: The Life of the Rhine

“Ah Choo!”

“Do you need a medical examination?”

“No, no need. Probably that bastard Teresis is talking about me.”

Smiling at Sereya beside him, Li Lin stood in the elevator and watched the gradually descending scenery outside the window, feeling in a trance.

A full month has passed since the project was approved.

Rhein-Life, as an emerging ultra-large-scale technology company in Colombia, has many internal factions and various projects. Almost every day new projects are being built, and every day new studios are being disbanded.

Projects related to biotechnology like Li Lin’s were originally an area that Rhine Life paid more attention to. And when Saria and Muirses completed a simple experiment for testing, and confirmed through friendly mystic rituals that the rough stone would respond to some unnatural phenomena, and completed phenomena similar to stress responses, Then calculate based on the experimental data donated by the Loken Water Tank Laboratory, and this project will be launched directly.

None of the personnel in this organization is a waste. They can all instinctively see how vast the scope and possible impact of this project are. Although it was only in the stage of technical demonstration, and no real product had even appeared, Rhine Life also quickly finalized the relevant support for the active source stone project.

At present, Li Lin is the only person in charge, but all resource mobilization will be judged by a joint scientific research team. This is not a seizure of power, but Li Lin’s initiative to ask other departments to be included in this joint operation.

After all, his family knows his own affairs well, so he doesn’t understand and won’t meddle indiscriminately. Although he doesn’t know who is secretly connecting with him to help him become a diplomatic sweetheart, this does not prevent Li Lin from distributing a large amount of profits and quotas to those who are really capable people.

Of course, this main distinction is still handed over to Serea. This diamond-like woman not only has clear grievances and grievances, but also has a complete understanding of the skills and work attitudes of various people. It can be said that she is worthy of being the Minister of Defense. It is also thanks to Sereya’s all-round support that today’s plan can be carried out so smoothly.

However, it is worth noting that Li Lin found that Hemer was also on the transfer list. But it is responsible for the change and activation range of the original stone, and does not involve the transformation of the body. There are also many capable people assigned to different tasks, which did not touch the core purpose of this operation. That is, the physical evolution and sequence analysis of living things. For this kind of differentiation, Li Lin doesn’t have any big opinions, but he always feels that something is wrong.

It’s as if something is running according to the established track, but it feels like it shouldn’t be running according to that track.

“Speaking of which, I’ve always felt that you, Selia, would object to this matter.”

Standing in the elevator looking at the night scene of Columbia, facing the modern city that never sleeps that is almost the same as the previous life, Li Lin suddenly whispered to the cohabitants beside him:

“I always thought you would oppose such a strange technological reform. He changed the established rules of life, and also modified the original image of the species. This is the biggest act of rebellion.”

“I really don’t agree, but I won’t object either.”


“The goal of modern technology is to structure all secret and unspeakable things into things that everyone can understand and use. I think what you said makes sense.”

Serena was wearing white Rhine Life overalls, standing quietly about one meter away from her, staring at the dim lights outside without turning her eyes.

“I am not opposed to all forms of change, but things that are too radical should not appear. If I am really opposed to all unreasonable and influential experiments, then I should not appear in Rhine Life now. Rhine Life is a breakthrough in biotechnology The company at its core. There is no conflict between the two.”


Hearing Seliya’s voice that didn’t seem to take it seriously, Li Lin was slightly relieved.

He didn’t move out from Serena’s house, or it should be said that he had some kind of strange obsession. For such a long time, he was either in charge or running away.

Theoretically speaking, his goal should not be like this. When he was at the Royal Victorian Guards Academy, if he could give up watching the performances of those insects and go to hang out with Chen and the bagpipes, it is estimated that he would have been sleeping and flying three times by now. right.

Well, although there is indeed an element of overconfidence in it, but you have already run into this two-dimensional world, so it’s okay to want to post it, right?

It’s just that Victoria’s insects are really uninspiring. In other words, as long as you are in this world, you will feel an inexplicable sense of depression and suffocation. He had been in the Royal Guard Academy for almost five years, and when he entered the academy, he had a conceptual quarrel with senior seniors. And since then, he’s been on the road of quarrels and quarrels.

He wrote down all kinds of materials and investigation reports overnight, constantly looking for loopholes in the other party’s theory, and based on the other party’s remarks and past life experience to check and fill in the gaps. Make something that seems impossible but is actually feasible to crush the other person’s thinking from a moral and practical point of view. Although he can’t do anything very good in terms of morality, Li Lin feels that he has worked hard.

He doesn’t have the ability to be a leader, and he can’t tell who is loyal and who is a traitor.

And his ability to lead an army is enough for any crappy general in Victoria to find confidence.

But he was elected as a reserve general, and he had enough influence. He knows exactly where his influence comes from and what he should do.

His reputation is not because he is an excellent leader, on the contrary, his leadership ability is actually obvious to all, and it is really unbelievable. But he is a theorist who fills in gaps and proposes solutions.

And such a person is most suitable to wear a tall hat and cry on the mound.

Since you don’t have the ability, then leave. Hand over the baton to those who are truly capable and ambitious. The tinder has been planted, his historical mission has been completed after leaving Victoria, and what he has to do now should be his own life.

In the end, after going around and around, Hei’s sexy and lovely film girl was just a glimpse. Who would have thought that he would finally take root in Rhine Life? The one who treats me the best is actually Seriya, who was nicknamed “Sai Dae” and “Real Man” when they were discussing in the group, and she seems to be the best personal friend at present.

Did I make a mistake when I traveled here…

Amidst Li Lin’s wild thoughts, the elevator made a soft noise and arrived at the end.

And outside the open elevator door, a cute-looking face smiled brightly at the two of them.

“Yo~Comrademate~ Are you with Sereya again?”

“Director Muirses.”


Seeing Muirses’s face, Saria frowned indistinctly.

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