Pure White World

“Time, stand still! Just because you are more beautiful than anyone else!”

At that moment, the world turned into a lonely and pure color.

Pedestrians feeling the soul in their hearts, businessmen arguing for money, executors on the battlefield, and conspirators in action, with the blessing of all river wishes, the whole world fell into absolute stillness in an instant .

Freezing the world, although it sounds ridiculous and almost impossible, but for the seventeen large-scale core amplifiers and hundreds of small amplifiers, with the blessing of the entire river belief, creating the entire artificial heaven with one’s own power For Li Lin, it doesn’t seem to be an unacceptable and ridiculous legend.

And in fact, the moment the world is frozen, the consumed huge power is replenished almost at the same time. The endless information and beliefs can even freeze the world forever in a certain sense. After all, eternal tranquility is also considered world peace in a sense. Everything in this world will be fixed at that moment, and everything will come to a standstill.

For many people who have fallen into despair, this pure white lonely world is actually a kingdom of heaven.

A world where there is no death, no ugliness, and no action anymore, is also a reassuring burial ground for those who have long wanted to die and are willing to be silent.

Even at that moment, hundreds of thousands of fanatical beliefs poured into him in an instant and turned into the power to maintain the entire static world, and there were tens of millions of scattered beliefs that were being maintained from all directions.

But if you simply pursue such a peaceful world, then there is no need to use such a powerful force.

“Each unit reports status.”

‘Information River has detected a peak, so far it is 1/700,000 of the upper limit of the estimated statistical value. Mental careThe wall was successfully erected. In the face of the Alpha-level simulated world annihilation scene, the mental wall is enough to complete the basic diversion work. ‘

‘The detection of the memetic data has been completed, but it has not reached the point of distortion, and there is a certain distance from the materialized universe. Depth and width are being measured. ‘

‘The river began to produce unsettled changes, negative emotions began to retreat on a large scale, the mainstream concept of the river began to reverse, and everything was moving forward according to the predetermined plan. ‘

‘The diversion unit is being activated, and the power system has been restructured. Currently, the torrent of the main road is 100% under control, with zero bad sectors, and good anti-psychological performance. No hidden dangers of panic have been detected so far. ‘

‘The pure white world is included in the alternative mechanism. ‘

‘The world restart unit is functioning well without any abnormality. ‘

‘The anti-meme outpost was not stopped, the experiment plan was successful, and there was no abnormality. ‘

‘The Temple of the Vault of Heaven is conducting space observations on Terra. Although it has been stopped, it has not been damaged under the anti-meme position. The plan is being adjusted. ‘

‘The lunar outpost has detected subspace fluctuations, and the radiation range is the gravitational region of Terra, and the concept of planetary disasters is being revised. ‘

Of course this is not just an experiment, a ceremony. There are hundreds of experiments and thousands of rituals going on at the same time. This is a rare opportunity, they must test and experiment whether their final props can be recognized by reality.

Judging from the current results, all experiments were successful. The outrageous requirement of tens of millions of times the mental network requirement and the estimated value is indeed verified, because a wave of the mind can easily cause damage at the peak. And the special code of soul technology is that if you are broken, you are broken, and if you are not broken, you are not broken. There is no middle area at all. So it is best to be able to prevent it with a gap of tens of millions of times.

This global solid-state experiment proved that the facilities in Hinnom Valley can withstand such a huge mental impact. The fortresses of the warp, forged by all the commanders throughout the ages of Terra, are not the kind of crumbling houses that can be kicked down. On the contrary, he showed extremely strong tenacity and strength, and could easily resist the shocking and oppressive power from all the spiritual will of Terra.

And in the future, it is only necessary to divide and reinforce according to this standard.

Li Lin never saw it for a moment. If possible, he really wanted to take care of the whole thing directly.

It’s a pity that once the ceremony starts, he won’t have that much time. If the worst result really came, and he himself became a god, it would probably be the most disturbing ending.

There is no will that will not change. The so-called permanent change is just empty talk. When the environment and time pass, people’s ideas will always change naturally. She will naturally be worn out and become numb. Although the blood in her heart is hard to cool, she will also be betrayed and modified to a certain extent.

That was unacceptable to him.

Then it’s better to solve everything when you are the youngest and most passionate.

The ceremony needs to be witnessed by everyone and felt by everyone. Especially this huge ritual that Terra has never seen before.

After confirming that there would be no problems with all the pipelines and routes, Li Lin began to connect with Quan Taila’s mind. In everyone’s mind, his own voice sounded irreversibly.

‘I am Li Lin, the founder of Xinnen Valley. You don’t need to panic, because panic doesn’t help. Your time and space have already been fixed in place by me. What I am going to do next, I hope that people in all Terra can witness. ‘

Pale white light flashed, and Li Lin appeared in the sky of Londinium.

In this city that has always been gray and black, the appearance of an individual is so inconspicuous, just a tiny dot in the sky.

But in the world of the soul, Li Lin’s existence is so huge and irreversible. His every move will be branded in everyone’s heart through countless channels and spirits.

‘I swear to everyone that my deeds will be fulfilled. What I promise, I will surely do. I am bound to kill Tracy after one year, and today, after one year is over, he will definitely die here. Not one more day, not one less day. ‘

‘I am the most impartial and eccentric adjudicator, I will only execute the good and evil in my heart. Tracy will die today, this is my personal grudge with him. So his death, I hope all intelligent beings can witness this scene. I hope everyone can witness Tracy’s doomed death. ‘

‘I will complete my revenge, and Tracy will pay his price. ‘

After finishing speaking, the little black dot in the sky slowly landed on the door of the congress building where Teresis was, and walked in slowly.

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