12 o’clock in the morning!

Jixiang City Piece Mountain No. 1 Villa!

A dark shadow flashed, like a gust of gust, and then the whole villa was dark.

At this time, it was midnight, and no one noticed abnormalities.

Black shadow moved fast, jumping easily on the balcony on the second floor of the villa, opened the door of the balcony, and touched it secretly.

Do not make any sound.

Come to the door of the master bedroom on the second floor silently, holding his breath, listening carefully.

A slight and uniform breathing sound came from the room.

Black shadow stood in front of the door, and the corner of his mouth passed a touch of arc.

With a big hand, a micro -robot flew out of his hands and lay on the door.

Then, along the door crawling, climbed into the bedroom.

Wait half a minute.

Gently twist the door handle and open the door.

The action was still careful, and walked in without a little sound.

Through the weak moonlight outside the window, he saw a man lying on the bed with some cucumber slices on his face.

Block your face!

Seems to sleep deeply!

“Hum, die to the end, and to do it for care, it is really a luxurious second generation!”

Black shadow walked to the window and pulled out a cold dagger from his waist.

He heard his apprentice say that Wang Chao was extremely powerful, so on the insurance, he first got super powerful drugs.

This kind of medicine can’t carry the immortal!

Bai Qinglan’s eyes were ruthless, his hands were stagnant, and he was lying on the bed where the man’s heart was lying on the bed.


The original dark room was as bright as daylight, and all the lights were on at the same time!

Bai Qinglan moved a meal, and the dazzling light was instantly shot.

He felt dangerous subconsciously, but still stabbed!

The sharp knife broke through the thin quilt, but there was a sound of a rumor.

As if stabbing the metal.

At the moment of the sound, Bai Qinglan already knew that Wang Chao had been prepared for a long time.

Looking down again, it turned out to be a dummy on the bed.

The fake people’s face was affixed with cucumber, and it was in the dimness, and the authenticity was not discerned for a while!

But the breathing sound.

The pupils contracted violently, don’t say a word, turn around and jump out of the window!


His head hit the hard object, and he bounced back.

Bai Qinglan panicked up, and the window turned out to be painted!

Click, click!

The sound of the lighter sounded from behind him.

The whole body couldn’t help but know that Wang Chao was coming.

And the real window, on his right hand side, wants to escape again, I’m afraid it is difficult.

At this time, you can only get a look at Wang Chao.

Turning his head, seeing Wang Chao sitting on the chair by the bed, smoking a leisurely cigarette, a cup of coffee on the coffee table next to him.

“sit down!”

Wang Chao didn’t look at Bai Qinglan at all, took the coffee, and took a sip slowly, “Are you the master of Lu Yi, Bai Qinglan?”

Bai Qinglan’s heart was a little hairy, and Wang Chao was too calm.

No, the door has not been opened, indicating that Wang Chao has been in the room, why is he immune to his magic drugs?

This unscientific.

Did he know that he was coming and guessed that he would use his drugs, so take the medicine in advance?

Yes, yes, must be!

Not only did you take the medicine, but also a fake window on the wall to humiliate him!

It’s so bullying!

Take a deep breath and stare at Wang Chao with cautiously. By the way, if you can’t beat it for a while, how to escape.

Move lightly, coldly:

“Yes, I am Lu Yi’s master Bai Qinglan!”

“I am a reasonable person!”

Wang Chao still didn’t look at him. He smoked a sip of cigarettes and bombed the ash into the ashtray. “As long as you say a reasonable reason to kill me, I will let you go today!”

This was passed to Bai Qinglan’s ears, but it was naked.

Although he is not a cultivator, he has long surpassed the earth immortal in the refining gas and reached the realm of human fairy.

Even if you fight against the cultivators, almost the same as the level in the middle of the Royal Linglian!

For decades, it was threatened by a little hairy child for decades.

The eyes were filled with cold, and humming:

“Oh, Zhang Renfeng’s cemetery was broken in? The treasure inside was originally my apprentice Lu Yi!”

As soon as this statement came out, Wang Chao finally turned his head, as if looking at the mental retardation, looking at Bai Qinglan:

“Your skin is really thick enough, Zhang Renfeng’s cemetery has written your name?”

As soon as I said it, Bai Qinglan found that there was a problem.

But he didn’t know why. In the subconscious, the baby in the cemetery should belong to Lu Yi.

As a generation of masters, even if he was wrong, it was impossible to take back the words and said:

“So, there is only one map of the cemetery, just here!”


Wang Chao laughed when he heard this. He took out a map from his clothes and threw it to Bai Qinglan.

Bai Qinglan couldn’t help but frown, did Wang Chao have a map of the cemetery long ago.

After going to the cemetery first, changed the organ inside, and then gave you the new map?

The corner of his mouth trembled, opened the map, and looked rough, only to feel numb for a while.

He and Lu Yi.

Before being played by Wang Chao!


Bai Qinglan’s face was gloomy and terrible.

The more he realized now, everything he and Lu Yi do are Wang Chao guiding.

Holding his fist tightly, I suddenly thought of one thing,

“You killed Lu Xiuping, right?”

“Yes, I killed it!”

Wang Chao smiled slightly, looking at Bai Qinglan with a little appreciation in his eyes.

Since you guessed it, I would be lazy.

When Bai Qinglan heard this, it seemed to be 20 years old.

If Lu Xiuping was killed by Wang Chao, that day, Wang Chao must be taken away.

The people at the auction were also arranged by Wang Chao!

“The Tianmen at the auction is fake. The real Tianmen was smashed by me, and the five women with the five pure five elements you obtained were also arranged by it!”

Wang Chao smoked slowly, spit out the cigarette ring, and shrouded his face in a thin layer of smoke, which was even more mysterious.

In my heart, as long as Bai Qinglan died, Lu Yi’s luck value would drop a lot.

He changed his physique in the original book in the original book, and Lu Yi’s luck value was almost gone!

When Lu Yi thought that he had gathered five people with five pure five elements, when he had to open the Tianmen, he found that the Tianmen turned out to be fake. The scene would be very interesting!

“You, damn it!”

Bai Qinglan’s body was tapped, and Wang Chao broke his fairy road.

It’s unhappy!

With a burst, he gathered his strength in his hands.

A huge gas turned into a few meters of vortex, pushing it over to Wang Chao!

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