light years.

The energy consumed by the constructed wormhole fixed-point transmission channel will not have a great impact on the core of the particle.

"Lu... Chief Lu, aren't we going to build an aerospace carrier?"

The short-distance wormhole fixed-point shuttle device project started.

Zhang Dahai and Song Kaiming held the design drawings that Lu Yuan gave them, and they couldn't help feeling a little doubt in their minds.


This design drawing is not the full-form space carrier requested by the chief of staff.

Two big guys that look like metal bracelets have six fixed fulcrums.

Like some kind of equipment.

More like a round steel gate.

"That's right."

"Our mission this time is to build an aerospace carrier.

"But didn't the chief of staff say that the fewer people know about it, the better? Therefore, I plan to replace it with an uninhabited area according to the chief of staff's intention before proceeding with the manufacture of the space carrier.

Lu Yuan nodded very seriously.

Zhang Dahai and Song Kaiming were even more confused.

It's good to change to a place where there are no people, but what the hell are the two large mechanical circles on the blueprint?

Is it necessary to dig a large underground base underground, and then this thing is a door?

"This is the research and development log. After reading it, follow the contents inside and bring in the materials prepared before.

"We can't waste too much time on this."

Lu Yuan casually took out the research and development log that he had sorted out before, and handed it to Zhang Dahai and Song Kaiming.

Although the production of the short-distance wormhole fixed-point shuttle device has not yet started, Lu Yuan has already written the general requirements and steps in the preface of the research and development log.

"This is.…………"

Zhang Dahai, who was holding the research and development log, flipped through it, and his eyes almost popped out in an instant.

"What's wrong?"

"is there any problem?"

Song Kaiming leaned over with some doubts.

But the next moment.

Like Zhang Dahai, the expression on his face froze instantly.

【The chief of staff asked the full-form space carrier to know as few people as possible. After careful consideration, I finally decided to build the production line of the space carrier on Mars. 】

[As long as the visual deviation technology is used to create a sky above the production line base, all kinds of detectors on the Blue Star can be completely deceived. 】

[However, there is a very serious problem here. Mars is uninhabited. Although it can meet the requirements of the chief of staff, the resources there are relatively single. 】

[The transportation capacity of the super-light particle fighter is limited, which will reduce the construction of the entire production line to a certain extent, and every time you ride the super-light particle fighter, you will experience a very uncomfortable weightlessness transition. 】

[So I thought of building a wormhole fixed-point transmission channel between Blue Star and Mars that can realize material transmission, so as to save the time to complete the construction of the production line. 】

The two read word by word.

Although the content here was just an idea, they were stunned by Lu Yuan's idea.

In order to meet the requirements of the chief of staff, so the production line of the space carrier was chosen on Mars?

Because I'm not used to making superluminous particle fighters, so I plan to create a fixed-point transmission channel for wormholes?


What a genius!

Dare to think and dare to do!

What's even more outrageous is that the design drawings have already been produced, and it really looks like that.

"Can Lao Zhang connect to Mars and build a fixed-point transmission channel out of the hole?"

Song Kaiming swallowed hard.

It's not that he doesn't believe that Lu Yuan can do it, but that the fixed-point transmission channel of the wormhole is too serious.

The technology and various knowledge involved here have completely surpassed Blue Star for an unknown number of years.

Even more outrageous.

Lu Yuan developed this thing just to build a production line for space carriers on Mars.

"how could I know!"

"But looking at the design drawings drawn by Mr. Lu, I think it might be possible."

Zhang Dahai glanced at the blueprint in his hand.

The content inside is very detailed, and it is almost the same as the design drawings of the deformed mechs and aircraft carriers he has seen before.

"Can you understand?"

Song Kaiming asked subconsciously.

Zhang Dahai shook his head: "I don't understand."

"But it's right if we don't understand it. If you look at the deformed mecha and aircraft carrier space carrier before, don't we also understand the design drawings?"

"What is the final effect? ​​Isn't it completely beyond our imagination?"

Song Kaiming nodded subconsciously.

Then he spat and said, "Done!"

"I believe Chief Master Lu will be able to get out this fixed-point transmission channel of the wormhole.

Lu Yuan scratched the back of his head.

Why are these two guys so slow?

A development log.

They have to squeeze together and study for half a day.

shook his head.

Lu Yuan began to use various materials selected to build instruments and equipment for short-distance wormhole fixed-point shuttle devices.

Although some of the instruments and equipment he created before can also be used.

But regarding the carrier of the particle energy core, the required metal strength still needs more complicated fusion.

Higher power equipment is naturally also necessary.

There are also antimatter traps.

Antimatter required for the particle power core

The quality is also hundreds of times that of the previous curvature engine.

It took almost a week.

The two enhanced instruments and equipment needed for the short-distance wormhole fixed-point shuttle device were quickly completed under Lu Yuan's transformation.

follow-up process.

With the help of these two instruments and equipment, although the progress is not very fast.

But it only took about two months, and 95% of the main body of the short-distance wormhole fixed-point shuttle device has been completed.

"Next is the particle energy core. As long as the antimatter circulation route inside is activated, the entire short-distance wormhole fixed-point shuttle device will be completely completed."

Lu Yuan looked at the two huge metal portals.

Their sizes are exactly the same, and the inner diameter of the metal ring from the center point is about ten meters.

But for the convenience of transportation.

When Lu Yuan designed the two metal portals, they could be folded and retracted.

In addition to the support particle core (Rano's) and particle engine that activate the short-distance wormhole fixed-point shuttle device, the size of a single portal is only the size of a room of ten square meters.

In addition, many parts can also be disassembled.

It will not be too much trouble to load it on a hyperparticle fighter and send it to Mars.

"Old Zhang, ask a few people to follow me to Mars."

Bring two inactive particle cores, four quantum entanglement engines and two large ark reactors required for activation.

Lu Yuan greeted Zhang Dahai, and then directly boarded Cang Curry's super-light particle fighter.

"Chen Yong, Liu Xun, and An Xiaoyu went out, and the rest stayed in the department!"

Zhang Dahai selected three people according to the personnel who activated the core of the curvature engine in the Northern Military Region last time.

Song Kaiming was left in the department and was responsible for some follow-up matters.

"The Warehouse Vault begins...  …"

"The countdown to the takeoff of the Superluminous Particle Fighter is on..."

Electronically synthesized voices echoed in the warehouse, and the three quantum entanglement engines quickly flew towards the sky above Factory 106 after the countdown ended.

Almost two hours passed.

Lu Yuan just came back with the activated particle core.

"Start to assemble the short-distance wormhole fixed-point shuttle device! Chen Yong and Liu Xun are responsible for loading the No. 2 portal!"

Lu Yuan got off the fighter plane.

He only brought back one of the two particle cores, and left the rest on Mars.

Once the components of the No. 2 portal are delivered, the portal can be assembled directly on Mars.


"The No. 1 portal has been activated, the particle core has been activated, and the energy output is stable...  

"The link signal was not found, and the wormhole fixed-point transmission channel failed to be established. Please confirm that the No. 2 portal has been opened and then try again......."

half an hour later.

The silent Portal Gate 1 control panel lights up.

The built-in auxiliary intelligent system also quickly reports the current situation at this time. .

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