Han Yingze’s mouth trembled. He originally thought that Wang Chao would propose a lot of conditions, but he did not expect that he would get up like this.

He didn’t dare to start, kneeling on the ground, thinking about Wang Chao’s meaning.

“Why, do you like to kneel?”

After waiting for a long time, I didn’t see the other party getting up, and Wang Chao said unhappyly.

“Yes, thank you seniors, thank you seniors!”

Han Yingze rushed up from the ground in a panic, watching the Han family’s children and the broken walls, and the broken walls were tight again.

I regret it in my heart. If I know so, I should put away a arrogant attitude, and maybe I can climb the power.

If so, he may break through the realm of Jindan in his lifetime!

Regret it!

Is it anxious to save now?

Hurry up:

“Please in the seniors!”

Wang Chao followed Han Yingze, and walked inside!

In the original book, when Lu Yi came to the Han family, it was the early days of the Royal Linglian Realm.

However, Lu Yi practiced the fairy road, which was better than Han Yingze.

Coupled with the protagonist’s aura, Han Yingze went to Lu Yi and married Lu Yi, the granddaughter Han Bing!

When he came to the Han Family Hall, Han Yingze quickly sent someone to squeeze the mountain tea he planted himself.

Although this tea is not expensive, it is implanted with a little aura, so the value is definitely a lot more high -end than any kind of tea on the market!

“Senior, this is the fairy tea I planted by myself, I hope the seniors don’t dislike it!”

Han Yingze came up himself, put it in front of Wang Chao’s table, and stood respectfully.

Wang Chao saw this tea in the original book. When Lu Yi came, Han Yingze received it with this tea.

I took it up and took a sip, only to feel a faint aroma, and then there was no more!

Put down the tea cup and look like usual:

“I was here to help you cultivate the Han family, but your Han family wanted to kill me!”

Han Yingze thought that this was over. When he heard it, his heart was stunned, and he knelt on the ground frightened:

“The predecessors spared their lives, and my predecessors were forgiven. I was all offensive for my discipline disciples. I offended you. I will now kill Han Qingyang who receives you. Can you see?”

Wang Chao scolded Han Yingze this old fox, but his purpose was not killing, but for Han Bing.

Before I responded, I saw a cold and gorgeous beauty with a cold, walking in from the outside.

The cold eyes looked at Wang Chao, holding a red red sword in his hand, and the cold voice:

“Wang Shao, my grandfather is just because it is not necessary to receive you, there is no need to kill?”

Wang Chao looked up, and saw the woman in a pink robe, but she couldn’t hide her proud figure, and her dark long hair was naturally hanging behind her.

Exquisite so that people can’t forget at a glance, perfectly inlaid on the small face of goose eggs, especially the pair of ice cooled eyes.


It is amazing to Wang Chao a little excited!

Unfortunately, he is a book.

He understands the truth that once he moves his true feelings, it will inevitably affect his process.

In the end, it will cause death.

He didn’t want to play with feelings casually.

Looking at Han Bing expressionlessly, he smiled coldly:

“Is the reception? Oh, you remind me, just now your grandfather wants to kill me, I just forgot!”

Han Bing came all the way and heard what happened just now, but only knew that Wang Chao, the young master of the secular king’s family, was going to come, and Grandpa sent someone to receive it.

As a result, the man offended Wang Shao and was admitted to the hospital.

I heard that Wang Chao killed a few Han family disciples at the door, and killed Han Liu, and hurried to see it.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw Grandpa kneeling on the ground, and his heart was rolling.

“Xiaobing, I have to be rude, I was wrong!”

Han Yingze saw his granddaughter hit Wang Chao, and was frightened.

If you are involved in the granddaughter, the Han family really has no hope!


Han Bing shouted unknown, the cold eyes turned to Wang Chao, “Wang Shao, what is the ability to bully an old man, what’s the matter, you rush to me!”

Wang Chao picked his eyebrows lightly, and this sentence was in his arms, and smiled slightly:


Han Bing held the short sword tightly and pointed directly at Wang Chao:

“Yes, it’s me!”

Wang Chao looked at Han Bing in the whole time, and the corner of his mouth slowly raised:

“I let you have thirty tricks, you can meet me, I will let you go! If not, you will give me a lifelong girl for a lifetime, how about?”

Han Bing’s cold face had a trace of temperature, thirty tricks, as long as he could meet him.

This also looks down on her!

The sentence: “Okay!”

The light figure jumped up, and the short sword in his hand attacked Wang Chao with the cold murderous.

Han Yingze originally wanted to stop, and he couldn’t even hurt Wang Chao for half a point. Han Bing was just the early days of Yu Ling, and it was impossible to hurt Wang Chao at all!

But as long as you encounter Wang Chao, you should be easy to think of it!

Gambling, pray for the granddaughter silently in your heart!

In the original book, Han Bing is a good girl with cold and hot inside. If she wants to force her forcibly, she is even more difficult than killing her!

But it ’s not the same to bet. As long as Han Bing lost, with her character, she will obey a lifetime promise!

Wang Chao saw Han Bing who killed him, stood still without moving, but surrounded him around his body.


Han Bing’s short sword stabbed on Wang Chao’s gasmade, no matter how hard, he could no longer move forward.

Looking at Wang Chao’s indifferent face, I don’t know why there was a feeling of fear in my heart!

Seeing that he was not in the middle, the short sword closed, and then jumped up high, gathered power on the short sword, and quickly stabbed from high altitude!

However, the same effect, the short sword is ten centimeters away from Wang Chao, can no longer pierce!

Then she tried horizontal splitting and oblique thorns, but it was useless!

Holding the jade boxing tightly and drinking:


I saw Han Bing’s red red sword, and the shadow with fire appeared in Wang Chao’s body.

Wang Chao shook his head dismissive.

He is also very puzzled. You say that you are a ice beauty, just a pure fire!

Does the author of the original book want Lu Yi to feel the pleasure of the two days of Binghuo?


Han Bing’s short sword still stopped in front of Wang Chao, ten centimeters, but the three Naruto stabbed in!

“Sure enough!”

When Han Bing saw the three Naruto rushed into Wang Chao’s defense circle, he was happy. As long as he met Wang Chao in any shadow, even if he won!

However, she desperately discovered that when the three shadows were about to meet Wang Chao immediately, they did not disappear!

I stared at it and took a few steps back!

What she could use, all used it, but they couldn’t meet Wang Chao for half a point.

Is she going to lose?

“Thirty tricks have arrived, it’s me!”

Wang Chao said, and he lifted his hand into a big hand and slapped Han Bing directly!

Han Bing felt a very strong breath of death, and his body trembled unconsciously!

Even Han Yingze, who was kneeling aside, stared in horror, only feeling that the hair of the whole body stood up.

But when the big hand was about to hit Han Bing, suddenly disappeared!

The gas group disappeared slowly, and Wang Chao was in the golden light. As a god of heaven, just glanced, he wanted to worship him under his feet and recognize him to send.

Han Bing was slightly frightened, and she was throbbing. The shudder and momentum made her have to bow.

Respectfully, the tone dare not dare to have a trace of blasphemy:

“I would like to gamble, I am willing to be a girl who will be a dungeon for a lifetime!”

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